1、ANS i/NISO 239.77-2001 ISSN: 1041-5653 Guidelines for Information About Preservation Products Abstrd: Specifies the informction thct should k indudxl in advertisements, atdogs, md pomotiond mcterids chcriking pcduds usedfor thestor=, Dncing or repcir of libcry mcterids, inducing tmoks, pmphlets, sou
2、nd rmrcings, vim tqx,films, as, mmuscripis, mqx mdphotarcphs. An Americcn Naiiond Stcndcrd Devel oped by the Naiiond Informaiion Stcndcrdc Orgcnizaiim Approved Auws t 23,2000 by the Americcn Naiiond Stcndcrdc Institute Putdished by the Naiimd Informaiion Stcndurds Orgmizaiion Bethesda Mcrylcnd NISOP
3、ress, Bethesdut Mcrylcnd, U.S.A. Pu bl i s hei by NISO Press 4733 Bethesda Avenue, S uite 300 Bethesda, MD 20814 www. nis o. or g cOpyrit 02001 by the Naiiond Informaiion Stcndurds Ogunizaiion All rits reserved under Internaiiond cnd Pcn-Amerian Copyright Conventions. No purt of this tmA mq be repod
4、iced or trcnsmiited in cny form or by cny mecns, eldronic or med-icniai, indudng photocopy, recadng, or cny informaiion stor- or retrievd system, withcut pior permission in writingfrm the pMisher. All inqiries shouldbemkfessedto NISO Press, 4733 BethesduiAvenue, Suite300, Beth= however users of thes
5、e podids will knefit from the cppliation of this stmdcrd cs they compcre md evducte prodids. Complim is voluntcry. Not dl dements of informction pesented here cre cpplime to every podid, nor is it psiHe to induck dl dements in every produd description. Some informction mq k popietcry md uncualcble.
6、However, vencbrs cre encour- cgsdtousecrxurctemdconsistent Imgucgpindl podiddescriptions, toinduckcs much informction cs is fecsiHein atdqjs, mdtomckecompletespxifiations md test results cualde upn request. 1.2 Scope This stmdcrdspecifies the informction thct should k indudxl in secondcry cntioxidcn
7、ts induck trivdent phosphorus compounds cnd dvdent sulfur comwunds. (5,8) antiquefinish. Aroughfinish obtanedby redicedpessureof thedender rolls. It is considered to k rougher thcn eggs hell cnd perceptibly rough to sight cnd touch. When usedcs apefix, theterm “cntique” denotes arougher finish cs in
8、 AntiweEggshdI, AntiweVelIum. Antiwefinish is dstinguishedfrom -heil by thedvsign of thefelt mcrks on the surfcire which is me up of relctivdy Icrp hills cnd vdleys thct cre long cnd ncrrow, running with the gran drdion, wherecs eggs hell Ixpvr hcs smdler, rounder hills cndvdleys thct cre not CE def
9、initdy digned with the gran drdion, cnd the Ixpvr pes ents as moother s urfcire qqxcrcn. (4) antisticcoings/ditives. Trcirechemicds (pnerdly cmmonium sdts or mines) -to a nonconduding polymer system to pomote the cbmj of stctic chcrpon surfax. Qucterncry cmmonium sdts crema acocting thecmines cre mi
10、xed into the podid beforeforming, where they eventudly riseto thesurfcire. Both work bydtra3ingcmDient mdsturetothesurfm, wsingthedxyof stcticchap. (5,8) archival quality. A nontechnicd term thct suggsts thct amcterid or podud is pvrmcnent, dirde, or chemicdlystcble, cndthct it m thereforekusedscfel
11、yfor peservction Wrpes. Thephrcseis not wcntificble; ct this writing, nostcndcrds exist thct dvsaik how long crchivd” or “crchivdly sound mcterid will Icst. (1) bais weight. Bais weight identifies pinting xpers, with few exceptions. In the UnitedStdes it is theweight in pounds of arm of Ixpvr (500 s
12、heets) in thebcsicsize forthctgre. Inthemetricsystemitis theweightof oneswcremeter of xpercndis expressed in grcms pvr swcre meter or am2. Bais 70 mecns thct 500 sheets 25 x 38 inches (635.0 x 965.2 mm) of book pcpvr weigh 70 pounds. This is qivdent to 104 g/ m2 in the metricsystem. 1ntheU.S. system
13、,theIxsicsizeis notthescmefordl gr-: itis 25x38 inches (635.0 x 965.2 mm) for book pcpvrs (cocted, text, offset, etc); 17 x 22 inches (431.8 x 558.8 mm)for writing xpers (bond, IecQer, mimeqrcph, duplidor); 20 x 26 inches (508.0 x 660.4 mm) for cover xpers (cocted cnd uncocted); 22.5 x 28.5 inches (
14、571.5 x 723.9 mm) or 22.5 x 35 inches (571.5 x 889.0 mm) for bistol cnd ptmd cnd24 x 36 inches (609.6 x 914.4 mm)for newsprint. Pcpvr is commonly identified by recm weight: 20 pound bond, 70 pound cocted, etc (2) B HT Buiylcted hydoxytoluene, a phenolic primcry cntioxidcnt thct (like mcny phenolic c
15、ntioxidcnts) m form a highly colored podid (arecCyellow in the me of BHT) cs a result of qing. Base the cntioxidcnt is not pzrt of the polymer chan, it m migrcte out of a polymeric podid cnd into cn adjoining oupoint; thidmes. ambric Afine, thin, daely woven pian fdcricof either linen or coiton. ard
16、(board). Agenerd term cppliedtobocrd0.006 inch (0.1524 mm)or morein thickness where stiffness is the panount chcrderistic The word ccrcbocrd used by Page4 ONISO ANS I/NISOZ39.77-2001 thepMcis toovquetobetechnicd. IntheIxpvr industrythetermbcrd“ is usedin comDnction with words indating its chcrder su
17、ch c6 bistol Irixrd. (4) ce1 I u I os e. A compiex polymeric mbhydcte thct forms the s olid f rcmewor k or cell wdls of dl picnts. Also, the chief constituent of mcny picnt podicts, induding Ixpvr cnd some doth. (7) cellulose cicetaie. A modified ncturd polymer, podiced by esterifying cdlulosewith c
18、iretic cnhydick (us i ng ciretic a3d c6 as olvent, with s ulf uric a3d c6 a atdys t). Wood plprnqbeusedcs thesourof cdlulose, kt most decr, noncoloredcdlulose ciretctepiatics crem-fromcotton linters. Thedqreeof substitutionmvcry,from less thcn one ciretcte group per cdlulose rep Iding the thermd cnd
19、forming a potdive cocting to thermdly insulcte the hlk of the polymer. Mat flme retcrdcnts Wong to one of thefollowing group: ATH (dumina trihydcte), orgcnochlorine compounds, orgnobomine compounds, orgcne pha phorus compounds, cntimony oxides, bron compounds. (5,8) fl Ute. The gametric configurctio
20、n formed by one of the undulctions of the corrugted medum in corrugctedlrixrd. Theexd dmensions of thefluiewill vcryslightly, dv pvndng on corrugting roll contour, mcterid chcrderistics, qip-nent, cnd technique. The three common typvs in conventiond corrugted bod used in shipping contaners cnd bxes
21、cre A-, B- cnd C-Flute moximctdy 3/16, 1 /32 cnd 5/32 inch high (4.7625, 0.7937, cnd3.9687 mm) respciively (not inducing the thickness of the liners). The Page 6 ONISO ANS I/NISOZ39.77-2001 numkr of flutes pvr foot cre qpoximctdy 34-36,47-50, md 39-42 for A-, B-, md C- Flute respciively. E- Flute cn
22、d F-Flute moximctdy 1 /16 md3/64 inch high (1.5875 md 1.1906 mm)respziivdy,mdspzddmut88 to 100flutes pvr foot,creused manly in corrumed bcrdfor folding mtons. Seedso cmrugafedbcrcl (4) folding endurcn. Thenumber of folds under spxificconditions in astmdcrd instrument thct aIxpvr will withstmd before
23、 falure. (4) furnish. Themixtureof vcrious mcterids thct creHendedin thestodc suspension from which Ixpvr or bod is me. (4) gelatin. High moleailcr weight polypeptides derivedfrom collqpn, thepimcry potein component of mimd connective tiss ues such cs bne, skin, md tench-. (5,8) grde. Adcss or level
24、 of qudity of xper or pulpthct is rcnked, or cistinguishedfrom other xpers or pulp on the bis of its use, mm, qudity, mcnuduring history, rw mcterids, or acomDnction of thesefdors. Common gr it retans dl of the impurities of wood (inducing lignin). Groundwood wlp xper is weck, impvrmment, md a3cic;
25、it ciscolors upon expure to light md ar. News pint is the most common exmpie of groundvuood wlp Ixper. (7) i nhi bi tor Chemicds -to monomers (or other components of a polymer system) to prevent rexiion during stor=. Also, chemicds a2cW diring free radicd polymeriza tion to slow or stop polymerizcti
26、on. Generdly, inhiDtors cre knzoquinones, cromctic nitro compounds (such cs trinitobnzene), nitroso compounds, nitrones, substituted Ijhenols, mdcromcticmines (theselcst twocredsousedcs mtioxidcnts). (5,8) kappa number, A test vdue thct relctes linecrly to the mount of lignin remaning in wlpcfter wi
27、ping. 5 kcp(xi= moximaidy 1% lignin remaning in the mr. (4) lad. LadIxpers crethosewhich, when helduptothelight, hcueariwor lined mm die to the Ixpvr king thinned the wires of the mould in hcndn- xpers,or ofthedcndyroll inmdinem-pcpvrs. Uptotheyecr 1755dl xpers were lad, hi sin then cre dso wove. (6
28、) Icminalion. Theprccess of a3xringtwoor moresheets, piies, or bcrds tcgether to mcke a s ingle s hest or bocrd with des ired chcr deris tics. ON IS O Light sensitive. Mcterids thctcrechmgedbtheimtxciof light. (3)Seedsocdor fastnas. Page 7 ANS I/NISOZ39.77-2001 lignin. Acomponent of thell wdls of pi
29、cnts thct occurs ncturdly, dongwith cdlu- lose. Lignin is Icrgsly responsiHefor thestrengih cnd rigidty of picnts. More resecrch is needxl to determine the precise role of lignin in the pvrmcnen cnd dird3lity of pqx. (1) Its presen in pcpvr cnd bocrd is known to contrihie to the loss of bight- ness.
30、 It m be, toalcrgeextent, removedduring mcnudure. “Lignin free” usudly impiies amairnum of 1% lignin content, mecsureda k-5. linen finish. Afinishpodicedbycompessingsheets of pcpvr betweendterncte sheets of linendothsothctthetxtternof thedoth is impesseduponthesurfcmof thepcpvr. Asimilcr effect is o
31、btanedbemtnsingwithasteei roll thct hcs been knurled or engrwed to simulcte linen doth. (4) Ioding. Theincorporctionof findydvidxlrdctivelyinsoluHemcterids,suchcs dq cnd aiaum mboncte, in the pcpvrmdting compition usudly pior tos heet formction to mdfy rtan chcrderistics such cs owty, printd3lity, f
32、inish, weight, etc, of the finis hed s heet. (4) mcidiinefinish (MF). Anyfinish obicinedon apqx mdine. (4) medianiai pulp. See gmnchvcdip. methyl cellulose. Anonioniclluloseether,verysolublein wcter, pepedbythe rmion of dkdi dlulcsewith methyl chloridv. Methyl dlulcse(cndsimilcr cdlulose etherslwhen
33、 dssdvedin wcter, gsis when hectedtospxifictmpctures (thetempvrct turedqmdngon rcteof hecting,stirringspved cndsdts pesent). Thevismityof methyl cdlulosesduiions ckpnds on theextent cnd uniformity of subtituiion. (5,8) mil. Amecsureof thickness equd toonethouscndthof cninch. Seedsopoint, thickness.
34、molecular weight. The moleailcr weight of cny one moleaile is thesum of the ctomicweights of dl the doms contaned in the molecule. If the compound consists of identiai moleailes, the moleculcr weight of the compound is defined cs king the sone CE cny of its molecules. For polymers, however, which cr
35、e comped of a mixture of molecules of dfferent sizes, due to the stctistiai ncture of the polymerizction pocess, the moleailcr weight is more compiex. A complete description of the distrih- tion m only be 7.0 on the pH saie. (7) opdty. Omty rdctes totheshow-through of theprintedimcgsfrom theornite s
36、idvof thesheet or thesheet un ht pqxs m- by very stcblefikrs suchcs cottonmlcstfor centuries evenctaslightlya3dcpH. (4)TheAmerim stcndcrdfor pvrmcnent Ixpvr, wblished cs ANSI Z39.48-1992(R1997), specifies thct permcnent pqx should Icst ct 1st severd hundred yecrs withoui signifimt deterio rction und
37、vr normd libcry use cnd storcgs conditions. (3) pH. Mecsure of the hydogsn ion concentrction in asoluiion, which indates the extent towhich thesoluiion is a3dcor dkdine. The pH saiercnges from O to 14, with 7.0 being the point of neutrdity. Numbers klow 7.0 signify increcsing ddity, while numkrs rcn
38、ging dmve 7.0 signify increcsing dkdinity. Thesaie is lopithmic; thus m3-1 whole numkr increcse or decrecse represents atenfold chcnge. (7) See dso md free, dkdi. PhotographicAdivity Test (PAT). IS0 14523:1999 (formerly ANSI IT9.16-1993)is a stcndcrdzed test thct uses fdng, mottling, or staning dvte
39、ziors to evducte whether endosuremcterids, inks, cndmesives crescfeto usewith silver photogrcphic im-. platiazer. Chemiai a3zixitoathermoplcstic(or sometimes toathermoset) resin to increcse its workcbility, flexibility, or dstensibility. It m dso lower the melt viscosity, glas trcnsition tempvrcture
40、, or elcsticmodilus. Plcstiazers cre usudly high moleailcr ON IS O Page 9 ANS I/NISOZ39.77-2001 weight orgnic IiqAds or low melting solids. Common plcstiazers cre esters of dmboxilicddor of phosphoricdd,mdm bepesent in Icrgecmounts (intheme of PVC, pcrticulcrly). Other plcstiazer types indudv hydomb
41、ons, hdogsncted hyde mbons , ethers, plyesters , plyglycols , md s ulfoncmides . Some (such cs dioml phthdcte in PVC) tend to migrcte to the surfcire, mcking it oily or sticky, or to other aoining mcterids. (5,8) ply. (1)Oneof thesheets thct creIcminctedtobuiIdupaIxstedbocrdof agiven thickness. (2)O
42、neof thesewctelqers thct mckeupamultilqer qgjregtesuch cs multi-ply tissues . (4) point. Amecsureof thickness qd toonethousmcithof cn inch. Seedsomil; thickness. polyester. A plymer chcrderized by the presence of mboxylcte esters in the rem units of their man chans. Most plyesters cre m-with terepht
43、hdicdd or its dvrivctives. Polyesters cre often m- in the mdt phcse with solidstcrting mcterids, yielding a poduct with very little off-gx ing. (5,8) A gsneric ncme for atypv of plcstic consisting of hydmbon chans linked by cn ester. Polyester m beformed into woven md nonwoven fmics, fib kiting, she
44、ets, or film. Pdyethylene tereflthdafe(PET) is aspxific plyester thct is chemiaily stde, trms- went, mdcolorless; it hcs high tensilestrengih. It is commonly usedin peservction in sheet form for en- ulction md to mcke folders, book jdets, md other potdive endosures. When plyethylene is free of actin
45、 md dzitives, it is chemiaily stcble. It hcs severd forms with different properties (dvnsity, trmswency, flexiDIity, tensile strength). Excmples of uses in peservction cretrmslunt flexiHesheets for sleeves md tx; fm sheeting for cushioning boxes; mdspmbondxlfib for envdopes md wrcpping. (3) polyprop
46、ylene. Avery common plcstic, dueto alow monomer at md high effi- ciency of plymerizction md processing (cornwedwith other thermoplcstics). Polype pyleneis ecsilyprocessedmdecsilymodfied. Hinderedphenols (suchcs BHT)cre common mtioxidcnts, wticulcrly for products thct will be exped to light. Coplymer
47、- izction with plyethyleneyidds avcriety of popvrties, from rigidto imp3 resistmt to rubry. It m dso be coplymerized with unscturcted hydmbons (such cs txtene). (5,8) polyvinyl cicetate (PVA). Acolorless trcnswent plcsticm-fromvinyl ciretcte. Commonly used in admives, which themselves cre dso referr
48、ed to cs PVA. Some PVAdhesives cresuitcblefor usein conservction beccuseof their grecter chemiai stcbility mdgoodworking chcrderistics. (3) polyvinyl chloride. A plcsticthct hcs ksn mcnuduredin the UnitedStctes since the1930s. Itis nota chemiailystdecs someother plcstics,sinceitmemit hydrcchloric dd
49、 (which in turn m dcmw libcry mcterids) cs it dvteriorctes. It therefore hcs limited cppliation in the peservction of books md pqx. Some plcstics ailed vinyl mq, in fd, be plyvinyl chloridv. (3) pos t-cons umer was te (reqd ed pul p). Any pcpvr prodid thct hcs gone through its useful lifemdksndsmdxlbytheuser mdmbeusedfor recydedp.Jp. Wate or scrcp crected in ammuduring or converting opvrctions is not considered pt- cons umer wcs te md m ds o be cons idered recyded. (4) Page 10 ONISO ANS I/NISOZ39.77-2001 preservaiion. Activities cssocictedwith mantaning li
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