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本文(ARMY JAN-D-709-1948 DIMETHYLPHTHALATE (FOR USE IN EXPLOSIVES)《邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(用于炸药)》.pdf)为本站会员(eventdump275)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、JAN-D-709 30 IlECEhIBER 194R SUPEIIYEDINC Picatinny Armena1 Tenfat ire Sptcihcalkna PXS-1271 . 9 Frb. 1948 NATIONAL MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT SPECIFICATION DIMETIIYLPIITI3ALATE (For Use in Explodves) This spccificntion mas npprovetl by the Dcpnrtiiiciits of tlic Army, tlic Xrivy, and the Air Force for

2、ose of prociirement Wrvices of the respective drpnrtiiients. 1. SCOPE AND CLASSIFICATION 2.2 Other publication.-lic foliowing piib- Iicatioii, of the issue in effcct oil clnto of invita- “ This pecification covers cliilietliylllitlia- tioii for bids, forins a of tliis specification : BGBE.U 01 SUPPL

3、IES .XD ACCOUNT8 PUULI- lato for use iii the inanufacture of propellei$ pow clcr. 2. A P PLI C AB L E SPECIFICATION3 AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS 2.1 The following specifications, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification : C.TIOS SILV Sliipiiieiit Marking Hn

4、iidbook ( cipivs iif the Xavy Sliipiiieiit Jlnrkiiig Enndbk iiiiig JH! olitriiiipd iipoii npplication to the Buirnii of slip- plies lint1 .ccoiints, Nnvy Depnrfiiirnf, milington 21i, n: C.) 3. REQUIREMENTS U. 8. ARhZY SPECIFICATION6 60-0-i-General Specification for Aiii- iniiiiition except Small Arm

5、s Ammu- nition 10-2-tanclarcl Specification for Marking Shipments by Coiitrac- tors NAVY DEPARTDENT SPECIFICATIOh6 Geiiernl Specifications for Iiispect ioii (drniy.-Copies of slrifii*rititins slionld he diliiiipd from the procuring agency ur ns clirecte bx tli:it cikency. Both the title nnd itlentif

6、yirig iiiimbrr or symbol fhuiil be stipiilatetl wlieii rrqiicstiiig copies. ) ( of Nntionnl Nilitarg Estnblishinent specifications nnQ Envy Drpnrtinent specifications iiiny be obtained iipon applicntion to tlie Burenu of Supplies lind Accounts, Nvy DPpnrtment, Washington 25, D. C., cxce

7、pt thnt nctivitlm of the Armc Forces should make of Material 3.1 Color.-Ko darker tlinii the standnrd 3.2 Specific. gravity at 15,5O/15.5 C.- 3.3 Ester content (as dimethylphtha- 3.4 Acidity (as phthalic acid).-Mnxi- 3.5 Ash.-Mnxiniiiiii 0.01 percent. (See 4.41). 1 .O6 kO.010. late).-hfiiiimum, 99 p

8、ercent. muin, 0.03 percent 4. s A MP L I N G, INSPECTION, AND TEST PROCEDURES 4.1 LOT.-Mnximum, 60000 pounds. 4.2 Sampling.-Ten percent, but in no caso niore t.haii 10 or less than 3, of tlie containers slinl be selected by the inspector in such manner 8s to be representative of tlie lot. If there a

9、ro fewer than thee contniners in the lot, dl the Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-JAN-D-707 13 m 7777706 0273322 L m J AX-D-70!1 :i i-i iglri mii:iiiiw tiiicl 1:ibcl :di priiiinrv sm- plv so Iliiit tlic coiit;iiiw froiii which it viis

10、taken (iti hc ensilx itlrntificcl. Froiii encli priinniy s;iitiph rriiiow tt siificiciit qiinntity of iiintcri:d to f(ii*iii :i caiiilositc sai)iple of nboiit 8 ounces. Mix tlic s;iiiiplc tlioi*ouglily aiid plnce in nn air- tigli. coni;iiirr, Label the-coiitniiicr to sliow ilir ii:iiur of tlic iii:i

11、tc.rial, ninniifncttircr, plant, sizc. Alll acceptiiiicr tests shall bc inade o11 the coiiiposiite s:iiiiplc. Ilowevcr, if it becomes ap- pirciit Cluiliiig s:iiiipliiig thnt tlic lot is iiot uni- 01-iii, the iiislwctor innp require tliiit aiiy pi- iii;t iy nninple be tested for coiiipliaiice with th

12、e irgiiiremoiits ?f tlie specificntioii. All priiiiai*y s:iiiiplcs slinll b ldd for possible fiituw exain- iiintion should the conipositcsanipe fni to ineet I lie rc;cliiircmeiits of tlic specification. 4.3 Inspection.-Tiispectioii slinll LW made iii ;iccor(lniice wit11 U. S. Army Specificntioii 50-

13、0-1 aiid shnll bc innde nt tliopoiiit of delivery uiilcss otliermise specifiecl; 4.4 Tests,-Tests slit111 be innde ns follows: 4.4,l Color,-Add 0.5 ml. of 0.1 N iodiiie soliitioii to i00 ml. of distilled water. Compare the color with 26 iil. of tlie simple. 4.4.2 S$ccit;. gravity.-Deterniiiie the sl

14、w- rific gravity at, 10.5/16.50 C. by iiiems of a pyciiomctcr or Wcstplinl biilance. 4.4.3 Estcr c o n t e n t (a.? dimethylphthu- Iate) .-Transfer 1.5 gin. of the winple to (L 250 iiil. pyrex or siniilitr flask niid nict 01 oi.lrr lliiibPi* lof illiiiillcr, :ilid lot I ;ilcoliolic KOH which lins be

15、en carried through t lie coiiiplcte process. Ctilciilnte tlie estar con- tait ns percent diiiictlilplitlinlate as follows : wliere N-:iormnlity of tlie acid used. T=sml. of ncicl iised to titriite blank. ?*=mi. of cicid iiscd to titrnte excess of N=pi. of sniiiple. ROH nter su ponificntioii. 4.4.4 A

16、cidity.-Measure 100 inl. of ethyl ilcoliol into n fliick, ndtl 3 drops of plietiol- plif iinieiii iiidicntor, aiid titrate the alcohol to 81 +it pink color with 0.1 N NaOH. Add an ricciirntely measurad 50 ml. portion of the 6am- ple to tlie rlcoliolir: solutioii. Titrate the mix- titre with 0.1 N Pu

17、nOH. Calculate the percent nciclity as phthalic acid as follows: 0.166 VN Percent phthnlic mid= o where T=mi. NnOH quired for titration of the A=iiormality of NaOH soliition. G=slmific gravity of sample. mniple. 4.4.5 AhLlVeigli IL pohion of approxi- inntely 10 grn. of the sample in an sccurately tn

18、rcd porcelain crucible. Evaporate nearly to dryness over L low flame or on a hot plate. Ignite tho residue to constant weight at a red heat. Cool the crucible in a desiccator and wcipli. Calculate the incrense in meiglit as pewe i I t 11, 4.5 Resubmission and retests-If tho com- posite sainpe or any

19、 primary sample subject to test fails to pass thc tests, the lot shall be re- jected. Wie coiitractor shall have the option of linviiig n pnrt.ial or coniplete analysis macle on onch coiitriiiier in the lot at no expense to the Goveriiniciit. The contractor may then remove tlir dcfectise portioii of

20、 tlic lot, and resubmit the lot for acceptaiice provided complete re- pl foi tlic Nituy iii nccordaiice with tlir iwyiii-riiiriits o tlir Nitq- Sliipmeiit Miirk- i iig Htiii(lboo1c. 6, NOTES 6.1 Ordering data.-Purcliase instrumeiits sliaiiltl specify the title, tho number, and the dnte of the specificntioii, t 1 I( f If Ji lit Of ICI i Wl*J. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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