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1、JAN-H-257 68 9 9999906 0313634 2 m JAN-H-257 /Y 0-/7 27 SEPTE3iBER 1945 JOIXT ARMY-SAVY SPECIFICATION HEXACMLORBENZEXE Amy Number 50-1 1 -97A Navy Number 51 H3 I U. 8. Army Sary Depnrtment 59-11-07 - 12 June lm1 L APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS i-I. The following sDrcicniions of the issue in ef?ect on da

2、te of inritntion Znr bids form n part of this specificntlon: U. S. ARMT SPECIFICATIOSS 504-1-Gcnc.rnl Specification for Ammunition except SmdU Arma lOQ-2-Stniidard Specificat ion for Harking Shipments by Con- Aniiiiunit !on. tractors. SAIT DEPATCTJSEhT SPECIFICATION Cenera Sprcificntions for Inspect

3、ion of !hterid.* FEDERAL SPECIFICATION RR-S-3C6-SkreS ; Stannrd, TestIng. 8. GRADE B-l. Thls speciflcstion corers one grade of beraclilorbenzene. -i. See section E. D-l. Sce mion E C MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP D. GESERAL REQiLIREMEN7S S. DETAIL RQUIOEMENfB A E-1. Chcmlml nnd pliysim rc.qufrcmnte.-Hexn

4、chlorbenzene SM conform to the fdlowiiig rlicmicnl and physical requlrerne,its: s Cotor- _-_ Wtiite or cream 3lnisture. Dercent (maslmum) -_-_- - _ Melting pint. dem C. (minlmirm) _-_-_c_. _ 225 Elenliene insoluble. percent (marhum) _-_c_ . 0.20 O. 10 ./- (DO. lo?) . , - THIS DOCiI1)AENT CONTAINS -I

5、 wocip. bis s:iiiqiIe s1i:iIl b mixed tlioroiighly. A +ounce portion of the Iiriiiiary siiiiililc sliiiii be yl:icti in II tightly- stoppcwtl bottle untl Iiilicltul so that tlic roiitiiiner froin which it was t:ikc.ii c:in easily Iw h1eiitifi:d. The reiii:iiiiiiig portions of the priiiitiry s:iiiipl

6、cs dill be mixed togt1ic.r tiiorougliiy iiii quartered until a miiposite siiiiiplc of 1 iiiiid is cibtiiiiitul. illie coiuygsite sample s1i:ill be plncai iii n tightly-sioppercd container und labeled to sliow tlica nniue of the iiinterial, iuaiiufactiiivr, plant, contract or order nuinbw. uuniher of

7、 poiiiis in the2 101. aii lot iiuiiiter. All uccc1it;incc tests sh:iii he- i11:ic on the coiiiposite s:iiiplr. The pr1- mnq saiiip1c.s shall bc Iicl for possible future cxuiiiiiialiori should lhe coiiiliosite sample fail to wtvt lhe requircinei!te of this speciflention: Faa. ArrnU.-Inspcction shall

8、le iiiiide in ncrordniice wlth the reqiiiirmriits of U. E. Arniy Specific;itlon 504-1. I*-3b. Aar.y.-Inspec.tiou siia11 be :it the pint of deliverr unlesa otliwwise spivified in the contract or orer. . F-4. Ilcala.-The 1:ibortltory tests slinll be iiinde in accordance with tlie foilowiiig pliriigrnp

9、hs. For Snvy purchases, the tests slinll iw iiiatle :it a Gowrnmcnt 1:ihrritory unless otliiwise sIwcitic4 in the contract or order: F4:i. Color.-3Iake visunl esaniinntiot for color. F-lh. :iproxiiiiiilcly 3 gtii. uf rbe suuiple ta u 1:irt.d glass weiphiiig dich :in11 wizli iccu

10、rntely. Drx tlie mie- rial for 18 lioirs in n viicuuni ctsiccntcw arid wt!igli. ilculate the losa in wc4glit ns prrceiitagc of nioisturc? in tlie miiipl. n mechanic:il stirrer aiid II soiirce of liv:it that ciin be easily regulated, A halier of one to two Iilrrs cupicity nhut Ilirw-fourths full of c

11、lean paraffin oil is nuitnble. Siispmil :III :icciirately standardized total im- iiiersiou rwiigrade tliwiiioiiit.lrr in the ixith so tlint the bulb 1s not less ?inn l:+ liiclicri from the bottom of the batli. If the mercury column will not Iw cmipletelg iniiiic.r;.crl :it the tenproture of the obse

12、rvd nielting point. suspeiid n srcoiid tlic.rinonierer about loch from the first tlicxrmoiuetrr villi tlie bulb approxiuintely at the height of the middle of tlie expwul inercury diinin of the first theruioiiietrr. F-lc (2). Prwcdvrc.-Griritf n sniall prtinn (iiot ovpr 5 mi.) of the :iniplc so that

13、it will pi- tlirwigli :I V. S. Stnii 111111. eoiowct hy tnppiii, niiil f:istcri the tulw to tiie st:iiid:irdixtul tlicr- mometer SV fli:it the lower cnd of tlie tube is In coiit:ict wiili lhe hulb of the thernioiiieter. St:irt tlie stirrer, hent tlic bath rapidly to iipproxiii:itely 250“ C., then gr

14、ntluallg EO tliiit tlie rise iii tcw- Frature does not cncced 1 dtprcw in 3 iiii:iiitt% ICctird the tciu1wr;i- tiire obs,rvlaiit tlir first riiriiirciis of uicltril Iirr;ic.hlor- benzene tippenrs nerow the c:ipilliiry tulwl. FAc (3). Xcport.-If the iiiercury ciduinri is coiiiiilctely imriiwsrd nt th

15、e meltiii: point ttwumnture, riipirt this teiuIirrsture with cnli briition corrcctioiis as the itit!ltiiig poiiit of tiic xiiiiiile. If 1i:irt of the 0li.iiiiii Is expos?tl, udd the folltiwiiig c*orrrcticin tu tIic ob.;crvcd melting point: n (T-l) XO.lS Where : n=numbcr of degrecs in the erposvd col

16、utuii. T=uiieorrceted mtbltiiig point. =average teiiipernture of exposed mercury colunin. F4d. Bm:cnr iffs(/rrGlc.-Trniifer n weighed poriinn of apliroxi- bcnwne. Filter tlie solrition through n tared fiitcriiip c.riivible, riiisiiig out the beaker witti hcnztinc. :iiiU pssiiig tliv riiisiiigs tliio

17、iigh lhe crucible. Wiisli the rttsitliic iii the cruvililc tlioroiizlilp wit11 Iiot benzene. nry ?he criicible nt 1CO“ C. for 1 Iihiir, cool iii II drsiwntor, :inci wiigh. Cilciilnte the Increase in weiglit ns percciit:ige of beiizsiie insoluble miitter. F-4 8. C?rctnrrl(rtiorf.-Fit n V. S. St:iiitl

18、iird Su. 5 sicw III II U. S. Stniidnrd So. 100 sieve anil :ittach n rcceiving p:tn t!i tlie bottom sfevc. Plnce u neiehtd portloii of 1M Em. of tlie mniple o11 the upper sieve, nnd, by nienns of n soft brusli. work as iiiticli: of the muteriai ns possihle through tlie sieve. Rwiove the So. SO sitsve

19、 and in the snriie iiiaiiner work as i:iiicli of the iiiiitcrinl 11s possilile through the So. 100 sieve. Wtsigh tho niatcrinl rciunining on cwh sieve and cnlculntc the percviit:ige of the simple paseiiic ilirigl each siere. F-5. RCsiibniis8lon.-If tlie coinposite sample rcpresriilitiw of lli lot fa

20、lls lo pass the insntion tests. tlie i1i:iiiiifiicriit-t-r slinli 1i:ire the optiori of hnvlng nn:iIjsis of e:icli 1iriiii:irr s:iiiipl+* ni:i(lt! rit tio further expense to the Ooveriiiiiriit. ?he iii:iiiiif:icturer iiiay t1ic.n remove or replnce defective Iiortioiis of the lot rcprescntecl Iiy tli

21、e primnq enmiiles whlcli fail to iiitvt the reqiiirciuenis. :III( subinit the lot for nccPptnnce. provided that the mirkiiigs (III tlic eotit:ii!itir Ure such tbnt.couiplett? rrniciv:ii or replnrriiiriit of dtftr.tir-e Iwrt oris of the lot can be miide to the s:itisfnclion of the c:orernment lnsprct

22、or. G21. Pttrk:ing.-Unless- uthrmisc Spccitirl, hrr:iclilorht.iizcire .stinll be deiivrred in stantlard comwercliil coi1t:iiiiers xo consti-iivtt.l ;is to insur aWlJtnnCc 11s coitirniin (LI other carriers, for (;fife truiisp1rt;i- tion, nt the lowest rate tn tiiv piiit of delivery. -2. Hurkitw-In ad

23、dition hi tiny spciii iiiailiiiic i iiy the contract Or or(Ier, shipments for the Aritiy t.d in iiiate1y 10 giii. of the saiiip1t. t n W4nI. bv:il;ci* niMl tliSSIil ill hot c- PACKACLNG, PACKISC, AND MARKING FOR SHIPMENT JAN-A-257 inn 15ii b-. . 43 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or net

24、working permitted without license from IHS-,-,-JAN-H-257 b W 7777906 0113617 awrduncu! with tiic rtquireiiients. of te U. S. Army Speciflctitiou 1O-2; for the Navy, in accordance with the.requlrements of the Iattst issue of tlie Xavy-ehipiiient JInrkji)g,II:iiidhk. H. NOTES H-l. Reqiirsts. ,rrquisit

25、ions, - ent of Ducunients. Government Irinting Oflice. Wasliington 25, D. C. Agencies within the War Departuitmt will ubtiiiii t*ogivs of Joiiit Army-havF, Wlted States Ariiiy, iiiiil Feeral speci5c:itioiis tliroiigli established Var Department channels. Both the titlt: .ititl idwtify- ing syiiihoi

26、number skoiiI IC stipulated when rcqiiestiiig copies of slmi icu tionu. H-l. Copir*u of Juiiit Army-Savy specicstloni arid I.c4ml alwi- Rations (required, for Xavy purchlises), Savg ikpirtiiieiit rpecitl- cations and the Xrivy Shipiflent JI:irkiiig kindbook uiuy bv (ht:iiiiv;l upon :iliplicnfioii to

27、 the Burenii of Supplies iiiiti Awooiits, Slivy Depuriuient, nsliiiigtou 2.5, D. C except that Suval activities shoiild make applimtioii to the Supply Ollicer in (-omrutiiid, Saval Siipp:p Depot. Uayonne. X. J. Ijotli the title an itlentifjiiig syuibol iiurulwr should bt? stlpiilntcd when .questing

28、copies 8f spwitications. H-5. Copies of this Joint Arniy-Stivy sptwiflcation (reqiiireti for Army piirchnws) uiay be obtained froii! the Ollice, Chief of Ordiiaii. Army Servicc Forces, iVachington 25, D. C. H-G. Copies of this Joint Arniy-Snvp speciflcation (reiiuired for Nary purchases) may be obta

29、ined as indicute in pnragrtrpli 114. Notice.-When Goremment drnwlnm. specldcntionn. or other dntn are usecl lor any purpose other than in coniwctlnn with n elinitelr wlntd CorturiinIrnt procurement operntion, the Cnitctl States Gnvrrnntent ilit-reliy incurs no rr- rponsiliility nor any obiisution .w

30、liatsoerer: anil the fnct tlint tiir Gorrrritiia.rit mny hnre formulnted. furnishe. or In any nay suplliccl tile snit1 ratslnw fpecltlcatlona, or other data Is not to be regnrtled by imiilicatlon or othernisi as In nur mnniicr llcunrlnc liir holder or an oiher icrsin or corpnrntioo or m,nr*y!ng any rifibts or permission to mraufhc. use. oc re11 any pntrntril invention that may be in any ray related thereto. NAYIS OS. 6JAX-X-Z57 . (80.157) * Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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