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ARMY JAN-P-408-1946 PENTOLITE 50 50《50 50彭托利特炸药》.pdf

1、P sc37-/ I JAN-P-qOB 13 3977906 0291330 3 m - JAN-P-408 JOINT ARMY-NAVY SPECIFICATION PENTOLITE, 50/50 . c- f . - Thls speclflcatlon was approved by the War Department and the Navy Department for use of procurement servlces of the Army and the Navy. In view of the limited application of the material

2、 covered by this specification, general distribution of the specification has not been made by the Navy. Activities desiring copies of the specification should make appli- cation to the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington 26, D. C., except that Naval activities should make a

3、pplication to the Supply Officer in Command, Naval Supply Depot, Bayonne, N. J. Both the title and identifying symbol number should be stipulated when requesting copies of specifi- cations, , NAVY: OS, NAVY RETAINER SHEET I W 707300-46-(116) _ _ - THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS /o PAGES , Provided by IHSNot

4、 for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. ,. . ./- JAN-P-$08 17 OCTOBER 1946 JOINT ARMY-NAVY SPECIFICATION PENTOLITE, 50/50 This specificatlrm was approved by the War Deprtment and the Nary Departnient for use of procurement servlces of the Army and the Nary a

5、nd supersedes thc following speclflcatlon: U. S. Army 24 Jan. 1944 50-11-126 A. .kPLl(iIRLE SPEClFICATIOXS. OTHER PUDLICATXONS, AND IRAVING B A-1. SpeciFcations.-The following. specifications, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this speci- fication : JOINT-ARMY-NAV

6、Y SPECIFICATIONS JAN-P-387-Pentaerythrite Tetranitrate (PETN) . JAN-T-24 Standard, Testing. A-2. Other pubZications.-The fallowing publications, of the is- sue in effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification: ARMY ORDNANCE PUBLICATION Packaging Instruction No. PIF-26-Ship

7、ping Container for Trinitrotoluene, etc? BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS PUBLICATION INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION PUBLICATION Navy Shipment Marking Handbook. Regulations for Transportation of Explosives and Other Circular C434-Testing of Glass Volumetric Apparatus. A-3. Drmoing.-The folIowing draw

8、ing, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids, forms a part of this specification: 1 Appllcable only to Army purchaeea *Applicable only to Navy purchaaea. Dangerous Articles, etc. . NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS PUBLICATION 707800-46-(116) Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

9、networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-JAN-P-404 13 777770b 0271132 7 M - 2 ARMY ORDNANCE DRAWING 81-3-169-120 C. Vacuum Stability Test Bath? B. GBARBI 33-1. This specification covers the following grades of pentoolite 50/50, as s ecified in the contract or order (see par, H-2): Grate I G

10、rade II C. MATERIAL AND WORKRIANSHIP C-1. The raw materials used in the manufacture of pentolite PETN-Class Cl Joint Army-Navy Specification JAN-P-387. TNT-Grade I, Joint Army-Navy Specification JAN-T-248. C-2. Pentolite 60/60 shall consist of an intimate mixture of PETN and TNT in the proportions q

11、pecified in paragraph D-2, It shall be made either by the co-precipitation method (dissolve the PETN and TNT in acetone, mix, and filter the solution, precipi- tate with clean water), or by the water slurry method (add a filtered acetone solution of TNT to a water slurry of stabilized and crystalliz

12、ed PETN under agitation). rara; 60/60 shall conform to the applicable specifications listed in graph A-1 and shall be of the grade or class specified as fol ows D. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS D-l. Volatile matter.-Maximum 0.6 percent. D-2. compositim- Percent PETN 6022 TNT . 60 2 D4. Tctal acehe insoubs.-a

13、ximum 0.04 percent. D-4. Inorganic acetone inaolubk-Maximum 0.02 percent. D3. Acidity or aZkdidty.-Maximum 0.005 percent. D-6. Gnt.-None. D-7. PETN granulation?-After separation from TNT as speci- fied in paragraph F-dg, the PETN shall conform-to the followjng granulation requirements using U. S. St

14、andard sieves Conforming to the requirements of Federal Specification RR-S-366: 30 96 minimum Through sieve No. Percent 200 30 maximum . D-. StabWy.-When Qsted in accordance with paragraph, E-1. Bulk density.-The Pylk densi of grade II pentolite 60/60 in gm. per ml. shall be a minimum oft60 and a ma

15、ximum of 0.80. F-l. Size o lot.-Unless otherwise s ecified in the contract or A pllcabls only to Army purchamer. 4 Ths requlrement ia not applicable to pentollts 60/60 manufacturad F-4h not more than 6.0 ml of gas shall be liberated. _I E). DETAIL WEQUIREXENTLI F. XETHODS OR SAHPLINO, INEPECMON, AND

16、 “ELIT9 order, a lot s fi all consist of not more tian 60,000 pounds of pen- tolite 60/50. - by the water aurry mothod. I JAN-P-4081 . . - 2. . . I i I I I 1.- I. I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A F-2. Sampling.- F-2a. Priinayg aamp

17、te basis.-The Government inspector shall designate the number of containers, the location of the individual containers and the method of sampling which shall be representa- tive of the lot. In any case, not less than 10 containers shall be selected to represent the lot. The supplier shall be given n

18、o prior information to indicate which particular containers will be se- lected. A representative i-pound primary sample shall be taken from each selected container. Each primary sample shall be mixed thoroughly, divided into two 8-ounce portions, and transferred to. approved sample containers so lab

19、eled that the shipping contain- ers from which these primary samples were taken can be identified readily. One 8-ounce portion shall be taken for laboratory exami- nation and the other 8-ounce portion shall be retained for possible check analysis. Spot check samples shall be taken from time to time,

20、 from any portion of the lot, by the Government inspector. F-2b. Composite sample basis.-When acceptance on basis of primary sample analysis is not feasible or advisable in the opinion of the Government inspector, the acceptance tests shall be made on a composite sample prepared by mixing a blend of

21、 equal ortions taken from each of the primary samples and reducing the lend to obtain a composite sample weighing approximately 1 pound. The remaining portions of the primary samples shall be held by the Government inspector for possible future examination should the composite sample fail to meet th

22、e requirements of this specifica- tion. F-2c. Marh+ng of Sampk? contaixers.-Each sample container shall be labeled to show the name of the material, nianufacturer, plant, contract or order number, number of pounds in the lot, and lot number, F-3. Inspection.- . F-3a. Arnzv.-Inspection shall be made

23、as specified in U. S. Army Specification 50-0-1. F-3b. Navy.-Pentolite 60/50 shall be inspected at the place of manufacture unless otherwise specified in the contract or order. F-3c. Lot acceptaee.-Acceptance of the lot shall be based on the analysis of the individual primary samples or the composit

24、e sampIes selected to represent the lot. No lot shall be accepted when the analysis of any primary sample or the composite sample shows noncompliance in any respect with any requirement of this specification. Spot check samples taken from any portion of the lot shall comply with the requirements of

25、this specification. Re- ports of acceptance shall show the maxinium, the minimum, and the average of test results on all primary samples and spot check samples sclected to represent the lot or block of lots. Each batch shall comply with the requirements of sections D and E. The con- tractors record

26、of batch analyses shall be available at all times for examination by the Government inspector, JAN-P-4081 . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-x JAN-P-qOB 33 W 9797706 0293334 0.- 4 F-4. Testa.-The laborator tests shall be made in accord

27、ance with the following paragrapis. For Navy purchases, the tests shall be made at a Government laboratory unless otherwise speci- fied in the contract or order. F-4a. Volatile matter,-Dry an accurately weighed sample of approximately 5 gm, for ?4 hour in a desiccator containing con- centrated H2S04

28、 and evacuated to an absolute pressure of not more than 360 mm. nor less than 100 mm. of mercury. The desic- cator shall be equipped to prevent the sample from coming into contact with the HISO,. Calculate the loss in weight of the sample as percentage of volatile matter. F-4b. Composition,- F-4b (1

29、). Saturated PETN solution.-Prepare a saturated soh- tion of PETN in chloroform at least 24 hours before use. The saturated solution shall be in contact with excess PETN. The portion of the saturated solution required for use shall be filtered just before the determination is made to assure saturati

30、on at the temperature at which the analysis is conducted. F-4b (2). Procedure.-Transfer an accurately weighed portion of approximately 6 gm. of the sample to a tared, 30 ml. sintered glass crucible of medium porosity. Place the crucible on a filter adapter without suction. Add 10 ml. of the saturate

31、d PETN in chloroform solution. Allow to stand for 1 minute, then apply suc- tion until the filtrate ceases to drip, and release the suction. Re- peat to a total of five extractions. On the final extraction, hold the suction for a period of greater than 1 minute in order to as- pirate. Dry to constan

32、t weight in a looo C. oven and calculate the gain in weight as percentage of PETN. The percentage of TNT is found by subtracting from 100, the sum of the percentages of PETN and volatile matter. F-4c. Acelmze insoluble (total).-Dissolve a weighed portion of approximately 10 gm. of the sample in 50 n

33、il. of acetone, boiling gently on a steam bath iintil solution is complete. Decant through a tared filtrring crucible, transferring all insoluble niatter to the crucible. Wash the latter with hot acetone, dry at 100“ C. for 3 hours, cool in a desiccator and weigh. Calculate the gain in weight as per

34、centage of acetone insoluble material. Fad. Acetone iiisohcble (inorgnnicc).-This test need not be made if the acetone insoluble (total), paragraph F-c, is less than 0.02 percent. Heat the crucible with insoluble residue (par. F-le) over a Bunsen burner to remove all organic matter, cool in a dcsic-

35、 cator and weigh. Calculate the weight of the residue in the cru- cible as percentage of inorganic matter. F-4e. Acidity or alkaliniy.-Stir a weighed portion of approxi- mately 10 gm. of the sample vigorously with 50 ml. of Uui!ing distilled water, until, as the mixture coois, the TNT granulates. Wh

36、en cool and the PETN has settled, decant off the supernatant liquid and extract tlic iiiaterial with an additional 50 ml. of boil- ing distilled water. Repeat the stirring, cooling, settling and de- cantation. Titrate the combined aqueous extracts with N/50 so- dium hydroxide or sulfuric acid using

37、niethyl red as the indicator. Correct the result by means of a b!ank determination. Calculate JAN-P-IO81 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- JAN-P-Y 13 7779706 02711i35 2 .I _. . . the acidity or alkalinity as percentage of sulfuric acid

38、 or sodium carbonate in the sample. F-4f. G+!.-Place approximately 50 pm. of the sample in a I-saker, arid 50 ml. of acetone,.cover the beaker and heat on a steam bath for about 10 Pour on a U. S. Standard NO. 120 sieve, transfer all remaining insoluble material to the sieve and wash with

39、hot acetone. Transfer the material retained on the sieve to a smooth glass slide. Rub the material on the glass slide by exerting pressure with a smooth steel spatula b!ade. Note if particles of grit are present as indicated by the persistence of a scratching noise when pressing and rubbing of the m

40、aterial on the glass is continued. ortion of approxi- mately 15 gm. of the sample in a 400 mi. beater and add 70 to SO ml. of chloroforni satiirnkd with PETN. (Sce par. F-4b(l).) Allow to stand at room temperature (ZOO to 25O C.), with ocea- sional swirling, for about 10 minutes to dissolve the TNT.

41、 Filter through paper and reinove as much chloroform from the PETN as practicable, by suction. Transfer the filter paper and its contents to a watch glass and place in a looo C. oven for ? for the Navy in accordance with the requirements of the Navy Shipment Marking Handbook. J AN-W408 1 *: i-. Prov

42、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-8 H. NOTES H-l. Use.-Pentolite 60/60, grade I, is intended for use in cast loaded ammunition. Pentolite 50/50, grade II, is intended for Use in pellets and press loaded ammunition. * H-2. Requests, requisit

43、ions, schedules, and contracts or orders should state the title of the specification, the number and date, and the grade required. (See par. B-1.) H-3. Copies of Army Ordnance Packaging Instructions NO. PIF-26 and Ordnance Department Drawing 81-3-169 may be ob- tained from the Industrial Service, Am

44、munition Divisioii, Office, Chief of Ordnance, War Department, Washington 25, D. C. H-4. Copies of National Bureau of Standards Circular c434 may be obtained upon ap lication, accompanied by postal note, money order, coupon or casi, to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Onice, Wash

45、ington 25, D. C. Price: 10 cents. H-5. Copies of Interstate Commerce Commission Regul?tions for Transportation of Explosives and other Dangerous Articles, etc., may be obtained upon application, accompanied by postal note, money order, coupon, or cash, to the Superintendent of Documents, Government

46、Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price: 40 cents. H-6. Copies of Joint Army-Navy specifications and Federal specifications (required for Army purchases) and U. S. Army specifications may be obtained, as indicated in the “Index of United States Army, Joint Army,-Navy, and Federal Specifications

47、Used by the War Departiiieiit. Cpics of this Indes may be obtaiiied from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Of- fice, Washington 25, D. G. Agencies within the War Department will obtain copies of Joint Army-Navy, United States Army, and Federal specifications through established Wa

48、r Departnieiit chan- ncls. Both the title and identifying symbol number should be stipulated when requesting copies of specifications. H-7. Copies of Joint Army-Navy specifications and Federal spccifications (required for Navy purchases) I Navy Department specifications and the Navy Shipment Marking

49、 Handbook may be obtained upon application to the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Departiiient, Washington 25, D. C., except that Naval ac- tivities should niake application to the Supply OWcer in Command, Naval Supply Depot, Bayonne, N. J. Both the title and identify- ing symbol number should be stipulated when requesting copies of specifications. H-8. Copies of this Joint Army-Navy specification (requi

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