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ARMY JAN-T-171-1944 TOLUENE《甲苯》.pdf

1、JAN-T-171 so DECEMBER 1944 JOINT ARMY.NAVY SPBCIPICATION TOLUENE ArmJNumber 1O1138E Navy Number sn7a TIll, eat1Gu . approM by the War aad the NaT7 Department tOI aM of procurement eenteee C!“ ArmJ and the NaT7 and .upened- the toJl:owtq -. U.8.Arm1 GO-U-88D 12 Feb. 19f5 . 10 talDera or all colltalne

2、ra In the lot Ihal1 be 111 . ODe quart abal1J:Oa Of the color of lbl. IOlut1oll and that ot the ample. 111. itelil1er tube8 u the contalDeil. J-4e. Para11l“ ,-,dtocGrte IIlto Babcock mtlktest bottle havtna I neck 4aate.l 14 8 lalle dlfl Ilonlo with eaeb larae cU1I1DD graduated 111 10 IliDaU dbiaton

3、ea61 of wbJcl1l11 equiYaleJlt to 0.02 mJ. Ad4 20 QIl. of itattdet rtaaent. Place a It opper In the bottle. lJDmene It i 0 let bath. lI1d shU. untn moet of the fe8CtIOD hU taken IJlace U lhdic.ate4 b7 dtetoaIe I Kel,du.! fMOftf.-A4cl 410 . 01 t itd. ,honhbt.t. bt2 tD .man pottfODt to 815 mL of “1.4%0

4、.0 1)t1etDt .Ulturie add. AIIO_ tb4t taft to .ta.od uutSJ tIM .upematant Uqulclll tlMI. aDd deeaD. t the 101DtiOD Ui tIM raid 0 Putid of ea.rbon.,eeo;. matter widell bay. pHdJtate4 oat tit. tolotlOQ .boule! be nmo “ Il1t Ut. ItittwtDlel ru.raYfty bottle. V-4e. . ml. ot the sample to a 100 ml. glasa-

5、stoppered cylinder. Add 60- Bawne gasoline fn !i mJ. por lloa8 at 200 C (68- F.) Shake well aeter eacb o.dcUtion. Continue “dlttoes until“ permanent turbIdity appears. Report the volume ot pIOffne required to produce turbtdIty. (lAN-T-lTlJ 0“ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networkin

6、g permitted without license from IHS-,-,-F-4h. Cloud poflll.-P1ace 100 mi. of ample In a 100 mt. graduate or standard 011 sample bottJ.e and cool or beat to SO- C. The sample shall show no cloudiness at SO- C. IndIcating a mlnlmum amount ot dissolved or ocduded water. . F-4:I. Cokr of acid teCJ. Ue

7、. S. Bureau of Standards. (FreGuent comparIsons are Iqlportant. espcc:lnJJ1 in t.he early life of the MaUno therm1lmp.ter wbep It I most subject to cbange.) Make the 1-, boo from the ame graduate which Is to be used to receive the dIe:. (1AN-T-17n . -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or n

8、etworking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-8 ttJJate. Heanle 100 mL of the ample In this grattuate an4 tranafer it to the distillation ftuk. allowln, the qUnder to drain for SO see ond 0 that thl heat GPIlied dlrecl, “0 Ail IimUed area 01 the /fMt onlu anef not around ,he tlde of he /faak, .“

9、order to ,reoenl erTorl due 0 , per-leafing o.f the ol“eM 11apor,. Floal.,. apply heat to the distillation fl.nsk, . ,through the opening in the transite board, at a uniform rote 80 regulated that ebullition OCCUn In not less than 5 nor than 10 mlnues after heating Is begun. Obse“e the positio

10、n of the ring ot condensing vapor In the flast and adjust tbe beatln, 80 that this ring climbs slowly and steadily. requiring Dot less than 90 . seconds and preferably approximately 1.20 seconds to rise from tbe bottom of the neck ot tbe flask to the bottom of the etde aim. Obse“e 8trlctly the above

11、-prescrlbed time llmlta, Ilnte accurate rem1ts can be secured only In this way. allowing ItIfIIetent time for the .tbermometer to reach equilibrium at the Inlttal bollllll poInt of the sample. R.focord the reading 01 the thermometen at the moment when the ftrst drop of the .dlstillafe fans Into thel

12、1“8duate. then adjust. the beating 80 that the df8t111atlon proceeds at the rate of 8%1 drops every 2 see onda. At the Instant when the bottom of the flask ftret becomes dry, read tbe thermometers and Ilmultaneo1l81y discontinue heating t!IO rapidly that material snperlteatlnl of tbe vapors Is

13、avoided as In dIcated b7 the failure of their teperatllre to rise apfllably above the drypolnt reading. Report these readings after a.klng the follow-In corrections: . . (a) BortJ correctfm.-lIinm a dependable correettoo certificate fnrnlshed preterab17 by tbe Bureau of Standards. (b) Emervent 3tma

14、corTection.-Add this correction to each reael-Jng: N(T-I) XO.OOO159 . Where N=Jength of exposed mercury column In elegrees . T=corrected thermometer readln, (as pte8trlbeit to (a) aoel (c). . I=avemge temperAture of the aposed mercury column. (e) Correction for barometriC f)1“e83Ure.“:“Add 0.0.41- C

15、. to each reading for every mm. belQw 760 mm. or 8Ubtrad tor every mm. above 760 mm. Correct the barometric reading. obtained at the tem-tIAN-T-l11J ,-. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-“:.-r;o“:fN -)r“;. . -:.:- 0 I JIel8ture of the .

16、IODieter for tempetature to o 0. before cale:ulaHA1 barometric praaD1e oorreet1oa. , 1“-4. G-1a(2). JrGI“IM O.-trotaeDe IhalJ be deU.,ered lD l-calloo una, six cans to a standard commercial ahlPPlna COIltatner. Caos duill be in accordance wltllitartne CoIJl8 SpecthUoil for Cans. One-GaDon; aDd Cases

17、- Shfppllll for Pactins Shellac. Flre-EatlDplahlq Uqu14, Paint Driers, Varnllh. OIls. Disinfectant. ete. , G-lb. For ooer .-Unless otb.erwJse epeel8ed, tolaeue aban be furnished In closed top style 55-galJOD steel dr1it:DIt or 6-p.UOD closed top steel contalnera u spedIled tn paragrapb G-la(l. excet

18、 that tOO enlre exterior ebaU be protected with a eoaUoa eoDtOllDlag to the requirements for type II of U. 8., Spee16catton 8-181. 0-2. JlarfdAg.- . G-2a. On6-qGUcm Gfi4 ttGllcm .-UD1eB8 otberwtee spec. i1Ied, eacb container ebaD be plalnty marked with the toUowlq: IlATDtAL, _ . _ -. _ SWCIP1CA

19、1.!ON !ft), _ . _ _ _ ORADB _ .: _ _ QUANTITY .:. _ _ . _ _ OONTRACOOa _ . _ _ . . , MA.Nt1FAa.rtJRlIUl _ :. _ _-“-_ OONTRAcr NO. _.: _ _ _ GROSS WEtOliT _ _ _ _ _ I.01. NUMBER _ _ _ G-2b- 87t.1“I“11 cOfdalner,.-Unl(!SS oth1!rwtse S)ec16 each COD-taJ,ner shan be plalDJy marked with the fOUowlDg: . M

20、ATERIAL _ _ _ _ . _ SPECIFICATION NO. _ _, _ _ GRADE _ _ QUA.NT1TY _ _ _ _ _ CONTRACrOa _ _ _ _ C9NTRACT NO. _ , _ _ GROSS WEIGHT _ _ LOTNUMBER _ . . In addltloo, shlpmente for t!le: ArmJ Pall be marted In with U. S. Army Sped1icatfon 100-2; for the Navy In accmJ.ance with lAN-T-ITl) Provided by IHS

21、Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-, . 10 tile requlftlDQt8 . JatMt laue of the Na., 8bUJd:Ieilt ISarklDa .Handbook ad the lbtel“ltate ComIDeree CnmmJaslOD Reaolatlona for Tnmsportatlon of Ezploelves ant other Danaetolte ArUdee bl J.Rlght and Exvre, U:

22、d for the MarlDe CoI11fJ 1D actOrdance wfU. . Interstate Co Comml8slon BegulaUOII8 tor the TraaportatlOJl of Explosives aDd Other DaIlgerOli8 ArtIcles by l1rel3ht an4 Express. a. N01E8. . B-L Request8, requl8lt10D8, eebedulea. and eontraet:a or oMeN ebould contain the tltle of the epedfleatloo. the

23、number aDd date. . D-2. Requests, requlsltlons, schedules. and contraeta or orders ebould specJf.y the gt8de of toluene desired (see par. B-1) and whether the subject eommodlt7 Is to be packed and shipments marked tor domeldbook m Of8&; Washington 25. D. C“ Apdelee. wlthlu the War J)ep.Utment 1tl1l

24、tam eoplee of Joint ArDi7-Na “.Dd Oalte4 8tltet Attrl1lpecl.ftcattODl throup established War Department ehanneJi. Both the tide aDd IdenUf)1ng symbol Dumber sbould be stipulated when est1otr topleI of epecl1JcatJona. . . R- .tid fbi .et thlt the OovemmeDt ,. bue tOnDulate4. fUmt.hed. or lD aDt .at a

25、upt)lIe1 lb .aId draWtDA IJ)edftcatloD“ or otbe! data ta bett to .,. rqard.ect b, lmplleatlou 01 6tberwlle ID aD7 lDaDDel tlC!eDlItna the ho1etel 01 aD1 other penou 01 ecJtporatlOU or eoDTe aDJ rlPu or putnlaloD to maDofadore, ue. 01 8eU. u.r patented fDftDdD that ID -, 1IID IUtI 101 UIIII UfiiiIiD

26、ClRtCGlJC;:-N:-“;.-:-.v“: . “. . . c: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-FOLD . OFFICIAL eUSIMESS PENAL TY FOA PRIVATE USE 5loo FOLD Commander Rock Island Arsenal ATm: SARRI-LE-S lock Island. IL .61201 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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