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1、MIL-A-50460A (MU)15 September 1973SUPERSEDINGMIL-A-50460 (MU)12 August 1970MILITARY SPECIFICATIONAMMONIUM NITRATE, PRILLED(FOR usE IN AuNITION)1. SCOPE1.1 This specification covers a high densitygrade of prilled ammonium nitrate (NH4N03) for use(see 6.4).phase-stabilizedIn explosives2. APPLICABLE DO

2、CUMENTS2.1 The following documents of the issue In effect ondate of Invitation for bids or request for proposal, form apart of this specification to the extent specified herein.SPECIFICATIONSFEDEtiLL-P-378 - Plastic SheetPolyolefinand Strip Thin Gauge,STANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-105MIL-STD-109MIL-sTD-1

3、29MIL-STD-1168MIL-STD-1235Sampling Procedures and Tablesfor Inspection by Attributes(ABC-STD-105)Quality Assurance Terms andDefinitionsMarking for Shipment andStorageLot Numbering of AmmunitionSingle and Multilevel ContinuousSampling Procedures and Tablesfor Inspection by AttributesFSC: 1376Provided

4、 by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-50460A (MU)(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publicationsrequired by suppliers in connection with specific procurementfunctions should be obtained from the procuring activity or asdirect

5、ed by the Contracting Officer.)PUBLICATIONSAMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALSASTM Designation E203-64 - Water Using KarlFischer ReagentASTM Designation E300-70 - Recommended Practicefor Sampling IndustrialChemicals(Applicationfor copies should be addressed to AmericanSociety for Testing and

6、Materials, 1916 Race Street,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103)2.2 Other publications. The following document formsa Part of this specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effecton date of invitation for bids shall apply.CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONSTitle b9

7、- Transportation, Parts 1-199(The Interstate Commerce Commission Regulations are nowa part of the Code of Federal Regulations, availablefrom the Superintendent of Documents U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office, Washington,D.C., 20402. Orders forthe above publications should cite: “49 CFR 1-199(latest revi

8、sion)”.)3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Material. The ammonium nitrate shall be inthe form of high density phase-stabilized prillshaving no coating (see 6.6).3.2 Chemical Requirements. The ammonium nitrateshall conform to the chemical requirements of Table Iwhen tested in accordance with applicable paragraphsof

9、4.b.2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TABLE IMIL-A-50460A (Mu)PropertyMoisture, %Ether-Soluble Material,%Water-Insoluble Material ofWater-Insoluble Material:Requirement0.15 max.0.05 max.ether-extract,% 0.10 max.a. Retained on a 250 mic

10、ron (No. 60)sieve, %b. Retained on a 125 micron (No. 120)sieve, %Acidity, as nitric acid, %Nitrites, %Chlorides, as ammonium chloride, %Phosphates, as dlammonlum phosphate, %Sulfates, as diammonium sulfate, %Boric acid, %Ammonium nitrate, %Density: Particle, g/mlBulk, g/mlBulk, lbs/cu. ft.PH0.000.01

11、 max.0.02 max.None0.02 max.0.21 + 0.04o.oo7to 0.0:0.14 + 0.0398.5 iih.1.50 min.0.80 min.50.0 mln5.9 :0.2TestMethod4. Table II when determined In accordaficeTABLE IIDistributionThrough a 336o micron (No. 6)3.3 Gra

12、nulation. The high density phased-stabilizedprilledammonium nitrate shall conform to the granulation requirementswith 4.4.15.Percent by Weightsievej (mIn)Retained on a 1680 micron (No. 12) sieveRetained on a 840 micron (No. 20)sieve, (min.)Through a 500 micron (No. 35)sieve, (max.)99.050.0 - 85.o97.

13、00.53Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-50U60A (MU)3.4 Water-vapor transmission rate (WVTR).The plasticliner of the multi-wall paper bag or the all-plastic bag,including seams, shall meet a maximum WVTR of 0.65 grams/100in sq/2b ho

14、urs when tested as specified In paragraph First Article Testing. This specificationmakesprovisions for first article testing. Submission of thefirst article quantity by the contractor shall be asspecified In the contract.3.6 Workmanship. The prilled ammonium nitrate furnishedunder this sp

15、ecification shall be free of dirt, chips andother foreign material.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwisespecified In the contract or purchase order, the suppller Isresponsible for the performance of all inspection requirementsas specified herein. Except a

16、s otherwise specified in thecontract or order, the suppller may use his own or any otherfacilities suitable for the performance of the inspectionrequirements specified herein, unless disapproved by theGovernment. The Government reserves the right to performany of the inspections set forth In the spe

17、cificationwheresuch InspectIons are deemed necessary to assure suppliesand services conform to prescribed requirements. Referenceshall be made to MIL-STD-109 In order to definethe terms used herein.4.1.1 Submission of product. At the time the completedlot of product Is submitted to the Government fo

18、r acceptancethe contractor shall supply the following information accompaniedby a certificate which attests that the information provided iscorrect and applicable to the product being submitted:a. A statement that the lot complies with allrequirements and quality assurance provisions specified Inthi

19、s specification.b. Specification number and date, together withanIdentlficatlonand date of changes.Certificates of analysis on all material useddlrectlyc;y the contractor when such material is controlledby Government specifications, shall be made available uponrequest by the contracting oflcer.d. Qu

20、antity of product In the lot.e. Date submitted.4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-50460A (MU)The certificate shall be signed by a responsible agent ofthe certifying organization. The initial certificatesubmitted shall be substanti

21、atedby evidence of theagent% authority to bind his principal. Substantiationof the agent!s authority will not be required withsubsequent certificates unless, during the course ofthe contract, this authority is vested in another agentof the certifying organization.4.2 First article inspectionb.2.l Su

22、bmission. Prior to initiation of regularproduction the contractor shall submit a firstarticle sample consisting of 5 lbs of prilled ammoniumnitrate in accordance with instructions issued by theContracting Officer for evaluation in accordance withparagraph .22. All samples submitted shall have beenpr

23、oduced by the Contractor using the same productionprocesses, procedures, and equipment as will be usedin fulfilling the contract. All materials, includingpackaging and packing, shall be obtained from thesame sources of supply as will be used in regularproduction. The sample shall be accompanied byce

24、rtificates of analysis. A first article quantity,or portion thereof, as directed by the Contracting Officer,shall also be submitted whenever there is a lapse inproduction for a period In excess of 90 days, or whenevera change occurs in manufacturing process, material used,drawing, specification or s

25、ource of supply as tosignificantly affect product uniformity as determinedby the Government. Prior to submission, the contractorshall inspect the sample to the degree necessary to assurethat it conforms to the requirements of the contract andsubmit a record of this inspection with the sample. Asampl

26、e containing known defects will not be submittedunless specifically authorized by the Contracting Officer(see 6.1).4.2.2 Inspections to be performed. The sample willbe subjected by the Government to any or all of theexaminations or tests specified in 4.3 and b.4 of thisspecificationand any or all re

27、quirements of the applicabledrawings.5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-50460A (MU)4.2.3 Rejection. If any sample falls to comply withany of the applicable requirements, the first articlequantity shall be reJected. The Government

28、reservesthe right to terminate its inspection upon any failureof a sample to comply with any of the stated requirements.4.3 Inspection provisions4.3.1 Lot formation. A lot shall consist of one ormore batches of ammonium nitrate produced by one manufacturerin accordance with the same specification, o

29、r same specificationrevision under one continuous set of operating conditions.Each batch shall consist of that quantity of ammonium nitratethat has been subjected to the same unit chemical or physicalmixing process intended to make the final product homogeneous.The product shall be submitted for ins

30、pection In accordancewith MIL-STD-105. The criteria and proceduresfor the assignment of lot numbers shall be in accordancewith MIL-STD-1168.4.3.2 Sampling for test 4.4.1 through 4.4.15.Approximately 5 pounds of ammonium nitrate shall beselected from each batch to be sampled using ASTM ProcedureE300-

31、70 for solids. Sample shall be selected for inspectionIn accordance wfth MIL-STD-1235, CSP-1 Plan, InspectionLevel II, AQL 6.5s. If any sample fails to meet any testrequirement the batch represented by the sample shall berejected. All batches produced between the time thatthe last batch was tested a

32、nd accepted and the batchwhich failed shall be tested in accordance with theapplicable methods given in paragraph 4.4. If anyof these batches fall to meet any of the test requirements,that batch shall also, be rejected. In addition, afterany failure of a batch the contractor will return to100$ inspe

33、ction until “1” successive batches are acceptedas required by MIL-STD-1235. The classification and codenumber shall be as given In Table III.6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-50460A (MU)TABLE IIICLASSIFICATION OFCategoryMoisture

34、(see 6.5)Ether-soluble materialWater-insolublematerial ofether-extractWater-insolublematerial retainedon a 250 micron and 125 micron sieveAcidity, as nitric acidNitritesChlorides, as ammonium chloridePhosphates, as dlammonium phosphateSulfates, as diammonium sulfateBoric acidAmmonium nitrateDensity,

35、 particleDensity, bulkpHGranulationWater-vapor transmission rateDEFECTSDefectMajorMajorMajorMajorMajorMajorMajorMaJ orMajorMajorMajorMajorMajorMajorMajorMajorCode No.(see 6.2)030010400105001060010700108001090011000111001120011300114001150011600117001180014.3.3 Examination. Sampling plans and procedu

36、res for thefollowing classifications of defects shall be In accordancewith MIL-STD-105 (ABC-STD-105). Contractors sampling plans,If used, shall be approved by the Government and shall provideas a mlnlmum, the protection afforded the Government by thesampling plans in MIL-STD-105. Continuous sampling

37、 plans inaccordance with MIL-STD-1235 may be used if approved bythe procuring activity. Also, at the option of the procuringactivity, AQLs and sampling plans may be applied to theindividual characteristics listed, using an AQL of 0.40percent for each Major defect and an AQL of 0.65 percentfor each M

38、inor defect. Bag, prior to loadingCategories Defects Method of Code No.InspectionCritical: None defined.7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-50460A (Mu)Major: AQL 0.65 percent101. Thickness of liner Incorrect102. Seam Insecur

39、ely bonded103. Bag contains hole or cut104. Presence of foreign matterMinor: AQL 0.6s percent201. Evidence of poor workmanship4.3.3.2 Bag, after loadingCategories DefectsCritical: None defined.Major: AQL 0.65 percent101. Bag split or puncturedpermitting contents to spill102. Closures incomplete or d

40、is-located103. Label missing104. Weight incorrectMinor: AQL 1.50 percent201. One or more plies torn202. Marking misleading orunidentifiable203. Evidence of poor workmanshipGage(CD)Visual/ManualVisualVisualVisualMethod ofInspectionVisualVisual/ManualVisualBalance(CD)VisualVisualVisual4.3.3.3 Water-va

41、Dor transmission rate. A samDle of 100100101002IJ;J:?01005Code No.02001020020200302004020050200602007baQSof Smmo;lfi-nitrate shall be selected at random f Burettes, 100 ml; Beakers,250 ml; Volumetric flasks, 500 and 1000 ml; Pipets,5 and 10 ml. Chemicals required. Ammonium molybdateNH#)9M0z0.

42、4H O Reagent grade; Sulfuric acid,con e tr tg, r?agent grade; Sodium sulfite, anhydrous,reagent grade; Sodium meta bisulfite, reagent grade;l-Amino-2-napthol-4sulfonic acid; Potassium dihydrogenphosphate (KH PO ) reagent grade; Ammonium nitrate,anhydrous, reget grade. Preparation of solutions

43、11Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-50460A (MU) Ammonium molybdate solution. Dissolve28 grams weighed to nearest 0.01 gram of (4) MO.4H O in about 250 ml of distilled water. auZiouslyt?wi?h stirring add 225 ml of sulfuric

44、 acid. Cool anddilute to 1000 ml at 20”C. Amino acid solution. Dissolve 2.5 grams ofsodium sulfite, 1.25 grams of l-amino -2-naphthol-4 sulfonicacid and 68.5 g sodium metabisulfite in 250 ml of distilled water.Warm the mixture, if necessary, to facilitate solution Ofcomponents. Dilute the c

45、lear solution to 500-ml at 20C. Standard diammonium phosphate (DAP) solution.for one hour at 105C and thenlo %1;nK2#iccator. Dissolve exactly 1.030grams of this dried material in about 250 ml of distilledwater, contained in a 1 liter volumetric flask, anddilute the solution to mark with add

46、itional distilledwater. Dissolve 1.84 grams of ammonium nitrate in about250 ml of distilled water, contained in a 1 litervolumetric flask. Add a 10 ml aliquot of theKH P04 solution (above),?and dilute to mark with distilledwa er. This solution contains 1.84 mg of ammoniumnitrate and 0.01 mg KH2P04 (

47、equivalent to 0.01 SIg DAP)per ml of solution and Is referred to hereinafter as the DAPstandard. (It should be noted that in the determination ofDAP in ammonium nitrate, the final aliquot for analysis contains0.184 g of ammonium nitrate which may offer some interferencewith color development. To off

48、set this effect, the samequantity of ammonium nitrate is added to the solutionused for standardizationas is present in the abovenoted final aliquot). Ammonium nitrate stock solution. Dissolveexactly 1.84 grams of ammonium nitrate (reagent grade)in 250 ml of distilled water contained in a 1

49、litervolumetric flask and dilute to mark with distilledwater (see by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-S0460A (MU)4.Q.8.3.5 Preparation of standard curve for DAP. Forthe establishment of a standard curve use the quantitiesshown In colu

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