1、- MIL-B-28bD 83 77777Ob 0370735 7 = _ _ c-83-tc MIL-B-286D 23 March 1987 SUPERSEDING MIL-B-286C 5 May 1969 MILITARY SPECIFICATION BUTTONS, TACK; AND TACK, BUTTON This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of he Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This document 1.2
2、Classification. Tack following types and sizes as covers metal tack buttons and button tacks. buttons and button tacks shall be of the specified (see 6.2). 1.2.1 Button, tack. Type I - Plain Size - 22 line Size - 27 line Size - 30 line Size - 40 line Type IL - Burst of Glory Size - 27 line 1.2.2 Tac
3、k, button. Type IX - Button tack Size - 14 Iine by 0.406 inch prong length Size - 17 line by 0.406 inch prong length Size - 17 line by 0.437 inch prong length Size - 17 line by 0.750 inch prong length Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of
4、use in improving this document should be addressed to U.S. Army Natick Research, Development, and Engineering Center, Natick, MA 01760-5014, by using the self -addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. 1 1 AMSC N/A PSC
5、8315 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I MIL-B-2bD 83 7779906 0370736 7 MIL-B-286D 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents. * 2.1.1 Documents. Th
6、e following documents form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents shall be those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (WDISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation
7、. SPEC IF ICATIONS FEDERAL PPP-B-566 - Boxes, Folding, Paperboard PPP-B-636 - Boxes, Shifpping, Fiberboard PPP -B-6 6 5 - Boxes; Paperboard, Metal Edged and Components FPP-B-676 - BQXeS, Setup MILITARY MIL-F-495 - Finish, Chernieai, Black, for Copper Alloys MIL-L-3 5078 - Loads, Unit: Preparation of
8、 Semiperishabe Subsistence Items; Clothing, Personal Equipment and Equipage; General Specification Far STANDARDS MTLITARY NIL-STD -10.5 MIL-STD-129 MIL-STD-I 47 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection - Marking far Shipment and Storage - Palletized Unit Loads * 2.1.2 Other Government documen
9、ts, The following other Government documents Unless otherwise by Attributes form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. specified, the issues shaIl be those in effect on the date of the solccitation. - 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without li
10、cense from IHS-,-,-MIL-I-2bD 3 777970b 0370737 O O . a O MIL-B-286D DRAWINGS U*S* ARMY NATICK RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND ENGINEERING CENTER 4-1 -4 3 O - Buttons, Tack and Tack, Button 4-1-431 - Buttons, Tack and Tack, Button - Jig for Strength Test (Copies of documents required by contractors in con
11、nection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting activity. ) W 2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of the docu
12、ments which are DOD adopted shall he those listed in the issue of the DODISS specified in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of documents not listed in the DODISS shall be the issues of the nongovernment documents which are current on the date of the solicitation. AMERICAN SOCI
13、ETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) D 3951 - Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging (Application for copies shall be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.) (Technical society and technical association documents are generally avail
14、able for reference from libraries. They are also distributed among technicai groups and using Federal agencies.) * 2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document shall take precedence. Nothing in this d
15、ocument, however, shall supersede applicable laws nd regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 First article. When specified in the contract or purchase order, a sample shall be subjected to first article inspection (see 4.3, 6.2, and 6.3). 3.2 Standard product.
16、Tack buttons and button tacks shall be standard current products of the manufacturer, except as modified herein (see Drawing 4-1-430). 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-286D 3.3 Materials. Materials not definitely specified shal
17、l be of the quality normally used by the manufacturer for tack buttons and button tacks provided the completed item complies with all provisions of this document (see 6.4). 3.4 Construction. The tack prong may be made of (Burst of-Glory) shall be tack and button shall be made of brass, except the co
18、pper. The design detail of type II tack button clear, unmarred, unobliterated, and as shown on Drawing 4-1-4301 forming operations without wrinkling or cracking. 4.5.1, the complete and assembled buttons and tacks shall sustain a pull of not less than 60 pounds without deforming or separation of the
19、 components or assembly. Material composition and thickness shall withstand the When tested as specified in 31-5 Finish. 3.5.1 Button. The front and back of the button shall receive a black chemical finish in accordance with MIL-F-495, except that the gloss rating my be a maximum of 40. The finish s
20、hall chow resistance to hot soap solution and accelerated weathering in accordance with MIL-F-495. 3.5.2 Tack. The tack cap and prong shall receive either a black chemical At the aption of the contractor, the cap may I_ finish in accordance with MIL-F-495 except tests need not apply, or a- commercia
21、l black oxide finish. receive an additional clear organic finish achieving a maximum gloss rating of 40. 3.6 Workmanship. The back and front of: the finished buttons and the caps of the tacks shall be clean and free from any rough OP sharp edge, burr or sliver, oil, dents, digs, pits, wrinkxes, grea
22、se or dirt. Buttons andtacks shall not be cracked-, broken, or maXf omed . 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PKOVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the Except as otherwise contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirem
23、ents as specified herein. specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requrements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the ins
24、pections set forth in this document where such inspeclzions are deemed necessary to assure supplies- and services conform to prescribed requirements. 4 _- : ;i .5r o Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-ZhD 3 777770b 0370737 - - MIL-
25、B-286D O e . e O * 4.1.1 Responsibility for compliance. All items must meet all requirements of sections 3 and 5. The inspection set forth in this document shall become a part of the contractors overall inspection system or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirement in the document s
26、hall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of assuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirements of the contract. Sampling in quality conformance does not authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or actu
27、al, nor does it commit the Government to acceptance of defective material. 4.2 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows: a. b. Quality conformance inspection (see 4.4). First article inspection (see 4.3). 4.3 First article inspection. When
28、 a first article is required (see 6.2), it shall be examined for the defects specified in 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 and cested as specified in 4.4.4. shall be cause for rejection of the first article. The presence of any defect or failure of any test 4.4 Quality conformance inspection. Unless otherwise specif
29、ied, sampling for inspection shall be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-105. 4.4.1 Component and material inspection. In accordance with 4.1, components and materials shall be inspected in accordance with all the requirements of referenced documents unless otherwise excluded, amended, modified ,
30、or qualified in this document or applicable purchase document. * 4.4.2 End item visual examination. The end item shall be examined for the defects listed in table I. The lot size shall be expressed in units of buttons or tacks. The sample unit shall be one button of one type and size and one tack of
31、 one size. The inspection level shall be II and the acceptable quality level (AQL), expressed in terms of defects per hundred units, shall be 25 for major defects and 4.9 for total (major and minor combined) defects. 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lice
32、nse from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-286D TABLE I. End item visual defects Examine Defect Classification Major Minor Finish Workmans hip Finish missing on back and front of button and tack cap and prong 101 Not color specified 201 Button or cap of tack not clean; Rough or sharp edge, burr or sliver, evidence of o
33、il, grease, or dirt 202 button or cap of tack 102 dent, dig, pits, or wrinkles on Button or tack cracked, broken, or malformed 103 Construction Not fabricated as specified, such as wrong type 104 Detail of design of “Burst of Glory“ is marred, missing, or obliterated or is not clear (when applicable
34、) 105 4.4.3 End item dimensional examination The end item shall be examined for the dimensions specified on Drawing 4-1-430. Any dimension not within the specified tolerance shall be classified as a defect. The lot size shall be expressed in units of buttons or tacks. The sample unit shall be one bu
35、tton of one type and size or one tack of one size. The inspection level shall be S-2 and the AQL, expressed in terms of defects per hundred units, shall be 4.0. 4.4.4 End item testing. Testing of the completely fabricated buttons and tacks shall be performed in accordance with tests specified in tab
36、le II for the characteristics shown therein. The lot size shall be expressed in units of tacks. The sample unit for testing the strength shall be one button and one tack. The sample unit for testing the finish shall be three buttons, one for each test. There shall be one determination per test perfo
37、rmed, and the results shall be reported as pass or fail. The inspection level shall be S-1 and the AQL, expressed in terms of defects per hundred units, shall be 2.5. 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a O a MIL-B-28bD 3 U 997990b 0370
38、921 2 MIL-B-286D TABLE II. End item testing Characteristic Requirement paragraph Test method Strength 3.4 4.5.1 Finish : Resistance to hot soap solution 3.5.1 Resistance to accelerated weathering 3.5.1 MIL-F-49 5 MIL-F-49 5 MIL-F-495 Color and gloss 3.5.1 4.4.5 Packaging examination. The fully packa
39、ged end items shall be examined for the defects listed below. The lot size shall be expressed in units of shipping containers. The sample unit shall be one shipping container fully packaged. The inspection level shall be S-2 and the AQL, expressed in terms of defects per hundred units, shall be 2.5.
40、 Examine Defect Marking (exterior Omitted; incorrect; illegible; of improper and interior) size, location, sequence, or method of application Materials Workmanship Content Any component missing, damaged, or not as specified Inadequate application of components, such as incomplete sealing or closure
41、of flap, improper taping, loose strapping, or inadequate stapling Bulged or distorted container Number of buttons or tacks per intermediate container, Number of intermediate containers is more or less Weight of contents is more than required if applicable is more or less than specified than required
42、 A/ For this defect one intermediate container shall be examined. 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_- - - MIL-B-2bD 3 U 7777706 0370722 4 U MIL-B-286D 4.4.6 Palletization examination. The fully packaged and palletized end items shall
43、 be examined for the defects listed below. The lot size shall be expressed in units of palletized unit loads. The sample unit shall be one palletized unit load, fully packaged. The inspection level shall be S-1 and the AQL, expressed in terms of defects per hundred units, shall be 6.5. Examine Defec
44、t Finished dimensions Length, width, or height exceeds specified maximum requirement Palle tization Pallet pattern not as specified Interlocking of loads not as specified Load not bonded as specified Weight Exceeds maximum load limits Marking Omitted; incorrect; illegible; of improper size, location
45、, sequence, or method of application 4.5 Method of inspection. 4.5.1 Strength test. Attach the buttons by tacks to a cloth strap or webbing of sufficient dimensions and strength to conduct this test. Insert the button in a jig similar to that shown on Drawing 4-1-431. Hold the jig in the upper jaws
46、of a testing machine that exerts a pull at the rate of 12 inches (* 0.5 inch) per minute. Hold the cloth strap or webbing in the lower jaws and apply the pull force to determine compliance with 3.4. I 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Preservation. Preservation shall be level A or Commercial, as specified (see 6.2).
47、 5.1.1 Level A. One thousand buttons of one type and size only, or tacks of Closure of each box shall be one size only, shall be unit packed in a snug-fitting paperboard box conforming to PPP-B-566, PPP-B-665 or PPP-B-676. in accordance with the appendix of the applicable container document. 5.1.2 C
48、ommercial. Buttons of one type and one size only, and tacks of one size only, shall be preserved in accordance with ASTM D 3951. 5.2 Packing. Packing shall be level A, B, or Commercial, as specified (see 6.2) t 8 t Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license
49、from IHS-,-,- MIL-B-28bD 83 m 9379906 0370923 b m MIL-B-286 D 5.2.1 Level A. Twenty thousand buttons of one type and one size only, or tacks of one size only, preserved as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in a snug-fitting fiberboard shipping container conforming to style optional, grade V2s of PPP-B-636. The shipping container shall be completely filled with no voids and o
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