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本文(ARMY MIL-B-44275 A-1992 BAKERY MIXES PREPARED《调制好的混合料》.pdf)为本站会员(孙刚)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ARMY MIL-B-44275 A-1992 BAKERY MIXES PREPARED《调制好的混合料》.pdf

1、NIL-B-44275A 9999906 L348972 389 m MIGB-4427% 21 se- 1992 suPERsmING MIGB-44 275 3 June 1987 BFXERY MMES, PREPARED niis specification is appraved for use in all Departments arid agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. scopEANDQ-Ass1FImoN 1.1 m. niis specification caverc the classes and styles of b

2、akery mixes specially prepared for extended shelf life and use at all altitudes by the Department of Defense as itens of general issue. 1.2 Classification. 1.2.1 classes and styles. prepared bakery mixes shall be of the follming classes and styles, as specified (see 6.1). Class 1 - cake mixes Style

3、A - White Style B - Yellow Style C - Devils food Style D - Gingerbread Beneficial cormmentc (recaaranendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent ata which may be of use in htproving this docnmient should be adresed to: U.S. Army Natick Resmrch, Developnent, and B-gineerhg Center, Natick, MA 0

4、1760-5018 by using the Standardization Document Imprwement Proposal (D Form 1426) appear- at the end of this docxmient or by letter. AMSC N/A FSC 8920 DISTUEWI?ON STATENEW. A. Appmve for public release: distribution is unlimited. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-B-44275A b 1348973 215 s

5、MIGB-44275A Cl- 2 - Quick bread mixeS Style A - Yellow corn bread Style B - Biscuit Style C - pancake and waffle, regular Class 3 - cake doughnut mix Class 4 - Yeast-leavened mixes Style A - Ebll Style B - Sweet dough Class 5 - aiocolate brc-kirnie mix 2.1 Gaverrmientdoamientc. 2.1.1 mec ifications.

6、 standards, and handbookc. lhe following specifics- unless atherwise specified, the issues of these dccuments ti-, sbnank, and handbookc form a part of this doc=ument to the extent specified herein. are those liste in the issue of the Deparbinent of Defence Index of Specifications and standards (DOD

7、ISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.1). PFP-C-29 - canned Subsistence itenis, packaging of MILITARY MIGG1497 - Label- of Metal Cans for Subsistence Items MIGG35078 - mds, Unit: Preparation of Smiperishable subcictem=e items; Clathirig, -pent aad -page; General Specification

8、 For MILITARY MIGSIP105 - Sampling- Pmadues and Tables for Inspection by Attributes MIGSIP129 - Marking for Shipwnt anl Storage (unless utherwise indicated, wpies of federal and military specifications, standards, anl hardbookc are available fm the standardi zation ocuments Order Desk, Building 4D,

9、700 FIcMins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.) 2 8 4 . Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-B-44275A 9999906 3348774 151 MIGB-4 4 27 5A 2.1.2 Other Governm?nt documents, dmwh, and mblications. nie folluwing other Government dccuments, drawings, and publications fom a part of this doIument

10、 to the extent specified herein. unless atherwice specified, the issues are those cited in the solicitation. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (copies are available fran the Office of Drinking water, Ernrimmmtal Protection Aiclency, WH550D, 401 M Street, S.W., WachinCJton , DC 20460.) Regu

11、lations merninq the Inspection of Eggs and Egg products (7 CFR Part 59) (copies are available fm the Chief, Stanhnh zation Branch, -try Division, Agricultural Marketing- Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Roan 3944, South Building, P.O. Box 96456, Wachingtan , DC 20090-6456.) united States Sta

12、rdards for Grades of Nonfat Dry Milk (spray -1 united States stanlardc for Dry Whey (copies are available frm the Dairy standardi zation Branch, miry Division, Agricultural Marketing Senrice, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Roan 2750, south Fdlding, P.O. Box 96456, WashirirJton , Dc 20090-6456.) Uni

13、ted States standardc for conriition of Food Containers (copies are available fmn the chaiqerson, condition of container camittee, Agricultural Marketing mi, U.S. Deparhnent of Agriculture, Rcan 2506, South Building, P.O. Box 96456, Washhqkm , Dc 20090-6456.) U.S. DEF! OF i-lE“ AND EIUMAN SERVICES (“

14、S) Federal Food, Drug and Cosnetic Act and regulations prcmrailgated thereunder (21 CFR Parts 1-199) (copies are available fm the superintenlent of Doc=umentc, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, Dc 20402-0001.) 2.2 Non4Xwernment rwblications. ?he follwing doamientc form a part of Unless ot

15、herwise specified, this doamrent to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issue of the dmuments which are DOD adcpted are those listed in the issue of the DODISS cited in the solicitation. the issues of doc=umentc not listed in the DODISS are the issues of the doamientc cited

16、in the solicitation (see 6.1). 3 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-B-44275A = 0b 1348975 098 = MIGB-44275A AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CEREAL CHEMISIS (AAOC) Appruve Methods of the American Lmips that do not dissolve in the baking process product not syripnetrical or nearly synnnetrical, as r

17、equired -lor of crust or surfa of pmduct not as specified contour of top of pmduct not as required 20 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-B-44275A 999970b 1348992 177 Miid-44 27!5A TABLE N. Baked rocfllct defects 1/ 2/ 3J 4/ (contd) Maior Minor 2 04 205 206 207 208 209 2 10 211 2 12 2 13 2

18、14 215 216 2 17 218 2 19 220 Doughnut hole not snail and pckere Specific or loaf volunrt of product not as specified Height of procfuct not as specified 5/ Candition of crust or surface of produd not as cake oec not separate easily fran pan or liner product breakc, cracks, or crumbles when handled B

19、reaks or cracks (major or otherwise as specified) in specified (for example, sticks, cracks, breaks, or crumbles) P-a ?rciuct Cann0.t: be easily sliced color or structure of crumb or grain nat as specified Texture of crumb not as specified Large holes, tunnels, or gas pockets in product Com bread or

20、 muffin cannot easily be bmken into large Top and bottcmn of bidt not easily separated by hand Grease penetration or doughnut more than 1/16 inch Batter setting sample (class 1, styles A, B, and C Flavor or odor not typical of product as required by distinct intact pieces by hand indepth5J only) exh

21、ibits crusty foam-like top after baking forrrailation, but not cbjectionable product (class 2, style C only) does not conform to specified dimensions) 1/ nie presence of foreign material (for example, dirt, insect parts, hair, wood, glass, metal), foreign odor or flavor (for -le, bunt, smrded, 21 Li

22、censed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-B-44275A = 999990b 1348993 003 = MGE3-4 4 2 7 5A moldy, rancid, sour, stale), or foreign color shall be cause for rejection of the lot. 2/ m;-oduct not equal to or better than the apprrxred preproduction -le in palatability and werall lot (see 3.4.3). chal1

23、 be cause for rejecticm of the Y- one cake of class 1 cake mixec, all styles; one loaf of class 2, style A, and class 4, styles A and B; and three units of class 2, styles B and C, class 3, and class 5 fm each sample unit. 4J No defect shall be scored mre than on per sample unit. 5/ Mf?asurhq device

24、 shall be calibrated in 1/16 inch i.naemnts. 4.5.7 pH testint?. nie baked cakes of class 1, styles C and D, chal1 be tested for pH in accordam=e with the official Methods of Analysis of the -c, method 925.08. frcan the bakd product camples specified in 4.5.6. Ftesults shall be reported to the neares

25、t 0.1. defect and shall be cause for rejection of the lot. Ihe sample for testing shall be an 8 ounce ccpcipacite derived Any test failure for FH shall be classified as a major 4.5.8 Can condition examhation. EscarmM tion of filled and ceal at 4000 feetuse 5/7 amount listed above; at 6000 feet use 4

26、/7 amount listed above, etc.) Class 1. stv les A throucbi D. Lightly greace the sides of an 8 inch mutil pan with 1-1/4 inch sides (an aluminum pan No. 5345 Wear-EVer or equivalent is acceptable) and add a release type parchment paper to the bcrttoan of the pan. prior to testing, test for ba

27、tter Set-up as follms: for class 1, styles A, B, and Cl place a 450 gram sample of batter in a round pan as nated above, alluw to set for 30 minutes at a tapxature of 81% f 39, bake, and cool as described above. batter setting reqUirement. 25 to 30 minUtes until cake is done for styles A, BI and C a

28、nd at 350% for 30 to 40 minutes until cake is done for style D. pan on a wire rack in a well-ventilated area and allow to cool at a rocnn tmperature of 69% _+ 6% and a relative humidity of 50 f 5 percent. Remwe cake frum the pan, remove paper, detentune the specific volume, and run a break test (see

29、 4.6.2 and 4.6.3). Slice cake in half vertically and examin= for the defects li- in table IV. Bcamme for confonnan to the Add 450 grams of batter and bah at 350% for Place the bakd cake in its 23 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-B-4Y275A 9999906 1348995 986 MIGB-4427% Class 2, St

30、v le A. (an aluminum pan No. 5345 Wear-Eber or Ne the baked loaves fm the pans - Class 4, st le B. Weigh 1000 granis of mix and txmsfer to a 3- quart mixing bawl. Add 3/4 ounce of active dry yeact, suspended in the quantity of water which has been predetermined to give the optinunn dough cha

31、racteristics. dough will have a tenprature of 81% f 1%. with a dough hook until the dough entirely cleans bl, and for 1 additional minute thereafter. jars or cans with a loose-fitting lid. fermentation cabinet set at 81% f 1% and a relative humidity of 75 to 85 percent. Ferment dough in the jars or

32、cans for 1-1/4 hours. jars or cans fm cabinet, remrre the doqh and scale two pieces weighing 22 (xllloes each. minutes, cavering the pieces with a cloth. After 15 minutes mld eaING 5.1 presenmtion. ?he pruuct shall be p-d in accordance with level A or C as cpecifid (see 6.1). 5.1.1 mel A or C. A net

33、 weight of 5 paurds of class 1 an class 5 productc, or 4 paunls 8 ounces of class 2 (style A), class 3 and class 4 pmucts, or 4 pouns of class 2 (style C) shall be unit packcl into a size 603 by 700, open-top style, rom metal can in accoraanCe with level A or level C mqubments of Ppp-c-29 for the le

34、vel specified. sealed can shall contain a pouch of dum bicarbanate or sodium aluminum mqhate, as qlicable. sodium aluminum phosphate, as applicable, shall be separately unit packed in a foil-laminate pouch. nie pouch shall be hermetically seaid and shall be tested in amniance with 4.6.4. aluminum ph

35、oste, as applicable, shall be placed either at the bottcan of the can or on top of the product before final sealing of the product container. in the net weight for each can. Eacli filled and nie required amount of codium bicarbmate or nie puches of dum bi-nate or scdium Ihe weight of the sepaxately

36、packed ingredients shall be included 5.2 Fackinq. The prcxuct shall be packed in acmrdan with level A, B, or C requirements of PPPC-29, as specified (see 6.1). 5.3 Unit load-. When specified (see 6.1), the praziuct, packed as specified in 5.2, shall be arrangd in Unit loads in accordance with MGG350

37、78 for the type and class of load specified. stram, the strapping shall be limited to mmtallic strapping, except for type II, class F loads. When Unit loads are 5.4 Labelinuandmarkinq. 5.4.1 Cans. Cans shall be labeled accordance with MGL-1497, and shall include the following information. Instructio

38、ns for high altitude baking, and directions for use, as applicable, chal1 be in acconlance with and labeling. that the end with the pouch or pouches shall be apened fht. Cans shall have the date of pack included in the ach can containing a pouch or pouches shall indicate on the can

39、 Labelh instructions. The following instructions for bakirig chemically leavened mixes at high altitudes shall be printed legibly on one side of the dum bi spread evenly. For cupdces: fill each greased or paper-lined muffin tin with 1/4 cup (2 oz) batter (1 No. 16 scoop). 7. To-: Conventional

40、 - or convection oven* WW* lm fan, ol3en vent rom 350% 40 to 50 min 300% 25 to 35 min 350% 20 to 30 min 300% 10 to 15 min O sheem cw=k= 8. Cool and frost or dust with confectioners sugar as desired. Cut each pan6by9- 9. For 108 portions: for cakes use 2 cans (10 lb) (2 sheet pans), each portion: 1 p

41、iece (2 oz) : for cupcakes use 3-1/2 cans (17 Ib 8 oz), each portion: 2 cupcakes (3-1/2 oz). * E Cpread evenly. Bake at 350% for 35 to 45 minutes ; for a convection oven, bah at 300% for 25 to 35 minUtes on low fan, opm vent*. Oaol and Cut ea& pan 6 x 9. For 108 portions, use 3 cans (15 lb), (2 shee

42、t pans), each portion: 1 piece (2-3/4 oz). * E3est results are obtained with a 70% to 75% batter tenpemture. * Liaw speed is first speed ona 3-speemixerand second on a 4-speed mixer. * mum speed is seconi speed on a 3speed mixer and third speed on a 4-speed mixer. * Ehke time may adjuctment dependir

43、ig on the oven and oven load. Class 2, sty le A - Yellm Coni Bread Mix. 4 Ib 8 oz mix, codium bicarbomte paidi, 6-1/4 cupc waW 1. Pla mix in mixer bowl. high altitudes use less - see pouch directions). granulated sugar. Add contents of sodium bicarbonate pouai (at Add 6 oz (7/8 cup) For a less sweet mrn bread, dt the sugar. 30 Licensed by Information Handling Services

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