1、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-12750 bb W 06 0128q38 b W A. . . , . , . - .- . UILITwiY - Packaging md Packng for Overseas Shipment = JhX-P-l6 Jl Tlood, Nailed. Eoxes; Fiberboard f V-bard and Vbbard), Exterior and Interior, * H
2、L-P-U - Preservation, blethodc of. JAN-P-120 - Packaging and Pac:kirg far Overseas Shipsnt - Ca.rbons, Folding, Paperboard, IRTrp-311 - Pmp, AiruSamping, C9, - Packaging and Packin for Overseas Shipment.- - SanpLlng Procedurcis and Tables for Itlspection by Attributes. - Lbking of Shipments. .I Dete
3、ctor Kit, Chemicai. Agent, K9A2 - Bill of - Dotector Kit, Chdcai Xgent, ki9pW NO, 2 PAirr I, Section I - Caritcter Test Lethods - Hydr1ocyqni.c .Acid. (Copies of specifications, standards, and draxings required by con- tractors in connection tdth specific procurement functions $hould bo obtainea fro
4、mthe procuring agency or as directed by the coqtracting officer.) .3e R“i.=G)UIREIElTS 3.1 Haterial- Ilaterl.3 used in the mufacture and assembly of the CUPS shall conform to the specifications and drawings fornijhg 8 part of this specification; a -_-_I I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction
5、 or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Drawing Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-umter at; an drflo.,i. of lW d., p3r ,nirute when tested a3 specified in k.k.3 3.5 i?2d.t;3. of plugs,- )ths.n tested as spocifioci in 4.4D4
6、9 the 3,6 Color (Typo V only).- The color of the go in tho tubcs of type V clips chaU*be no derkcr than that of a oaqlo of reagent grads sodim bicarbonato, H.ien=testeci as spocificd in 4.4.5, 3.7 Stability, 8- .3.?.1 z,mc 1.- lhfi aged as apocificd i:i 4.LL.6.1, the color of the gel layer in the tu
7、bos of type I clips shall ha 9 a hue, vO YR or 10.0 ?3 2 8 2 No rcddcr thzr 10.0 Y or 10.0 B 3 8 4 NG rcddw than 10.0 Y, and no gromcr than 2.5 GY c *- 3.7.2 TYPO II.- :bon aged as speclfiad in 4,4,6., the color of the gol. layor in thc tubes of tTc II clips shall have a hue, vcrluo, and chmm within
8、 om of t c- .: 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-12750 66 W 7777906 0128YYL b W . - . - . Table 111.- Stability (Type II), Range Value Cbxma he (min.) (Ili.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. .- . i . , . L. . ,_._ _-_-_ .-.- . - . : . ! . , . . (.
9、t:.-;.-.-:.-: : :.;.- . . . . I . . _.-_._ - I. . L- . ,. . -.-.-. A . - _. - . . I._. . - . . . . . . , i (. . . -. . . - _ . .- . - . . . -. . - . ,.- I . .- .-. . , I ,. . . ._. “ ,. . ., I . . I_ . I_ . . .- . -. L-. . . - . , . . . . . . . . 1 ,. . . 5 . : .1. . : : : p: .: .i: : j:; . . . . .
10、. I i - a/ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-._ MIL-C-12750 bb 7799906 0128LiLi2 8 W . .I . ._._ . . . . . . . 3. -. , .- _i gel laycr in the tubes of tape VI clipsshsll riot be ofhier +ue or . . greater chrcma tfian the calcrs designat
11、ed as 10.0 YF/C,5 or ;. _. . : - pass the sensitivity test specified In, = . - -. - . . . ! . . . * : 10.0 Y9,/0.5 h the kseU Book f Colors (6.8), and the tub . _ .i. . 3.8 17rkrmchip.- w1 work shall be donein- a neat .and v;orlnanlike. . i i. ma.ni- . .- gel shall be represented in any on
12、e lot of cups. The inspection lct : -. . - . - . . _. . - - - .* . . k.2 Sainpling. 4.2.1 Far noestructive inspectic1-i.- Sapling for nondcstructive uispectioti shall be conductcd in accordancc with 4.3.3 aqd Standard . . ._ -. *. - . lx.sTR105 . . 4.2.2 For physical Drowr-bies. . Types I, I
13、I, III, and V.- Three rcprcs6ntativo cJ4.3, - . , and 4.4.4, 1 Iiaf of the tubos shall -be ambjected ._ ._ Tho remaining tubes shall be used fpr retsst, . . Typcs IV atxi 19.0 Six representative clips shall be taken- :. .- frcn each lot. Tiwoe clips shzll bo uscd for ledcagetcst in 4.4.1,. H
14、alf of the tubcs from cacb group of three clip shall bo used for .test and tkce clips for the tests spcified in 4.4.2, 4,.4.3, and 4.4.4 and the re.nainigg tubes -for rctest. For color (tne Vonl).- hc represcntativc clip shall be. taken from each lot and subjected to the color test as speci-fiedin .
15、 -. ._. . 4.2.3 - . i 4.4.5 I. ._ 4.2.4 For stability (types I, II, III, IV, and Vrl. TYP es X ruid VI.- Four represcntative clips shall 5c taken. 1 fro3 each lot, test as specified in 4.!c.6; the rm5nrig tubes shall be tr!iad,for. -p.?tcst “ypx II ar,d III;- Three rcpresentntivc cli
16、is shall be: . tdcon for each type of tuba from aach Lot. subject the .remaining ikdf of the tubes chll be subjected to the stability. - _. ._ . :.- _- .“ . _. . Half of Lho tube8 shall -bo . . -. ,. 8 I L . . . -. :!: . . I. . . . . . . - . , . . I . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . -,
17、 . , , I ,. . . . . . . . . . I # . . . . - - - . . , . i . . . - . . + . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-mouth, l$lon jar contairiin, 6
18、 outiccs of E;) (o$kulashlorarsincs) * (6.4 2nd 6,5) and cioso tho jar, ELftcr 30 rs removo tho ScuiplOS, rbm in acotcns; a7,cohol, bcnzcno, or petrolcum othcr to rmovc adcorkcd ED. by, end rcimve thc tubcs from tho individual, conkainors cincrso e fi.- Suspond thc smplas in tho vapor qacc of 5 wide
19、= mouth, 3.-gallon ,jar containins 8 ounces of dimthy1 cidfatc (6,4 and lgraxkato inside dhcnsiois oi 5-112 S;. 5 y 3 ij-.c!ic;s. sealed in accordance with ticthad IA-2 of Cpecificat-ion iEL-I-I%. n:r:cd tind I . . k. ? . l:.:.lrtt:!:!: . . . . . . - . “ . . - . . : I_. . . . . .f noisturo or humid
20、ar. of it shauld bo tesfrd frqucntly by cqosing phosgcnc dctcctor tub? prwiously acccptcd to chck the cffcctivcness of thc triyhoogaie being used. tho hnscll Color Co, Eblthorc, !hiand. Ticrcforu tkc cffcctivoncss . . h rapid fading-of the color indicates dcfcctivo triFhOS. bo obtained frfm 6.9 Char
21、coal.- It, has bccii found thnt tho st,sbiTity of thc t*km Of. . typo I clips is marlccdly affcctod br the trcntmnt of th? charcod Or frac-flowing and has a nrinirnuy noisturo contcnt- C?f 25-pcrccnt, when dctcrmincd by :.-.f:.-: , I:II:;:;: . , . ) . F :-. . I. . . .- . , . . . ) r.:.1:1: . . -. ,. . . ._ . b.:.z: . .- . . . . . - . , . . . 1 . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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