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1、IMIL-C-13739A (MU) I15 NOVEMBER 1965SUPERSEDINGMIL-C-13739(ORD) I2 NOVEMBER 1954MILITARY SPECIFICATION10 0.14 0.3A lot of delay composition will be considered to have complied with these requirementsifsamples selected, loaded into delay elements, and tested in accordance with 4.6 complywith the acce

2、ptance provisions specified herein. *3.5 Workmanship, The mixing of the ingredients in each batch and theblending batches of the delay composition shall be of such quality as to give homogeneityto the lot.3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-

3、,-,-MIL-C-13739A (MU)I4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 General uality assurance provisions. Unless otherwise specified inthe2contracpurchase ord”er number, lot number, andIotsize. The functioning test shall be made on each orimarv samole and all otheracceptance tests shall bmade on the composite s

4、ample. However, if it becomes apparentduring sampling that the lot is not uniform, the inspector may require that any primarysample be tested for compliance with all the requirements of this military specification.All primary samples shall be held for possible future examinations should the composit

5、esample fail to comply with the requirements.4.3 Determination of composition4.3.1 Potassium perchlorate. Transfer an accurately weighed portion ofaPProxirnatelY one 9ram of the sample of a tared 9. O-cm. No. 42 Whatman filter paper, orsubstantial equal. Leach with 10-ml. portions of hot water, tran

6、sfer the filter cone andresidue to a watch glass and place in a drying oven at 100”to 105 C for two hours. Cool ina desiccator and weigh the filter cone and residue, using the blank filter cone as a tare.Reserve the filter cone and residue for the nickel determination. Calculate the loss inweight of

7、 the sample to percent potassium perch lo rate as follows:Percentage of Potassium Perch lorate = %where:A = loss in weight af the sampleW = weight of sample on a moisture-free basisThe filter paper shall be folded and tared against a second similarly prepared filter paperwhich serves as a blank; tha

8、t is, the filter paper shall be washed with water and dried inaccordance with the procedure given above.4.3.2 Nicke/. Transfer the filter oaoer and residue from the ootassiumperchlorate determination to a 250-ml. beaker. Add 40 ml. of 6N (1: 1) hydrochloric acid,cover the beaker with a watch glass a

9、nd boil the contetrts of the beaker gently for 2 hourson a hotplate (adding additional 6N hydrochloric acid occasional to maintain a volume *of approximately 40ml). Digest on a steam bath fora minimum o 2 hours, make up to avolume of approximately 40 ml. with 6N hydrochloric acid and allow to remain

10、 at roomtemperature overnight. Fiiterthrough a No. 42 Whatman filter paper, collecting the 6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-13739A (MU)“ filtrate in a 250-ml. volumetric flask. Wash the residue with approximately”150 ml. ofwater

11、 and make up to volume. Discard the residue. Pipette a 25-ml. aliquot into a 600-ml.beaker and dilute with water to approximately 250 ml. Add 5 grams of tartaric acid and 10ml. of a 10-percent solution of ammonium chloride. Add concentrated ammoniumhydroxide until the solution is slightly alkaline t

12、o litmus. If a precipitate forms, add severaldrops of 12N hydrochloric acid to clear the solution and again neutralize withconcentrated ammonium hydroxide. Transfer the beaker to a hotplate, heat to nearlyboiling and add, by means of a pipette: 10 ml. of a l-percent solution of dimethyl-glyoxime-ine

13、thanol with vigorous stirnn Add concentrated ammonium hydroxide untilc?the mixture has a distinct ammoniacal o or. Place on a steam bath for approximately 1/2hour and filter with the aid of a tared, medium porosity, sintered-glass crucible. Washwith three 20-ml. protions of 47,5 percent (1:) ethanol

14、, dry in an oven at 110”to 120 C for2 hours, cool in a desiccator and weigh. Calculate the increase in weight of the crucible topercent nickel as follows: Code No. 02001.Percentage of Nickel = where:A = increase in weight of the crucibieB = weight of sample represented by the aliquot taken (calculat

15、ed on amoistue-free basis)4.3.3 Barium cfrromate. Pipette a 100-ml. aliquot of the solution originallyobtained in the nickel determination to a 400 ml. beaker and dilute with water toapproximately 250 ml. Heat to boiling on a hotplate and add slowly from a 50-ml. pipette50 ml. of 3N (1 :8) sulfuric

16、acid. Allow the mixture to boil gently for 5 minutes and finallyto digest for at least one hour on a steam bath. In case of-dispute or noncompliance, allowto stand overnight at room temperature. Collect the precipitated barium sulfate in a taredGooch crucible which has been oreviouslv heated in a mu

17、ffle furnace at 800 f 50 C for 30minutes. Wash twice with 0.12N (1 :300) ulfuric acid followed by ten 25-ml. portions ofhot water. Dry in an oven at 100to 105”c for 1 hour and then in a muffle furnace at 800t 50 C for 30 minutes. Cool in a desiccator and weigh. Calculate to percentage of bariumchrom

18、ate in the sample as follow: Code No. 03001.108.5APercentage of Barium Chromate : where:A = increase in weight of Gooch crucibleW = weight of sample represented by the aiiquot taken (calculated on amoisture-free basis)4.3.4. Zirconium. Transfer an accurately weighed portion of approximately 0.57Prov

19、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I MIL-C-13739A (MU).gramof the sample to a clean 250-ml. beaker. Add 50 ml. of concentrated hydrochloricacid and,25 ml. of concentrated nitric acid. Cover the beaker with a watch glass and adddropwise, with

20、 caution, 25 ml. of concentrated sulfuric acid. Transfer the beaker andcontents to a hotplate, boil gently until white sulfur trioxide fumes appear, and continuethe heating procedure for a minimum of 2 hours. Cool to room temperature and addcautiously under the watch Iasssufficient distilled water t

21、o make a volume ofi.aPProximateiy 150 ml. Stirt e mmturethoroughly with a glass rod and allow to cool atroom temperature. Filter the precipitated barium sulfate usin a Whatman No. 42 paper%(or substantial equal), collecting the filtrate in a clean 400-ml. eaker. Wash the residueon the filter paper w

22、ith sufficient distilled water to make the total volume in the 400-ml.beaker approximate 200 ml. Discard the filter paper and cool the beaker in an ice bathito 10 f 2“ C. To the eaker in the ice bath, add. with stirrinq, 32 ml. of freshlv DreDarr?dcupferron solution (dissolve 6 grams of cupferron in

23、 100 ml. f cold water and-flte;.) Filterthe precipitate using a Whatman No. 40 paper (or substantial equal) and wash with five20-ml. portions of cold IN (1: 10) hydrochloric acid. Transfer the precipitate and paper to atared crucible and d in an oven at 100to 105 C for 2 hours. Place the crucible an

24、d7contents in a muffle urnace at 300to 4000 C until complete charring of the paper hasoccurred and the rush of gases from decomposition of the organic matter has ceased.Increase the temperature to 900 50” C and continue the ignition for 1/2 hour. Cool in adesiccator and weigh as zirconium oxide. Cod

25、e No. 04001.74.03APercentage of Zirconium . wwhere:A = gain in weight crucibleW = weight of sample on a moisture-free basis4.4 Determination of moisture. Transfer an accurately wei hed portion ofiapproximately 2 grams of the sample to a tared shallow receptacle an dry In an oven for 2hours at 100 f

26、5“ C. Cool in a desiccator and weigh. Calculate the loss in weight of thereceptacle and contents to percent moifiure in the sample. Code No. 05001.4.5 Determination Of average particle diameter (applicable only to potassiumperchlorate). The average particle size shall be determined in accordance wit

27、h StandardMI L-STD-1233, Method 100. Code No. 06001.4.6 Functioning test (see 6.2)4.6.1 Procedure. From each primary sample,load a group of 25 delayIassemblies as indicated on Dwa. 7548570. The heiaht of column shall be adiusted to 1.00t 0.04 inch. Assembly delay elment into Fuze, Grnade, Hand, M204

28、A2, withoutdetonator, and condition for 16 hours at a temperature of 700.f 5“ F. Fire, and record theburning time, using automatic timing equipment accurate to 0.01 second. The fixture oradapter, which indirectly in contact with the fuze when it is mounted for firing, should beat a temperature of fr

29、om 60to 100 F and all other conditions should be such that thetemperature of the fuze, at the time of firin will be 70” t S0F. Calculate the average.-%burning time and standard deviation of the urnlng time for each group of 25 fuzescontaining delay composition from the same primary sample and for al

30、l fuzes. Calculate3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-13739A (MU)the average burning time in seconds per inch from the measured column heights and theaverage burning times for each group of 25 fuzes containing delay composition fro

31、m thesame primary sample and for all fuzes. The methods of calculation to be used are asfollows: Code No. 07001.(1)where:Average burning timeA=g nA = average burning time in secondsS = sum of the individual functioning times in secondsn = number of individual functioning times(2) Average column heig

32、htwhere:B=T=P=B= 1.263- average column height in inchessum of the individual depths to the top of the delay column in inchesnumber of individual depths(3) Average burning time in seconds per inchc.:where:C = average burning time in seconds per inchA = average burning time in seconds,B = average colu

33、mn height in inches(4) Standard deviation “=u!)n-l9Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-13739A (MU)where:S = standard deviation in secondsU = sum of thesquares of the individual functioning timesin secondsnS = sum of the individual f

34、unctioning times in secondsn = number of individual functioning times4.6.2 Acceptance. The lot of delay composition shall be considered acceptableprovided the average burning time in seconds per inch of each group of 25 fuzescontaining delay composition from the same primary sample and of all fuzes

35、is as specifiedin table I of 3.4 and provided the standard deviation of the burning time of each group of25 fuzes containing delay composition from the same primary sam Ie and of all fuzesdoes?not exceed the minimum specified in table I of 3.4: If one group o 25 fuzes, containingdelay composition fr

36、om the same primary sample, fails to comply with the requirements oftable i of 3.4, a retest of this primary sample shall be permitted using 50 fuzes. If thecombined results from the original test and retest comply with the requirements in table Iof 3.4, the lot of delay composition shall be conside

37、red acceptable; if they fail to complywith the requirements of table I of 3.4, the entire lot of delay composition shall be rejectedsubject to correction and resubmission for retest. If two or more groups of 25 fuzes, eachgroup containing delay composition from a sin Ie primary sample, or if all fuz

38、es fail to%“comply with the requirements in table I of 3.4, t e entire lot of delay composition shall berejected subject to correction and resubmission for test.4.7 Resubmission and retest. If the composite sample, or any primary samplesubjected to test, fails to pass the chemical test, the lot shal

39、l be rejected. The contractorshall have the option of havin a partial or complete analysis made on samples taken fromany or all of the containers in t e lot at no expense to the Government. The contractormay then remove the defective portion of the lot, and resubmit the lot for acceptanceprovided co

40、mplete replacement of the defective portion can be made to the satisfactionof the inspector. A rejected lot of delay composition ma be reworked once, but no1“additional quantities of the ingredients shall be added unng reworking except thosenecessary to increase or decrease the sum of the percentage

41、s of the oxidizing agents(barium chromate and potassium perch lorate) and increase or decrease the sum of thepercentages of the fuel ingredients (the alloys) so that the ratio of the two sums is 74:26. .The resubmitted lot shall be accepted, provided new samples, selected in accordance with4.2, ”pas

42、sall the tests required by this specification.5. PREPARATION FOR DELlVERY5.1 Pack!ng. Delay composition shall be packed in metal containers, of no morethan 150 pounds, unless otherwise specified b the procuring agency, in such a manner ast!to comply with the applicable regulations of t e Inter-state

43、 Commerce Commission (seeCode of Federal Regulations 49 CFR 71- 90) and as to insure acceptance by common orother carrier for safe transportation at the lowest rate to the point of delivery.6. NOTES10Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6.

44、1 Ordering of this specification.MIL-C-13739A (MU)Procurement documents shall specify the title, number and6.2 If the item of ammunition, in which the entire lot of delay composition isgoing to be used, is known, it is permissible to use this item of ammunition to test thefunctioning and a

45、cceptance of the delay composition instead of the M204A2 handgrenade fuze as specified in 4.7. The test shall be conducted in the known item. Loaded asshown on the applicable drawing, and must meet the requirement of the applicablespecification.6.3 Inspection code numbers. The five digit code numbers assigned to theinspection items herein are to facilitate future data collection and analysis by theGovernment.Custodian: Preparing activity:Army - MU Army - MUI Project No. 1370 -A16111Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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