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1、- -_I- MIL-C-4b487 13 M 7777906 033231.17 3 M 6 Febru Test Methods (copies of spsofcatons, .staAhrds, drawlng8 and publications re- quired by oontraotors in oonneoton with specific. procurement fUnotlons hould be obtained from %he procuring aotvity or as direotsd by the oontraotq offloer. ) 3.1 Gene

2、ral. - Unless otherwise specified by the procuring activity or unless previou$ approval has been grmted on.continuing or supplemental contracta, details of the proposed procedure, equip- ment and chemicals to be uded shall be forwarded in writin to Prank- rqview, comaentiand approvdl. The contractor

3、 shall nt commence . oierations .ut11 such time as he has received written approval of the proposed methods, procedures and chemical8 to be used. The exact deaignatlon of each material proposed for use shall be stated. The proposed procedure shall Include a detszled method of control, in- I cludlng

4、llnta for time, teaperature, pH values, method o-f application of the organic coating, method of reworking, repair,and all other pertinent details which WL11 insure compliance wlth the requirements of thle speclflcatlon. ford Arsenal, Philadelphia .37, Pennsylvania, ATTN: ORDBA- % 111 for 3.2 Prepro

5、duction 8ample. - Unless othepwfse dfpected by the contrkctlng officer, a preproduction sample shall be required, 3.3 Finieh Syetems. - Type X and Type II systems shall consist of a surface treataent followed by the applfcation of an organic coating. 3.3.1 Surface treatasat;. Forelgn Matter.

6、 - AU surfaces of the cartridge case shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all *races of grit, oil, wax, grease, rust or other foreign matter prior to the start of each process or treatment. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-C-464B

7、7 13 m 9999906 0332349 7 MIL-c- 46487 (ma hIskr System Type I. - Unless otherwise specified by the contracting officer, the surface treatmerit for the Type I finish. system shall consist of a chemical conversion treatment which will produee a continuous amorphous iron phosphate coating on th

8、e metal surfaces. Finiah System Type II. - Unless otherwise specified by the contracting ofrioer, the surface treatment for the Type II finish system shall coneiplt of sftber an acid eteh Weatment or a shemical conversion treatment which kill pwduce a continuous amokphous iron phosphate coat

9、ing on the metal surfaces. shall deposit a hard iridescent coating on the previously cleaned metal surfaces. The processing for the iron phosphte treatment ahall consist of not less than 5 Btages, as follows: Iron Phosphate Coating. - Phe iron phosphate tpeatment a. Gleaning b. Uater rinse c

10、. Phosphating d. Water rinse e. Conditioning rinse When pickling to remove rust and scale is necessam, the process fop this treatment shall consipt of not less than 7 stages as follows : a. Cleaning b. Water rinse c. Pickling de Water rinse e. Phosphating f. Water rinse g. Conditioning rinse 3.3.l04

11、.1 eight of Phosphate Coating. - The iron phosphate coating weight on the finished surface shall be 2.5 mfllgrams per square decimeter (rng/eq. dec),minfmum and 9 mg/sq. dec maximum (25 mg per square foot minimum and 80 mg/sq. ft maxfmm). Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking pe

12、rmitted without license from IHS-,-,- - MIL-C-4b463 23 9999706 0322350 3 Acid Etch Treatment. - When an aold etch treatment is wed for the Type II finish Byetem, it shall leave the metal surface bare. The surface treatment shall consist or not less than five (5) stages 88 follows: a. Cleanin

13、g b. Water rinse c . Acid treatment d. Water rinse e. Conditioning rnee When sulphuric ,acid which shall cosoply Wil be taken to obtain a smooth coating on Cured Coating. After curing, the organic coating Thickness of Coatlng. - Unleria otherwae specified, on the cartridg

14、e caBe drawing, the thickness of the organic pro- tective coating shall be not less than 0.0003 inches and not greater than 0.001 inchee. preproduction aample, the cartridge cams with approved treatment and finish shall withstand a twenty four (24) hour aalt spray ex- posure in accordance

15、ulth Federal Test Method Standard No. i51 Metals; Test Hethode 811 and ahall be without any evidence of rust. However, rust on stamped letters on the head, within one thirty aecond (1/32) inches of all other edges or on any surface not re- quiring coating shall be permitted. Curing. - Type I and Typ

16、e SI finish systems after curlng, shall not soften or looeen when aubjected to the acetone curing test. Federal Specification O-A-51. shall not crack or flake when subjected to the flexib.lty test. Salt Spray. - For lot acceptanee and approval of the The acetone shall comply with the requf

17、rements of Flexibility. - Type I finish system, after curing, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-46487 13 9999906 0332352 7 MIL-e- 46487 (oral 3.4 Rework or Repair, - When a lot of oartridge cases Is rajeotad for nonooplg

18、llanoe wth the requirements of the speoification, tbe mating shall be oompletely reoved an8 the e8686 reworke wth the type finish 8peOIfit?d tor this applioatlon. The recoated cases shall omply with 3.3,2, men repair to damaged or defective are56 is made, the oarns4 shall be removed rom the area to

19、be repaired. The area shall be sblvent oieane prior to recoating. II finishe0 ihall be re aired with the varnish or other rpaterials Type 1-01? Type speoifled fQP appl P Ct%OR. 4. QUA3T?l ASSMICE PROVISIONS Qeneral. - Phe quality aapqqqnae provisions in this eeotlon and other dooumente referenced in

20、 ta8 specification are applioable to lnspeotlon performed by or for ehe Qovernment. speokon shall be in accorance wth Specification HSL-43-2550, exoept as specified herein. 4.1.1 Contraotor Intjpectloe. - The, supplier %s responsible for the performsnoe of all inspectie requlreaenta as specified her

21、n. Except 88 otherwlae specifled, the supplier iaay ukilze hi8 own or any other lnspeotlon facilities and services acceptable to the.Qovern- ment. oomplete and available to the Government as specifzed in the contract or order. inepectlons set forth in the apec$fication where such, nspectlons ape dee

22、med neceesary to assure supplies and services CnPom to prescribed requirement. 4.1 In- nepectlon recorde of the examination and tests shall be kept The Government resemes the rlght to perform any of the 4.1,2 Contractor Quality Aseurance System. -.The contractor shall provide and maintain an adequat

23、e quality aasurance system, acceptable to the Clovermerit coverlng the supplies under the contract. A current written description of the system shall be aubmitted to the contracting officer prior to the start of productlon. The written description #ill be considered acceptable when, as a mfnfmum, it

24、 provide6 the quality asaurance required by this specificaton and other applicable docukents referenced in thts specification, The contractor shall notify the Qovernment OP and obtain approval far any change to the written procedure that might affect the degree of assurance require8 by W.8 sgecifioa

25、tlon or other applicable docu- mente referenced herein. 6. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-46487 13 E 777770b 0322353 7 W MIL-C- 46487 (Ord) 4.1.3 Qovernment Verification, 7 All Quality assuJ?ance operatons performed by the cont

26、ractor will be subject to Government verfication at unscheuled Intervals Verification will consist of (a) surveillance of the operatlons to determine that practices, methods, and psocedures of the written 3nBpectlon plan are befng properly applied, and (b) Government product inspection to measure qu

27、ality of product offered for acceptance. Deviations from the prescribed or agreed upon procedures or instances of poor practices which might have a detrimental effect upon the quality of the product will be lmmedately called to the attention of the contractor. Failure of the contractor to promptly c

28、orrect deflcienciee dfscovered will be eause for suspension of acceptance until correction has been made or untfl conformance of product to prescrlbe crtera has been demonstrated, To avoid interference wlw operations, the contractor shall designate a responsible official officials to whom the Govern

29、ment inspector ell report sueh 5astances. 4,2 Preproduction Inspection, - :Unless otherwfse speciffed In the detafl specffcatfon, 4 cartx-idge 63888s from the preproduction sample required by the detail sFecifldt1on shal be subjected to the test prescrfbed herein. The BnmDle shall be processed in th

30、e same manner, using the same ma;erial and procedures as will be used in regular production an6 shal? be obtained from the same source of supply. After inspeetfon ind provisional acceptance at source the prepr6duction sample aha11 be inspected for all require- mntg of ths specification. The Governme

31、nt reserves the rfghtiio require new preproduction samples upti1 such time as an acceptable eample Is submitted. and fnspectfon equipment may be uwd by the contractor when such procedures and equipment provide, 68 a mfrnfiaum, qualf-ty assurance required in the contrctual documenits e The inspection

32、 procedures or equipment specfffed n thfs spedfication wl11 psevafl In case of dispute. 4.3 Inspection Provisfons, - lten;latlVe Inspectfun procedures 4.3.1 Material. - Authentica9ed reports of objectfrJe tests the applicable performed on the material by the eontractor shall be required to Insure co

33、mpliance with the chemfeal requirements, Reports shall Include poeritlve identlffcatfod ,of the material requirements the specific testrr performed and the results obtained. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-4b47 13 m 7999706 0332

34、354 O m MIL-his test. $pilure of any of the test panels to ProductIoaSample. - .Two tegt panel# ahall Be Failure of any test panel8 tQ 8. 1. . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-C-46487 13 7777706 0332355 2 #IL-Ce 46487 (p

35、 Teet. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-4b487 13 9 9999906 O312358 8 9 with Federal Specifleation 0-A-51, for two (2) niinutea. bei

36、ng tested shall be vigorously rubbed with the thumb or the hand and v$aually Inspected for evidence of lifting, blistering or sof$er grees, care ahall be taken 80 as not to damage the organic coating at the bend with the creasing tool. A strip of transparent pressure sensitive tape conforming to the

37、 requirements of Federal Specifi- cation mJ-T-101 shall be preased firmly over the bend $rea, and then stripped off. for pyeaence of orgaNc coating adherng thereto. 4.4.6,2 Artillery Amaninition Cartridge Cases. - .The aections removed from the cartridge cases of the preproduction sample and the coa

38、ted test panels representing each production lot shall be teated by bending the sample i80 degreeis Papidly around a mandrel 0.125 inche8 plus or minus 0.01 inches in diameter, after which the coating of the bend area shall be visually examined For cracksr A strip of transparent pressure sensitive t

39、ape conforming to Federal Specification W-T-101 shall be pressed firmly over the bend area, and then stripped off. examined for presence of organic coating adhering thereto. Zr PREPARATION FOR DEUVERY Upon removal, the tape shall be vleually examined Upon removalo the tape shall be visually 5.1 6.1

40、oartridge ateei may cwting. Preparation for delvery not applicable. Intended flee. - Type I coating should be used on all cades 2(mpI and smaller and on ali other sfzes when the be subjected to deformation, after the agplcatlon of the Phenol formaldehyde varnish which has been modffied by the additi

41、n of an epoxide realn has increased flexibility pemitting deformation of a coated steel item without damage to the coating. Type II coating should be uaed where there I8 no further deformation of the metal after the application of the coating. 12. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netw

42、orking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-qbqB? 13 777770b 0332357 T PUL-Co46487 (Ord) 6.2 6.3 Gelor. - Slight variation In eolor of the coated er 6.4 6.5 Silver Springs, Hd. 4723 Ela St. Beth Ba 14, Maryland. HOTICE: When Qovernment drawings, specifications or other data are used for any

43、purpose other than fn connection wth a definitely related Government procurement operation, the United States Government thereby Incurs no responsibility nor any ObllgatiQn whatsoever; and the fact that the Government may have formulated, Purnished, or n any way supplied the said draungs, specificat

44、ions, or other data is not to be regarded by implicatfon OP otherwse as in any mannes licensing the holder OP any other person or corporation, or conveyfne; any right8 or permssion to manufacture use or sell any patentqd invention that may in any way 6e related thereto. CUSTODIAN : PREPARING AGTIViePY:. Army - Ordrtance Corps Army - Ormnce Cprps Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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