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本文(ARMY MIL-C-46919 A-1965 CARTRIDGE ILLUMINATION M301A2 WITH FUZE TIME M84 FOR 81MM MORTARS LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M301A2型照明弹与M84型81MM引信 时间迫击炮装 组装和包装》.pdf)为本站会员(outsidejudge265)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、MIUTARY S?ECIFICATIC# 1. 8COPE 2.1 Tb. follwlry daoumonta of tho issue in airfoot on d.t. of mtaton fop bid, or roquoat for proporra1 rem a part of thir 8p.eIfertion ta tha utoht 8pociiled herein. SECIFICATIQIS MILITARY THIS DOCUMENT CNTAtNS PAGES. t Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or n

2、etworking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-467LSA 13 7777706 0314631 T 7548648 7548649 - - -8865058 - PUBLTGATEONS Container, Psmmunitfon, Hetal, M266 PQP CartrSdge, flimfnatfng, K30fAZ for 81bFi Mortars, Assembly, Details, Packeng and Markgng Boxo Packing, Ammunition for 81IBlH Mortar A

3、mmuntfon in Ketal Container MZ66, Assembly, Detafils and Backfng Cartridge, IlPumfnatfng, BPWi, M30EA2$ with Fuzeo Tfme, M84 ORDNANCE COWS IEt8865058 - Index of Inapectfon Equipment Lists (Oopfes of speclffcatfo 8, standards, drawings and .publications requfred by suppliera $ connectfon with specifi

4、c procurement functions should be obtlned from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting ofricez-,) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3,1 MateriaP.-Materla and parts ehall be In accordance with applicable 8peoiflcations and draulnge. 3,2 Loaded cartridge .-The loade cartridge shall compPsT with all req

5、uirements specified on Drawing (dwg,) 8865058, and with all requirements specified in applicable specifications. 3,3.1 of 200 Inch 3.3.2 dlsasaembly ln 4.3.1. Fuze.-The fuze ahall withstand a disassembly torque pounds when tested as specified in 4.3.1. Fin assembly,-ThF fin assembly torque of300 Inc

6、h pounds when shall withstand a tested as speclfled 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-C-4bSLSA 13 m 7777906 0334632 1 m MILC-46919A (MU) 3 . 4 Functioning - (proving ground) .-The Cartridge shall c6mply with the followng requireme

7、nts when teste as specified in 4.3.2. 3.4.1 Firing.-The cartridge shall not fail to fire. 3.4.2 Raze.-The fwe shall function and came separation of 3.4.3 Burning of Illuminant.-The illuminant shall ignite the body tube assembly and the tail cone. and burn ror not less than 60 seconds. 3.4.4 Operatio

8、n of parachute.-The parachute shall open after separation of the body tube assembly and tall cone and SU8Pepld the iliumlnant assembly at a rate which will aaeure effectve illumination (see 6.6) of the Illuminant for tRe duration specified In paragraph 3.4.5, or metal parts faiupe in the barrel of t

9、he mortar or within 200 yards horlzontal range of the mortar. range leis than 80 percent of the average horizontal Fange, 3.4.5 Premature burst.-There shall be no prematura burst 3.4.6 Horizontal range.-No cartridge shall have a horizontal 3.5 Workmanship 3.5.1 eneral.-All manuracturng, processing a

10、nd a88embly Operations shall be correctly performed in a thorough, workmknlike mer. Parte shall. be ires or burrs, chips, dirt, grease, coraeive material and othek foreign material. not be injmfous to any of the parts nor shall the pets be oontaminatsd by the cleaning agent. be reetored by the loadi

11、ng and assmbling contractor on any components Wnlahed to him pafnted or marked when such paint% . or marking hae been wed or obliterated. The cleaning method used shall 3,5,%. Painting and msrking.-The painting and marking shall 3 h Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitte

12、d without license from IHS-,-,-HIL-C-LIb7L7A 13 H 777770b 0334633 3 I MItC-46919A (MU) 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISICeJS 4.1 Oeneral quality. asaurance provisions.-Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requireme

13、nts as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any cornmerclal laboratory acceptable to the overnment. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification wheresuch inspections are deemed necessary

14、 to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. Reference shall be m. 7468649) Categories Defects Method of Code No. Inspection Critical: None defined. Major : AQL 0.65 percent 101. Board broken or split . Visual 05001 102. Strapping missing, broken 05002 103. DOD symbol missing

15、 or incorrect . Visual 05003 or loose Visual Minor : AQL 1.50 percent 201. Contents loose Manual 05004 202. Strapping improperly assembled. Visual 05005 203. Marking misleading or 05006 204. Carseal mleslng, unsealed or unidentifiable Visual Improperly positioned . Visual-Manual 05007 Provided by IH

16、SNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-46737A 23 W 7777706 0334638 2 W MIGC-46919A (BW) b 4.2.3 Testing Check test for possible deterioration of Primer, Percussion, M34 (see Specification MIL-P-46917 (Mu). If the total elapsed time between o

17、riginal acceptance of the primer lot and the assembly of that lot into the loaded cartridges exceeds two years, or if the prlmers have been subjected to adverse conditions, however brief, at any time since previous tests, the applicable lot shall be subjected to and must satisfactorily pass the chec

18、k test for de,terioration specified in Specification MIL-P-46917 (M) immediately before the primer lot is assembled into the cartridges. by the contractor on assemblies selected by the Government inspector at the facility assembling the loaded cartridges (see 6.7). defect - Code No. OSOl+.-The shell

19、 shall be gaged 100 percent for profile and alignment. Any shell which falls to comply with the requirement specified shall be classed defective and removed from the lot. Proving ground.-The cartridges shall be observed for compliance with the requirements as claselfied In Table I. The test

20、shall be performed Profile and alignment (see dwg. 6865058) - Major 4 Equipment shall be In accordance with 4.2.5. TABU I Defect Premature burst or parts failure at less than 200 yards horizontal range (see 3.4.5) Cartridge fails to fire (see 3.4.1) Fuze fails to function and separate body t

21、ube assembly and tail cone (see 3.4.2) Parachute falls to open and suspend flluminant at proper rate of descent (see 3.4.4) Illuminant fails to ignite or burns less than 40 seconds (see 3.4.3) Range less than 80 percent of average horizontal range (see 3.4.6) Illuminant burns atlo- BO seconds but le

22、ss than 60 seconds (see 3.4.3) Defect Classification Code No. Critical 02014 Major 02015 MaJor #Soi6 Mador 02017 Major 0201 8 Major O2019 i!lnor O2020 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-46717A 13 7777706 0314639 4 W I MILC-46919A

23、 (Mu) For the first lot produced and continuing until three consecutive lots have complied with the requirements specified herein a sample of eishty (80) randomly selected loaded assemblies from each lot shall be submitted for proving ground tests. (8) or more minor defects, OF one (i) or

24、more critical defects occur during the test (see Table I), the lot shall be rejected. The test shall be as specified in 4.3.1. After three consecutive lote have met the criteria of, the sampling plan for this test shall be in accordance with Standard MIGSTD-105, Code letter G (si

25、ngle sampling), utilizing an AQL of 2.5 percent for Major defects and an AQL of 4.0 percent for Minor defects (see Table I). The lot shall be rejected If a Critical defect occurs durlng any portlon of the test or if the number of defectives equals or exceeds the rejection number specified. specified

26、 in 4.3.1. 4.2.4 Air pressure test of container (see dwg. 7548648) - Major defect - Code No. 04004.-This test shall be performed 100 percent. it shall be clzssed defective and removed from the lot. The test shall be performed as speclfied in 4.3.3. Inspectiol? Equipment.-Index of Inspection Equipmen

27、t Number IEL-8865058 idc-ntifies the Inspection equipment required to perfam the examinations and tests prescribed in this section, The contract.or shall design inspection equipment in accordance with the Instructions in paragraph 6.3. equlpment drawlngs and lists provided and revised in accordance

28、with the requirements of the IEL may be used by DOD activities for design, procurement, manufacture, testing, evaluation, production and receiving inspection, overhaul, ehip;ing, storage, identification of stock, ordering and storage of replacement parts, inspection of items at overhaul, general mai

29、ntenance of equipment, construction, survey and whenever inspection equipment drawings are needed. If a total of six (6) or more major defects, or eight The test shall be performed as If any container fails to mec$ the requirement specified, 4,2.5 Government rights to documentation.-Inspecti

30、on i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-i MItC-46919A (MU) Supply and maintenance.-Supply and rsintenance of the equipment lhted on the IEL ahall br in accordance with Spooiricstion HILI-45607. Qcvernment use of contracta

31、ts in8pectlon and tert equipoiant.-The contractor shall make avllable to the Cioveninent all inspection uld tart equipment nocsrsary for detomlning COR- follaUrce with contract,requirsnents. Peronnel for operating the equipment, and verlficstion of ita accuracy, rhall be auppllod by the contractor f

32、or the performance of examhatien or tort by the ovemiinnt . 4.3 Test methos and procOdWO8 4.3.1 Torque test.-The disassembly torque shall be applied to the applicable component whllo holding the adjaamt mating oomponent in auch I mannor as to avoid possiblo looaaning or damage to any component of th

33、e a88embly. 432 Wovlng ground.-The tort ahall be peFfome at a Ciavernmnt proving ground In rccoidanoe with the applicable Ordnance Proof Munue3 and Acoeptance Teat Procedure. oartrdgs rhalh be tired *OB an 81W atortw tor which the Pound ia dtandaml, with the e9evsciosa lfmce witr. thg 4.3.3 Air prcs

34、surs test of containsr.-The ruealsd metal contlner rhall be subjected to an external gags pressure of 3 p.8.i. a 15 mcond interval shall be classed defective, The test equipment shall be as specified in pmagraph 4.2.5. Any container which shows a dtcFaa6e ln pressure during 5. PREPARATICR? FOR DEIJV

35、ERY - 5.1 Proeervation and packaging 5.1.1 Laml A.-The cartridges rhall be presomnd and mckagod In 8ocordance with du& 7548648. 11 i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I- MIL-C-46919A. (MU) 5.2 Packing 5.2.1 Level With dugo 75486470 A.-T

36、he cartridges shall be packed in accordance 5.3 Data carda.-Data cards shall be DreRared for each lot in accordance with the information specif lid in Specif ication MIGA-2550 . 6.1 Ordering data.-Procurement documents shall specify title, number and date of this specification. 6.2 Inspection code n

37、umbers,-The five digit code numbers assigned to the inspections herein are to facilitate future data collection and analysis by the Government. 6.3 equi ment as required by the referenced Inspection Equipment Llsts (ZELT in accordance with the instructions of paragraphs 6.3.1 through 6.3.7. indicate

38、 the availability of inapection equipment designs by showing In the “number“ column of the list oil inspection equipment (O0 Form 1242-3) the numbers oil drawings of existing equipment designs or codes as indicated in paragraph 6.3.2. contractor with respect to the different types of drawings that m

39、ay be listed la deacrlbed 9n paragraphs 6.3.3 and 6.3.4. by the contractor with respect to commercial inspection equipment is described in 6.3.5. detailed drawings In accordance with 6.3.6 for all the equipment coded as “Contractor Design“ in the number column. These contractor designs must be appro

40、ved by the Qovernment prior to fabricatton or procuring of the equipment. Designs shall be submitted for appFoval a8 specified In 6,3.7. Inspection equipment . -The contractor shall design inspection 6.3.1 Inspection equipment lists.-Inspection equipment lists Design action required of the Action re

41、quired The contractor will be required to prepare 6.3.2 . as defined IEL by the Inspection equipment list codes.-The in 6.3.3, 6.3.4, 6.5.5 and 6.3.6 will following codea: 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-4bSLSA 13 W 9777706 0

42、314642 4 W I CDAF - CDCF - AD- ADMU = CE- SCD - MIGC-46919A (MU) Contractors design responsibility on Army format in accordance with MGD-45608. Contractors design responsibility on contractor format 0 Army design. Army design, mandatory for use. Comercial equipment. Specification control drawing, -

43、6.3.3 Army designs.-Army designs are reflected on detailed drawings which completely depict all the information necessary for the fabrication of the item of inspection equipment. The contractor need provide no design when an Army design is listed for an item of Inspection equipment. Army designs fal

44、l into two basic classifications, mandatory and non-mandatory. When an Inspection equipment list references mandatory Army designs, the contractor shall comply with, and use these designs accordingly. The contractor may, however, in connection with non-mandatory designs and with the approval of the

45、Government, design alternate inspection equipment or use comparable commercial equipment to facilitate his operations. Such contractor prepared designs or commercial equip- ment selections must be approved by the Government prior to .fabrication or procuring of the equipment. Designs shall be sub- m

46、itted for approval as specified in 6.3.7. 6.3.4 Specification control drawing.-Specification control drawings depict the minirmun equipment requirements in outline, descriptive, diagrammatic or pictorial form only and specify the required performance or other characteristics. Contractors must prepar

47、e detailed drawings (see 6.3.6) of their designs in support of specification control drawings. designs must be approved by the Government prior to the fabrication or procuring of the equipment. requirements of specification control drawings may be approved If descpibed In sufficient detail to permit

48、 identification and evaluation by the Government. approval as specified in 6.3.7. equipment that has universal application for a specific function. It is comprised of items commonly used by Industry and 0overnmetlt. Contractors are not required to furnish drawings of commercial Inspection equipment,

49、 but a list of such equipment must be approved by the Government. Inspection element of the agency administering the contract. These contractor prepared Commercial equipment meeting the Designs shall be submitted for 6.3.5 Commercial equipment.-Commercia1 equipment is inspection Lists shall be submitted for approval to the 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or network

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