1、MILITARY sP1FIcmIm 1. SCOPX 1.1 This s-pecificatim covers the boy assexbly sn base phg for one tp of Cartridge designated as Cartridge, 10!2*N, IS: General Specification for MIL-Ba20292 - Blanks, Rotating Band, for Projectiles MU;-I=b%7 - Inspection Equipment, Supply ad Maintenance of STANDARDS FE;D
2、ERAL FED-Sni-141 - Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related FEZ-STD-151 - Metals; Test Methods Materials; %thTy FOR TESTIK AMI MATERIALS ASTH E 18-67 = Standard Methods of Test for Rochell Hardness and Rooell Superficial Hardness cf Metallic Iaterials (Application for copies should be addressed to: Test
3、hg and Fateriah, i916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103) American Scciety for I 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-50443 13 9999906 0327353 7 W 1 - 3.1 Yaterial.-;inated by the cleaning agents. action, will be permitted. defin
4、ed . They shall be free of bwrs, +u -,st, corrosion products, and other foreign matter, The cleznixe, xethor! Discoloration, not he to comosiva All required marking shall be neat and sharply 3.8.1 Heat treatment or stress-=lief .-The heat treatment or stress- relief applied shall be uniform througho
5、ut each lot of cmpments, and sh;iance of ail. inspection requireknts as specified herein. Except as otr.emiss specified, the supplier may utilize his am facilities OF ay cm.,=.clai sboratory acceptable to the Government. The Goverment reserves the ri$: to perform any of the inspections set forth in
6、the specification xhari? such IrLslpections are deened necessary to assure supplies and seMces codom to prescribed requirements, to define terms used herein. Tae provisions of MILL2550 shaY p?ly. deliverable under the contract is scbmitted to the Govermfint foi. acccptu;ca, the contractor shall supp
7、ly the follmiisg Momation accoiirpaaied by a certificate which attests that the infomatim provided is cozect and ap2Uctible to the product being sutuaitted: Reference shall be nade to YJL-CTB-709 LT order h.i.1 Submission of product.-At the time the cmqlete lot of iSem 1 I Provided by IHSNot for Res
8、aleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a. b, C. !, statexent that the lot conplies with all the quali%y assrae D?a-?e contracto;. 23e-h axvisiom specified in this specizication. identification and ate of changes thereto. recpiremats, whe:! such material is controlled
9、 by Goveraxefit or cmxrc-kl spec4fic5fons referenced in any of the contractual. docuiiezks, 2nd that certificates of confomance are on file and available for review. d. Number of item in the lot. e. Date submitted, The certificate shall be signed by a responsible agent of the certi2-g oypaization. T
10、he initial certificate submitted shall be szbstaAtieted J evidence of the agent (s authorized to bind his principl. OC the agents authority will not be required with subsequent ce;.,ificates uess, during the course of the contract, this authority is vested in anotner agent of the certifying organiza
11、tion. ?ubstantiz%io 4.2 First Article Inspection c oSl,zir.oQ $ron the s:mo scarces of. su?ly as xi11 be used in rs;xk? yoIL-STD- 1 235 ray be Used if approved by the prwurhg activity. Also, at the q)tion of tha procuring actitrity, AUS and sampling plam may be a?lied to the inividual characteristic
12、s listed using an AQL of 0.40 prcent for each Kijor Test s.aFies shall be selecke mers heat trsatrr.t?nt o? stress- Where heat treatment or stress-relief is periorzad in The method of control must meet Kith the approval of the Goverment. Cornponents from heat-tmatnent or stn?ss- ralief lots 4.3.2 Ex
13、anination .-Sampling plans and procedul-es fcr the f olloxhg I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-C-50443 13 W 7779706 0327358 b W defect and an AQL of 0.65 percent for each Flor defect except xhere lCC$ Lispection is specified. ins
14、pxtions listed shall be in accordance with 4.3.4. Equipnent necessary for the porZomance OZ the Plug, base prior to painting (see dwg. 9245953) Categories Defects Critical: Yajor: 101 102 . 103. 104 io5 106 . 107 108 . 109. Minor: 201 202 . 203 20t o 205 206 . None defined AQL 1.00 Percent P
15、ress-fit diameter Perpenicularity of press-fit diameter with body seat shoulder Length to body seat shoulder Largest diameter Concentricity of largest diameter with press-fit diameter Length to Zsrgest basic. diamrter Concentricity of largest basic diameter with press-fit diameter including pepndicu
16、larity with body seat shoulder Width of relief behind press-fit diame ter Finish improper on press-fit diameter AQL 2.50 Percent Total length Dianeter of relief behind press-fit dianieter Chamfer on press-fit diameter Radius missing Finish Lroper (excluding press-fit diane ter) Evidence of poor worh
17、anship (see 3.8) L.3.2.2 Plug, base (see wg. 9245953) Categories Defects Critical: None defined Yajor: None defined ?k?kho of Inspction Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage . Gage Visual Gage Gage Visual Visual Visual Visual Xethod of Inspc t ion .- Ccxie :o. (Ses 6.2) oico2 OC03 01Go4 01m2 01006 01oU
18、7 oioa O1010 01Cll 01012 01013 OlOIl! 01015 Code Ho. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-50443 13 M 9999906 0327359 M t3 Visda1 Visual Ikthcd of ins pe c t ion Gage Gage Gpge Gage Gaga - - with nose face Dimeter of band seat Width o
19、f band seat Concentricity of band seat diameter wL th b our r ele t Distance from rear end surface to bnd seat Diaieter of base plug cavity Depth of base plug cavity Concentricity of base plug cavity with boruirelet Bo* iwter between bourrelets Concentricity of body diameter with boUrrclet s Inside
20、diameter for min depth, min. Concentricity of inside diameter with bcrmelet Distance from nose face to smallest basic inside diameter Wall thicmess at bottom of cavity Li spcified area, min. Wall thickness variation in excess of pemitted anount Lany of bodies mpmsented by the sample specimen shail b
21、e rejected. T:ie test shall be performed a8 speclfed in 4.4.1, using equipent in accordance with 4.3.4. if any test specimen fails to cmgw uith th physIcul ?io. of Bodies in Mill Heat Lot 50-200 201 -300 301 400 Lo 1 -500 5C1-600 601 -700 701 -800 801 -900 Over 900 TABLE I t Sslrpie - Size 2 3 4 5 6
22、 7 8 9 10 if more than one heat treatment or stress *lief batch is izcLuded ir, t5e ril-heat of steel, or when the heat of steel is wocesced h txo (2) 01 more batch-type furnaces, the sample bcdies shall be selected in siicn a =%er as to be representstive of the greatest nx.er of batches possiole xi
23、thin the nil1 heat. s continuously op.rated, conveyor-t.ype furnace, the salles sknll be selected 321 E sco;tience that will be representative, to the mxchrn exrLerii, of the entire nill heat lot in process. prior 50 payhtbg) (See dwg. 9245951) Major Defact, Code .To. 09Cl.-TrLc inspection shall be
24、perforzed lo$. v;hwlly for cracks, seans and lamintions. any of these defects it shall be classed defective mAd ramoved frox the lot. The examination shall be performed as specadieu in 4.h.2. When heat treatrient or stress relief is perfGe in .3.3.2 Slarface defects of body sscernbly (after phosphat
25、e coa%izg arid Zach bodJ assezbb shell be ir,cpcted if any bod7 assexbly cor,taks J -. 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-50443 13 M 7777906 03273b3 T W 1 I I - h,3.3.3 Rotating, band clearance (see 3.3) Xajor e2ect, Ca% KO, 2x2
26、2.- 2“r.e (i) body assenbly shll be selected frm each eight (6) h.x*s ?rc5xlcn, or Craction thereor; from each bandhg mchine qeratbg u?.d sbtzcted. to tkis test. it shdli be classed defectiue ndthe quantity of bociics be,id skce %hac last satisfactory inspection on that mchixe shall Se re:cctc. be p
27、rfom.ed as specifred in 4.4.3 using eqcipent in accoroarice xitn k.3.L. If ay bod7 assembly faqils to conply with tke a;piicncle xlxmt, b ?he tes5 shall b.3.3.1: Tensile strength of rotating bazd (see i? accordance vith b.3.4. The body assemblies selected for rotating band clearance my be used for t
28、his test. h. Retest.-A retest will be permitted at the equest of the contrctor. A random sample of five (5) ba3.y asuenblies shall be selecteci- rom the quantity represented by each failing bandand tested as ssecified in h.b.b. ii?at quantity of bodies represented by the original failing samp
29、le shall be rs jected. If any rotating band Tails to comply with the aFplicuS2e requirzmfits, Bend test of rotating band (see dwg. 859L851 zad :EL,-3-20292) Ihjor ikfect, Code No. 12001.-One (i) body assembly shall be seLected fro3 each eight (8) hours prouuction, or fraction thereof, froa e
30、ach Sanding mchine in operation and the band subjected to this test. classed defective and the quantity of badies banded since the last satisfactory inspection on that machine shall be rejected. be perfomd 8s specified in 4.4.5 using eqaipment in accordance with 4.3.k. Tine body asserblies selected
31、for rotating band clearance or tensile strength may be used for this test. . If my 1 bmd fass to cmply with the bead test requimnents spoculed, it sbdl be ! The test shall ye process) .-?k-tee; (15) -nly selected fron each batch and subject .3.4 Inspection equipnent .-Equipment Tabulation (XT) nunhe
32、r 92kS9si ano Sqdipxent Lists (EL 1s) referenced thereon identi2y the inspection eqdi2nent required to perfom the examinations an tests prescribed in this section. The contractor shall design inspection equipnent in accordznce nith the instructions in 6.3. 4.3 .L .1 Govcrnment rights to docuiientati
33、on. -1nqection equipwnt c,-a.r;“rr;gs ad Lists provided ana revised in accordance with th requirezsnts oi thc specificatlion my be used by DO9 activities for eesign, procrexrct, rzr:z-c.cI-Iure, storage, identification of stock, ordering and storage o? replacermk pa;-lr, Impection of item at overhau
34、l, general maktermce of equipment, corlstxction, swvey and whenever inspection equipment drawings alre Reeed. L ecti cn , ove rhas, shi?ing, . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1 i I 4.3.4. I. - - Sup?ly and maintenance.-Supply SE.?, rm
35、intecmcc of t3re e$:llsaerlt iiste on the YLs shallbe in accordance with XL-i-5607. 4.3. A, 3 Government use of cantrectors inspxtion znci “YS,; equipen;.- icspction an test equipment necessary for deternining conforzzxe wlth the contract requirexents. verificetion of its accuracy shall be supplied
36、by the cortractor for the performance of exaination or test by the Goverment. rr ,ne contrector shall, when required by the Govercxest , cialce Ervailz5le LX. Personnel for operating the equipxex , 226 4.4 Test methods an procedures b.b.1 Tensile strength of body.-Prior to machiciny, of :he tociy, 6
37、r.e !I-! tension specher. conforming to either FE3 -ce zsken locgitudinally from the wall of each sarc?le OoGy. sfidl be taken in such a pocitior, that the gge length will inclzck tke section of The wall at uhe location of the rotating bsnd, and IR SLC?, a .zcmer the.t the test s-ecimen is from with
38、in the conT.ours of :he firLs3e6 3ody. The test shall be conducted in accordance with Kethod 21.1 of ?2-STil-151, Yield strength shall be determined by either the Ctffect offset i,ethD or extension-under-load method. (0.001 itch per imh O gage length). ckz Civider netho. maictained until minimum phy
39、sical properties have beer. verified 5y the insoecior . 5, ?i? Specification, 1s; -* Tile test z;,eciz.eri The 1imitir.g *set shall De O. 1 percezt Yield point shall be deterrned 3y Identification of each heat treated lot shall be 4.4.2 Surface defects of body assembly.-Inssection for cracks, seem a
40、nd laninations shall be performed on the interior an exterior of the oQ, prior to painting. light and a mirror or anyother method approved by tne Contracting Officer. Interior inspection shall be conucted by meem of a 4.4.3 Rotating bznd clearance. -Prior to renioval, the diaxeter f ES the orien:a%i
41、oz of the mci on the body. sc, as t kee? tieformation to a nininum. After renoval, ?he 3-.5ck.ess O: the bane shall 5e measured at each of the narked poirits (a tote1 of zvelve (12) measurements), an the dianeter of the band sezt corressodfng t these pir.tc shall also be masued. Add to each of the c
42、iax.e,r 6eterzAr.ed. The result will indicate the total dfanetrz; clesrazce Getveen tke 5e3O and lts seat. If the band is well seated, e negacive zlearace, GY interferecce, nay be indicate5 on some of the neacurenents ar ever. 01; the average or all measurements. When waved band ri3s or Irregular ?m
43、C profile interfere with ease of measuremect, the rnanufctrer is aathorized to rachine the outside of the band in orer to ootain the adeqriate cylir?c%cal cwface. The diameter of the machined 5and mut exceed the bourreLe% iasr,eter. mp The banc! shall Be careiklly rezoveC J.- o Provided by IHSNot fo
44、r ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-C-50LlLl3 I3 777770b 0327366 5 -I . L.h.b Xechanical Properties of rotating band.-3ic barn! shall bc cccfUlk renoved from the body arid carefully flattened vitho;lt hameriu,o. qecinen shall be cut along the airection of
45、 the ,Klattened length nr.6 FMS;Y.r.ztil: c;f e Projectiles showing no evidence of these defects, as Cetez.,ed Zone 7X.-The ten (10) body assenblies to be tested at ?_me 7X skdU be Z loaded. for not less than 24 hws at the temperature specified + 5%: Prior to firing, the rmCs shU be te?eratn
46、e-onio - Five (5) of the rounds shall k : conitioEed to -65?. Tivs (5) of the rmds shall 1. conditio,ried to +1650?. Tfie amds shall be fired using a propellhg charge adjusted to give U2 px-cecf, of the ratad?ressure of the propelling charge. the .-:;?en shipEents fron nore tiizr, oze lo, o,“ sment
47、lists indicnte %he zizilzbiliky of ixpction eqsipzent designs bj sho:.ring in the !?art :;imber!I cohz, of 5-z list of i?s;ection equipnent (Form WU?. 1010) the x?be:-s of 5z:iings .=i? Tezera1 Stock nwhers of existing eqci-ent Cesiss, or c;i.inent coded as tlCor,trctor %sign“ in the “Part Xuberll c
48、olmi. eqi-,;r,en.t, Action rewired by the contractor with respect to ti;e use of comrclal eqdisxent is etailed in 6.3.5 5.3.1 -.-p- taaCUIC-lh 6.3.2. 3esigx-i action require6 of the cor.+,ractor is Zescz?axi in The contractor will be required to 3repaF.e nese coztactor Ceclgx Designs shall be submitted for a?proval as specified in 6.3.6, -1 r be amroved by the Governinent prior to fabricstion or croc-;-i!ig of the I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-C-50443 13 9999906 0327369 O W
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