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本文(ARMY MIL-C-50494-1972 CAP BLASTING PRACTICE M10 PARTS FOR ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《实战用起爆雷管零件 组装和包装》.pdf)为本站会员(周芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、c III L- c - 5 o 4 g 1 ( rw I 2.2 February 1972 ru rA I TA HY s PI.; c I FI c AT I ON CAP SLASTING, PRACTICE mo PARTS FOR, ASSZM3LINC A?JD PACKIHG 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers the paits for and assembling and packing for one type of inert blasting cap designated as Cap, Blasting, Practice,

2、 M10. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-A-2550 - Amnunition and Special Weapons; General Specification for S

3、TANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables MIL-STD-109 - Inspection Terns and Definitions MIL-STD-1168 - Lot Numbering of Amaunition MIL-STD-1169 - Packaioii.-U1i:ess otherwise specified ir1 the contract or purchase orcier, the supplier is responsible for the perfornarice ol” all

4、 inspectioil requirenents as specified herein, Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the suppllei. ray use his oiln or any other facilities suitable for the perforriance of the inspection requirements specified hei-ein, uiilens disapprovcci by the Governnerit . The Goverricierit re

5、serves the right to perforrn any of the inspections set forth iii the specification where such inspections are deened necessary to assure supplies and services confori:i to prescribed requirencnts . Reference shall be mae to MIL-STD-109 to defirie terns used herein. The provisions of MIL-A-2550 shal

6、l apply. lot of items deliverable under the contract is submitted to the Government for acceptance, the contractor shall supply the following information acconpanied by a certificate which attests that the information provided is correct and applicable to the pioduct beirig subriitted: 4.1.1 Submiss

7、ion of product.-At the time each coilipleted a. A statement that the lot cor3plies with all of the quality assurance provisions specified in this specification. b. Drawing and specification nuinber and date, together with identification and date of changes thereto. C. A statement that all naterial p

8、urchased by the contractor meets requirements, when such material is controlled by Government or commercial specifications referenced in any of the contractual documents, and that certificates of conformance are on file and available for review, d. Number of itens in the lot. e. Date submitted. The

9、certificate shall be signed by a responsible agent of the certifying organization. The .initial certificate Submitted shall be substantiated by evidence of the agents authority to bind his principal. will not be required with subsequent certificates unless, during the course of the contract, this au

10、thority is vested in another agent of the certifying organization. Substantiation of the agents authority c 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-50494 (MU) 4.2 First Article Inspection 4.2.1 Prior to the start of regular production

11、, the contractor shall submit a first article sample, as designated by the contract, for evaluation in accoruance with the provisions of 4.2.2. of items which have been produced by the contractor or furaished by a supplier and which have been manufactured using the sane production processes, procedu

12、res and equipment which will be use in fulfilling tne contract. All parts and materials, including packaging and packing components shall be obtained from the sane source of supply as will be used in regular production. Prior to submission, the contractor shall inspect the sample to the degree neces

13、sary to assure that it conforrns to the requirements of the contract an he shall submit a record of this inspection with the sample, including certificates of confornance of materials. A sample containing known defects shall not be submitted unless specifically authorized by the contracting officer.

14、 A first article sanple, or portion thereof, as directed by the contracting officer shall also be subnitted whenever there is a lapse in proauction for a period in excess of 90 days, or whenever a change occurs in nanufacturing process, material used, drawing or specification such as to significantl

15、y affect product uniformity as deternineci by tne Governnent. In the event of rejection, the Governnent reserves the right to require the contractor to take corrective action and submit an additional sanple or portion thereof of itens for first article inspection. Until a first article sanple is acc

16、epted, the contractor is, in no way, authorized by the Government to initiate regular production unless otherwise directed by the contracting officer. The first article sample shall consist 4.2.2 First Article Inspection Provisions Glasting Cap Asse!nblies Submission.-Thirty-two (3

17、3) complete assemblies shall be subrfiitted to a Governnent apZ)rove laboratory designated by the contract. Inspections to be pf?rfor:?eci.-The cornplete assemblies will be subjected to any or all of the inspections specified in 4.3.2. j,, 11.3.2 . aiiu and the tests specif

18、ied in 4.3.3 of this specification and any or all .I requirements of the applicable drawings. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-C-50Y94 13 W 9979906 0327697 b I with shall Rejection.-If any asseribly fails to conply the

19、 applicable requirenents, the first article sample . be rejected. The Government reserves the right to terminate its inspection of tne first ai.ticle sample upon any failure of an item to conply witn any of the requirements as specified. 4.3 Inspection Provisions 4.3.1 Lot fornation.-The tern “inspe

20、ction lot“ as used in this specification is defined as an essentially homogeneous collection of units of product fron which a representative sample is drawn arid inspected to deterinirie conformance with applicable requirenents. The sample selected shall represent only that quantity of: units fron w

21、hich the sample was drawn and shall not be coiistrued to represent any prior or subsequent quantities presented for inspection. Homogeneity shall be considered to exist pi-ovided the inspection lot has been produced by one nanufacturer, in one unchanged process, using the sane i;iaterials and nethod

22、s in accordance with the same drawings, sane drawing revisions, sane specifications and same specification revisions and conplies with the provisions for submission of product as specified in MIL-STD-105. Chanzes to the process, specification, or drawing not affecting safety, performance, interchang

23、eability, or storage, as determined by the Government, shall not be deemed to alter the homogeneity of an inspection lot. All material submitted for inspection in accordance with this specification shall comply with the homogeneity criteria specified herein regardless of the type of sanpling procedu

24、re which is being applied to determine conforrnance with requirements. Lot numbering, as required, shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-1168. Each inspection lot of complete assemblies shall contain parts of one kind from one supplier. 4.3.2 Examination.-The examinations listed in the following subpa

25、ragraphs shall be performed on inspection lots (see 4.3.1) of the components or assemblies designated in the applicable paragraph headings. Inspection for critical defects (and major defects, when so specified) shall be 100 percent. Sampling plans for major and minor defects shall be in accordance w

26、ith MIL-STD-105 except that continuous sampling plans in accordance with MIL-STD-1235 may be used if approved by the Government. Instead of applying the AQLs 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AIL-C-50494 (MU) designated herein to the

27、groups of major and minor defects listed, the contractor may elect to apply AQLs to individual defects using an AQL of 0.40 percent for each major defect and and AQL of 0.65 percent for each minor defect. aethod is elected, it shall be applied to all of the major 2nd Zinor defects listed in the appl

28、icable subparagraphs of this section, except where 100 percent inspection is specified, and be documented as part of the contractorfs inspection system. Equipment necessary for the performance of the inspections listed shall be in accordance with.4.3.4. When this Rubber plug assembly (see dw

29、g. 9251497 covering a detail of dwg. 9251499). Categories Defects Method of Code No. Inspection (see 6.2) Critical: None defined Major: AQL 0.40 percent 101. Length of bare wire under minimum. Gage O1001 Minor : AQL 1.50 percent 201. Outsiae diameter of plug. . Gage 01002 202. Length of plug Gage O1

30、003 203. Evidence of poor worknanship (see 3.3) . Visual 01004 Cup (see dwg. 8830953 covering a detail of dwg. 9251498). Cate gor ie s Defects Critical: None define Major: None defined Method of Code No. Inspection Minor: AQL 1.50 percent 201. Inside iarneter, nin . .Gage 02001 202. Outsie c

31、iiarneter, rtlax .Gage 02002 203. Evidence of poor workrnanchip (see 3.3) . Visual 02003 204. Length Gage 02004 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-XIL-C- 5 O 4 9 !I ( n*?E ) Shoi-ting pi-ong (see UW:. 806i595 covering a detail of

32、 dwg. 8800310). categories Defects r4ethoci of Code !JO. Irispec t ion Critical: Norie tiefineti Ma j or : AC improper Visual 09004 4.3.3 Testing Continuity and resistance test of assembly (see dwg. 9251499) - Major Defect - Code No. 10001.-This test shall be performed 100 percent. The test

33、shall be performed as specified in 4.4.1 using equiprnerit in accordance with 4.3.4. Any assembly which fails to comply with the specified requirements shall be classed defective and removed from the lot. 4.3.4 inspection equipmerit .-Equipment Tabulation Number ET-9251499 identifies the inspection

34、equipment required to perforn the exaniiiatioris and tests prescribed in this section. The contractor shall desi6:n inspection equipment in accordance with the instruct Zolls iri paragraph 6.3. Governnent rights to docurnentation.-Inspection equipment drawings and lists provided anci revised

35、 in accordance with the requirements of the ET rnay be UL;J by DOD activities for design, procurement, inariuiactre, testing, evaluation, production and receiving inspection, overhaul, shipping, storage, identification of stock, orcier5ng and storage of replacecient of parts, inspection of itens at

36、overhaul, general maintenance of equipment, construct?.on, survey and whenever inspection equipment drawings are needed. 10 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-5099LI 13 799770b 0327703 W 4.4 Test Methods anci Proceuures 4.4.1 Conti

37、nuity an resistance test.-The shorting plug shall be removeu anu the resistance measured between fenale contacts and Observations mue foi- com!)liance with the specified requirement. 5. PRSPARATIOIJ Foil DELIVZRI 5. Packagin mandatory (designated “MU“) and non- mandatory (indicated by drawing or Fed

38、eral Stock Number). When an inspection equipment list references mandatory Army designs, the contractor shall comply with, and use these designs accordingly. The contractor may, however, in connection with non-mandatory designs, design alternate inspection equipment or use comparable commercial equi

39、pment to facilitate his operations. Such contractor prepared designs or conrnercial equfpi.ient selections must be approved by the Government prior to fabrication or procuring of the equipnierit. The contractor is not required to furnish drawings of commercial inspection equipment, but a list of suc

40、h equipment including rnanufacturer and catalog number shall be submitted for approval by the Government. Designs shall be submittec for approval as specified in 6.3.5. 6.3.4 Contractor designs.-Contractor designs are designs of inspection equipment for which the Government has assigned design respo

41、nsibility to the contractor. Contractor designs shall be supported by detailed rawings which depict al1 infor- mation necessary to conpletely fabricate, calibrate and operate an itern of inspection equiprnent. This requires that the necessary views, dimensions, materials, finish, notes, operating an

42、d calibration instructions be properly depicted in accordance with approved practices to the extent that further calculation or clarification will not be required. TJcl.ess otherwise specified, contractor designs may be developed on the rormat the contractor normally employs in his equipnent design

43、procedure provided such format reflects the detail arid inforrnation specified above, subject to the following controls: All submitted contractor designs shall conforrn to MIL-D-1000, Category A, Form 2. Legibility and reproducibility shall permit conventional making of clearly understandable, high

44、contrast reproductions. 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-50494 13 = 7747906 0327705 1 Contractors shall subrnit three copies of final Uesigiis as a flat set. Designs shall be submitte for approval as specifiea in 6.3.5. design

45、s shall contain a reference to the applicable five digit Code Iiumber contairied in Section 4 of this specification and the appropriate conponcrit or assernbly dra:.ring namber and revision letter to which the spcciflc des shall be approved by the inspection element of the agency adninistering the c

46、ontract; submission shall be as directed by the contracting officer. Partial submission of inspection equipment designs is permissible and encouraged. However, the Arsenal completion date for design review will be based on the date of the final submission of designs. Picatinny Arsenal design review

47、will be accomplished normally within one month after receipt. 6.3.5 Submission of contractor designs.-All submitted 6.4 Critical defect inspection.-If the contractor is not manufacturing loaded M4 dlastirig Cap Assemblies con- currently with manufacturing of Practice Caps, he may make written applic

48、ation to the Contracting Officer for authorization to delete the critical ciefect of paragraph and substitute a major ciefect for inspection of holes on a sampling basis. Custodian: Army-MU Preparing Activity: Army -MU Project Number: 1345-A-296 It U. S OOVERNYENT PRINTING OFFICI5 1972 -7 14 165/6893 -_ - . _i =e: . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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