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本文(ARMY MIL-C-60380 A-1972 CARTRIDGE 105MM SEMI FIXED SMOKE WP M60 LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M60型105MM半固定烟雾弹的组装和包装》.pdf)为本站会员(eveningprove235)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、S-37-L.s MIL-C-6038QA (MU) 10 January i972 SUPERSEDING MIL-C-60380 (MU) 13 June i966 MILITARY SPECIFICATION CARTRIDGE, losMM, SEMI-FIXED, mom, WP, M60 LOADING, ASSENBLING AND PACKING 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers the loading, assembling and packing for one type cartridge designated as Cartr

2、idge, losMM, WP, 4 -. i. ,“ . i. . r. .i. . . _I _ . f: . . . . .I; . . . . i - . _ ._. :. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-c-60 380A (MU 1 4.2.1 Lot formation.-The term lotv1 as used in this specification is defined as an essentia

3、lly homogeneous collection of units of product from which a representative sample is drawn and inspected to determine conformance with applicable requirements. only that quantity of units from which the sample was drawn and shall not be construed to represent any prior or subsequent quantities prese

4、nted for inspection. considered to exist provided the inspection lot has been produced by one manufacturer, in one unchangeu process, using the same materials and methods, in accordance with the same drawings, same drawing revision, same specifications and same specification revision and complies wi

5、th the provisions for submission of product as specified in MIL-STU-105. Changes to the process, specifications, or drawings not affecting safety, performance, interchangeability, or storage, as determine by the Government, shall not be deemed to alter the homogeneity of an inspection lot. All mater

6、ial submitted for inspection in accordance with this specification shall comply with the homogeneity criteria specified herein regardless of the type of sampling procedure which is being applied to determine conformance with requirements. Lot numbering, as required, shall be in accordance with MIL-S

7、TD-1168. Each lot shall contain: The sample selected shall represent Homogeneity shall be a. manufacturer. b. Filled projectiles of one lot interfix number from one manufacturer. c. Propelling charges from not more than one lot from one manufacturer. Ci. Loadea projectile of same weight zone. e. Loa

8、ded fuzes of one lot interfix number from one f, Loaded burster, projectile of one lot interfix number Cartridge cases of one lot interfix number from one manufacturer. from one manufacturer. 4.2.2 Examination.-The examinations listed in the following subparagraphs shall be performed on inspection l

9、ots (see 4.2.1) of the components or assemblies designated in the applicable paragraph headings. Inspection for critical defects (and major defects, when so specified) shall be 100 percent. plans for major and minor defects shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-lO5 except that continuous sampling plan

10、s in accordance with MIL-STD-1235 may be used if approved by the Government. Instead of applying the AQL1s designated herein to the groups of major and minor defects listed, tne contractor may elect to apply AQIJ1s to individual defects using an AQL of 0.40 percent Sampling 5 . : . ; . . . .- Provid

11、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-C-6038OA 13 W 7799906 0338098 2 MIL-C-6 O 3 80A (VIU ) for each major defect and an AQL of 0.65 percent for each minor defect. When this method is elected, it shall be applied to all of the major and min

12、or delects listed in the applicable subparagraph of this section, except where 100 percent inspection . is specified, and be documented as part of the contractors ! inspection system. Equipment necessary for the performance of i the inspections listed shall be in accordance with 4.2.4. : (see dwg. 9

13、216522 covering a detail of dwg. 9216521 or 9257991). Projectile as received from WP loading facility Categories Defects Method Of Inspection Critical : 1. WP leakage or evidence of leakage. . Visual Ma j or : AQL 0.40 percent 101. Foreign matter infuze and burster cavity .Visual Minor: AQL

14、0.65 percent 201. Evidence of poor workmanship (see 3,5).Visual Fuze well cup (see dwg. 9210894 covering a detail i of dwg. 9216521 or 9257991). ! i Categories Defects t ! Critical: None defined. Method Of Inspection Major: AQL 0.40 percent 101. Pitch diameter of thread.Gage 102. Major diame

15、ter of thread . Gage Minor : AQL 2.5 percent 201. Total leneth Gage 203, Inside diameterGage 204, Concentricity of inside diameter with 205, Thickness of bottomGage 206. Evidence of poor workmanship (see 3.5).Visual t 202. Outside diameter.,.*.Gage pitch diameter of threads Gage I 6 Provided by IHSN

16、ot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. MIL-C-60380A 13 M 999790b 0338049 4 M -I MIL-C-6038OA( MU) Projectile burster, prior to assembly to projectile (see dwg. 9223129 covering a detail of dwg. 9216521 or 9257991). Categories Defects Method Of Ins

17、pection Critical : None defined. Major: None defined. Minor: AQL 0.65 percent 201. Evidence of poor workmanship (see 3.5) Visua.- Projectile, prior to assembly of fuze well cup (see dwg. 9216522 covering a detail of dwg. 9216521 or 9257991), Categories Defects Method Of Inspection Critical :

18、 1. Projectile burster inverted,.Visual 2. Closure on Projectile burster below flushl.VISU 101. Torque test of plug . Test B :dwg. 8838130 covering a detail of wg, 9216521 or 9257991). 1 a Minor : None defined 2 Primer, prior to assembly to cartridge case (see f : r Categories Defects f Meth

19、od Of Inspection E I Critical : i 1. One or more flash holes missing . Visual i t ; Major: None defined i Minor : None defined Cartridge case, prior to assembling propelling charge . (see 8595386 covering a detail of dwg. 9216521 or 9257991). -. -Y . .a . . -. . :- . Provided by IHSNot for R

20、esaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-bO3OA 13 7977906 0338053 2 = - Categories Defects Xethod Of Inspection Critfcal: Xone defined MaJ or : 101. AGI, 0.40 percent Primer missing or damaged . Visual Minor : AQL 1.0 percent 201. 202. Evidence of poor workmans

21、hlp (see Foreign matter in interior of caseVisual 3.5) visua 4.2.2,g Propelline: charge, prior:to assembly to cartridge case (see dwE. 9205472 covering a detail of dwr. 9216521 or 9257991). Categories De f ec t s Kethod. Of Inspection Critical: Fione defined Xa j or : ACL 0.40 percent 101. Increment

22、 mlssinff . Visual 102. Any opening in bag, larse enough to permit escape of Fropellant .,IT isual 201, Lacing cord broken,Visual 202. Evidence of poor workmanship (see 3.5) .l.,V isual Cartrid,Te cme with propellin-, charze , prior to assemblinp, to projectile (see dwg. 9216521 or ?257?1).

23、 y.:. Minor : AQL 1.0 percent LJ . Proving pound test.-The followin? test shall be I-iuzzle velocity - FIajor defect EeEinning with the first lot produced and continuing until three consecutive lots have complied with the applicable requirements snecified., the samp1inf

24、;P plan and procedure for this test sha.11 be in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-414, Section B, Table B-3, Code Letter I and AQL 1.0 percent. In addition, if the standard deviation of the sample projectile multiplied by the factor 0.75 exceeds the applicable lot requirement, jthe lot shall be reje

25、cted. criteria of, the sampling plan and procedure for this 1 test shall be in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-414, Section B, ;Table B-3, Code Letter F, and AQL 1.0 percent. !standard deviation of the sample projectile multiplied by the ifactor 0.65 exceeds the applicable lot requireme

26、nt, the lot shall :be rejected. i 5 After the three consecutive lots have met the In addition, if the Functioning - Najor defect The sample cartridges used in the test for ,muzzle velocity (see shall be tested for functioning. IIf more than two projecti

27、les fail the specified requirement, the lot shall be rejected, The sample cartridoes used in the test for muzzle velocity (see shall be tested for functioning. 12 - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-mJ-c-6080n (

28、VU) If more than one projectile fails the specified reo.uirement, the lot shall be rejected. shall be selected from each lot for this test. If any cartridce fails to comply with the requirement the lot shall be rejected. Premature functloning-critical defect.-If during any of the proving g

29、round tests any sample projectile fails to comply with the requirement for premature functioning, the lot shall be rejected. considers that the test conditions have detrimentally a,ffected the test results, he shall cieclwe the results iriv?,lid and perform a new test on additional sa,mFle rounds as

30、 required, Fit of proiectile with cartridge case (see dwp. 9216521 or 9247991) Major defect. The cartridge cases shall begaced 100 Fercent for profile and diameter of the mouth to assure a pro?er fit wit11 the ?rojectile. Any case which fails to coniply with the apolicablc reouirenentn shall

31、 be classed defective and removed frori! the lot. Insnection equipment shall be in accorclance with 4.2.4 (Iote: This irispcction shall not be required if it is deternined th2,t the cartridre cases have been previously gaged 100 percent for these characteristics). 4.2.4 Inspection cqui?nent.-Equinme

32、nt Tabula.tion ;!umber ET-9216521 ientifics the inspection eouiprnent required to nerform the examinations and tests prescribed in this section. The contractor shai.3. aesip inspection equfncent in accordance with Safety-critical defect.-Ten sample cartridges 4.2.3*3.5 Retest.-If for any r

33、eason the proof director I F., i I the instructions in paragraph 6.3. j ! Government riyhtx to ocuctatson,-Insyection equipinent rawinp and lists provided and revised in accordance with the requirments of the F.;? may be used by SOD activities for design, procurement, manufacturei testin?, e

34、valuation, production and receivinp; insnection, overhaul, shinring, storaye identification of stock, orderin,-2 and storape of renla.ce?ent parts. inspection of items at overhaul, peneral c:air?tenance of equipmnt. construction, survey and whenever insDection equipment drawings are needed 4.2,4.2 G

35、overni;icnt use of contractors insnectlnn anC test equipment -The contractor s.iall make nvailable to t!ie Governy;i.ent - . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- _- _ flIL-C-6038OA I3 777770b O338056 I - all insnectim an6 test en,ul.nment

36、 necessery for determinj-nx conformance with cor.tract re-uirenents. Personnel for operating the equi?merit and verificatfon of its accuracy shall be supolj.ed by the contractor for tne perfornmce of examination or test by the Covernnent. 4.3 Test riethocls anc procedures 4.3.1 Provin? ground.-These

37、 tests shall be conducted at a Government proving ground in accordance with the applicable Acceptance Test Procedures. Yiie sarnple cartriF,es shall be fired with x67 propellinf; charEes in a Kun for which the ammunition is Observation shall be macle for conformance to all require- :standard. .merit

38、s, (see 6.4). !nuzzle velocity and functioning.-The sample cartridges shall be fired at zone 7 for this test and observed for velocity and functioning. Safety.-The sample cartridges shall be fired with .propelling charges adjusted to give 112 percent of the rated maximum pressure in

39、a weapon with i903 or Xi37 tube. In addition, for the first three production lots from eacn manufacturer (loading facility), a smear camera shall be used to observe the projectile in flight, in order to record any possible malfunction. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Preservation and packing i 5.1.1

40、 Level A.-The cartridges shall be preserved and packaged : in accordance with dwg. 7549073 or 9258026. i 5.2 Packing 5.2.1 Level A.-The containers shall be packed in accordance 5.3 Markins.-Marking of the wood box shall be in accordance . with dwg. 7549072 or 9258027. with dwg. 7549072 or 9258027. T

41、he fiber container shall be marked in accordance with dwg. 7549073 or 92758026. 6. iJOTES 6.1 Ordering data.-Procurement documents shall specify the following: 14 (- _.: .-. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-6038OA 13 m 7779706 03

42、38057 3 m - - MIL-C 4 O 3 8 O A ( MU ) a. Title, number and date of this specification. b. Data Cards,-Data cards shall be prepared for each lot in accordance with the information specified in Standard NIL- STD-1167. 6.2 Inspection equipment.-The contractor shall design inspection equipment as requi

43、red by the inspection Equipment Lists (EL) referenced on the applicable ET in accordance with the instructions of paragraphs 6.2.1 through 6.2.5. lists indicate the availability of inspection equipment designs by showing in the %umber“ column of the list of inspection equipment (Form SMUPA 1010) the

44、 numbers of drawings or Federal Stock numbers of existinn equipment designs, or codes as indicated in paragrstph 6.2.2. Design action re0,uired of the contractor is escribed in paragraphs 6.2.3 and 6.2.4. The contractor will be required to prepme detailed drawings in accordance with 6.2.4 for all th

45、e equiiment codes as Contractor Design“ in the number column. These contractor designs must be approved by the Governmefit prior to fabrication or procuring of the equipment. Designs shall be submitted for approval as specified in 6.2.5. 6.2.2 Inspection equipment lists codes.-The inspection equipme

46、nt as defined. in 6.2.3 and 6.2.4 will be designated in the EL by the following codes: 6.2.1 Inspection equipment lists (EL).-Insnection equipment CD - Contractor design on controlle! coritractor format XU - Army desicn, mandatory for use and/or commercial equiprr.en.t 6.2.3 Army designs .-fir;r des

47、iens are reflected oi detailed drawlngs which completely deYicl; all the informatlon neceFsary for the fabrication of the item of insncction equiprent, The contractor need provide no design when an Army desiSn is listed for an item of inspection equinriient. Prpy desipns fall into two basic classifi

48、cations na.rWa.tory (de.sigrie.tec1 “XT ) and non-mandatory (indicatm? by ciraiiri or Pec!eral Stock Eumber) , When an inspection equipment list references mandatory Army designs, the contractor shdl comply with, and use these designs accordinrly. The contractor may, however, in connection with non-

49、mandetory desim.s desicn alternate inspection equipment or use coripareble conncrci.81 eaixinrnent to facilitate his operations. Such contractor prepared designs or cornmercial equipment selections must be ayyoved Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-C-60380A 13 m 9999906 0338058 5 m _- K1L-C -

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