1、MILITARYDETONATOR.MIL-D-13684D .)14 February 1969SUPERSEDINGMIL-D-13684C(MU)12 December 1963 andMIL-D-46543A(MU)12 December 1963SPECIFICATIONELECTRIC.M48PARTS FOR AND LOADING,ASSEMBiJINffAND PACKING1. SCOPE1.1 This specificationcovers the inspectionof the partsand the loading,assemblingand packingof
2、 one type of electricinitiatingdevice designatedas Detonator,Electric,M48.2. APPLICABLEDOCUMENTS2.1 The followingdocumentsof the issue in effect on dateof invitationfor bids, or request for proposals,form a part ofthis specificationto the extent specifiedherein.SPECIFICATIONSMILITARYMIL-A-148 -MIL-A
3、-2550 -STANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-105 -MIL-STD-109 -MIL-STD-129 -MIL-STD-650 MIL-STD-1168-Aluminum FoilAmmunitionand SpecialSpecificationforWeapons; GeneralSampling Proceduresand Tables forInspectionby Attributes (AJ33-sTD-105)QualityAesuranceTerms and DefinitionsMarking for Shipmentand StorageExplosi
4、ves: Sampling, Inspectionand TestingLot Numberingof AmmunitionFSC: 1375Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-13664D .(m)MIL-ST;t; h: quirements of 3.4.2 after water Immersionas specified. . . .I 3.6 Electricalresistancebetween shorted
5、 lead wires and.- The electricalresistancebetween the shortedlead wires and cup shall be not less than fifty (50) a75egohmswhen testedasspecifiedin by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-136S4D (AR)3.7 Pull test of lead wires.-
6、The lead wires of the plugshallwithstanda tensileforce of fifteen (15)pounds, a75inimum,applied axiallybetween the plug and the lead wire, withoutindicationof slippageof the lead wire In the plug when testedas specifiedIn Workmanshlp.-All parts and assembles shall be fabricatedand loaded i
7、n a thorough,worhnanllkemanner. They shall be free ofburrs, chips, sharp edges, cracks, surfacedefects,dirt, grease,rust, corrosionproductsand other foreignmatter. The cleaningmethod used shall not be Injuriousto any part nor shall the partsbe contaminatedby the cleaningagent. All requiredmarkings s
8、hallbe neat and sharplydefined.3.9 First article inspection.-Thisprovisionsfor first article inspection.submissionof first article samplesshallthe contract. 4. QUALITYASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 Responsibilityfor inspection.-speclficatlonmakesRequirementsfor the.be as specifiedInUnless otherwisespeclfle
9、din the contractor purchaseorder; the supplierIs responsibleforthe performanceof all inspectionrequirementsas specifiedherein.Except as otherwisespecifiedIn the contractor order, thesuppliermay use his own or any other facilitiessuitablefor theperformanceof the InspectIonrequirementsspecifiedherein,
10、unless disapprovedby the Government. The Governmentreservea theright to performany of the inspectionsset forth In the speclfl-cationwhere such Inspectionsare deemednecessaryto asauresuppllesand servicesconform to prescribedrequirements. Referenceshall be made to MIL-STD-109to define terms used herei
11、n. Theprovisionsof MIL-A-2550shall apply.4.1.1 Submissionof product.-At the time each completedlotof items deliverableunder the contractis submittedto theGovernmentfor acceptance,the contractorshall supplY the followlngInformationaccompaniedby a certificatewhich attests that theinformationDrovidedIs
12、 correctand tiRDllCtIbleto the productbelnusubmitted: -A statementthatquallty;suranceprovisions4-the lot complieswith all of thespeclfledin this specification.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-13684D (AR)b. Drawing and specificati
13、onnumber and date, togetherwith Identiflcatlonand date of changes thereto.A statementthat all material purchasedby the con-tractort%ets requirements,when such material 1s controlledbyGovernmentor commercialspecificationsreferencedin any of thecontractualdocuments,and that statementsof findlngeon the
14、lead azide and PETN and certificatesof conformanceare on fileand availablefor review.d. Number of Items in the lot.Date submitted.The cert%icate shall be signed by a responsibleagent of thecertifyingorganization. The Initial certificatesubmittedshallbe substantiatedby evidenceof the agent*s authorit
15、y to bind hisprincipal. Substantiationof the agentts authoritywill not berequiredwith subsequentcertificatesunless, during the courseof the contract,thie authorityis vested in another agent of thecertifyingorganization.4.2 First article Inspection4.2.1 Submlsslon.-The contractorshall submit a first
16、ertlclesample as designatedby the contractingofficer for evaluationInaccordancewith the provisionsof 4.2.2. The first article samplea71 shall consistof twenty-five(25)plug assembliesand twenty-five(25) completesets of parts (i.e.,25 each of every componentandevery eub-aasembly)which have been produc
17、edby the contractororfurnishedby a supplierand which have been manufacturedusing thesame productionprocesses,proceduresand equipmentwhich will beused In fulfillingthe contract. All parts and materials shall beobtainedfrom the same source of supplyas will be used in regularproduction. Prior to submis
18、sion,the contractorshall Inspect thesample to the degree necessaryto assure that it conforms to therequirementsof the contractand shall submit a record of thisinspectionwith the sample, Includingstatementsof findingsandcertificatesof conformancefor materials. A sample containingknown defects shall n
19、ot be submittedunlees specificallyauthorizedby the contractingofficer. A first article sample,or portionthereof,as directedby the contractingofficer, shall also besubmittedwhenever there Is a lapse in productionfor a period Inexcess of 90 days, or whenever a change occurs in manufacturingprocess, ma
20、terial used, drawing or specificationsuch as tosignificantlyaffect productuniformityas determinedby theGovernment.5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fr
21、om IHS-,-,-lotssamehaveMIL-D-13684D (AR)Lead azlde of the same type from not more than twopro%ced by the same manufacturerIn accordancewith theapecificati.onand same specificationrevlslonand whichsubsequentlybeen subjectedto uniformlycontrolleddryingand operatingccnditionsat the loadingplan%.4.3.2 E
22、xaminatlon.-The examinationslisted in the followingsubparagraphsshall be performedon inspectionlots (see4.3.1)of the componentsor assembliesdesignatedin the applicableparagraphheadings. Inspectionfor criticaldefects (andma$ordefects,when so specified)shall be 100 percent. Samplingplansfor major and
23、minor defectsshall be in accordancewith MIL-STD-105except that continuoussamplingplans in accordancewithMIL-STD-1235may be used if approvedby the Government. InsteadofaPPIYizuZthe AQLtS designatedherein to the groups of major andminor defects listed, the contractormay elect to apply AQL!s toindividu
24、aldeec!tsusing an AQL of 0.40 percent for each majordefect and an AQL of 0.65 percentfor each minor defect. Whenthis method is elected, It shall be applied to all of the maJorand minor defects listed in the applicablesubparagraphof thissection,exceptwhere 100 percent inspectionIs specified,and bedoc
25、umentedas rt of the contractors Inspectionsswtem.Equipmentneceisaryfor theshall be in accordancewitha71 Cup (see dwgdwg.7549133).performanceof-the inspectionslisted4.3.4.7549138 coveringa detail ofCategories Defects Method of Code No.Inspection (see 6.2)Critical: None definedMaJor:101.102.10
26、3.Minor:201.202.AQL 0.65 percentThicknessthrough bottom,min. Gage 01001Outside diameter,a75aximum,(max.)Gage o1oo2Dent or distortion Visual 01003AQL 1.00 percentInside diameter,min Gage o1oo4Evidence of poor workmanship(see 3.8). Visual o1oo57Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networkin
27、g permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-13684D(.AR) Plug (see dwg. 7549135coveringa detaildwg. 7549133),. ofCategories Defects Method ofInspectionCritical: None definedNqor :101.,:;: 7549133)AQL 1.00 percentOutsidediameter,min.I)lameterof s
28、leeve surface,min.Length of leads, minLength of lead insulation,maxPlug crackedor damaged.Lead wire broken or not tinnedBridge missing or damagedtoextent that functionmay beImpaired:.AQL 0.65 percentEvidence of poor workmanship(see3.8).LhgeGageGageGageVisualVisualVisualVisualCategoriesSleeve (see dw
29、g. 7549137coveringa detail ofDefectsCritical: None definedNajor: None definedCode No.020020200302004020050200602007020n02010Method of Code No. a71InspectionMinor: - AQL 1.50 percent201. Outsidediameter,max. Gage 03001202. Length, max. Gage 03002203. Evidence of poor workmanship(see3.8). Visual 03003
30、8Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-of. Plugdwg. 7549133). assembly (seeCategories DefectsCritical: None definedMajor: None definedMIL-D-13684D AR)dwg. 7549134 coveringa detailMethod oi CodeInspection” No.Minor: AQL 1.50 percent20
31、1.Length, max. Gage 04001202. Sleeve loose Manual 04002203. Evidence of poor workmanship(see 3.8). Visual 040034.3.2.5 Plug loadlngassembly,prior to applylng primingcharge (seedwg. 7549139 coveringa detailof dwg. 7549133).Categories Defects Method of Code No.InspectIonCritical: None definedM or: AQL
32、 0.40 percent101. Flash chargemlssine Visual 05001Minor: AQL 0.65 percent201. Evidence of poor workmanship(see 3.8). Visual 0s0024.3.2.6 Plug loadlng assembly (see dwg. 7S49139 coveringadetail of dwg. 7549133).Categories Defects Method of Code No.InspectionCrltial:. Explosive on exterior. Visual 060
33、01MaJor: AQL 0.40 percent101. Primingcharge missing Visual 060029Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-D-13684D (AR)Minor: AQL 0.65 percent201. Evidence of poor workmanship(see3.8) AseemblyCategoriesCritical:1.2Mejor:101.102.103
34、.104.Minor: 7549133).Defects. VisualMethod ofInspectionCup split or cracked VisualLead wires not shorted VisualInsulationnot removed-on “-shortedlead wire. VisualAQL 0.65 percentTotal length GageDiameterat plug end, a75ax.GageLead wire broken VisualCrimp not full 360 degre
35、es VisualAQL 1.50 percentDiameterof cup base, max. GagePlug cracked VisualEvidence of poor workmanshipother than specifiedin Criticalabove (see3.8). VisualCarton, prior to sealingCategories DefectsCritical: None definedsee Section 5).Method ofInspectionMajor: AQL 0.65 percent101. Incorrectnumber of
36、detonators Visual102. Detonatorsin bundle notcompletelyencased In foil Visual103. Pocket assemblytorn orInsecurelyclosed (whenapplicable). Visual06003Code No.07001070020700307004070050700607007070080700907010Code No.08001080020800310Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitte
37、d without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-13684D (AR)a71 a68Minor: AQL 0.65 percent201. Evidence of poor workmanship(see3.8). VIsual 080044.3.2.9 Carton, sealed (see Section 5).Categories Defects Method of Code No.InspectionCritical: None definedtleior: AQL 0.40 percent101. Carton damagedto extent thatco
38、ntentsare exposedor liableto become exposed. Visual 09001“Minor: AQL 0.65 percent201. Markingmissing, incorrectorillegible. Visual 090024.3.3 Productiontesting.-Unless otherwisespeclfledherein,the samplingplans for the followingtests shall be In accordancewith MIL-STD- Moisture content (s
39、ee 3.3) - Major defectTABLE IExplosives Code No.Lead azice 10001PET14 10002The contractorshall provideadequate controleto Insure that theexplosivescomplywith the requirement. For verification,the con-tractor shall selectand subjectto test, a sample from that quantityof each explosiveused in each eig
40、ht hours of loadingproduction. Acompositesample shall not be used. If the moisture contentof asample exceeds the requirementsand loadinghas not begun, theexplosiverepresentedby the sample shall be rejected. If components11Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without l
41、icense from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-13684D:(AF.)have beenloadedwith explosivecontainingexcesalvemoisture,theremainingunloadedexplosiveand the loadedcomponentsshallberejected. The testproceduresshalbeasspecifiedin Functioningandwaterproofness4. SamPli!X3.-One hundredand eighty
42、-five(185)detonatorassembliesshallbe selectedfrom each lot for test. Thesequenceof testingand numberof samplesto be sub,lectedto eachtest is specifiedin Table II.TABL2 IISequence Test ClassificationI 1. Time (see3.4.1) Major2. WaterproofnessandOuttmt(see3.4.2.“”3.5) Major,3. Duds (see3.4.3) MajorNo.
43、 of TestCodeNo.Samples Paregraph07011 35 50 *1OOless thatoccurin the timeor outputphaserecordedand replacedfromthis sample. Rejection.-The lot shallbeof testingshallberejectedif any of thefollowingtestresultsoccur:a. Time.-The mean f
44、unctioningtime (7plus the productof 2.27and the standarddeviation(s) (see6.5 exceedstherequirementepecifiedin 3.4.1. “b. Waterproofnessand Output.-One or more detonatorassembliesfailto producea perforationof the requiredsizeinthe leaddisc.c. Duds.-The totalnumberof detonatorassembliesthat. :.fail to
45、,fireon the firstattempt(dud)in the time,.output”and:.dudtests,.equalsor exceedstwo (2).,-12Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.a714.3.3.3 Resistance(see 3.6) - Major defectperformed100 percent InIn 4.4.3. Any detonatorMIL-D-13684DCAR)be
46、tween shortedlead wires and cup- Code No. 07014.-This test shall beaccordancewith the procedurespecliedassembly that falls to comply with therequirementshall be classed defectiveand removed from the lot. Resistanceof lead circuit (see dwg. 7549133)-Major defect - Code No. 07015.- This test sh
47、all be performed100 percent In accordancewith the procedurespecifiedin 4.4.4.Any detonatorassembly that fails to complywith the requirementsshall be classeddefectiveand removed from the lot. FU1l test of lead wires (see3.7) - MaJor defect -Code No. 02001.- The samplingplan for this test shall
48、 be Inaccordancewith Code Letter K and an AQL of 0.40 percent. The testshall be performedas specifiedIn 4.4.5 using equipmentspecifiedin Inspectionequlpment.-EquipmentTabulationNumberET- 7549133Identifiesthe inspectionequipmentrequired toperform the examinationsand tests prescribedIn this section.The contractorshall design inspectionequipmentIn accordanceWith the instructionsin 6.3.a71 Governmentrights to documentation.-Inspectionequipmentdrawingsand lists providedand revised in accordancewith the requirementsof the E
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