1、MIL-D-46284 13 m 779970b 0310776 5 m =-46284 (Ord) 26 Septeniber 1960 DEWi!A!CQR, S!MB9 #45 LADRS, dsSiSBLING Ai!) PACIXi 1. flcopE 1.1 Thia opecirication covere the loadqg, eaeemblw rad packing for one tgpe of stab detonator dtaignated 88 Detonitor, M45. 2. APPumM)(=- 2.1 The following documenta of
2、 the iaeue in effect on dete.of invitetion for blas form a part ofthia specificstion to the extent egscifie herein. sPBErnTIO%s IauTmx NIL+-2550 - General Specification for Ambunttion ExceBt Smll Arma Ammition. UL-slm-lO5 - Saiplng Procedures and Tables for Inegection by wxL-Fpp-lO9 - Inspection Ter
3、iie and Definitiona. Attributsa . 8?w7% - Debomtor, H45,08ding Aseenib4. 7548103 - Ba, Set-up, mckina, Bruinition, Outer for Boosters, Detonators or Prio#re, AaaePibly, Details, Packing and 1LirLiog. 7548io4 - Box, set-irp, Bcking, Aimunition, inner for ooaters, etorutorr or Rimers, Aieembly, Detril
4、a, Fackiq and aricng. 75- - box, Rcking, dPurnition for,Detonetors. /kl DOCUMENT CONTAINS 16 PAGES, I r4 i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-D-4624 33 7377706 0330777 7 MSTPD-46284 (Ord) PUBLICATIONS ORDNABICB CORPS OffD-M608-11 -
5、Procedures and Tablee for Continuow Sampling by IEL 7152281 - Index of neptction Equipeient Lists. Attribut es . (Copies of specifications, etandarde, drawinge and publicationa required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functione should be ob- tained from the procuring activiw o
6、r as irected by the contracting officer)* ification to the =tent specified herein. in effect on date of invitation fop bids shall apply, 2.2 Other publications.-The following docrament forne a part of this spec- Unleos otherwiee indicated, the isem CODE OF FEDEEiAL EGUUTIONB 49 CFR 71-78 - Interstat
7、e Coormerce Carnariesion Rules and Regulations for the Transportation of Xxgloaivea and ther Dengeroua ArticTae. (The Interstate Conimerce Conmiseion Regulations are OQW a part of the Code of Federa1 Regulations (3.99 Mition and reuieione) available ircm the Superin- tendent of Xkmments, Goverment P
8、rinting Office, Washington 25, D,C. Orders for the above publication shou3d cite “49 CFR 71-78 (late. 8797792)0 Ca tworlee Defect6 Method of inspection Criticel: one defne BMJ0p: A AQL 0.25 percent 102 Box damaged expoeing contenta . Visual 102. Label orst (see dug. 7548099) Categorgea Defect s Meth
9、ad of inspection Critical: Hone defined 4.2.3 TestW. 4.2,3.2 Bner-1uibrScant coniieBt of HDW (see dwg. 8797792 ) - Major defect.- The binder-lubricant cont;emt at? the RDX ab11 be determined for each lot at the tim of loading. A samgle of 5 gsaw ehaill be selected from each lot an teated as specifte
10、d in 4.3.1. I% the bfgder-lubsPca8it. content is in access of *he per- centage specified and if Soading he not begus, the lot of RDX shall be rejected until corrective action as been aCcopli8hed as verified by regeating the binder- lubricant deternirietion apecified in 4,3.1, 12 loading has begun, a
11、ction on the unloaded RDEK ehe11 be as specified above and aiil detonatore loaded with the ques- tionable FUX rhll be rejected. mieture cntent of lead azide aee 3.3) - Major defect.-llbe ainiecura content of the lead azide ehall be determned for each lot et the the of lmdlw. - A sample of 2
12、grems eh11 be selected and teated as specified in 4.3-2. If the misture content ta in excese of the percentage specltiied axid Lmdfng ha not. be- gun, th lot of lead azide shall be reJected until groper corrective action ba been accC%#liahod ab verified br repeating the moiature content %est spclfia
13、d In 4.3.2* If loading ha8 begun, action on the unloaded lead azide ahall be 88 apec- Ified above and ala detonatore loaded wltE the queetloneble lead azide sbalbe rcjecte. - PziiiPer mixture. Bisture content (a- 3.4) - mjor efect,-Ttie nroisturs content of the priioer mixture ehal
14、l be deternaneil for each lat ait the tim of laad%?tOg, and fealng equipment identified by index of Inepection Equpmnt Liita aio. 7152281, or approved equivalente thereto. (me 4.1. 1) ha Wpectlng the coatrectora inepection equipment, the Governaont impsctor will determine tbat the contractor has ava
15、ilable, end u%ilizee correctly, lng each portion in contact with the residue for appraxiauitely 5 ainwbea befwe applying suction. Any lumps which may persist shall be broken i9, by stirriq occasiotully and the sides o! the crucible waahed down with each 20 mi. portion of chloroform to in- sure coaig
16、lete remal of the celciupi resinate. until the odor of chloroform is IIQ lower detectable; the crucible and conteate The reeduc shall be rxatad 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-bli be aced in an wen at LOQ degrees centigrade (C.=) to
17、 105C. for 112 hour cooled in a desiccator and weighed, drying and weighing with individual 20 ml, pFtfQgll of chloroform until the lom in weight on subsequent extreetfcma totab lem thn Q.W3 gprime0 weight of the cucible glm coiatmka aihall be calculated to percent calcitm res- inate in the hiemgle
18、on a moisture free ba%s aie fol8ms: The abme eagtrrcton shall Be repeated, The loee ln percentage of Caiaium Reai%mte = LCQA W where t A = 1sa in weight ob the erueible plue contente. W = weight of esuiple. 4,3.102 -,-The residue remfnfng 8,Rt;er the cm.lcim reamte hi been removed shell be extracted
19、 w%h Wo 2Q mio portiom of dhkethyl foxmaide?, eech portion maintained in conka the crucible and contents ohll be glaeed in a drying oven at l0%. to -l*Co for 142 hour, cooled fn a dseiiceator ant3 weighed, The weight of the reeiidsrie in the crucible shall be eak*allxtare.-Phe specified aample ahall
20、 be the weight of the aample ater drying. accurately weighed to the marelit rilli gram an dried to a constant weight at ure. Composition. Potasaiura chlorafe. Preparation of solutiona. Solution Ho. 3.-To agpraximtelg 800 mi. of distilled water in a one lit
21、er amber glass reagele shall be Eiealed with a rubber etopper an the reagent bottle an contenia vigorously shaken formera1 mnutes and then allawed to stand overnight. PortS.one of the eaturated aolution ahall be filtered before using. Solution ao. 2,-To agprnximtely kx, tul. ob distill
22、ed water -% I - _ , - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-i-D-46284 (ora),2 Procedureo-A portion of apgroxitmtely LO a6 of ttrl aspirated with suction and the Botha of t 0,s al. of a eolution containing 1.0 mo of diphenylaimne i
23、n 1W gm. of con- centrated sulfuric acid shl2 be run amn the aide of the tube, so that there will be two lstinct layers. If can appreciable amount of chlorate ion ie present, a distinct blue rn of the contents of the crucible. U : weight of the aaqple. I the filtrate Ond washing8 shall be discarded.
24、 About 1 mi. of a saturated solution of fcrrec ammonium sul- fate shall be placed in the flask. The contents of the crucible ahall betreated a8 before with 5.0 ml. of one percent nitric acid and filtered by meam of suc- tion into the fU8k. If the liquid in the flacrk turna red, due to the preoence o
25、f the sulfocyanate ion 2n the filtrate, the washing of the contaats in the cru- cible shall be repeated with additional 5.0 ml. portions of one percent nitric acid until a negative test for the sulfocyanett ion ia affected. total of 50 ml. is aufficient). alcohol and then with ether, and then aepira
26、ted until the odor of ether e no lower detectable. loC. for 30 minutea, cooled in a desiccator and weighed. Ichc percentage of ansi- mony sulfide shall be calcualted as Sollaws: The bottle shall be stoppered and-shaken Portone of Care shall be taken not to spill any (Usual4 a The crucible and conten
27、to ihll be rSneed with The crucLble and contents shall. be dried in an wen at 4 Antimony sulfide, percent i A x lo0 B where : A 3 weight of residue in the crucible. B I weight of eample on a moisture-free baais. Lead azide.-The lead azide content shall be determir-led wing the apparatus sh
28、own assenibled in Figure 1 and the temperature maintained at as near constant aB is practuable. aystem from the effect8 of alr currents or bodies at appreciably different temper- atures. Tbls shall be acconplished by protectj.ng the gas A weighed portion of approximtely 2 grams of the sample shell b
29、etransferred 12 - - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-to 81 125 ml, Erlemw flask and 5 of l-gercent s%lver nitrate oolutlon. and 10 ml, ef distilled water ehall be added, The mixture ehall be ohaken and the sides of the flask washed dow
30、n with dietilled veater, The delivery tube (A) shall. be filleB with 6O-percent cerfe ammonium nitrate solution. flask (D) shall be connected tightly to the gee burette (E) (a gam burette calibrated in 011 tul. end having e total capcity of 100 ml. for the calibrated portion fe eatisfactoq) by iseam
31、 of a tghtXy fitting rubber stopper (C), and this assembly clampea in poeitSono the leveling bulb (GI8 the water level in the gee burette (E) shall be adjusted t the zero point, The $tog The Prystera (Th3.a swe by theriiaoPaeter (i)$ and the beaker raiieed undai: The observed volume %n the gas buret
32、te (E where t A - gaa burette reading, mio B - atmospheric greeaiura, -of mercury, (EIoteo-If the greesure ia obserired on I mercurial brometer having a brasa scab, the correct rtmospheric greeeure aba11 be calm- laked a$ followes Atmapherlc preaaure (BI mm, s 416 E = reading in -of marcurial barome
33、ter. F .I teeigcrature of baroaeter in %u where 2 C 8 vapor preeeure of water at t OCo I) 8 prcentage of Polatme in the maple. t I tsprpcrature of EI burette and reaction flask, %. W weight of umple, gramo . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH
34、S-,-,-MIL-D-46284 (Ord) Lead thiocyanete, -The percentage of lead thiocyanate in the sample 4.3.4 Functioninb- bility nor any obligisit%on whtroever; ciad the fe& %hmt the &mernaan.& my have rornaialatea, gierniehed) or in any way euppltd the mid Qmwingr, specifls&.ions, or other asta is n
35、ot to Be regarded by Implication or otherwine a8 en any gbllmcr licenping the hoIder or any other ptrson or corpQratlon, or coaveying my r.&a or pernsson to manufacture, we8 or eel1 any -tented iirpsnkLon that my ig csqy way be relate8 thereto, c us toa %an: Amy-Ordnance Corpr Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-D-b2&4 13 m 797990b 0310771 GPO PO1006 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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