1、INCH-POUND MIL-DTL-3628/142B 15 November 2008 SUPERSEDING MIL-DTL-3628/142A 12 May 1997 DETAIL SPECIFICATION SHEET BADGE, IDENTIFICATION, VICE PRESIDENTIAL SERVICE This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. The requirements for acquiring the
2、product described herein shall consist of this specification sheet and the latest issue of MIL-DTL-3628. MATERIAL: BASE AND CENTER DISC: Gilding Metal DEVICE: Red Brass FINISH: BASE: Gold Plated, Matte Finished and shall match The Institute of Heraldry (TIOH) Metal Finish Chip Number 7. CENTER DISC:
3、 Hard Enameled, Gold Plated, Mirror-like Polished and shall match TIOH Metal Finish Chip Number 6. DEVICE: Gold Plated, Matte Finish, Polished Highlights and shall match TIOH Metal Finish Chip Number 8. AMSC N/A Page 1 of 3 FSC 8455 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitte
4、d without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-3628/142B DIMENSIONS: OUTSIDE DIAMETER: 1-15/16 inches (REF) CENTER DISK DIAMETER: 1-23/32 inches (REF) HEIGHT OF DEVICE (overall): 1-13/64 inch (REF) DEVICE (thickness at shield): 0.063 inch + 0.005 inch ASSEMBLED THICKNESS (at shield): 0.250 inch - 0.10 inch
5、+ 0 NOTES: 1. The term (REF) refers to the measurements taken from the Government furnished hub or die. 2. Enameled/epoxied areas shall be as shown. Epoxy resin (stoning epoxy) may be at the option of the manufacturer. When hard enamel is used, the material requirement shall be gilding metal. When e
6、poxy is used, the material requirement shall be either red brass or gilding material. Enameled area shall White as indicated. The enamel color shall conform to the TIOH chip number 28 or the standard sample. 3. When epoxy resin is used, rivets shall be used to attach the center disc and device to th
7、e base. 4. Piercing on the device shall be as indicated. 5. The center disc and the superimposed device shall be secured to the base by two or more rivets or soft soldered. When rivets are used, they may be an integral part of the device or fabricated from any type brass or soldered to the reverse o
8、f the device. The device shall follow the contour of the white enamel disc. 6. Each badge shall be engraved with a serial number as specified in the procurement document using a condensed numeral. The numerals shall be 3/32 inch + 1/64 inch in height. The serial number shall be centered on the rever
9、se of the badge with the base line of the number 1/4 inch + 1/64 inch from the lower edge of the badge. 7. Attaching device shall be prong and clutch type. Three prongs shall be located on a 1-1/2 inch + 1/64 inch diameter circle. Each prong shall be 120 degrees apart with one prong located on the v
10、ertical center line at the top of the badge. 8. The entire badge shall be lacquered after assembly. CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS ISSUE: The margins of this specification are marked with vertical lines to indicate where changes from the previous issue were made. This was done as a convenience only and the G
11、overnment assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content irrespective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous issue. Page 2 of 3 Provided
12、by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-3628/142B Page 3 of 3 Custodian: Preparing activity: Army - IH Army - IH Air Force - 11 (Project No. 8455-2009-010) Navy NU Review activities: Air Force - 99 Navy - MC Coast Guard - CG DLA CT NOTE: The a
13、ctivities listed above were interested in this document as of the date of this document. Since organizations and responsibilities can change, you should verify the currency of the information above using the ASSIST Online database at http:/assist.daps.dla.mil. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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