1、INCH - POUNDDISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.MIL-DTL-51170G(EA)29 November 2005SUPERSEDINGMIL-B-51170F(EA)15 August 1983DETAIL SPECIFICATIONBAG, WATERPROOF, CHEMICAL-BIOLOGICAL MASK, M1Reactivated after 29 Nov 2005 and may be used fornew and existing d
2、esigns and acquisitions.This specification is approved for use by the U.S. Army EdgewoodChemical Biological Center and is available for use by all Depart-ments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 Scope. This specification covers one type of chemical-biological mask waterproof bag(s
3、ee 6.1).2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3 or 4 of thisspecification. This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this specifica-tion or recommended for additional information or as examples. While every effort
4、has beenmade toinsure the completenessofthislist, documentusersare cautionedthatthey mustmeetall specifiedrequirementsofdocumentscitedinsections3or4ofthisspecification, whetherornot they are listed.AMSC N/A FSC 4240Comments, suggestions, or questions on this document should be addressed to: U.S. Arm
5、y EdgewoodChemicalBiologicalCenter, ATTN: AMSRD-ECB-ENA-S, 5183BlackhawkRoad, AberdeenProvingGround, MD 21010-5424 or emailed to SpecsTeamapgea.army.mil. Since contact information canchange, youmay want toverify the currency ofthisaddressinformationusingthe ASSIST Online databaseat http:/assist.daps
6、.dla.mil.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51170G(EA)22.2 Government documents.2.2.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications, standards,and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent spec
7、ified herein. Unless otherwisespecified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.FEDERAL STANDARDSFED. TEST METHOD STD. NO. 191 - Textile Test MethodsFED. TEST METHOD STD. NO. 601 - Rubber: Sampling and Testing(Copies of these documents are available online at h
8、ttp:/assist.daps.dla.mil/quicksearch/ orhttp:/assist.daps.dla.mil or from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Ave-nue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)2.2.2 OtherGovernmentdocuments,drawings,andpublications. ThefollowingotherGov-ernment documents, drawings, and publication
9、s form a part of this document to the extentspecified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited inthe solicitation or contract.U.S. ARMY EDGEWOOD CHEMICAL BIOLOGICAL CENTERDrawing 5 - 75 - 2 - Bag, Waterproof, Chemical - Biological Mask, M1(Copies of these doc
10、uments are available from U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical BiologicalCenter, ATTN: AMSRD-ECB-ENA-D, 5183 Blackhawk Road, Aberdeen ProvingGround, MD 21010-5424.)12.3 Non-Governmentpublications. Thefollowingdocuments forma partofthisdocumentto the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the is
11、sues of these documents arethose cited in the solicitation or contract.ASTM INTERNATIONALD 412 - Tension Testing of RubberD 1593 - Nonrigid Vinyl Chloride Plastic Film and SheetingD 6123 - Pressure-Sensitive Tape for Light-Duty Packaging and General PurposeMasking(Copiesofthisdocumentareavailablefro
12、mwww.astm.orgorASTMInternational,100BarrHarbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.)2.4 Orderofprecedence. Intheeventofaconflictbetweenthetextofthisdocumentandthereferences cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in thisdocument,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduct
13、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51170G(EA)3however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been ob-tained.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Firstarticle. Whenspecified(see6.2),asampleshallbesubjectedtofirstarticleinspec-tion in accordance with 4.
14、2.3.2 Design and construction.3.2.1 Materials. All materials cited on Drawing 5-75-2 and its subsidiary drawings shallconform to the specifications listed thereon or to the specific characteristics set forth on thedrawings.3.2.2 Manufacture and assembly. The M1 bag (waterproof bag in a pouch) shall
15、bemanufactured and assembled as shown on Drawing 5-75-2 and subsidiary drawings.3.3 Waterproof bag (Drawing 5-75-3).3.3.1 Leak integrity. The waterproof bag shall not leak when filled to a depth of 15 inchesof water for 15 minutes.3.3.2 Seam strength. The bag seams shall withstand a pull of not less
16、 than 3.0 pounds.3.3.3 Marking. Markingshall beas specifiedon Drawing5-75-3 andshall remainlegibleafter being exposed to water.3.3.4 Resistancetolowtemperature. Thewaterproofbagmaterialshallmeetthecoldcrack-ing requirement of Drawing 5-75-3 after exposure to low temperature.3.4 Workmanship. The M1 b
17、ag shall be free from damage (cuts, tears, abrasions, or punc-tures)andcontamination(dirt,grease,oroil).Theseamsshallbeuniform,continuous,andfreefrom wrinkles and bubbles.4. VERIFICATION4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classi-fied as follows:(a) Fir
18、st article inspection (see 4.2)(b) Conformance inspection (see 4.3)Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51170G(EA)44.2 First article inspection.4.2.1 Sample. Thefirstarticlesampleshallconsistof20M1bagsand21squarefeetofwa-terproof b
19、ag material (Drawing 5-75-3) manufactured using the same methods, materials,equipment, and processes as will be used during regular production. The first article sampleshall be submitted for inspection and approval in accordance with the terms of the contract.4.2.2 Inspection procedure. Forex
20、amination and test of waterproof bag material. Thefirstarticlesample ofbagmaterial shall be tested for all requirements of ASTM D 1593 and in accordance with the lowtemperature resistance test (4.4.4). Forexaminationof bags. Thesamplebagsshall beinspectedforall requirementsofthe drawings and
21、this specification. Fortestof bags. Thefirstarticlesamplebagsshall besubjectedtothetestsspecifiedin table I.TABLE I. First article bag tests.Inspection procedureNumber ofsample unitsRequirementparagraphLeak integrity (4.4.1) 10* 3.3.1Seam strength (4.4.2)* 10 3.3.2Marking (4.4.3) 10* 3.3.3*Th
22、e same bags shall be used for the leak integrity and marking tests.*Destructive test.4.2.3 Acceptance criteria. If any first article sampleitem failsto complywith anyof theap-plicable requirements, the first article sample shall be rejected.4.3 Conformance inspection.4.3.1 Lotting. A lot shall consi
23、st of the bags produced by one manufacturer, at one plant,from the same materials, under the same manufacturing conditions, and at the same time. Nomore than one lot of bag material shall be represented in any one lot of finished bags.4.3.2 Sampling. Sampling shall be conducted in accordance with th
24、e classification of char-acteristics in 4.3.5 and, when specified, tables II and III. Samples shall be selected at random.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51170G(EA)5Lot sizeInspection levels and sample sizesI III IV V VIIVI2to
25、89to1516 to 2526 to 5051 to 9091 to 150151 to 280281 to 500501 to 12001201 to 32003201 to 1000010001 to 3500035001 to 150000150001 to 500000500001 and over* 52*125012501250125012501250*125125125125125192294294345435*323232324873738610812315618913131313132029344250607490102555711131619232935404040235
26、567911131515151515VIII IX*Indicates one hundred percent inspection. If sample size exceeds lot size, performone hundred percent inspection.Accept the lot represented on zero nonconforming characteristics and reject the lotrepresented on one or more nonconforming characteristics for all inspection le
27、vels.*888812192127353846566464333567101115182229292929XXI*2020202020474753687796119143*5050505075116116135170200244II*315315315315315490715715*Table II. Sampling.TABLE III. Sampling for leak integrity and marking tests.Lot size Sample sizes*2 to 1200 131201 to 10000 2010001 to 35000 2935001 to 50000
28、0 34500001 and over 42*If sample size exceeds lot size, perform one hundred percent inspection.Accept the lot on zero nonconforming characteristics and reject the loton one or more nonconforming characteristics.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from
29、 IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51170G(EA)64.3.3 Inspection procedure. Every itemin thelot shall be inspectedfor critical characteris-tics. The lot represented shall be rejected when nonconformance to a critical characteristic isfound. Sample items shall be inspected in accordance with the classification of charac
30、teristicsin 4.3.5. Failure of any sample item to conform to any characteristic in the classification ofcharacteristics based on the sampling and acceptance criteria specified therein shall be causefor rejection of the lot represented.4.3.4 Inspection characteristics. Critical characteristics are cha
31、racteristics whose noncon-formancetospecifiedrequirementsislikelytoresultinhazardousorunsafeconditionsforindi-viduals who use or maintain the product. Characteristics whose nonconformance to specifiedrequirements is likely to prevent performance of the tactical function of a major end item arealsocr
32、itical characteristics. Major characteristicsare characteristicswhose nonconformance tospecified requirements is likely to result in failure or to reduce materially the usability of theitem for its intended purpose. Minor characteristics are characteristics whose nonconformancetospecifiedrequirement
33、sisnotlikelytoreducemateriallytheoperationorusabilityoftheitemfor its intended purpose.4.3.5 Classification of characteristics. Conformance inspections shall be as specified inthefollowing classification of characteristics paragraphs. When specified herein, accept on 0 andreject on 1 attributes samp
34、ling inspection shall be performed on the designated characteristicsusing the stated levels in table II or III, as applicable, for selection of sample sizes.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51170G(EA)7CLASSIFICATION OF CHARACTE
35、RISTICSPARAGRAPH TITLE DRAWING NUMBER4.3.5(a) Bag, Waterproof, Chemical-Biological SHEET 1 OF1 5 - 75 - 2Mask, M1CATEGORY CHARACTERISTICSAMPLING ANDACCEPTANCECRITERIAREQUIREMENTPARAGRAPHINSPECTIONMETHODCritical None definedMajor101 Pouch inside dimensions Table II, level VII 3.2 CE102 Components evi
36、dent, correct andcorrectly assembledTable II, level VII 3.2 VI103 Workmanship Table II, level VII 3.4 VINOTES:CE - Commercial inspection equipmentVI - Visual inspectionProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51170G(EA)8CLASSIFICATION
38、I 3.2 CE103 Leak integrity Table III 3.3.1 4.4.1104 Seam strength 5; Acc 0, rej 1 3.3.2 4.4.2*105 Marking Table III 3.3.3 4.4.3106 Low temperature resistance 3sampleunits* 3.3.4 4.4.4NOTES:CE - Commercial inspection equipment*Destructive test*A sample unit shall be a roll or package of sheets select
39、ed from each lot of bag material.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51170G(EA)94.4 Tests. Tests shall be conducted as follows:4.4.1 Leak integrity. Suspend each bag to be tested in an upright position by means of atleast four wid
40、emouth clamps attached to the open end. Fill the bag with water to the requireddepth. To avoidcondensationofwater fromthe surroundingair thewater shouldbe atapproxi-mately room temperature. Let the water-filled bag hang for the required time period and ex-amine the outside of the bag for leakage.4.4
41、.2 Seamstrength. DieonedumbbellspecimenconformingtodieAofASTMD412fromeach sample waterproof bag. The full width of the seam shall be within the constricted portionof the specimen and the long dimension of the specimen shall be approximately perpendicularto the seam. Condition the specimens at 705F f
42、or a minimum of one-half hour. Test thespecimens in accordance with Method 8311 of Fed. Test Method Std. No. 601.4.4.3 Marking. Submerge each waterproof bag to be tested in water at 705Ffor30minutes so that the printing will be wet. Remove the bag from the water and wipe dry. Within4minutesafterremo
43、vingfromthe water,apply5inchesof1/2by6-inchstripsofmaskingtapeconforming to type II of ASTM D 6123 at right angles to the printed lines so that at least 45letters are covered. Place the bag on a hard smooth surface and roll a 10-pound, hard-sur-faced, hinged roller with a diameter of approximately 5
44、 inches over the applied strips threetimes.Therollershalltravelatapproximately12inchesper10seconds.Astripofpapermaybeapplied to the adhesive side ofthe extending1-inch sectionof the tape to prevent adhesiontothe bag during rolling. Immediately after application, double back the free end of the tape
45、atabout180degreesandpeel thetapeslowlyandevenly fromthe bag. Examinethe printingandverify that no more than five characters are illegible.4.4.4 Low temperature resistance. Test the material specimens in accordance withMethod5874 of FED. TEST METHOD STD. No. 191, except the specimens shall be exposed
46、 to thetemperature specified on Drawing 5-75-3 for not less than one hour.5. PACKAGING5.1 Packaging. For acquisition purposes, the packaging requirements shall be as specifiedinthecontractororder(see6.2).WhenactualpackagingofmaterielistobeperformedbyDoDor in-house contractor personnel, these personn
47、el need to contact the responsible packagingactivitytoascertainrequisite packagingrequirements. Packagingrequirementsare maintainedby the Inventory Control Points packaging activities within the Military Service or DefenseAgency, orwithinthemilitaryservicessystemcommands. Packaging data retrieval is
48、availablefrom the managing Military Departments or Defense Agencys automated packaging files,CD-ROM products, or by contacting the responsible packaging activity.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51170G(EA)106. NOTES(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful,but is not mandatory.)6.1 Intendeduse. TheM1bagcoveredbythisspecif
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