1、MIL-F-48235 (PA) Amendment 2 22 ADril 1974 , SUPERSEDING . Amendment 1 10 August 1973. MILITARY SPECIFICATION FIRINGI DEVICE, ANTI-PERSONNEL MINE, e-“ ELECTRICAL, M57E1 PARTS FOR, -4 ASSEMBLING AND PACKINGI :- -; . This Amendment forms a part of Military Specification MIL-F- 48235 (PA) dated 16 July
2、 1973, and is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. Page 1, Paragraph 2.1: Change title of MIL-A-2550 to read “Ammunition, General Specification For:11. Page 2, Paragraph 2.1: Delete ltU.S, ARMY MUNITIONS COMMAND“ and substitute the following: “DRAWINGS U.S.
3、ARMY PICATINNY ARSENAL PRODUCT AND PACKING DRAWINGS 9270787 - Firing Device, Anti-Persdnnel 9272095 - Connector, Male. Mine, Electrical, M57E1. INSPECTION EQUIPMENT DRAWINGS 9200408 - Chamber, Va.cuum Test.“ Page 3, Paragraph 3.5.1: Delete tlcoIt in its entirety and substitute as follows : (IC. Tota
4、l energy generated shall measure not leSS than 33.2 milliwatt-seconds nor more than 52 milliwatt- Feconds as dissipated through a 6 ohm load. Total time to deliver this energy shall not exceed 24 milliseconds, nor be less than i5 milliseconds.Il TH 1 S *DDCU M ENT CONTA1 N S.-&.PAG S% *. c 1 A Provi
5、ded by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. MIL-F-48235 (PA) Amendment 2 Page 3, Paragraph 3.5.2: and substitute: (I25 milliwatt-secondstio Delete “18 milliwatt-seconds .I1 Page 3, Paragraph 3.7: as follows: Delete in its entirety and substitute “3.
6、7 First Article Inspection- This specification contains technical provisions for first article inspection. Requirements for the submission of first article samples by the contractor shall be as specified in the contract.1t *Page 26, Paragraph 5.1.1: . Change: to Read: Il3 1/2 by 1 3/8 by 5“ Change:
7、fi17 1/2 by 7 1/2 by gtl to Read: “18 by 7 3/8 by 10 3/8Ii. n3 3/8 by 1 3/8 by 4 1/411 *Page 27, Paragraph 5.2.1: “wood box! Delete “unit boxes“ and substitute, .Change “18 1/2 by i5 3/4 by lof1 to Read: “i8 3/4 by i5 5/8 by 11 5/810 *Asterisks indicate previous changes accomplished by Amendment 1 dated 10 August 1973. Custodian : APITIY-PA Project Number: 1345-A-055 * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1974-713155/6351 2 Preparing Activity: Army-PA i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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