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本文(ARMY MIL-F-51366 A-1979 FILTERS PARTICULATE RECIRCULATION (55O CFM AND 1200 CFM)《微粒再循环过滤器(55OCFM和1200CFM)》.pdf)为本站会员(livefirmly316)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、g*zb-q MIL-F-523bbA LI2 7777706 0235L22 5 m-F=51366A( EA) 25 Julv 1979 SUPERSEDING -F-51366( EA) 6 March 1974 MILITARY SPECIFICATION FILTEE, PARTICULATE: RECIRCULATION (550 CFM and 1200 CFM) This specification is approved for use by US Axmy Armament Research and Development Command, Department of th

2、e Am, and is available fc-: - deformation or sagging of medium or separators; cracks in the adhesive; cracks or holes in the exposed portions of the medium; and damaged or improperly secured gaskets. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. 4.1.1 Contractors responsibilitx.

3、 UnXess otherwise specified in the contract, the contractor is responsible for the performance of aJ-1 in- spection requirements as specified herein, Except as otherwise specified in the contract, the contractor may utiiize his own facility or any other 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

4、 or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-513bbA 42 94499Ob 0235334 O W facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in th

5、e specifications where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to specified requirements . 4.1.2 Objective evidence, The supplier shall provide objective evi- dence acceptable to the contracting officer that the requirements of 3.1 and section 5 for which specif

6、ic inspection has not been providea in this specification have been 6 atis fi ed. 4.2 Classification of inspections. -:.e inspection requirements speci- fed herein are classified as follows: (a) Preproduction inspection (see 4.3) (b) QWity conformance inspection (see 4.4) 4.3 Preproduction, 4,3.1 S.

7、ample. A preproduction lot of 10 particulate recirculation filters of each type shall be manufactured using the same methods, materiale, equipment, and processes as will be used during regular pro- duct ion. i 4.3.2 1nMp.ection procedures . 4.3*2.1 For examination. Each particulate recirculation fil

8、ter in the preproduction sample shall be examined for all requirements of the applicable drawings and this specification. For tests, cordance wi- sample shall comply with the requirements of this specification when ex- amined and tested as specified in 4.3.2 to be acceptable. shaU obtain wri

9、tten approval from the contracting officer before proceed- ing with regular production. Each filter in the sample shall be tested in ac- 4.3.3 Acceptance/re,jection criteria,. Each filter in the preproduction The supplier 4.4 Quality conformance insgection. 4.4.L Lotting, A lot shall consist of-each

10、 type of particulate re- circulation filters produced by one manufacturer, at one plant, from the sme materials, under essentially the 6- manufacturing conditions. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. 3 I MIL-F-533bbA 42 m 777770b 0235

11、335 2 W MIGF-51366A( EA) However, no. more than one lot of filter material shall be represented in any one lot of finished filters. dure used in regular production which differs from that used in the Any change in equipment or proce- ._ - preproduction sample shall be approved by the Government prio

12、r to its institution. 4.4.2 Sapling for examination and tests. Sampling for examination and tests and level A packaging shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-105. S-4 shall be used. For major defect 101, resistance to rough handling, level 4.4.3 Inspection procedure. For examination

13、and tests. Sample particulate recirculation filters shall be examined and tested in accordance with the classifica- tion of defects and MIESTD-105. For .critical efects. Each filter in the lot shall be tested for the critical defects listed in the classification of defects. Classific

14、ation of defects. .(a) Filters, particulate, (Dwg C5-19-5209-10 ,-20, as applicable) . Cate aori es Defects Acceptance standards Critical : 1 Airflow Res is tance 2 DOP Smoke Penetration MaJor: A& 2.5 percent defective 101 Resistance to rough handling 10 2 10 3 104 105 i06 Mi

15、nor: 210 - AQL 1.0 percent defective Component mis sing Component incorrectly assenibled Overall dimensions incorrect Marking incorrect Workmanship ( 3.8) A& 4.0 percent defective Marking missing or illegible 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

16、 IHS-,-,-NIL-F-513hbA Li2 W 9777706 023512b Li 9 . D MILF-51366A( EA) Classification of defects (continued) (b) Preparation for delivery. .(section 5) Critical : None defined mor: AQL 4.0 percent defective 101 102 Packaging box incorrect Quantity per package incorrect Quantity of packages pe

17、r pack incorrect Marking missing or illegible 4.4.4 Tests. I mined with the U07 DOP pketrometer (DLB76-2-639) . Vibrating Machine (DLA26-18-67) and then tested for airflow resistance and 3X1P smoke penetration in accordance with 5. PACKAGING 5.3. Packadne, level A. The particulate alters, t

18、ype I and II 8haU be individually packaged as specified on the packaging data sheets for these item which are identified by their Federal stock number. I damage in shipment from the supply source to the receiving activity. Shipping containers shall comply with the rules and regulations applicable to

19、 the mode of trenswrtation, 5.3 Marking. In addition to any special marking required by the con- tract or order, marking of packages (5.1) s shall. be specified on the packaging data sheet which is identified by the National stock number. Interplant shipment packs ( 5.2) shall be marked in accordanc

20、e with FED- STb123. 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-s- - MIL-F-SL3bbA Li2 m 7777706 0235337 6 a . . 1-51366A( EA) 5.4 Repair parts. When the filters, type I and II are pmcured for storage and issue as a repair part, preservation, pa

21、ckaging, packing, and merking shall be specified on the packaging data sheets which are identified by their National stock nuner. 60 NOTES 6.1 Intended use. The filters covered by this specification are used for the mechanical filtration of particulate matter .from atmospheric air. These filters are

22、 components of the M51 shelter system. 6.2 Ordering data. Procurement docur -* should specify the following: (a) (b) Wpe filter required (c) (d) ( e) Proproduct ion Title, number, and date of this specificatiion Level of packaging and packing required When packaging data sheet is required (i) Ti

23、me allowed for contractor submission of samples for (2) (3) Government test and evaluation after award of contract. tions when testing is performed by the Governmerit. whether or not to proceed with production. Name and address of test facility and shipping instruc- Time required for the Government

24、to notify the contractor 6.3 Manufacture. The following method of manufacture hac been found to produce a satisfactory particulate filter. with the distinct understanding: This procedure is furnished (a) (b) (c) That the contractor is not requLred to follow the method That the provisions of the spec

25、lfication must be met regard- That the Government malces no warranty that material made in less of the method of manufacture accordance with this method will pass the specification requirements. 6.4 Manufacturing Procedure Y (a) Filter material should be pleated on a suitable filter pleat- ing machi

26、ne using fiberboard separators to form and hold the pleats. section of pleated material containing the.number of folds which have been found to give the desired compactness should be tied-off and should be placed in a temporary &frame. A The exposed fiberboard separators should 1 - 7 o 7 8 I. Provid

27、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-r- MIL-F-51366A 42 7777706 0235338 m-F-51366A( EA) be removed and fluted aluminum separators inserted in their place. Any torn places in the filter material should be repaired with adhesive for filters. rep e

28、at e d. The pleated assembly shall be turned over and the operation I (b) The pleated section should be checked for proper compactness. Excessively tight packing will cause the fluted separators to cut into the filter material, and excessively loose packing will allow undesirable movement of the sep

29、arators. Correct compactness may be obtained by removing or splicing in sections of pleated filter material to the ends of the assem- bW. (c) of the pleated assembly and the temporary frame to keq pleats from bending over when trimmed. Both sides of pleated assembly should be trimmed with a high spe

30、ed bench saw to obtain correct width. angle of no less thaa 30 between the saw blade and filter pleats when trim- ming to prevent the saw from tearing the paper. Fiberboard backing strips should be inserted between each end It is necessary to have an (d) pleated assembly. second coat of adhesive sho

31、uld be applied. penetrate 6nd dry approximately four hours. be applied and allowed to penetrate and dry approximately four hours. tional coats should be applied if necessary to cover any pin holes which might arise when solvent evaporates. there are no pin holes remaining, the excess adhesive should

32、 be trimmed from the edges of assembly and the temporary frame removed. One coat of adhesive should be applied to both sides of the Allow to penetrate and dry approximately two hours. A This coat should be allowed to A third coat of adhesive should Addi- After carefui inspection to see that (e) The

33、pleated assembly should be assembled in the frame and one coat of adhesive applied around the entire periphery sealing the frame to the filter. The adhesive should be allowed to dry two hours and a second coat applied and allowed to dry four hours. repeated on the reverse side. This operation should

34、 then be (f) The final test for WP penetration and air resistance should be performed and the filter marked. Y 6.5 Interplant shipment. Packing for interplant shipment is for supplies and materiais that do not directly enter the military supply system. interplant shipments are shipments from a hbcon

35、tractor, vendor to a contrac- tor, or a supplier to a military arsenal or a plant. Typic& . 8 A,- , I. o Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-513bbA 42 99799Ob 02351139 T 1F-513661( EA) 6.6 Internationa interest. Certain provisions o

36、f this specification are the subject of International Standardization Agreement ($!TAG-451. When amendment, revision, or cancellation of this specification is pro- posed which affects or violates the international agreement concerned, the preparing activity will take appropriate reconciliation actio

37、n through international standardization channels including departmenta standardization offices if required. Custodian : Aq-EA . Preparing activity : Am - EA Project No. 4240-A713 *US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: I97S-603-022/S640 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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