1、U; January i954 SUPEIISE;DING Psq 20-tOC 4 Decemcer iy4L MILITARY SPECIFICATION GASKETS, RUBBER . .= 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope.- Tiis specificaxion covers one type of rubber gasitet interded for use m maing gas-tighc cormections u1 the asseably of gas ms cuiisters . 1.2 Size.- Unless ozherwise specified ga
2、sKets shau be iurnished m Lhe foiIomg sizes (see 0.1): Size I - Drawmg A2-2-oU7 Size 2 - Drawing AS-2-6U Size 3 - Dramrig A5-b,4-3W 2. APPLICAELZ DGCIijmGTS 2.1 IF,e foilomng spcciiicazions, staxiards, nd drames, of tk?e issue i: EtYrect. ori 5at.s of invitation for bids, form a part of this speciri
3、cation: SPECIFICATIOXS JAN-P-120 - Packaging and Packmg for herses Shipment - KiL-X-3b5 - Rubber and S-pthetlc Rubber Compounds, Genera Cartons, Folding, Paperooard. Purpose (Except Tires, Inner Tubes, Sponge Rubber, and Hard Iiubber.). Domestic ShipmenL to Asseabiy Plants. Gas Nsks. KIGP-lW77 - Poc
4、kaging of CozponenLs , . . . . . ,_ . , ,_. . d,. -_-. I . . . . . . , . . . jI:I:II:I:I:f:I L. . , . . _._.- . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-G-IJIIO LI2 - 7779906 0232076 3 !I.:;.:.-:. . l4IJ. -. . L . .-. (Copies of speciiicat
5、:.ons, standardo, dramgs, and publications, require . by contractors in connection mth specific procurement functions shouid be obtained from the procurmg agency or as directed by the contracting officer.) - ._-_-.-._-._ - when . . . 3.1.1 J4aterlaA.- The gamer, shall be made from naLurai or synthet
6、ic . 3.102 FhVsL cal r eauirernents .I The physical requ1remcnt.s shall conform . . . tested as specifxed therein. . _-_ .-. . . . 3.2 Size.- Tho size shall be as specified (see 1.2 and bel). 3.3 Workmanship.- Wormship shall be 11, accordance mth ood comerlc pracflc, The gaskets shal L be iree from
7、defects affecting appearance . and : . . _- . I- a erviceabilrty. . . _ -. ._ - - _- . _.-.-. . - ._._-* _- . -.- . I . 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 . Iota- A lot shall consist of the gamets of one sim produced by one A sub-lot. shall Consist of . manufacturer from the same rubber lormlotion
8、under csacntialiy tho smc mau- . . facturing condltions III not more than I worK ueeK. the gasisets produced ln not more than one her suitable material to prevent sticug. carton conforming to Specification JAN-P-120. the canon mth a uniform number oT gastcets u1 each stacK. . .- . ._ .- The containe
9、r for $he gastcets shall be a paperboard The gastcets shall be stacked in .-. The StaCKs shall be. ._ . - . . -. . separated by mterlocKing, half-slotbed paperboard partitions, _ .- - 501.2 For shipment as sDare Darts.- The gastcets shall be pawaged in accordance with Specification MIGP-l0/17. 5.2 P
10、aciung (see 6.1). 5.2.1 For chiDrnent to assemblv D1ants.- The gasitets paCKaged zs specified LZ.ZEii-EEZE:.Z . . . . . .- . -. . *. . - ._. II . 111 3.1.1, shaLL be pacmd m accordance mth Specification MIGP-10377. :I=.i;I:1I:I: . . - . _ -. . )._.-.- _. -. . . . 3.2.2 For shiDment as mare Darts.- l
11、he gastcebs shall be pactced in accordance wizh Specirication l!IGP-1071. . km. . I-._II-. . ._C._._ . _._. . ._- -. 3.3 Naring.- In addition to any special nzrauii required t;y Lhe contract :.- . or order, aii shipping conbas-ners shall be martced ui accordance mtn. Stuidard -.iiiij I .- ._ . - ,_.
12、-. . MIIrslD-12. PlarKmg shall uiclude the iouomng: _ . . . . _-_._-._ . - - . . . . . . ., . . . . . ,. . I: : . . Federal StOCK Number . Chemic= Corps Stow Numcet. GASKEI, RUBBEK 0. hToIEs boi Ordermg data.- Procuremenil docurnenbc should specirg: a. Titie, ntunber, and daLe os bhis specixication.
13、 b. lhe size or gastcet required. C. The type or pactcaging and pacamg required. . ) - . ,_. ._.I. . ,. . ,. . . ._-._._ . _._ . , i_._ . . ,. . _._._ . . _. . _._-. . .-. . ,_ . . ._ . -. . ._ -._ . _._ . -.-. _II-._ _-._ Patenb notice.- When Governrrient drawuigs, specificabions, or o bher daba ar
14、e used Tor any purpose other bhan Goverment, procuremenL operduon, the United Stabes GovernmenL Lhereby incurs no responsibillily nor any.obfigar;ion whatsoever; and the XacL thab Lhe . Mvermenr; may have rormulated,-Zurnished, or Ln any way supplied Lhe said drawuigs, speciricabions, or obher data
15、IS noL bo be regmded by impilcazion connecbion wLzh a deiiniLely reiaLed _- _ I - . ._ . . -I.-_- _.-. . ._-_. . . . ,_ . ._ ,_ ._ _. . .=.-. or obherwise as in any manner Licensing Lhe holder or a& other person or corporauon, or conveying any righLs or permscion LO nanufac.cura, use, an“ patented invention Lhab may Ln an:! way be relabed thereto. or sell _ . _ . . . ,_ - _ . -. . CUszodiV? : Arm - Chexcl Corps Other ILnberesL: Arq - p.Io -. Ir r I - .* _ . _ _. . _._ . ._ . - . . . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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