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本文(ARMY MIL-G-13483 B-1966 GRENADE HAND OFFENSIVE MK3A2 PARTS FOR《MK3A2型手动手榴弹进攻零件》.pdf)为本站会员(tireattitude366)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、MIL-G-13483B 13 W 7777706 0275370 5 W .S*. MILiTARY SPECIFICATION QRENADE, HAM), OE2k?SIVE, MK3A2 PARTS FOR 1. SCOPE 1.1 This speolficatlon covers the parts for one type of grenadb designated as Grenade, Hand, Offensive, MK3A2, I -.-. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS - .-. 2-.i The followlng documents of the

2、leaue in effect on date of Invitation for bids, or request for proposal, form a part of this epeclflcatlon to the extent speofle herein; SPEC IFICATIONS MILITARY - I ,ML-A-2550 - Ammunition and Speaial Weapon83 General MIEP-10025 - Packaging, Pacldng and Markirrg for Interplant Shipment of Inert Anm

3、unition Components, general Speirluatlon for MTEI-45607 - Inspeotlon Equlpnent, Supply and 1 Specification for c Malntenanae of STANDARDS MILITARY MIESTD-105 MIL-STD-109 MIL-STD-1167 MIESTD-1166 MIESTDI1235 1. + Sampling Procedures and Tables for ,. Inspection by Attributes (ABC-STD=lOS) . Quality A

4、sauranee Pennsan Definitions Ammunition Data pard8 . Lot. Numbering of Amnninltlon Single- and. Multilevel Continuous Samplw Preaeures and Tables for? Inapeotion by Attrbutes. .- , THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS I PAGES, u. y - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic

5、ense from IHS-,-,-flIL-G-13Y83B 13 9 9979706 0275371 7 m MIL-a-13483B (MU) DRAWINCIS -*ri GRDNANCE CORPS 9215459 - Grenade, -Hand, Offensive, mA2, Loading Assembly PUBLICATIONS ORDNANCE CORPS - t ET-7 3, REQUIREMENTS 3,1 Materlale-Materials shall be in accordance with applicable 3,2 Parts,-The ta sh

6、all comply with all requirements drawings and speoIflcatZon8, specifled on Drawlrig Kg.) 9215459 a8 applicable, and with all requ1rements:speclfled =r ln applicable specflcationar In - thorou$ ,wortcmanll er. -They:sllJe ;alean and free a of burrs, 8 harpq:edge8, f 6rMeb: Padli, a 6wfaoeI d8%ot#, *

7、ohpa, dirk, mease, corrosion produate an.vsal 04005 Supply and malntfenance,-Supply and _intt;enanCe 43.3 Government use of aontraotorte inilpotion equipment.- of the equipnient ll8ted in the Specification MIL-1-46607* The contractor shall make avai-labio to the Government 11 shall be In aaa

8、ordanae nlth Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-O-13483B (MU) inspection equipment necessary for determining conformance with contract requirements. and verification of its accuracy shall be 6Upplied by the contractor for the perform

9、ance ohxamlnation or test by the Government. Personnel for operating the equipment 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Packing 5.1.1 Level C.-Packing and marking ehall be In accordance 6. NOTES 6.1 with Specification MIL-P-10025. Ordering data.-Procurement documents shall specify the f o 1 low in;: a. T

10、itle, number and date of this speciflcation. b. in accordafice with the Information specified in Standard ML-STD-1167. assigned to the inspections herein are to facilitate future data collection and analysis by the Ctovernment. 6.3 equipment as required by the referenced inspection Equipment Lists (

11、EL) In accordance with the instructions of paragraphs 6.3.1 6.3.1 Data card8.-Data cards shall be prepared for each lot 6.2 Inspection code numbers.-The five digit code numbers Inspection equipment.-The contractor shall design inepection through 6.3.7, Inspection equipment liste.-Inspection equipmen

12、t lists indicate the availability of Inspection equipment designs b showing In the %umber“ column of the list of inspection equipment fSMUPA Form 1010) the numbers of drawings of existing equipment designs or codes as indicated In paragraph 6.3.2. contractor with respect to the different typet! of,d

13、rawinga that may be listed Is described In paragraphs 6.3.3 and 6*3,4. by the aontractor with respeot to commeraial lnspeotlon equlpaent ia desoribed in 6.3,s. detailed drawings in accordanoe with 6.3.6 for all the equipment coded aa “Contraator Deeignlt in the number column, Them eontrackor designa

14、 must be approved by the Government prlor to fabrloatlon or proouring of the equipment, Designs ahall be submitted for approval as specified in 6.3.7. Design action required of the Action required nie contraotor wlll be required to prepare 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking

15、 permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-L3483B 13 777770b 0275378 T W 1 i I I. MIL-Q-1348. (MU) . 6.3.2 Inspection equipment list codes.-The inspection equipment as defined In 6.3*3, 6.3.4, 6.3.5 and 6.3.6 will be designated in the “EL by the following codes: CDAF - Contractors design responsi

16、bility on Armyformat in CDCF - Contractors design responsibility on contractor AD - Army design, . . ADM - Amy design, mandatory for user SCD - Specification control drawing. accordance with MIElh45608 . .-+ format, CE - Comercial equipment. 6.3.3 Army designs,-Army designs are reflected on detailed

17、 drawings which completely depict all the information necessary for the fabrlcatian of the item of inspection equipment, need provide no design when an Army design is listed for an item . of inspection equipment. Army designs fall into two basto classifications, mandatory and non-mandatory, When an

18、inspection equipment list references mandatory Army designs, the aontractor shall comply.with, and use these designs accordingly. The contractor may, however, in connection with non-mandatory designs and with the approval-of the Government, design alternate inspection equipment or use comparable com

19、meraial equipment to faoilitate his operations, Such oontractor pre red des1 na (see 6.3,6) or commercial equipment selections Gee 6.3.57 must be approved by the Oovernment prior to fabrication or procuring of the equip- ment. Designe shall be submitted for approval as epeaified In 6.3.7. drawings d

20、epict the minimum equipment requirement8 ln oubline, descriptive, diagrmatic or pictorial form only and specify the required performance or other characteristics, prepare detailed drawings (see 6,3,6) of their designe In support of specification control drawings, These oontractor prepared debigns mu

21、st be approved by-the overnment prior to the fabrication or procwlng of the equipment, Commercial equipment meetlng the requirements of speoifioation control drawings must be described in sufficient detall to permit identification and evaluation by the Oovernment (see 6,3,5) Designs shall be submitt

22、ed for approval as speolfied in 6.3.7. equipment thab has universal appllaation for a epeclflo funotion, It 1s comprised of items commonly used by industry and overnment. Contractors normally are not required to furniah drawings of commeraial inspeotion equipmept, but a llet of suah equipnient The c

23、ontractor 6.3.4 Specification control drawing.-Specification control Contractors must 6.3.5 Conmeroial equipment,-CommercIal equipment is inspeation 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-13983B 13 W 9999906 O295399 1 W 1 MIL-U-13483

24、B (MU) must be approved by the Government. When commercial inspection equipment requires the use of special fixturing, the deslpln of this fixturing shall be considered as part of the total design, and 6.3.6 shall apply, In the latter case, only those port1or.s of the commercial equipment need be de

25、tailed in Che designs as are necessary to completely fabricate, calibrate, and operate the total item of inspection equipment. designs shall be submitted for approval as specified In 6.3.7. 6.3.6 Contractor designs,-Contractor designs are designs of . Inspection equipment for which the Government ha

26、s assigned design responsibility to the contractor, Contractor designe shall be. supported by detailed drawings which depict all information necessary to completely fabricate, calibrate and operate an item of inspection equipment. This requires that the necessary views, dimensions, materials, finish

27、, notes, operating and calibration Instructions be properly depicted in accordance with approved practices to the extent that fur.ther calculation or clarification will not be required, Cntraotor designa identified a8 CDCF may be developed on the format; the aontraator normally employs In hle equipm

28、ent design procedure provided such format reflects the detall and 1nformat;ion speoified above. Contractor deslgns identlfied as CDAF shall comply wlth the format and requirements of MiL-D-45608, and in addition, contain the detall and information specified above. Final approved contraator designs i

29、dentified a8 CDCF ahall be suitable for microfilming. They must be non-reproduolble diazo or electroatatia printsof top quality fullsize with black llnes on white background and shall provide a legible print produced via the 35m miorofilm process, Contraotore shall submit one copj, of the final eslg

30、n as a rolled set or flat set. be submitted for approval a8 specified In 6.3,7. Submlssion of contractor designa.-Unless othenlse specified on the :ZL, all designs of equipment for inspection ofdefeCt8 classified as orltical and major shall be submitted for approval to the Commanding Officer, Picati

31、nny Arsenal, ATTN; SMUPA-ND,. All other de6lgn8 of lnapeotlon equipment shall be approved by the Inspeation element , the contraoting offlcer shall advise Picatinny Arsenal and instructione will be issued accord- ingly. All Inquiries should be forwarded to: Commanding Off Icer, Picatinny Arsenal, ATPNt SMPA-NI. Custodian: Amy-MU Preparing aotivity: Prosect No, 1330-AO66 Artny-MU 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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