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本文(ARMY MIL-K-71151-1993 KIT REFURBISHMENT FOR CARTRIDGE 60MM PRACTICE SHORT RANGE M766 LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M766式60 mm近程教练弹用翻新套件及其装药 组装和包装》.pdf)为本站会员(jobexamine331)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、* MIL-K-71 I51 (AR) O1 November 1993 MI LI IARY SPEC1 FI CATION KIT, REPUHBJSHMENT, FOR CARTRIDGE, 60MM, FRACTJCE, SHORT RANGE, M766 ItCiADI NG, ASSEMBItING AND PACKING This Specification is approved for use by the U.S. Army Arrl?merit., Munit ions and Chemical Command, and is available for use by a

2、ll Departn1ent.s and Agencies of the Department. of Defense. I. SCOPE: 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the loading, assembling arid packing for t-he refurbishment kit. for Cartridge, 60MM Practice, Short. Range, M766 (SCP 6.3). 2. 1 Governnierit dcicunients. - - - - - - _- 2.1 .i Spec-i f j cat

3、 i oris and standards. The fol - _-.-_-._-_.-I-. - specifications and staridards form a part- of this document. to the ext.c?rit speci f i ed kLc.rt4n. Unless otherwise specif i ed, the i.ssues of l.hc-,sc dcrunierit.s shal 3 be those listed in the issue of t.he Deprt nient. of Defelisc. Ind

4、ex of Specj f icat-ions and St-andards (DODlSS) and supplement. t.herct.0, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). SPECIFICATJONS MIL, I TARY MI 1,-A-4 8 O 78 - Ammuni tion, Standard Quali t.y Assurance Provisions, General Specification for Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, dclctions) an

5、d any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document, should be addressed to: Comrnandcr, U.S. Army ARDEC, ATIN: SMCAR-BAC-S, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000 by using the Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at thc end of this document or by letter.

6、AMSC N/A FSC 1315 ION STATEMENT distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. MIL-K-71151 m 99999Ob Lb9240 bLO = MIII-K-71 151 (AR) C 1 AN UA RDS MIII-STD-l O9 - Quality Assurarice Ternis. and Dei i r,i t ions (Unless o

7、therwise indicated, co)ies of federal arid mi litary specificat ions, standards, and handbooks are available from DODSSP - Cust orner Service, Standdrdi zat ion Docunrerits Order Desk, 700 Rohbins Aveiiue, Bldg. 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.) 2.1 .2 Other Governnient docunierit s drawi na4 arid p

8、ub1 i cat i ons. - _- - - - - - - - - - !- -d-l- - - The fol lowi ng ot.her Govex-nnient documents, drawi ngs , and pub1 i cat i cjnc form a part of t his docurrwrit- to the extent. speci fi ed k,erein. Unless ot-herwisc Spcified, the issues arc those cit-ed in tlie solicitation. DRAWINGS (See 6.5)

9、12953609 - Packing of BOX, Fiberboard, Inner for 12953610 - Packing and Marking for BOX, Fiberboard, 12953611 - Packing and Marking for Box, Wood, Wirebound for Rtbfiirbi shnient. Kit., M766 Out-er for Ft.fiirbi shment. Ki t., b1766 Refurhi shment. Kit., M766 a I QIJAIvl SY ASSURANCE PHClVI SIONS (C

10、opi es of cr ahi rigs and puhl icat ions and other Governnient documents reyi;ired by contractors in connection with specific acquisition funct ions should be obtained from the contract.irig activity or as directed by the coiitracting officer.) 2.2 Order of precedence. in the everit- of a conflict b

11、etween - - -L-L- - the t-ext. of this document. and the references cited herein, the text of this docunierit takes precedence. Nothing in t.his document., howevcr, supercedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. (See contract provisions for add i t i orial p

12、recedence cri t Fi i 2) . 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-flIL-K-71L5L m 9999906 L96924L 557 m MIL-K-71151 (AR) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.3 Material. Materials and parts shall be in accordance with applicable drawings and specifications. Th

13、e fuzes (M779), obturators, and ignition cartridges (M987) shall be from lots that meet their respective specification requirements and have been accepted by the Government, 3.2 Obturator, The obturator shall seat flush or below flush when properly assembled to a servi-ceable carrier round. 3.3 Bree

14、ch plug firing pin position. The firing pin shall be flush to below flush relative to the rear face of the breech plug after assembly against the propelling charge. 3.4 Fuze striker arming indicator marking. The red arming indicator on the forward section of the fuze striker shall not be visible whe

15、n the striker is in the safe position and shall be readily visible when the striker is in the armed position. 3.5 Increment plug. The increment plug shall be able to be easily inserted and be firmly seated in the increment plug hole of the projectile body, and be removable with an outward pull of 14

16、 + 8 pounds on the increment plug pull tab when pulled perpendicular- to the projectile body. 3 , 6 Proving ground test-. The refurbj shed cartridges shall comply with the following requirements when tested in accordance with and 4.5.1, 3.6.3 Misfjres, The refurbished cartridges shall not. f

17、ail to fire from the weapon when they are init-ially dropped into it-. 3.6.2 Short rounds, No refurbished cartridges shall have a horizontal range less than 80 percent of the average horizontal range (calculated without. the short rounds) , 3.6.3 Metal parts - separation. There shall be no metal par

18、ts separation in the gun bore or in flight. 3.6.4 Range and deflect-ion - precision. The refurbished cartridge shall have a horizontal range probable error (PEr) less than 10 meters for all zones. The probable error deflection (PE) shall be less than 10 meters for all zones. 3 Provided by IHSNot for

19、 ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-K-7L15L 999Ob 19b9242 473 MIL-K-7 1 1 5 1 (AH) 3.6.5 Duds. The fuze shall furict ion upon qround impact of t.he - refurbished cartridge. 3.6.6 Premat.ure - - burst. - There shall he no burst in the gun bore or in the fir

20、st 15 rriet.ers of flight 3.6.7 WeaLon. The ref urbi shed car- t r i clqe sha 1 1 riot be t.he cause of weapon 3amage. 3.6.8 Fuze signaturtl. The fuze, when ballistically fired, shall provide bot-ii a visible and audible signature at a niiriiniuin range of 550 meters froni the observer. Only a visib

21、le or only dn audible sic;nature upon impact is not ccfficient. t.o nieet this requ i renient. Vi sua1 arid dud i o enhancenierit equi prrierit sha 1 1 not be used for this assessment. Visible is defiried as flach or smoke or both flash arid smoke. - - 3.6.9 Dud plug fiinct.ion. Functioned r

22、ound. All dud plugs shall blow ou+ of the - - - - _ - - - project-i le body upon fuze func-t.i on. Inert. round. No diid pluq shall exit. the projectile - -_ body during ba1list.ic flight or upon impact. 3.7 First. article -.- . This speciificatlon makes provisions for f i.rst. art.jcle insp

23、ect.ion. Requirenierit.s for t.he submission of first. art.icle samples by t.he corit-ract or are speci f-i ed iri t.he contract. and by 4.3 herein. (See 6.2) 3.8 Workmanship. All parts and assemblies shall be free froni I_-. _-.- burrs, chips, shar-p edges, cracks, unblended radii, surfcice defects

24、, dirt., grease, rust., porosit.y, warpage, burn marks, checks, blisters, excess flash, corrosion proc1uct.s and any ot.her forc3ign niat.t-er. Any cleaning rriet-hcid used shall riot. be injurious t.o any part. nor shall the parts be cont.aniirat.ecl by t.he cleanirig agent-s. Surface coating shall

25、 be continuous except. for a few slight scrat.ches not. exposing base The loading and assembly operat-ions shall be performed in a t-horough, workmanlike manner consist-ent- with t-he best. pract.i ces of t.he i.ndiict.ry . All requi red markings shall be neat. and sharply defined. 3.9 D

26、ud plugs. - 3.9.1 Configuration. Three dud plugs shall be present. and -I_ -I- properly inserted into the pr0ject.i le body for t.he proving ground t.e s t. . 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-K-71151 MIL-K-71151 (AR) 3.9.2 - Comp

27、liance. -.- The dud plugs shall comply with the requirement-s of QAP C1296lO01. The cont.ract.or shall certify to that compliance in one of t.he followiny ways: e a. incoming inspect.ions and testing in accordance wit-ti the QAP were prformed in his facjlitjes. h. Inconiing inspect ions and test-ing

28、 in accordance with the QAP were performed dt anot-her approved by the Government c. The dud plugs were purchase6 wit-h the QAP as part. of the procurenierit documentat i on. d. The QAP may be applied t,o the cont-rac+.or that- packs out t.he M776 Refurbishment. Kit., Int-his case, the du

29、d plugs shall be found by the Government before releasi rig the inspect i on lot. quant.ity t.o the cont-ract-or for USE in product-ion. 4 QUAIIITY ASSIIHANCE PROVI S JONS 4.1 Hesporisibi1it.y -.-.- -.- for inspect-ion. -.- Unless ot.herwise specified in t.lie corit.ract. or purc-hase or

30、der, the contract-or is responsible for t.hc perforniance of al 3 i rispect.ion requirements (cxanij.riat.ions and tect.s) as specified herein, Except as o+-herwise specified in t.he corit.ract. or purchase order, the cont-ract.or niay use his own or any o+-her faci lit.ies suitable for the perforez

31、nce of the inspect-ion requireniei1t.s specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government The Governiiicnt- reserves t-he r.ight- to perform any of the i.ricpect ions set. forth in this specificat-ion where such i r!spect.ions arc deemed necessary to ensure supplies and services conforni +.o pre

32、sc-r i bed 1-equi rementc. 4.1 .i HeLporisibi1it.y .-.-.-_- - for conipliance. -.- _- All it.ems shall meet. a11 requirement-s of scct.ions 3 and 5. The inspections set. forth in t.hi s speci fi cati on cha 11 beconic a part. of the cont.ract.or s overall inspect.ion or qual i ty program.

33、The absence of any inspect.iori requirements in t.he specificat.ion shall not. re1 ieve t.he cont-ract.or of the responsibi 1 i t.y of crisuring that. all pr0duct.s or suppl i es subnii t.t.ed to t.he Government. or accept ance comply wi t.h al 1 requirement.s of the corit.ract Sampling inspect ion,

34、 as part. of manufacturing operat.ions, is an acceptable pract.ic-e +.O ascertain conformnce t.o rccju i renicnt.s, however, t h i s does not. aut.lior i ze submission of known defect ive mat-erial, r.i t.her indicat-ed or act.ua3, iior does it conirni t t.he Cover-nnierit- t.o accept ciefcct.ive ni

35、at.eri.31 . 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-K-71151 W 999990b 1969244 2bb = MIL-K-713 51 (AR) 4.3.2 Generalgrovisions. - - _-_- The requirements of MIL-A-48078 form a part- of the quality assurance provisions of this specificat-

36、ion. Reference shall be made to MIL-STD-I O9 to define quality assurance terms used herein. 4.2 -_ Classification _ - of inspect.ion. - The following types of inspections shal I be conducted on this item. a. First. art.jcle jnspect.ion (see 4.3) b. Quality conformance inspect-ion (see 4.4) 4.3.1 - S

37、ubmission. The contractor shall submit a first article sample as designated by the Contracting Officer for evaluation iri accordance wit-h provisjons of 4.3.2, The first article sample shall consist of the assemblies, components and test specimens listed below in the quantities indicated. 4.3.2 Insp

38、ect-ions to be performed. _- See MIL-A-48078 and Table I specified herein. 4.3.3 Rejection. See MIL-A-48078 and the first article ballistic test shall be rejected if: a. b. C. d. e. f. g- h. Two or more misfires occur. Three or more duds occur without. any misfires or if two or more duds occux wi.t-

39、h one One or more short. rounds occur. One or more preniature bursts occur. One or more metal parts separation occur. Precision requirements are not met. (70 degrees F conditioned samples only). One or more dud plugs exi.t the projectile body in the i.nert fuze ballistic test. Two or more

40、dud plugs fail t.0 exit; the projectile body in the fuze ballistic tests (accumulatively, except. in the case of a particular round that. was an act-ual dud). 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-K-71151 m 999990b 1969245 IT2 =

41、 cri U W 3 CO t N O LL 4 + W W I ln Z 0 a 9 LL c 2 u - -w nLn - mm mm m * (B c b 5 w a, TJ 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-HIL-K-LIIL rn 9999Ob Lb924b 039 rn - W V w (L W L- U o o L W ;i z o a z c W v) k O ici k Qi U . CI ast-eri sk

42、s indi.cate one hundred percent. inspect ion. If sample size exceeds lot size, perform one hundred percent irtspect.ion. Accept. on zero and reject. on orle or more for all insLect.ion levels.) Alt.ernat.ive - .- - - - %al _ _ i - ty _ - conformance _ - -. - - - - - - - provisi.ons. - - - _ - - - -

43、- - - _- _. _ -1-1- b. Unless otherwise specified herein or provided for in the corit.ract., alt.ernat.ive qual it.y conformance procedures, niet-hods or qui pment., such as i st.ical process cont-rol , tool cont-rol, vari-ables sampling or other- types of samplirig plans, etc., may be used by

44、 the contract-or when they provide, as a minimum, t.he level of quality assurance required by t.he provisions herein. Prior t.o applying such a1t.ernat.ive ErOC-edUreS, met.hods or equipment., the cont-ract-or- shall descri be t-hem i.n a wr i t.t.en proposal submi t.t:ed t.o t.he Government for eva

45、luation (see 6.3). When required, the cont.ract.or shall demonstrate that. the effectiveness of each proposed alt-ernative is equal t.o or bet-t er than t.he specified qual i t-y conformance provisionls) herein. In case of di.sput.e as t.o whether the cont-rac:t.ors proposed al t.ernt.ive (s) provid

46、es equivalent- assurance, t.he provisions of this specificat.ion shall apply. All approved al t.ernal.ive provi sions shall be specifically incorporated into the cont.ract.ors quali t.y program or inspect-ion system, as applicable. 10 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permit

47、ted without license from IHS-,-,-I LI H z MIL-K-7115L m 9Ob Lb249 848 m w O z W W L W of o O I I L qmq R n m -ti m nCQ a . . o. . O. mmm m m m mm m mm kHH H H k HH HHH CL H H HH HHH H H H HH Q a, c k Q) mcn a k9i w clk a, *d c u) C 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permit

48、ted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-K-7LL5L D 99999Ob 1i9b9250 5bT w-m n -e- m nnnm n-X mmm m mmmm m mmmm mmm o . . o. . 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-K-7LLSL b Lb25L 4Tb m Ln m r- I M I LI x H c .d 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 L O 4 I- W W I VI cv rn . . rn . wnnri FI nm. rtriC0 mmmn m mm mmm . e. o. 14 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networ

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