1、MIL-L-14758 (MU)10 May 1968MILITARY SPECIFICATIONLEAD AZIDE (SPECIAL PURPOSE)(FOR USE IN AMMUNITION)1. SCOPE1.1 This specification covers a grade of lead azideto be used in Aerial Mines.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect ondate of invitation for bids or request
2、 for proposal form apart of this specification to the extent specified herein.SPECIFICATIONSMILITARYMIL-S-51132STANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-105MIL-STD-109MIL-STD-129MIL-STD-650- Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose(For Ammunition Use) (See 6.3)- Sampling Procedures and Tablesfor Inspection by Attributes(ABC-S
3、TD-105)- Quality Assurance Terms andDefinitions- Marking for Shipment and Storage- Explosive:Sampling, Inspectionand TestingMIL-STD-1235 - Single and Multilevel ContinuousSampling Procedure and Tables forInspection by Attributes(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and publicationsrequired
4、by suppliers in connection with specific procurementfunctions, should be obtained from the procuring activity oras directed by the Contracting Officer.)FSC: 1345Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-14758 (MU)2.2 Other publications. -
5、The following document forms apart of this specification to the extent specified herein.Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date ofinvitation for bids shall apply.CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS49 CFR 71-90 - Interstate Commerce Commission RulesAnd Regulations for the Transportationof Exp
6、losives and Other Dangerous Articles(The Interstate Commerce Commission Regulations are now a partof the Code of Federal Regulations (1949 Edition and Revisions)available from the Superintendent of Documents, GovernmentPrinting Office, Washington 25, D.C. Orders for the abovepublications should cite
7、 “49 CFR 71-90 (Latest Revision).”)3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Crystal growth control agent.-Lead Azide shall beprecipitated from a solution of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose(NaCMC) which shall be used as the crystal growth control agent.The NaCMC shall be in accordance with Military SpecificationMIL-S-51132
8、 or see Physical and chemical characteristics .-The Lead Azideshall have the following chemical and physical characteristicswhen tested as specified herein.3.2.1 Color.-The color shall be white to buff, whentested as specified in Form3.2.2.1 Aggregates.-The aggregates shall conta
9、in no welldefined translucent crystals when examined microscopically(see 4.3.2). Particles.-The particles shall be opaque,free flowing powder and irregular in size and shape when testedas specified in Chemical tests3.3.1 Purity.-The purity shall be 98.5 percent minimum(min.), when-t
10、ested as specified in PH.-The lead azide shall have a pH of 7.5 max., and5.0 min., when tested as specified in by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-147583.3.3 Matter insoluble in nitric acid.-The insolublematter of
11、 the lead azide in nitric acid shall be 0.05 percentmax. and none shall be retained on a U.S. Standard Sieve 230,when tested as specified in Lead carboxymethyl cellulose.-The carboxymethylcellulose when determined as the lead salt shall be 0.60 percentmin., and 1.20 percent max., when te
12、sted as specified in Bulk density.-The bulk density shall be 1.1 gram(gm.) per milliliter (ml.) min. when tested as specified in Workmanship.-The lead azide shall be free from grease,wood slivers or chips, rubber or plastic particles, or anyother foreign particles. During manuf
13、acture, care must beexercised to assure that the precipitation kettles arecleaned before manufacture of each new batch. The solutionof sodium carboxymethyl cellulose must be filtered priorto use in such a manner to preclude the presence of fibrousmaterial. The lead acetate solution must be filtered
14、untilclear (i.e., no suspension of lead carbonate) and must be storedin such a manner to preclude the formation of lead carbonatedue to atmospheric carbon dioxide contamination.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 General quality assurance provisions. -Unless otherwisespecified in the contract or purc
15、hase order, the supplier isresponsible for the performance of all inspection requirements asspecified herein. Except as otherwise specified, the suppliermay utilize his own facilities or any commercial laboratoryacceptable to the Government. Inspection records of the examinationsand tests shall be k
16、ept complete and available to the Governmentas specified in the contract or order. The Government reservesthe right to perform any of the inspections set forth in thespecification where such inspections are deemed necessary toassure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.Reference
17、shall be made to Standard MIL-STD-109 in order todefine terms used herein. Inspections shall be performed inaccordance with this specification and other specificationsreferenced in any of the contractual documents.4.1.1 Contractor quality assurance system.-If the contractordesires to utilize a quali
18、ty assurance system which is atvariance with the quality assurance provisions of 4.2 and 4.3and other documents referenced herein, he shall submit awritten description of the system to the contracting officerfor approval prior to initiation of production. It shall include3Provided by IHSNot for Resa
19、leNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-14758 (MU)a description covering controls for lot formation and identifi-cation, inspections to be performed, inspection stations,sampling procedures, methods of inspection (measuring and testingequipment) and provisions fo
20、r control and disposition ofnon-conforming material. The written description will beconsidered acceptable when, as a minimum, it provides the qualityassurance required by the provisions of 4.2 and 4.3 and theother documents referenced herein. The contractor shall notbe restricted to the inspection s
21、tation or the method ofinspection listed in this specification provided that anequivalent control is included in the approved quality assuranceprocedures. In cases of dispute as to whether certain proceduresof the contractors system provide equal assurance, the comparableprocedure of this specificat
22、ion shall apply. The contractorshall notify the Government of, and obtain approval for, anychange to the written procedure that affects the degree ofassurance required by this specification or other documentsreferenced herein.4.1.2 Submission of product.-At the time the completedlot of product is su
23、bmitted to the Government for acceptance, thecontractor shall supply the following information accompanied bya certificate which attests that the information provided iscorrect and applicable to the product being submitted:a. A statement that the lot complies with all qualityassurance provisions of
24、the approved current written descriptionof the system.b. Quantity of product inspected.c. Results obtained for all inspections performed.d. Specification number and date, together with anidentification and date of changes.Certificates of analysis of all material procureddirectly by the contractor in
25、cluding a statement that NaCMC hasbeen used.f. Quantity of product in the lot.g. Date submitted.The certificate shall be signed by a responsible agent of thecertifying organization. The initial certificate submitted shallbe substantiated by evidence of the agents authority to bind hisprincipal. Subs
26、tantiation of the agents authority will not berequired with subsequent certificates unless, during the courseof the contract, this authority is vested in another agent of thecertifying organization.4.1.3 First article inspection4.1.3.1 Submission.-The contractor shall submit a firstarticle quantity
27、as designated by the Contracting Officer forevaluation in accordance with the provisions of (see 6.2).The first article sample shall consist of 250 grams of material.4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-14758 (MU)The sample
28、submitted shall have been produced by the contractor(or furnished by a supplier) using the same production processes,procedures, and equipment as will be used in fulfilling thecontract.All materials, including packaging and packing, shallbe obtained from the same sources of supply as will be used in
29、regular production. The sample shall be accompanied bycertificates of conformance. A first article quantity, or portionthereof, as directed by the Contracting Officer, shall also besubmitted whenever there is a lapse in production for a periodin excess of 90 days, or whenever a change occurs in manu
30、facturingprocess, material used, drawing, specification or source ofsupply as to significantly affect product uniformity as determinedby the Government. Prior to submission, the contractor shallinspect the sample to the degree necessary to assure that itconforms to the requirements of the contract a
31、nd submit a recordof this inspection with the sample. A sample containing knowndefects will not be submitted unless specifically authorized bythe Contracting Officer. Inspections to be performed.-The sample will besubjected by the Government to any or all of the examinations ortests specified
32、 in 4.2 and 4.3 of this specification and any orall requirements of the applicable drawings. Rejection. -If the sample fails to comply with anyof the applicable requirements, the first article quantity shallbe rejected.The Government reserves the right to terminateits inspection upon any fail
33、ure of a sample to comply with anyof the stated requirements. In the event of rejection, theGovernment reserves the right to require the contractor to takecorrective action and submit a new first article quantity orportion thereof. Until a first article quantity is accepted,the contractor is in no w
34、ay authorized by the Government toresume regular production unless otherwise directed by theContracting Officer.4.2 Inspection provisions4.2.1 Lot formation.-A lot shall consist of one or morebatches of lead azide produced by one manufacturer, underone continuous set of operating conditions, in acco
35、rdance withthe same specification or same specification revision. Abatch shall be a maximum of 17 pounds of lead azide thathas been subjected to one chemical and/or physical mixingprocess. Each lot shall be identified with a lot identifi-cation number, name of manufacturer, date of manufacture aswel
36、l as dry weight of lead azide contained therein.5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-14758 (MU)4.2.2 Examination.-Inspection for critical defects shall be100 percent. Sampling plans and procedures for Major and Minordefects shall be
37、 in accordance with MIL-STD-105 except thatcontinuous sampling plans in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-1235may be used if approved by the procuring activity. Also, at theoption of the procuring activity, AQLs and sampling plans maybe applied to individual characteristics listed using an AQL of0.65
38、 percent for each Minor defect and an AQL of 0.40 percent foreach Major defect. Bag, cotton duck prior to closing (see 5.1)Categories DefectsCritical:1. Lead azide insufficiently wetMajor: AQL 0.40 percent101. Cloth cap pierced, torn orimproperly positionedMinor: AQL 0.65 percent201. Evidence
39、 of poor workmanship(see 3.4) Bag, cotton duck (see 5.1)CategoriesCritical:Major:101.102.DefectsNone definedAQL 0.40 PercentBag pierced or tornBag improperly closedMethod of Code No.Inspection (see 6.4)Visual 01001Visual 01002Visual 01003Method of Code No.InspectionVisualVisual0200102002Minor
40、: None defined4.2.2.3 Bag, waterproof prior to closing (see 5.1)Categories Defects Method of Code No.InspectionCritical: None definedMajor:101.Cotton duckMinor: None defined6AQL 0.40 Percentbag missing Visual 03001Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license f
41、rom IHS-,-,-MIL-L-14758 (MU) Bag, waterproof (5.1)Categories DefectsCritical:1. Bag pierced or torn2. Bag improperly closedMajor: None definedMinor: None defined4.2.2.5 Container, prior to closingCategories DefectsCritical: None definedMajor: AQL 0.65 Percent101. Jute liner torn102. Sawdust i
42、nsufficientlysaturated103. Filled waterproof bagimproperly surrounded bysawdust104. Container pierced, cut ordamagedMinor: None defined4.2.2.6 Closed container (see 5.2)Categories DefectsCritical:1.Major:101.Minor:201.202.Marking misleading orunidentifiableAQL 0.40 PercentContainer improperly closed
43、or sealedAQL 1.00 PercentDOD symbol misleading orunidentifiableBare spot or exterior otherthan slight scratches(applicable metal containers)Method of Code No.InspectionVisualVisual(see 5.1)Method ofInspectionVisualVisualVisualVisualMethod ofInspectionVisualVisual-ManualVisualVisual0400104002Code No.
44、05001050020500305004Code No.060010600206003060047Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-14758 (MU)4.2.3 Testing (NOTE: To safely dispose of waste lead azide,add all azide residues or contamination into 50 times its weightof 15 percent
45、eerie ammonium nitrate.) Sampling. -The tests depicted in 4.3 shall beperformed on a compsite sample obtained by removing equal quantitiesof lead azide from each batch of lead azide in the lot and mixing. Preparation of the sample.-An equal portionof lead azide shall be removed from
46、each bag in the lot bymeans of horn spoon to form a sample of approximately 100 grams(dry weight). (NOTE: Samples may be taken from the agitatedvessel before the lead azide is transferred from the vessel tothe shipping bag). The sample shall be blended on a smoothsurface by mixing with a horn spatul
47、a. Water shall be added incase the sample appears dry. The sample shall be spread outand divided into squares approximately 1/2 inch on a side, bymeans of the spatula, small portions shall be taken from eachsquare to make a retained sample of approximately 50 grams(dry weight). These portions, thoro
48、ughly wetted, shall betransferred to a smooth-necked bottle, tightly stoppered with arubber stopper, and the stopper secured with adhesive tape.This retained sample bottle shall be so labeled that the bagfrom each lot from which the material was taken can be easilyidentified. The retained sample sha
49、ll be held for possiblefuture examination (6 months minimum). The remaining portion ofthe sample shall be used for testing. This sample, thoroughlywetted, shall be transferred to a smooth-necked bottle tightlystoppered with a rubber stopper and the stopper secured withadhesive tape. The bottle shall be labeled to show the nameof the material, manufacturer, plant, contract or order number,ba
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