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1、-)i- .MIL-M-1276013(MU)+ 15 NOVEMBER 1963! SUPERSEDINGMIL-M-12760A (Oral)16 FEBRUARY 1962MILITARY SPECIFICATIONMINE,ANTI-PERSONNELNON-METALLIC,M14E1WITH INTEGRALPARTS FORFUZE1. SCOPE1.1 This specification covers the parts andparts assemblies for one type of mine de-signated as Mine, Anti-Personnel,

2、Non-Me-tallic, M14E1, with Integral Fuze.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 The following documents of the issuein effect on date of invitation for bids or re-quest for proposals, form a part of this speci-fication to the extent specified herein.SPECIFICATIONSFEDERALQQ-L201 Lead, SheetUUT111 Tape; Paper; Gu

3、m-med (Sealing andSecuring)PPIP-B+36 Boxes, FiberMILITARYMILA+2550 Ammunition and Spe-cial Weapons, Gen-eral SpecificationforMILP1OO25 Packaging, Packingand Marking forInterplant Ship-ment of Inert Am-munition Com-ponents: GeneralSpecification forMIL145208 Inspection Require-ments, General Spe- cifi

4、cation forMIL145607 Inspection Equip-ment. Supply andMaintenance ofSTANDARDSMILITARYMITAWD-105D - Sampling Proceduresand Tables for In-spection by Attri-butesIWILSTD-109 Quality AssuranceTerms and Defini-tionsProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from I

5、HS-,-,-iMILM-12760B (MU)I MILSTD-12354ingle and MultilevelContinuous Sam-pling Proceduresand Tables for In-spection by Attri-butesDRAWINGSORDNANCECORPS82-15-52 Mine, Apers, NM,M14E1, With In-tegral Fuze, PartsAssembly and de-tails8861851 Carton, Packing, Am-munition, for Mine,Apers, NM, M14with Inte

6、gral Fuze.PUBLICATIONSORDNANCECORPSIEL7152622 Index of InspectionEquipment Lists(Copiesof specifications, standards, drawings andpublications required by suppliers in connection withspecific procurement functions should be obtainedfrom the procuring activity or as directed by thecontracting officer.

7、)3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Material. Materials and parts shall bein accordance with applicable drawings andspecifications.3.2 Mine and fuze assemblies. The mineand fuze assemblies shall comply with allrequirements specified on Drawing (dwg. )82-15-52 and with all requirements speci-fied in applicable speci

8、fications.3.3 Internal air test. The fuze assemblyshall evidence no drop in pressure when sub-jected to an internal air pressure of not lessthan ten nor more than eleven pounds persquare inch gage (p.s.i.g.) for not less thanfive seconds when tested as specified in Functioning. The fuze as

9、sembly shallrequire an axial load of not less than 20pounds nor more than 35 pounds to causesudden reversal of the belleville spring whentested as specified in 4.4.2. (see 6.4).3.5 Recovery of firing pin of the fuze as-sembly. The firing pin shall return to theminimum position required by the drawin

10、gafter a load just prior to functioning (see6.4) is applied and released when tested asspecified in Arming torque. The torque requiredto arm the fuze assembly shall not exceed 18inch-pounds when tested as specified in4. Penetration of firing pin point. Thefiring pin point shall pene

11、trate into a leadcylinder a minimum of .04 inch. The eccen-tricity as measured between the center ofpenetration and the center of the leadcylinder shall not exceed 0.038 inch whentested as specified in Jolt and jumble. The fuze assembly,assembled without cement and taped to themine body, s

12、hall withstand 1750 jolts in eachof the three positions of the jolt machine;and after completion of the jolt test, the as-semblies used in the jolt test shall withstand3600 complete revolutions in the jumble ma-chine without having any (a) cracking, chipping, or flaking ofthe visible surfaces.(b) ce

13、mented joints come apart orloosen.(c) damage to the firing spring as-sembly or lock key.(d) inner parts come apart, or anydamage which might interferewith satisfactory functioning.The tests shall be performed as specified in4. Workmanship. All parts shall be fa-bricated in a thorough workmanl

14、ike manner.2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I.:.-:They shall be free ct cracks, chipped edges,Porositi, warpage, sinks, checks, blisters,scratches, excess flash, burrs, chips, sharp,edges, cracks, unblended radii, dirt, grease,rust, c

15、orrosion products and other foreignmatter. The cleaning method used shall notbe injurious to any part, nor shall the partsbe contaminated by the cleaning agent. Allrequired markings shall be neat and sharplydefined.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 General quality assurance provisions.The supplier

16、is responsible for the perform-ance of all inspection requirements specifiedherein. Except as otherwise specified, thesupplier may utilize his own or any otherinspection facilities and services acceptableto the Government. Inspection records of theexaminations and tests shall be kept com-plete and a

17、vailable to the Government asspecified in the contract or order. The Gov-ernment reserves the right to perform any ofthe inspections set forth in the specificationwhere such inspections are deemed neces-sary to assure that supplies and services con-form to prescribed requirements. Referenceshall be

18、made to Standard MIL-STD-109 inorder to define terms used herein. The pro-visions of Specification MIL-A-2550 shallapply.4.1.1 Contractor quulity aswrance system.The contractor shall provide and maintainan effective quality assurance system in comp-liance with the requirements cif Specifica-tion MIL

19、-IA5208.4.1.2 Submission of product. At the timethe completed lot of product is submitted tothe Government for acceptance the con-tractor shall supply the following informa-tion accompanied by a certificate which at-tests that the information provided is cor-rect and applicable to the product being

20、sub-mitted:(a) A statement that the lot compliesMIL-M-12760B (MU)with all quality assurance pro-visions of the approved currentwritten description of the system.(b) Number of units of product in-spected.(c) Results obtained for all inspectionperformed.(d) Drawing, specification number anddate, toget

21、her with an identifica-tion and date cxf changes.,(e) Certificates of analysis on all ma-terial purchased directly by thecontractor when such material iscontrolled by Government speci-fications referenced in any of thecontractual documents.(f) Number of items in the lot.(g) Date submitted.The certif

22、icate shall be signed by a respon-sible agent of the certifying organization.The initial certificate submitted shall be sub-stantiated by evidence of the agents author-ity to bind his principal. Substantiation ofthe agents authority will not be requiredwith subsequent certificates unless, duringthe

23、course of the contract, this authority isvested in another agent of the certifyingorganization.4.1.3 Government vwifkutiwz. Using thecontractors written quality assurance pro-cedure, this detail specification, the appli-cable drawings and other contractual docu-ments as a guide, the Government inspe

24、ctorwill verify at unscheduled intervals all qual-ity assurance operations performed by thecontractor. Verification will be in accordancewith Specification MILI-452C8 and will beperformed to the extent necessary to assurecompliance with the contractual require-ments. Severity of Government inspectio

25、n ofindividual characteristics will be directlyrelated to the seriousness of the classifica-tion assigned. In no instance will a charac-teristic classified “critical” be accepted so-lely on the basis of the contractors records.3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

26、hout license from IHS-,-,-MILM-12760B (MU).-. .4.2 Initialproduction inspection.4.2.1 Submission. Prior to normal produc-tion the contractor shall submit an initialproduction sample consisting of fifty con-secutively produced assemblies and complete=ts of parts (i.e. 50 each of every individualcompo

27、nent and every subassembly includingat least enough items from each cavity usedto produce plastic partx so that two as-semblies can be made up of every possiblecombination), which have been produced bythe production process which the contractorwill use in fulfilling the contract, to a Gov-ernment-ap

28、proved facility designated by thecontracting officer. All parts and materialsshall be obtained from the same source ofsupply as will be used in regular production.The initial production sample shall be ac-companied by certificates of analyses for allmaterials, and a listing of all data pertinentto t

29、he process used for production of plasticparts. A sample shall also be submittedwhenever a change occurs in manufacturingprocess, material used, drawing, specifica-tion, or source of supply such as to signi-ficantly affect product uniformity as deter-mined by the Government.4.2.2 Inspections to be p

30、erformed. Each as-sembly and component shall be inspected bythe Government for all the inspections speci-fied in 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 of this specification andfor all additional requirements of the appli-cable drawings. “4.2.3 Rejection. If any assembly or com-ponent fails to comply with the applicablere

31、quirements, the initial production sampleshall be rejected. In the event of rejeotion,the Government reserves the right to requirethe contractor to take corrective action andsubmit new or supplemental quantities untilsuch time as a acceptable sample is submit-ted, or until otherwise directed by the

32、con-tracting officer.4.3 Inspection provisions.4.3.1 Lot fwvndion. A lot shall consist ofmine parts and assemblies produced by onemanufacturer in one unchanged process, inaccordance with the same drawing, samedrawing revision, same specification, andsame specification revision. Drawing, speci-ficati

33、on, and process changes not affectingsafety, performance or fit, as determined bythe Government shall not necessitate chang-ing the lot number.4.3.2 Examhuztwn. Sampling plans andprocedures for the following classificationsof defects shall be in accordance with Stand-ard M1L-STD105D using inspection

34、 levelI for plastic parts and inspection level 11forother parts and assemblies, except that in-spection for critical defects, when listed,shall be 100 percent. Plastic parts producedby different cavities shall be considered asseparate items for the purposes of samplingand inspection. Continuous samp

35、ling plansin accordance with Standard MIL-STD-1235may be used if approved by the procuringactivity. Also, at the option of the procur-ing activity, AQLs and sampling plans maybe applied to the individual characteristicslisted using an AQL of 0.25 percent for eachmajor defect and an AQL of 0.40 perce

36、nt foreach minor defect. Equipment necessary forthe performance of the inspections listedshall be in accordance with 4.3.4.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-12760B (MU)Ii) Applies to all components and sub- in 4.8.222 thro

37、ughassemblies not hereinafter specifically listed plicable drawings). ,(see 3.9 and ap- iCutamieeCritical:Major:101.102.10%104.106.Minor:201.Dofede MethuiofinepestionNone defined.AQL 0.66 percentOperation missing or improperly performed VisualBur or chip on or at intersection of sliding or

38、other functional surfaces VisualFinish of sliding or other functional surface improper VisualComponent missing or improperly assembled VisualProtective finish inadequate .“ VisualAQL 0.40 percentEvidence of poor workmanship other than that covered under major cate-gory above (see 8.9) Visual4.3.2.2

39、Spider (see dwg. 82-15-54 covering a detail of dwg. 82-15-52).Categoriescritical :Major: MethufofinevectbnNone defined.AQL 0.40 percentTotal height GageOutside Diameter GageProfile of upper face GageTaper angle of lower face GageAQL 0.40 percentEvidence of poor worla

40、nanship (see 3.9) .$ Visual4.32.3 Key, lock (see dwg. 82-15+3 covering a detail of dwg. 82-15-52).Cati?gorieeCritical:Major: MetJwa ofNone defined.AQL 1.00 percentShaft diameter GageOutside diameter GageTotal height GageLocation of lugs with respect to f

41、lat on shtit .“ GageHeight of lugs GageHeight of flat on shaft GageProfile of lugs GageRadii on lugs missing VisualAQL 0.40 percentEvidence of poor workmanship (see 33) Visual4.3.2.4 Base, detonator holder ,(see dwg. 8Z1M7).Cat.egorialCritical:Major: MetAuiofM=WNone define

42、d.AQL 1.0 rcentPitch diameter of thread GageMajor diameter of thread GageTotal height GageLength of thread GageHeight from top of flange to detonator seat GageCode No.Code No.0100101002010030100401005Co ORDM-608-12. Contractors design re-sponsibility on con-tractor format. ordnance design. Ordnance

43、design, manda-tory for use. Commercial equipment.Specification ControlDrawing.6.3.3 Ordnance designs. Ordnance designsare reflected on detailed drawings whichcompletely depict all the information neces-sary for the fabrication of the item of in-spection equipment. The contractor needprovide no desig

44、n when an Ordnance designis listed for an item of inspection equipment.Ordnance designs fall into two basic classi-fications; mandatory and non-mandatory.When an inspection equipment list referencesmandatory Ordnance designs, the contractorshall comply with, and use these designs ac-cordingly. The c

45、ontractor may, however, inconnection with non-mandatory designs andwith the approval of the Government, designalternate inspection equipment or use com-parable commercial equipment to facilitatehis operations. Such contractor prepared de-signs or commercial equipment selectionsmust be approved by th

46、e Government priorto fabrication or procuring of the equipment.Designs shall be submitted for approval asspecified in Specification control drawings. Speci-fication control drawings depict the mini-mum equipment require.ments in outline, de-scriptive, diagrammatic, or pictorial formonly

47、and specify the required performanceor other characteristics. Contractors must.y-.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. MILM-127MB-.prepare detailed drawings (see 6.3.6) oftheir designs in support of specification con-trol drawings.These

48、contractor prepared designs must beapproved by the Government prior to thefabrication or procuring af the equipment.Commercial equipment meeting the require-ments of specification control drawings maybe approved if described in sufficient detailto permit identification and evaluation by theGovernmen

49、t. Designs shall be submitted forapproval as specified in Commerctil equipment. Commercialequipment is inspection equipment that hasuniversal application for a specific function.It is compi ised of items commonly used byindustry and government. Contractors arenot reauired to furnish drawings of com-mercia inspection equipment but asuch equipment must be approvedGovernment. Lists shall be submitt

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