1、Y- MIL-P-20077 53 = 7777706 0302853 5 = .-. . . . - . . - . -. - . i -. - . . . ._._ f -1 I 7. -I , i f- MILITARY -SPECD?ICATIOU This saecification vas agproved by Uie Departments of the Army, the Igavy, an the Air Force for use of pro- curement services of the respective Deparkente, and su2er- sede
2、s the following spxificat3.m: *_, w Army 52-7-12 - 13 May 194.4 TMs specification consists of this cover sheet and U. S. Anq Spcci- fication 52-7-i2, dated 13 I?lay 1944, atiwhed hereto, vithout niodirication. Copies of this specification may be obtained upon.e,pplication to the = Office, Chief of O
3、rdnance, Ilashington 25, D, C. When a request for this specification is received by a supplying activity it will be necessary to 8,t;tach this cuver sheet .to the pertinent specification before issue. . , - . . 1 4. -. Y Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-