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ARMY MIL-P-223 B-1962 POWDER BLACK《黑火药》.pdf

1、1. SCOPEMIL-P-223B26 FESEUARY 1662SUPERSEDINGJAN-P-223A1.? JANuAEY 1949MILITARY SPECIFICATIONPOWDER, BLACKThis rpecititim hu ban amd 6U tha Dqmrtnwnt of Da/mudand iimndatmy for U. Standard forTesting Purpo3es.SS-S-789 Sulf u r, CommercialGrade.hffLITARYJAN-G155 Graphite (For Use inAmmunition).JAN-P1

2、56 Potassium Nitrate.JAN-C-178 Charcoal (For Use inMunitione).STANDARDSMIL-STD-105 Sampling Procedurwand Tablaa for In-spection by Attri-butes.MILSTD-129 Marking for Ship-ment and Storage.MIL-STD-2S6 Propellant, S 01ids :Sampling, Exam i-nation, and Testing.Lm3JProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprod

3、uction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-mbr-zwkfDRAWINGSORDNANCECOSPSF 7648321 Drum. Steel Packingfor Black Powder,Assembly Details,Packing and Mark-ing.F 7548323 Drum Steel Packingfor Black Powder,Details. -F 7548077 Container, Metal,Packing for BlackPowder, Assembly.F 7548078 C

4、ontainer, Metal,Packing for BlackPowder, Details.BUREAU OF AVAL WSAPONSLD 299212 Container, Powder,Mk 3, Mod 0.PUBL1CATIONSOSDNANCS CoEPsORD-M60Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MILP-223BA l-mmce portion of the l-pound primarysample sha

5、ll be ground in a suitable mortarto pass a No. 60 U.S. Standard sieve com-plying with Specification RR-2-366. (Class8 need not be ground or screened unless,upon visual examination, tbe powder ex-hibits lumps or clusters.) All precautionsshall be taken tn avoid unnecessary ex-posure of the eampe of t

6、be air; hence, assoun as a portion is ground, it shall be placedin a bottle and tightly etoppered. If thegrinding and sifting doeg not require morethan 3 minutes per pofion, there will beno appreciable change in the moisture con-tent due to hygroscopicity. Additional 1-ounce portions shall be ground

7、 as needed.The powdered sample shall be mixed wellbefore analyisis.4.4.3 Deternci?mtion of moisture contant.From the ground portion of the l-poundprimary sample, an accurately weighed por-tion of approximately 2 gm shall be trans-ferred to a tared weighing dish or coveredwatch .s1sss and dried for 4

8、 hours at 70” to75”. The dish shall be covered, cooled in adesiccator and weighed. (As an alternativemethod, the pofilon may be dried for 72hours at room temperature in a desiccatorover concentrated sulfuric acid). The lossin weight shall be calculated in terme ofpercent moisture. Three such determi

9、nationsshall be made and the average of the threeresults reported as the percent moisture inthe lot.4.4.4 Composition. Determirwtiom of potoee+um nitratecontent. Grauimetmalysis simultaneously with the composi-tion analyses, specified in 4.4.4, a separate 5xm porticn from the ground

10、portion of thei-pound primary sample, shall be trans-ferred to 400 ml beaker. The potassiumnitrate shall be extracted as specified in4.4.4.1, the residue ignited and the ash de-termined as specified berein.i.,i. Specific gaavit?) (not applicabk todaises 7, 8, 07 9).!.4.7.1 Prefcrred method. .4 weigh

11、ed por-tion of approximately 10 mg of the l-poundprim:my sample shall be transferred to a25-ml specific gravity bottle. Clean mercuryof known temperature, shall be added untillhe bottle is approximately ta full.The remaining air in the bottle shall bedisplaced with mercury as follows: A pieceof heav

12、y rubber tubing, approximately 2feet long, shall be attached to tbe bottle.The other end of the tubing shall be con-nectsd to one arm of a Y-tube. By mesns ofnnother piece of rubber tubing and a ehortpiece of glass tubing, the other arm of theY-tube ehall be extended to dip into a vesselcontaining m

13、ercury. The stem of the Y-tubashall be connected to a vacuum line. Therubber tubing leading b the mercury vesselshall be closed by means of a pinchcoek.The vacuum line shall be opened in orderto evacuate the specific gravity bottle. Afterevacuation, the vacuum line shall be closedby means of a pinch

14、cock placed cloee to theY-tube. The pinchcock on tbe tubing leadingto the stem of the mercury vessel shall beopened and the mercury allowed to flow intothe bottle. This operation shsll be repeateduntil the bottle is tilled with mercury. Thebottle containing the powder and mercuryshall be weighed. Th

15、e same bottle, tilled withmercury shall be weighed. The specific grt-vity shall be calculated as follows:Specific gravity AB divided by (APlus C minus D) where:A = weight of sample taken for test.B = density of mercury at test tem-perature.C = weight of vswel tilled with mer-cury.D = weight of vesse

16、l, powder, and mer-cury.TASLE 111. Spca”ticgrauitu ./ memmu.6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-223B4.4.7.2 Alternate method. In case of dis-pute or doubt, the preferred method shall IICthe standard. Add exactly 100 grams of 1-poun

17、d primary sample tn a clean, stmrdard-ized bulb. Place the bulb in a vertical posi-tion, with the lower stem immeracd in themercury reservoir, attach the vacuum pumpto the upper stem, and prnceed to exhaust theair rmd to fdl the space within the bulb withmercury. Dislodge air bubbles that may clinga

18、round the powder grains or to the well ofthe bulb by tapping the bulb gently with arubber atopper while the air is being ex-hausted. Alternately exhaust the air and al-low the mercury to flow up into the bulb infour repeated operations as described. Afterfinally drawing tbe mercury up into the up-pe

19、r stem of the bulb, and after disconnect-ing the vacuum pump, allow the mercuryto settle back into the bulb. Close both stop-cocks, empty both upper and lower stems ofall sxcess mercury, wipe the exterior glo-bules of mercury and weigh the bulb con-taining mercury and powder. This weixhtrepresents t

20、he value of “Y” in the formulashown below. Determine the temperature ofthe mercury in degrees C. at the time ofmaking the determination, Table 111 showsthe specified O“ gravity of mercury “D,” atvarious temperatures ranging from O” to4“ c.100 D divided by (X minus Y plus 100)= Specific gravity of po

21、wder in which:X = Total weight in grams of bulb filledwith mercury.Y = Total weight in grams of bulb filledwith mercury and 1OOgm, pow-der.D = Specific gravity of mercury attemperature of test. (See tableIII, section Apparent dcncitg (sea 3.6 for ap-plicability). A 50-ml graduated cyl

22、inder,having an internal diameter of approximate-ly 1 inch, shall be weighed to tbe nearest0.1 gm. The cylinder shall be filled with aportion of the l-pound primary sample asClose as possible to the 50-ml mark. l%ecylincier shall be suspended in an uprightposition by a length of cord, and allowed to

23、fall 30 times from a height of J inch ontna rubber cushion. (A standard laboratoryrubber stopper, having a diameter glightlylarger than that nf the base of the graduatedcylinder, has been found satisfactory foruse. ) Care shall be taken to prevent anyoscillation or sidewise motion. Upon com-pletion

24、of the 30 drops, su5cient powdert6 raise the level to tbe 50-ml mark shallbe added. The cylinder and cuntents shall beweighed to the nearest 0.1 .mg. The ap.parent density shall be calculated as follows:Apparent density = A minus B dividedby 50where:A = weight of cylinder plus black pow-der.B = weig

25、ht of empty cylinder.4.4.9 Granulation ( not applicable to cla.s.s!). The specified sieves for the applicablegranulation (see Llble H) shall be properlysuperimposed and assembled with a bottompan. The sieves shall comply with Specifica-tion RR-S-366. An accurately weighed por-tion of approximately 1

26、00 gm of the 1-pound primary sample shall be placed on thetopmost sieve of the assembly. The assemblysbali be covered and shaken for 3 minutesby hand or by means of a mechanical shakergeared to produce 300 plus or minus 15bymtions and 150 plus or minus 10 taps ofthe striker per minute. The portions

27、retainedor pwsed by tbe various siev.s, as required,shall be weighed and the results calculatedto a percentage baais.5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY5.1 Packaging.5.1.1 Level A. When specified (see 6.1.1),black powder should be packaged in eaaily7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking

28、 permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-223Bignited high strength flax paper bags ofeither l-ounce capacity or 4-Ounce capacity.Either one .Lounce bag or four l-ouncebags ehould be packaged in a plain, brightfmieh tin can with a slip-on cap. The canshall be sealed with metal foil backed pres-e

29、ure sensitive tipe (see 6.4).5.2 Packing (see 6.2).5.2.1 Level A. Bulk powder. Bulk black powdershall be packed in steel drums comPIYin!+with Drawings F7548321 and F7548323 andhaving liners of 0.003 inch minimum thick-ness polyethylene. When specified, the drumshall have muslin liners in acco

30、rdance withDrawing LD299212 (see 6.4). Cans. Black powder packaged asspecified in shall be packed in boxescomplying with Specifications 14, 15A, or16A of Interstate Commerce Commission(ICC) Regulations 49 CFR 71-90 for theTransportation of Explosives and otherDangerous Articles.5.2.2

31、Level C. Bulk powder. Bulk powder shallbe packed in metal containers complyingwith Drawings F734S077 and F7546078,with an O.OO3inch minimum thickness poly-ethylene liner. Alternative bulk pricking. Bulkblack powder may be packed in metal kegsof 25 peunds capacity complying witb Spec-if

32、ication 13 of the ICC Regulations.5.3 Marking.5.3.1 Packaging. The cans specified in5.1.1 shall have the contents identified on apaper Inbel attached to the body of the can.Additional information shall be as specifiedby the contracting officer.5.3.2 Packing. Marking shall be in accord-ance with appl

33、icable drawings. Containersconstructed in accordance with ICC Regula-tions shall be marked in accordance withICC Regulations and Standard MIL-STD-129.6. NOTES6.1 Intended use. Black powder ie intendedfor the following principal uses:Claes 1JATO and rocket igniters,artillery primers and igniter pads.

34、Class 2JATO and rocket igniters,ignition ends for bag charges, primers, pro-pellant charges for line throwing guns.Class 3JATO and rocket igniters,ejection charges for base ejection shell, andin pyrotechnic items.Classes4 and 5JAT0 and rocket ig-niters, relay pellets, igniting charge for il-luminati

35、ng candles, charges in target prac-tice shell, ejection charges for base ejectionshell, igniter charges in primer detonators,and fuze delay elements and tracer ignitere.Classes 6 and7 JATO andmcket ig-niters, relay pellete, delay and ignitercharges in primer detonatare; delay ele-ments, practice han

36、d grenade fuzes, and inNavy squibs.Class 8Propellant cbarges forrocketeignals.Class 9Depth charge cartridges.6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documentsshould spacify the following:(a) Title, number, and date of thiespecification.(b) Class required (see 1.2 and tableII) .(c) Typeof packing required (ee

37、e5.1).6.3 Drawings prepared prior to the issu-ance of this Military Specification which8Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-223Bspecified black powder, may have specifiedthem to be in accordance with SpecificationJANP-223A. Figure I

38、 illustrates the cor.relation between the Army and Navy desig.nations in Specification JAN-P-223A andthis Military Specification. In addition, thefollowing substitutions shall apply for Navyapplication:Dr.J+ m - Nnvcku”tobadC“-on cln89 2Musket class 4FFG Clam 4Shell class 6FFFG Class 6Fu?.e class 1F

39、FFFG Clam 7Meal Class 66.4 Intended packaging use.(a) Cans, paragraph 5.1.1 Intendedfor U.S. Coast Guard use.(b) Muslin liners, paragraph Intended for U.S. Navy use.Notice. When Government dmwings, specifications,or other data are used for any purpose other than inconnection with a dfinitely

40、 related Government pm.curement operation, the Untted States Governmenttberebg incurs ma responsibility nor any obligationwhatsoever; and the fact that tie Government mayIwe formulated, furnished, or in any way snpplthe said drawing% npecifkntions, or other dstS isnot to be regarded by implication o

41、r otherwise as inany manner Itccnsing the holder or any other personor corporation or convering any rights or permissionto manufacture, use or sell any patented inventionthat may in my way be related there b.i?.eo100i2cLkt)t70?00w-?.j_)25ao.10Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networkin


43、PROBLEM AREASa PW.WWFI Number and Wordt”. a:b. F1-.xnmandod Wo-dln.a:c. FIM80n/Rsti. aI.slc for R=om”wndm!i o”:!1,REMARKSa. NAME OF 5UBMITTER (La, F”, Ml, - Op,lo”.1 b. WOUK TELEPHONE NUMBER (I”cl”& Amacode) -0.timl.lMA ILINGAO DRESS LStmt. City Stot, ZIP C&J -OD?iOn*l 8. DATE OF SUBMISSION (Y YM.WD

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48、nt(s) or to amend contmctud requirement.-(Pold dotu WI U-)(Fold de”, thb 1/=)DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 111111.3FFICIAL tu.LSINESSPENALTY FOR PR, VATE “SE S300 I BRUSUNESMSNRPLYMAIL IWASHINGTON D. C.I 1POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMYCommanderUS Aruw Aviation Research and Development Command4300 Codfellow BoulevardSt. LOUiS, MO 63120nNO POSTAGENECESS4FIYIF WAt LEOIN THEUNITED STATESProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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