1、KOTICE OF INACTIVATION FOR NEM. DESIGN I INCHPOND 1 MIL-P-5 05 3 6(AR) NOTICE 4 3 February 1997 MILITARY SPECIFICATION PROJECTILE, 155MM, HE, M449A1, BASE PLUG FOR This notice should be filed in front of MIL-P-50536(AR) dated 7 December 1970 MIL-P-50536 dated 7 December 1970 and Reinstatement notice
2、 3, dated 27 November 1996 is inacti.c for nen design and is no longer used except for replacement purposes. Preparing Activitl.: Army - AR AMSC NIA FSC 1320 DISTRIBLITION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-