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本文(ARMY MIL-P-50793-1973 PROJECTILE TP-T 105MM M468 METAL PARTS ASSEMBLY《M468式105 mm曳光训练弹(TP-T)用金属件组件》.pdf)为本站会员(confusegate185)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ARMY MIL-P-50793-1973 PROJECTILE TP-T 105MM M468 METAL PARTS ASSEMBLY《M468式105 mm曳光训练弹(TP-T)用金属件组件》.pdf

1、 - MIL-P-50773 13 = 777770b 0331145 7 3,37 os :4IL-P-50793 (XL) 4 .January 1973 1. XO?K 1.1 liis specification covers Pro.jectiLe, TP-T, 1051rin, 34G, !,(etal Parts, 2.1 Tlie folLowiii docuncnts of the issue in effect on uate of invitation for bids or request for proposals. forn a port of this speci

2、fication to the estent specified herein. S P iC 1 FT CAT I O:mm, E468, Netal Parts Assembly Frankford Arsenal Operating Instructions for Use of Detroit Testing liachine for Band Seat Inspection, including klrnwing D593429 (Copies of specifications, standards, dravinqs, and publications required by s

3、uppliers in connection.wtli specific procurement fuiictibns should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contractiiig officer.) 2.2 tel.-t-n-?,-The followinq document forms a part of this specification to the extent spccif ied herein, Liiilcss otherwise indicated, the issiie

4、in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall am 1 ASA-llrltQ. 1 - Siirface Texture (Application for copies slioiilcl be addressed to the Aniorican National Standards Institute (ANSI), 1450 Uroadww, Xew York, N. Y. 10018) ASbI Rethod - American Society for Testing and Materi

5、als (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing Ca*- and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Iliila., Pa, 19103). - -. -52 . . :,. I * _I. . - 3.1 ge$?-Mate.rinls, parts and assemblies shall comply with the .,: . .:.:;. . I.yy 3.2.2 cOl!.h-n_and-_hot_ %up_ -:- S- shall n

6、ot be permitted for cleaning the band seats shall be cleari and free from oil, grease, dirt, rust or other foreign matter. seats after annealing. . 3.4.3 ZaEd blan!c2%.-The rotating baiid blanks shall be in the form of a solid ring, annealed if necessary to cornply with requirements of the applicabl

7、e specification. 3.4.3 Applic- ,: iJ$W . * ;.-, ,; :- : I. . . , -. -L+.,= ,. *i .: _ .I - 3.5.3 Li-siial ck-$ards.-Visual standards for nietal defects will be established for each contract after the first months production. However, the establishment of visual standards will not waive the requireme

8、nt for compliance with 3.5.1 and 3.5,2 (see 6.2). :.,I, .-.;i!:*: ,:!.?,:.$;,E, !; * . 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-50773 33 9777906 0333348 4 3.6.1 ?=.-All aspects of surlace pretreatment or surface coating are as shown hv

9、 the applicable specification, subject to demonstration of control of processes througii salt spray test of panels. component drawinp, apply for period of salt spray exposure without coating breakdown. Requirements of the 3.6.2 o-,_s-cnb*.-Reaiiirements rolatiir, to paint thickness are not specified

10、, excent as a guide. for performance of tests as indicated by the applicable drawing and specif icntions . a. Break-up or loss of metal parts coinponents. b. Loose rotatinq band(s) attributable to noncompliance with the drawinn or the specification rcquiranicnts. C. Shear OE rotating band(s) as exec

11、iplified by complete lack of engraving . 3.8 Ko:;i. .: *.:.:. ,.- . . 5. , : . . .:ecii detariiiincd that components of a heat treated, stress relieved or miscallaneous lot Iiave coiaplicd with the meclianicnl propertim requircacnt of tho apnlicablc drawing, they may be regrouped for aasembly into p

12、rojectile lots, to wliicii wi1.1 he assigned a projectile lot nuinbor in occordancc with !IIl.-STII-llI,S. pro,jeCtile asaeniblie prodiiced by one siinplier tinder one contract in one unchanged process, in accordance with tiie SRRO drnwiiir., saine drawing revision, sane specificntian and same speci

13、fication revision, under conditions of continuous pro- duction, free from interriiptions otlier than those diie to tlic end of a shift, day, or work week. aelection of samples for the fiiiicti.on:il test hereinafter prescribed, The projectile lot shall consist of Tho projectile lot thus constitiitci

14、l shall be the basis for the 4 , 15 _i,dn-d_.(t_o“ body assembly shall be selected from each -hour production or fraction thereof from each banding machine in operation and subjected to tha tension test to determine compliance with 3.3.2. Foilure to comply shall be cause for reje

15、ction of the production !represented by the sample. 4,3,1,2.1,16 . be machined so that all serration marks from the band seat are removed. A test epecimen having one-inch gnge length anci a one-half inch gage width, and grip enda of sufficieiit length to acconiodate tlie tciisile machine shall be re

16、moved from the blank and teeted in accordance with thy procedures prescribed by ASTX Netliod E-, 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_ MIL-P-50773 13 777770b 0331153 mp - i4IL-P-50793 (Mu) o-?_srt-._(s_am_ls. -Five body asse

17、mblies from each 1-hour production or fraction thereo! per banding machine in operation shall be subjected to this test. Failure of one or more bands to comply with 3.4.4 shall be cause for rejection of the production represented bv the sanple. 4.3. i. 3.1.2 No-d-s-Fru_ct-t_. -The samples provided b

18、y shall be tested utilizin? the equipment and procedures prescribed by Frankford Arsenal Detroit TestinK ?lachine Yanunl (see 6.3). 4.3. I. 3.1 3 Destriic-tiv-e-(cnn_p)-. -:hen the non-destruc tive equipment is not availahle, one body asseiiibly fron each 8-hour production or fraction th

19、ereof from each bandinq ixachine in operation slinll e subjected to this test to dcterminc compliance wtth 3.4.4. for rejection of the production represented by the sample. Failure to comply shall be eause ERstT-ucJtive me-t!bj-.-The body assembly selected above should not be processed t

20、liroush the band machining line, although each band should diameter of each band shall be measured on 3 locations, 60 degrees apart, on the points alonq the cvlindrical portion of their lensth, near the front and rear edces. This comprises fi diaaietrical measiirements per band. of rncnsiirenicnt sh

21、all be marked on the hancls and on the projectile body adjacent thereto in such a manner as to perrit proper body and band orientation after removal. The bands shall be carefully removed so as to keep deformation to a minimiim. After rcmovai. the thickness of the band shall be measured at each of th

22、e marked points (a total of 12 measurements) and the diameter of the band seat corresnonding to these points shall also be measured, Add to each of the diameters of the band seat the sum of the corresponding 2 thicknesses of the band; the results obtained shall then be sultracted from the previously

23、 determined diameters over the band. . have a light surface cut to true ut, thc surface prior to measuring. The These points _-_-I Sidewall contact,-The - _- samples provided for the tension test shall be sectioned by cutting throuqh two planes normal to the longitudinal axis one-half in

24、ch forward and rear of rotatinx band. The cylindrical portion containing the rotatiny, baiid shall be sectioned approximately in half through a plane parallel to its lonsitudinal axis. One of the two halves shall be used for establishment of mechanical properties of the band; the other half shall be

25、 sectioned into two parts, thus exposing four surfaces each of which reveals a veiv of the band swaged into the band seat. The exposed surface shall be subjected to a light grinding operation to remove metal smear effects of saw cuts prior to measurenients for depth of sidewall contact to determine

26、compliance with the requirements of 3.4.3. 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 3 1 4 cini_n,r,i.n._a?-o-._er-e-e-cn -nie sample size and acceptance criteria for the inspection of cleaning the iteni and the application of protective co

27、atitir, shall be as specified in the applicable specification. be cause for takin% thc action reconimcnded by the applicable specification. Failure to co:npIy with the requirements shall 4.3,1,4,1 La!,t_,-sF-r.q.-The sample size. and acceptance criteria for salt sprny testin!: shall be in accordance

28、 with the applicable specification. Failure to comply with the requirements of the applicable drawing shall be cause for taking corrective action recommended by the applicable specification. The salt spray test prescrihed by the applicable drawing shall be performed utilizinR the equipment and proce

29、dures specified by ASTPI U-117. 4.3.1,4.2 Pro.-t-e-coatin4.-The procedures for testing the cleaning and surface treatment methods for components and asseinblies shall be in accordance with the methods and criteria for testinz as specified in the applicable specification. 4 , 3.2 ProyLngGround .f-cJ-

30、ignJgss-. -The following Proving Ground tests will be perforaed by the Government. 4 3 * 2 1 4.3 , 2,l. 1 Ini t i_a_i_ p;gd-c%ctio_n_-scfore-,J!),.-Each - - - . prolactilc body in the lot Failure of the proicctilc. body to conip1.y wit? the requirements of t!ie applicable drawinq shall be cniisc for

31、 rejection of tiic projectile body. 4.3.6 Lo$ s;=E a-t-t-.-I;cl projectile iii the lot shall be qaged in a Governalent certified cylindrical body dianretcr gage, Failure of the projectile to connly wit11 tlie rcriuirenieiits of the applicable drawing shall be cause for rcjectioii of t

32、he projectile. 5.1 ?-a-cki.s _a-$-mkip-,- hllpp-i-netl to detersiinc? acceptability. 6.2 isual_s_ta!ia-Visiial standards to be established at contractors plant in compliance with 3.5.3. 6.3 -I-: may he iiscti by tiir! coiitrrictor when such testing and procedures provide as n miiiinuin the qiici1,it

33、y iisstiraiice specifiud iiereiii. Prior to applying the alternative procatiurcs, tiio contractor siiull ciascribe them in a written proposal and slioli dui:ioristrate for tlic approval of the responsible teclinical aseiicy timt their ef frxtiveiiess is equal to or better than tlie assurance provsioiis sriecificd lierein. Preparing activity : Army - MU(FA) Project no, 1315-A238 17 U, S, GOVERNMENT PRINTINP OFFICLi 1973*714-918/1322 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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