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1、MIL-P-60608A25 Februarv 1972SUPERSEDINGMIL-P-606081 October 1968MILITARY SPECIFICATIONIROJECTIIX, 2DMM, TARGET PRACTICE-TWiCER, M221; MEXAL PARTSThis specification is mandatory for use by all Department andAgencies of the Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 This specification covers metal parts for Pr

2、ojectile, 20UUU,TP-T,M221 .2. APPLICABLE DOCIJlfUiTS2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect onfor bids, or request for proposal, form a part of thisthe axtent specified of invitationspecification toSPEC2PICATIONSFEDERALTJ7-C-490 - Cleaning Methods and Pretreatment of FerrousSu

3、rfaces for Organic CoatingsMILITARYMIL-S-46070 - Steel Bar for Projectile StockSMNDAEDSMILITARYa71KU.-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspectionby AttributesMIL-STD-109 - Quality Assurance Terms and DefinitionaMIZ-STD-651 - Visual Inspection Standards for 20MM Ammunitionad ComponentsMIL

4、-STD-1168 - Lot Numbering of AmmunitionMIL-STD-1169 - Packaging, Packing and Marking for Shipment ofInert Ammunition ComponentsMIL-STD-1235 - Single and Multilevel Continuous Sampling Pro-cedures and Tables for Inspection by AttributesFSC 1305Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networkin

5、g permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Mm.-P-6o6o8A2.1 (Cent)DRAW12iGSUs. ARMY MUN2TIONS COMMANDc725aa14 - NoseB7258816 - Blank, Rotating Band, for Projectiles, 20UMIF7258861 - Carton for Interplant Shipment of Projectiles,20unn,Assemblies and Metal Parts Assemblies (200)D7259136 - Shipping Contai

6、ner for Inert Projectiles, 2t shallbe rejected. If one unit of the sample has an average radial void, greaterthan 0.004 inch, a second sample consisting of the same number of unite asspecified for the first sample shall be tested. If in the accumulatedsamples, two or more units have an average radia

7、l void greater than 0.004inch, the lot shall be rejected./ Failure of the flaw detector to reject PCS No. 1 shall be cause for re-jection of all assemblies inspected for “soundness” since the precedingtest and shall require requalification of the equipment for automatic in-spection. (see 4.5,3)1 Rej

8、ection of one or more units of the sample by the flaw detector in thetest for body metal soundness shall be cause for rejection of the lot./ Failure of the phosphate cuating on the standard panels to comply withthe applicable requirements shall be c+use for rejection of all projectilesphosphate sinc

9、e the preceding test.10Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-60608A/ If two or more units of the sample fail to comply with the requirementfor paint adhesion, the lot shall be rejected. If one unit of the samplefails to comply with th

10、e requirement, a second sample consisting of thesame number of units as specified for the first sample shall be tested.If in the accumulated samples, two or more units fail to comply with therequirement for paint adhesion, the lot shall be rejetted./ If two or more units of the sample fail to comply

11、 with the corrosionreaistence requirement, the lot shall be rejected. If one unit fails tocomply with the requirement, a second sample consisting of the same numberof units as specified for in the first sample shall be tested. If in theaccumulated .mnplea, two or more units fail to comply with the c

12、orrosionresistance requirement, the lot shall be rejected.1 The occurrence of one or more of the following casualties, as witnessedby hole(s) in the fragmentation screene, or recovery of the part(s) orfragment(s), shall be cause for rejection of the lot, except as otherwiseprovided:a. Body breakup.b

13、. Breakup or separation of the nose from the bcdy.c. Complete rotating band separation. This is defined as detachmentof all of the band having band seat knurling imprint.d. Partial rotating band separation. This is defined as detachmentof part of the band having band seat knurling imprint.e. The fol

14、lowing acceptance criteria shall apply to thrown band frag-ments having no evidence of band seat knurling imprint:(1) The lot shall be accepted if two or less projectiles throwband fragments having length not greater than 0.500 inch.(2) The lot shall be rejected if three or more projectiles throwban

15、d fragments having length not greater than 0.500 inch.(3) The lot shall be rejected if any projectile throws a bandfragment having length greater than 0.500 inch (indicative of deep seatedband lamination).(4) The lot will not be penalized for band particles thrown as aresult of normal band fringing

16、or slivering.a714.4.5 Packaginp, packin and marking inspection.-Inspection for packaging,packing and marking shall comply with applicable requirements of MIL-STD-1169.11Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-M2L-P-60608A4.4.6 Inspection equi

17、pment.-Index of Inspection Equipment Lists IEL7259148 identifies inspection equipment list required to perform examina-tion and tests prescribed herein. Equipment deign Bhall-be in accordancewith code designation on the applicable IEL (reference is made to InspectionEquipment List for definition of

18、coding format).4.5 Test methods and procedures.4.5.1 Band tightness.-The method of test shall comply with all requirements ,of the operating instructions for the band tightness tester (see Dwg. B7259545,a detail of EL 7259148). The inspection sample shall be cycled through thetester to determine com

19、pliance with the rotating band tightness requirement.The total measurement of radial void registered cm the tester indicator atfinal ram preeaure shall be divided by four (number of indentcma) to deter-mine the average radial void.4.5.2 Soundness.-The method of inspection shall comply with all requi

20、rementsof Operating Instruction Manual, prePared for operation of the Eddy CurrentFlaw Detector (see Dwg. D110752O3, a detail of 2EL 725914S), for detectingmetal discontinuity in projectile bodies for 2Dmm ammunition, except forthose inspection requirements which are reserved for Government applicat

21、ion,as specified herein. Application of defect standards.-t.lasterdefect standards, referencedin the Operating Instruction Manual, shall apply to resolve in.spection dis-crepanciea occurring between the results of defect standards supplied forcontractor “soundness” inspection and those suppli

22、ed for Government “sound-ness” verification. (see 6.6)4.5.3 Automatic eddy current inspection effectiveness.-Equipment checkoutihall be performed as stated in the operation instruction manual at thestart of each shift and after any adjustment or shutdown. Upon completionof checkout, cycle the PCS No

23、. 1, front slot and rear slot standards throughthe inspection system during automatic operation. All three standards mustbe rejected to assure correct adjustment for reject level and scan limits.During remainder of shift the PCS No. 1 shall be cycled through the equipmentat intervals of 20 & 5 minut

24、es during automatic operation. Equipment verification.-The government inspector will maintain,independent of the contractor, a set of standards and may cycle thesestandards through the eauimnent at any time. Failure of e.auiumentto re-ject standards ill be vience that heand the contractor wil

25、l so be is not roperly adjusteda7112a71Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-60608A4.5.4 Soundness verification.-After equipment checkout and verificationas specified in 4.5.3 and the entire lot sample will

26、be inspectedwith the equipment operating automatically. Any rejected unit of the samplewill be automatically cycled through the equipment with the CAL. buttonpressed (to lower the sensitivity one step below that used for productioninspection). Any unit which is rejected at the lower sensitivity shal

27、l beclassed as a defective.4.5.5 Phosphate coatin&.-The method of test shall be as prescribed byfT-C-490for the type of coating used. The prescribed panels shall beprocessed, with the projectiles to be represented, at the start of dailyproduction and at 4-hour intervals, maximum, thereafter. Appeara

28、nce andweight of the coating shall be recorded.4.5.6 Paint adhesion.-The method of test shall be as prescribed by T2-C-490.The test shall be made on the painted bourrelet of each unit of the sample.Visible exposure of underlying phosphate coating or ferrous metal, of anyunit of the sample as a resul

29、t of the test, shall be classed as a defect.4.5.7 Corrosion resistance.-Themethod of test shall be as prescribed inAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM),ASTM B117. The paintshall not be disturbed, however, the rotating band and unpainted surfacesof the sample projectiles may be masked ou

30、t by a wax coating or other suit-able material. The salt spray solution and exposure time shall be as 8peci-fied in Metal parts security.-Themethod of test will be as prescribed byAMCR 715-505, Volume B, Section 3, modified as necessary to load the lotsample at the specified mean velocit

31、y in lieu of axcesa pressure. Thesample assemblies with metering discs will be loaded and assembled intocartridges as specified by DWS. D7259146 with the following exceptions:(1) Inert material will be used to simulate the weight of position.(2) The seal over the simulated tracer composition may be

32、cnmitted.(3) A propellant shall be used which will produce the specifiedmean velocity of 3540 f 25 fpa.The test cartridges, at ambient temperature, will be fired in bursts of50 ahota in an M39 gun. The gun barrel will be at ambient temperaturefor the firing of each burst. The cyclic rate of fire wil

33、l be recordedfor informational purposes.5. PREPARATIoN FOR DELIVERY5.1 Packing. Level C.-Each lot of projectile assemblies shall be packedas specified by Dwgs. F7258861 or D7259136.13Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ME-P -60608A5.2 Mar

34、king and labelin .-Marking or labeling of shipping containers shallcomply with applicable requirements of MIL-STD-1169.6. NUTSS6.1 Ordering data.-Invitations for bids and contracts or orders willspecify the following:6.1.1 Title, number and date of this specification.6.1.2 Place of inspection, if no

35、t at place of manufacture.6.1.3 Packing and marking instructions. (see 5.1 and 5.2)6.1.4 Provision for shipment and testing of production lot samples forthe metal parts security test.6.1.5 Provision for the supply, maintenance and disposition of ndatoryballistic test equipment for acceptance inspect

36、ion purposes.6.1.6 Provfsion for the submission and approval of the manufacturingprocess. (see 3.3)6.2 Process deviation. -A process deviation is defined as a change in theapproved basic method of manufacture, or an operational change which altersthe metallurgical or physical properties of the item.

37、6.3 First article saraple.-h%ere an initial production sample is requiredby the contract, the contracting officer will notify the test facilitywhen to proceed with the metal parts security test. (see 4.3) Additionalprojectiles may be required by the test facility.6.4 . -The optional use of AQL value

38、s for either individual defectsor classes of defects, with individual major defect limitation, is intendedto minimize inspection agency administrative burden which might result froman exclusive assignment of individual defect AQL1s. The option also permitsflexibility where sampling inspection for ac

39、ceptance is integrated into themanufacturing process.6.5 Irutermediatepoint inspection.-The classification of defects identifiesthe defect characteristics (among other things) for acceptance inspection.It may be necessary to modify the sequence of inspection stations to bestsuit the manufacturing pr

40、ocess . Inspection for defect characteristicswhich will be hidden or altered by subsequent processing operations (in-cluding unrelated operations) , should be scheduled to prevent prematureacceptance which could be detrimental to the attainment of optimum productquality in the end item.14Provided by

41、 IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-60608A6.6 Defect etandards.-The initial supply of defect standards and instruc-tions for contractor and Government application to the eddy current methodof inspection will be furnished with the eddy current

42、inspection equipment .Replacement standards should be requisitioned through normal channels bythe Government agency having contract administration responsibility.Custodians:Army - MUAir Force - 70Review Activities:Army - MUAir Force - 70Preparing Activity:Army - MUProject No. 1305-0690_.15Provided b

43、y IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SPECIFICATION ANALYSIS SNEET I Form ApprovedOudget Bureau No. 22.R255NSTRUCTION% This shee# i. to be filled out by per.on.el, either Government . . c.ncractor. involved i. the, .1 the specification i. procurement

44、 of products for ultimate .s. by the Department of Defense. Thls she. !. provided for obt. i.i. g i. f.arm.tio. O. (he .s. of this specification which will l.sure thst itabl. prt,duti,ti: be procured with . rninhn.rn amount of del.y and a the lea.! cow. Comment. and the return .( thi. f.rmvi! be app

45、reciated. Fold . . line. . . rev., side, .t.ple i. corner, and .e.d to prep.ring activity. C.mhn.nt,nd suggestions eubmit led . . this form do not constitute or imply auth.arizati c !. waive y portion of the.fere.ced document(a) or serve m mend require meritPEclmc. r,o.). . .7,0.,” 0, .

46、,. CONTREMARKS (A! an, mr,”.”, d.!. which “!. b. of w. I“ IGZPOV.4,1. .P.ct, c.,.n. , ,)1.,. M. add,., ,.,t, ,. ,”, d p,. .O,h ,. V.,OX .EL . . . . ,. m.,”,., ,”,ISM177ED S“ (Prh,. d o, ,. ,!,. md ,1”, OP,Jc.m.lJ 0., ,m FORU a71 AflProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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