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本文(ARMY MIL-P-64036 (1)-1993 PROJECTILE 60MM SMOKE WP M302 METAL PARTS ASSEMBLY《M302式60 mm白磷发烟弹(WP)用金属件组件》.pdf)为本站会员(registerpick115)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ARMY MIL-P-64036 (1)-1993 PROJECTILE 60MM SMOKE WP M302 METAL PARTS ASSEMBLY《M302式60 mm白磷发烟弹(WP)用金属件组件》.pdf

1、MIL-P-64036 (AR) AMENDMENT 1 20 August 1993 MI III TARY SPEC1 FICAT ION PROJECTILE, 60MM, SMOKE, WP, M302 METAL PARTS ASSEMBLY This amendment forms a part of MIL-P-64036 (AR), dat-ed O9 Sept-ember 1986, and is approved for use by the U.S. Army Armament-, Munitions and Chemical Command, and is availa

2、ble for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE 2 2.1 .1 , Delete “MIL-STD-81 O. . . I in its enti-rety. PAGE 3 2.2, Add “B117 Salt- Spray (Fog) Testing“ under the. heading “ATrieri.can Soci ety for Test-ing and Materials (ASTM) I. O PAGE 4 3.7.1, At- end of paragraph

3、add “See“. 3.8, Delete the term “excess pressure and substi tute “maximum average pressure“. PAGE 5 Add new paragraph as follows: “3.11 Hydrot-est. Each metal parts assembly shall successfully withst-and an internal hydrost-ati-c test- load of 4300 + 200 psi. when tested i.n accordance with

4、paragraph wi thout cracking, leakage, rupture or permanent deformati on. I 3 of 13 AMSC NIA FSC 1310 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT distribution s unlimited. O Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-b403b (1) m 999990b 1952687 T4b 3 -

5、MIL-P-64036 (AR) AMENDMENT I PAGE; 7 TABLE i: in “Metal Part-s Assembly (pri.or t-o paint)“ section beneath “Examination for defects .I1 add: “Hydrotest . . .1 O . . .100% . . .3.11 . . .“ In “NO. of SAMPLE: UNITS“ column for t-he Salt. Spray Test., delete “5“ and substi tute “3“. Under “Sal

6、t. Spray Test . . I add: “Paint Adhesion Test . . .2 . . .i 00% . . .3.2 . . . .I1 PAGE 8 4.4.2, Add the following to the end of the paragraph: “Dimensions marked tool control (“*“) on Drawing 10534895 shall be gaged during First- Art-icle inspection, at- the beginning of each workday, every

7、workday, every four (4) hours during production, for the last component- prior to and first component. after each tooling, equipment-, or process change, repair, or adjustment Measurements of the tool may be substituted provided the cont-ract-or has established correlati on between the tool dimensio

8、n and the component dimension prior to substit-ution. When acceptabi 1it.y has been determined, inspection of tool dimensions wi 11 be permitted. Whenever a defective tool control dimension is found, immediate action will be taken by the contractor to correct t-he tool problem and all material produ

9、ced since t-he last. successful inspection shall be rejected.“ PAGE 9, Delete in its entirety and substitute new See CD sheet attached. PAGE 11, Delete in its entirety and substitute new See CD sheet attached. PAGE 13, Delete in its entirety and substitute n

10、ew - See CD sheets attached. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-64036 (1) m 9999906 1952688 982 m a, tri m ri u Tr * io rt d . d m m m 7 a, a,* a, a, 7 (II F Fd -4 o ci a, U c aJ 4 u u a, aJ o 5 a, m c c! O a

11、, z z FI N Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-h 5 O m (u L. (u !i A m . l-7 . m m TI- u3 rl O ?CJ ?CU ?Il m mnmmm mmm mmm . W . . OQOQ OQdp -4 w I o 10 Q) k a O c (o 3 a a k w O 0 c Q) Q rl t-i 4 k U -n . QI Co e m m O R . F a c O c G o

12、ci O c o -8-4 u : -? + o -d k ai t u a k m G u !z Q, c 3 F C -4 3 a k 5 ci !z a c O a E O u O ci k Q) w aJ a dl t Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-N O m x pi z a, x O E CB x x O ID -h a, 4 -d c, U a, -n O k . . . I& m I. N !i NN NNCV N

13、 NN WnicvNcv # ayo ayoayo O00 O0 O0 o o o *e* *Tr Tr* TrNI w Tf . *. 0. . O00 O0 O0 o O0 L n h kc, Q, ,n k + ci 05 am au 4k E TI CO O cuw o k X o km CH u U C O k aJk k - acu m mai a, +&4 k CHO o o c c 4Q) Qi eu u oa (u kW w * a Co * m Ln O - 3 a c O c c vi tl O C vi -4 u c, m -I+ k Q, -lJ u a k m c

14、u C aJ c 3 ci C .ri 3 a k a +- c e, c O a E O u N O +* LI* al Wa) aJai Em rl . -lm1 I 7 (13c) Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-z O I3 u w PI u3 z !a u z 4 x ffi O a z O u E I4 4 3 O H H H - ffi 4 Y wDr m o+ wc wa IE PiT IC da HE Ed d 8

15、 t d ii N O m z . 5 . ai x O E u3 z L O w -. Q) rl -4 4 u ai -n O k pc 5 m N w * O . llD111i MIL-P-b403b (1) rn 9999906 i1952b93 24T rn NNNNNNNNrnNN N NNN mmmmmmmmmmm m mmm . . OQ oQ oQ oQ OY, CHO OQ oQ OQ oQ oQ OW OQ LnlnLnLnlnLnlnLnlnLn CHO LnLnLn wwwwwQwwww o www ri o00 0000000000 .e *NI o FI -rt

16、 Q Fi a, de, du -4 m w k oc, C cio Ok e,w k kc, om u Ck ai Ici -E Dm cc -4 u ro row -4 CI o EO x u e, G 4u (III am cia F u .ri CH Cio m U& roo o4 k4 ao hQ c 4 km 007 c- ai -ri kroX 7mm 8 (13d) Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-640

17、36 (AR) AMENDMENT 3 PAGE 15, Major 107: Delete “max-“ Major 108: Delete “5“ and substitute “3“ in “NO. OF SAMPLE UNITS“ column. Add Major “109 . . .Pai.nt adhesion test . . .2 . . . - -3.2 . . . .I Minor 201: Delete callout in its entirety and substitute, “Paint or wash-primer

18、 present on front or rear surfaces or inside cavity. I PAGE 18, Delete in its entirety and substitute the following: “ Adapter. Fach month one (i) tension test specimen shall be taken from each of two (2) bars representative of each mi 11 heat used during that. months production to de

19、termine corriplj ance with the yield strength and elongation requirements of the applicable drawing. If one (1) mi31 heat is sufficient for more than one months production, the test shall be repeated each month, or the total number of specimens required during that period of production may be tested

20、 at the beginning of that mill heats use. Failure of any specimen to comply with either the yield strength or elongation requirements shall cause rejection of the applicable mill heat. See“ _I_-, Delete in its entirety and substitute the following: “ Joint quality. The test

21、 shall be performed for First Article inspection, each day of brazing during product-ion and whenever a change is made to the brazing process. Three (3) samples shall be tested at the start- of brazing operations and after a layoff of over one (J) hour, and two (2) shall be tested at the end of braz

22、ing operations during continuous brazing up to 24 hours, or when a layoff of over one (I) hour will occur. All samples shall be sectioned and peeled in accordance with to determine compliance with 3.7.1. All specimens must pass. If a failure occurs in either of the two (2) samples tested at

23、the end of the days brazing operat-ions or at the start. of layoff, all parts brazed since the last successful test shall be rejected.“ 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-bq03b (1) = 999990b 1952695 O12 = MIL-P-64036 (AR) AMENDME

24、NT 3 PAGE 19, Delete the first sent-ence in i t.s entirety and subst-i tute “The samples supplied in accordance wit.h Table I and shall be tested as specjfied in“ Table TI, Delete “1 2“ in Accept/Reject- column and substitute o 1 I Add: “ Hydrotest the wall thi

25、ckness is in conformance with final size but prior to the air leak test, each projectile assembly shall be subjected to an internal hydrotest- to determine compliance with the requirements of 3.11. Immediately after removal from the hydrotest equipment, each projecti le that. has successfully passed

26、 the hydrotest- shall be stamped “H“ 1/8 inch high by .O1 inch deep approximately 1/8 inch below the location of the zone used for the air leak stamp. Projectile bodies shall be t.est.ed using equipment. capable of performing the test accurately and consist-ent-ly. During the test the pressure wi 11

27、 be applied gradually until the required minimum pressure is reached and held for five (5) seconds, minimum. The equipment. shall be calibrated prior to the start- of each days operation and at. intervals of not over 4 hours of cont-inuous operation. It shall also be calibrated prior to restarting t

28、he operation after a lay-off of three hours or more. If it has been found that. t.he equipment is out of calibration in such a direction khat the pressure was actually lower than required by the test, t-he bodies t-est-ed since t-he last sat.isfactory calibration shall . be ret.ested after the calib

29、ration error has been corrected. Projectile rupture, cracking, leakage or bulging during the test. shall be cause for rejection of the body. The test- fixture shall not- restrict the projectile body from expanding longitudinally or radially under pressure. Protective barriers should be installed whe

30、re applicable to shield operators and material from metal fragments which may come from defective projectiles that fail the test. If threads are engaged, the hydrotest plug should be designed with a one quarter inch minimum thread relief, to prevent loading of initial threads on the project.ile body

31、. Examination should be made of all hydrotest- plugs after a projectile is blown during testing. Badly nicked or damaged plugs may cause destruction of acceptable items. 10 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-P-64036 (II) W 9999906 II

32、952696 T59 W MIL-P-64036 (AR) AMENDMENT 1 PAGE 20, Paragraph c, Add: “Examination shall be accomplished by peeling back and removing the body segments from the adapter segments. In addition to the joint quality requirements of 3.7.1, the braze metal on all surfaces must exhibit a uniform san

33、dy appearance wherever it is present. Smooth braze metal or other evidence of non-adhesion on any segment shall cause rejection of all material brazed since the last successful inspection. VI, Delete in itis entirety and substitute the following: “ Salt spray test. See In per

34、forming the following tests, TT-C-490 shall apply unless specified otherwise herein. The test shall be performed for first article inspection, each day of painting during production and whenever a change is made to the paint process, until all samples from five consecutive days of painting have pass

35、ed the test. Thereafter the sample frequency may be reduced to twice per week during continuous days of painting. Five specimens shall be selected, consisting of randomly chosen projectiles which have been processed through all the same cleaning, phosphating, painting and drying steps at the same ti

36、me using the same equipment as other production projectiles. The samples shall be taken from each continuous final paint operation up to 24 hours long. One projecti.le shall be taken during the first thirty (30) minutes of painting, one during the last thirty (30) minutes and the others at any other

37、 time. O Prior to salt. spray testing, two (2) of the specimens must only pass an adhesion test using the procedures and pass-fail criteria contained in 4.2.8 and 3.5.6 respectively, of TT-C-490. If both specimens pass the adhesion test, the three (3) remaining specimens shall be scored lengthwise u

38、sing a precision scribing tool/insert or equivalent. in preparation for the salt spray test. The salt. solution, test equipment. and drying procedures shall be in accordance with ASTM B117, Salt Spray (Fog) Testing, unless specified otherwise herein. Specimens shall be positioned between 15 and 30 d

39、egrees from vertical during the test. No coating of any kind shall be permitted over the paint on stamp marks or gas-check grooves of the specimens prior to testing, however areas in contact- with racks or supports, unpainted surfaces and areas within 3/16 inch of unpaint-ed surfaces may be protecte

40、d. 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-b403b (1) 9999906 L952b97 995 MIL-P-64036 (AR) AMENDMENT 1 PAGE 20 (Contd) When examining the specimens for signs of paint. failure, the entire surface of the project-i le shall be considere

41、d the signifjcant surface. As used herein, the term “blister“ refers to an unbroken area of paint with a bubble-like appearance whereas “pi t-s“ or “spots“ are exposed phosphate pretreatment. or bare metal visible through holes in the paint Blisters which are present. when t-he test is over are to b

42、e counted within five (5) minutes of removal from the test. chamber. Projectiles shall be t-est-ed for the duration specified on Drawing 30534894. After testing, any projectile which fails for any of the following reasons shall cause rejection of all parts painted since the last- successful test. an

43、d a return to t-he original sampling plan if failure occurred during reduced sampling. The failure criteria in a-j applies to the significant surface only. a. b. C. d. e. f. 9. h. i. j. The paint- shows more than 1/8 inch creepage, blistering or loss of adhesion mark, or edge. There are more than An

44、y blister exceeds Any pit- exceeds 1 /8 There are three (3) of paint from the scribe niark, stamp four (4) blisters, total. 1 / 1 6 inch average d iamet-er . inch average diameter. or more scattered pits exceeding 1/16 inch average di ameter. There are three (3) or more spots wit.hin one square inch

45、. There are two (2) spots wi.thin one square inch in two (2) or more places. There are more than four (4) scat-tered spots, total. There is evidence of rust under the paint- (a brown disco1orati.on showing through the paint) in excess of 1/4 inch in diameter total area. There is some variation of th

46、e above or an unlisted defect anywhere which the Government representative deems excessive.“ 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-b403b (I) 9999906 II952698 82L -,“ MIL-P-64036 (AR) AMENDMENT 1 PAGE 21 , Delete “Excess p

47、ressure“ and substitute “Maximum average pressure. I 6.3, Delete “Dover, NJ 07801-5000“ and substitute “Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000.“ 6.4, Delete “Dover, NJ 07801 -5000“ and substi tute Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000.“ Custodian: Army-AR Preparing : Army-AR (Pro ect 13 1 O-A53 9 ) 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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