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1、MIL-P-71012A(AR15 February 1991SUPERSEDINGMIL-P-71012(AR)7 October 1992MILITARY SPECIFICATIONPISTOL, SEMIAUTOMATIC, COMPACT, 9MM: MllThis specification is approved for use by the U.S. Army Armament,I.lunitionsand Chemical Command and is available for use by allDepartments and Agencies of the Departm

2、ent of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 z. This specification establishes the design,performance, quality assurance and packaging requirements for thePistol, Semiautomatic, Compact, 9Mf4: M1l.1.2 Classification. Compact pistols covered by thisspecification shall be of the following types. I. With st

3、andard 3-dotType II. With tritium 3-dotAPPLICABLE DOCUMENTSGovernment documents.horizontal sights.horizontal night sights.1 Specifications, standards and handbooks. The followingspecifications, standards, and handbooks form a Dart of thisdcument to the extent specified herein. Unless-otherwisespecif

4、ied, the issues of these documents are those listed in theissue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications andStandards (DoDISS) and supplement thereto, cited in thesolicitation (see 6.2).,.aoneflclal commente rocommandatlons, additions, deklions) and any pertinent data which maybe of use

5、in Improving Ihladocummu. should bc! addronsed 10: Commander, u.S. Army AROEC,ATTN. SMCAR-SAC.S, Picallnny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806 .S000 by using- the SIandardlzatkmDocument Improvomont Proposal (OD Form 142I3) appoarlng al tho end of this document or by fatter.AMSC NJA FSC1005J31STRIBUTION STATF

6、MFNT distributionisunlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-71012A (AR)SPECIFICATIONSFEDERALJP-40-1-503P-c-illP-D-680PPP-B-601PPP-B-636PPP-B-640PPP-P-1660VV-F-800VV-G-1690MILITARYMIL-P-116MIL-B-117MIL-C-372MIL-L-3150MIL-T.-8574

7、MIL-D-12468MIL-W-13855MIL-L-14107MIL-C-16173MIL-B-22019MIL-I-45607MIL-L-46000MIL-D-50030MIL-W-63150MIL-L-63460MIL-A-70625-Jet Fuel-Insect Repellent, Clothing andPersonal Application-Carbon-removing compound-Dry Cleaning Solvent-Boxes, wood, Cleated Plywood-Box, Shipping, Fiberboard-Box, Fiberboard,

8、Corrugated, Triple-wall-Pallet, Expendable-Diesel fuel-Gasoline-Preservation, Methods of-Bag, Sleeve and Tubing - InteriorPackaging-Cleaning Compound Solvent (for Bore ofSmall Arms and Automatic AircraftWeapons)-Lubricating Oil, Preservative, Medium-Inhibitors, Corrosion, volatile,Utilization of-Dec

9、ontaminating Agent, Stb-Weapons: Small Arms and AircraftArmament Subsystems, GeneralSpecification for-Lubricating Oil, Weapons, LowTemperature-Corrosion Preventive Compound, SolventCutback, Cold Application-Barrier Materials, Transparent,Flexible, Sealable, Volatile CorrosionInhibitor Treated-Inspec

10、tion Equipment Acquisition,Maintenance and Disposition of-Lubricant, Semi-Fluid (AutomaticWeapons)-Decontaminating Agent, Ds2-Weapons and Support Material StandardQuality Assurance Provisions for-Lubricant, Cleaner and Preservativefor weapons and weapon System-Automated Acceptance InspectionEquipmen

11、t for Non-electricalComponents, Design, Testing tiApproval of2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-71012A (AR)STANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-109MIL-STD-129MIL-STD-81OMIL-STD-1186MIL-STD-1472MIL-STD-1949MIL-STD-6866MIL-STD-45662HANDBOOKSMIL

12、ITARYMIL-HDBK-759-Quality Assurance Terms andDefinitions-Marking for Shipping and Storage-Environmental Test Methods andEngineering Guidelines-Cushioning, Anchoring, Bracing,Blocking, and Waterproofing withAppropriate Test Methods.-Human Engineering Design Criteria forMilitary Systems, Equipment and

13、Facilities-Inspection Process, magnetic Particle-Inspection, Liquid Penetrant-Calibration Systems Requirements-Human Factors Enaineerina DeSianfor Army Materlei(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and militaryspecifications, standards, and handbooks are available from:DODSSP - Customer Ser

14、vice, Standardization Documents Order Desk,Bldg. 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094. )2.1.2 Other Government documents, drawinqs, and publications.The following other Government documents, drawings, andDuplications form a Dart of this document to the extent soecifiedherein. Unless o

15、the;wise specified, the issues are those-cited inthe solicitation.PUBLICATIONSCODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONSCommerce Commission RulesTitle 10 -EnergyTitle 49 -Interstateand Regulations for the Transportationof Explosives and other DangerousArticles(Copies of Code of Federal Regulations are available fr

16、om theSuperintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,Washington D.C. 20402. Orders should specify,”10 CFR 0-50 and 49CFR 100-199 (latest revisions).3Provided by IHS Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-71012A (AR)2.2 Order of preceden

17、ce. In the event of a conflict betweenthe text of this document and the reference cited herein, the textof this document shall take precedence. Nothing in this document,however, shall supersede applicable laws and regulations unless aspecific exemption has been obtained.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 First Arti

18、cle. Unless otherwise specified in thecontract or purchase order, a sample shall be subjected to firstarticle inspection in accordance with the technical provisionsherein. unless otherwise specified, the first article shallinclude the pilot pack. (See 4.4 and 6.2).3.2 Materials and construction. The

19、 pistol and componentDarts shall conform to the applicable material, construction andimensional requirements of iiL-w-13855 and as specified herein.Parts and surfaces subject to rolling or sliding contact shall beof sufficient hardness to resist wear. Staked or dovetailedmembers shall have sufficien

20、t temper to retain their original fitafter extended use. Screws, when firmly tightened, shall notcause binding of any of the mechanism. External pins shall besecured in position by detent or retainer.3.3 Desiqn. The pistol and component parts shall conform tothe applicable design requirements specif

21、ied in MIL-w-13855 and asspecified herein.3.3.1 General requirements. The pistol shall be a magazinefed, semiautomatic pistol conforming to the following physicalrequirements:Length - 198MM (7.8 in.) maxHeight - 137mm (5.4 in.) maxWidth - 37nun(1.45 in.) maxWeight (with unloaded magazine) - .894 kg

22、(31.s oz.) maxMagazine CapaCity - 8 rounds minimum3.3.1.1 Operation. The pistol shall be capable of beingplaced into operation with either hand after loading. The pistolshall be capable of allowing multiple strikes on an ammunitionprimer by multiple pulls on the trigger alone.3.3.2 Caliber. The cali

23、ber of the pistol shall be 9MM NATO.The pistol shall be capable of meeting all requirements specifiedherein when firing M882 9MM ball ammunition. The pistol shallalso function with commercial subsonic and supersonic controlledexpansion ammunition. The pistol must function with aboveammunition withou

24、t substitution or exchange of parts.3.3.3 Maqazine and maqazine catch. The magazine shall befree of defects which may affect functioning of either themagazine or the pistol. The magazine follower and the magazine4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fr

25、om IHS-,-,-I MIL-P-71012A (AR)1. “catchshall function without binding throughout their full rangeof travel. The magazine shall be positively retained in place inthe receiver by the magazine catch. When the magazine catch isdepressed, it shall disengage the magazine and the empty magazineshall drop o

26、ut of the receiver of its own weight. The magazinerelease shall be located at the rear of the trigger guard and beaccessible by the firing hand of both left and right handed users3.3.4 Slide. The slide shall function without bindingthrough its range of travel on the receiver guide ways.3.3.5 Barrel.

27、 The minimum barrel length shall be 89mm (3.5in). Burrs and sharp edges shall be removed from chamber edges.Scratches or marks, occurring in a chamber which otherwise meetsbest commercial surface roughness requirements, shall be permittedprovided they do not cause marks on the case of a high-pressur

28、etest cartridge fired in the chamber.3.3.6 Siqhts. The front and rear sight shall be fastenedsecurely in place so that there will be no relative movement dueto firing. The rear sight shall be drift adjustable fordeflection. Both front and rear sights shall be replaceable andcompletely interchangeabl

29、e between types. Three dot horizontallyaligned sights are required. Tritium sights will be clearlystamped or engraved with a “T” on an external surface that iSvisible when the sight is installed on the pistol. Tritium sightsmust be exempt from licensing by the Nuclear Regulatory Commissionas specifi

30、ed in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR).3.3.7 Safety Mechanisms. Firinq pin safety. The pistol shall contain amechanism that locks, blocks, interdicts, or otherwise renders thefiring pin inoperable until the machanism is disengaged bydeliberate movement of the trigger in the rearw

31、ard direction. Decockinq mechanism. If the fire control system doesnot automatically return to a rest position (no stored energy) atthe completion of each firing cycle, a decocking mechanism must beprovided to safely return the firing mechanism from the fullycocked position to the uncocked po

32、sition without actuating thetrigger. Loadinq safaty. The pistol shall be capable of beingloaded, unloahed, and cleared without actuating the trigger. Marlazinedisconnect. The pistol shall not have amagazine disconnector.3.3.8 Firlnq pin and firinq pin sprinq. The firing pin andfiring p

33、in spring shall be retained in the slide. The firing pinspring shall hold the firing pin to the rear of the breech face ofthe slide and shall retract the firing pin into the slide aftereach firing.5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-

34、P-71012A (AR). . . 3.3”.9”“Ex”tiractor.The extractor shall move throughout itsfull range of travel without binding. .The extractor shall extractboth fired and loaded cartridges from the barrel chamber,regardless of whether the slide is operated rapidly or slowly, andregardless of the pistols orienta

35、tion, e.g., pointed up orpointed down.3.3.10 Eiector. The ejector shall eject both fired andloaded cartridges completely out of the pistol when the slide isoperated with moderate to rapid speed regardless of the pistolsorientation.3.3.11 Slide stop. The pistol shall contain a slide stopthat permits

36、the slide to be manually locked to the rear andreleased at will. Moving the stop to the release position shallpermit the slide to return under spring action to the batteryposition. The slide stop shall be automatically positioned tolock the slide to the rear when the last round in a magazine isfired

37、 and shall remain engaged with the slide when a magazine isremoved or inserted.3.3.12 Triqqer. With the magazine assembled to the pistol,the trigger shall move through its full range of travel underspring action without binding. After partial or complete triggerpull the trigger shall return to its n

38、ormal forward position underspring action immediately upon release.3.3.13 . Grips shall be fastened securely on thereceiver. There shall be no relative movement of these parts. Thegrips shall be free of defects which may affect appearance orserviceability.3.3.14 Finishes. Machine finishes. M

39、achine finishes shall be inaccordance with best conunercialpractice for small caliberweapons. Final protective finish. The final protectivefinish of metal parts shall meet the requirements of 3.4.13.Color of finished parts shall be lusterless uniform dark grey orblack. The final protective f

40、inishes shall not apply to springs,or spring pins which may be left bright. However, exteriorexposed surfaces of these parts are subject to the touch-uprequirements in accordance with Touch-up material. Exterior surfaces on metalcomponents which are bright or without finish after a

41、ssemblyoperations, such as rivets, pins, screw heads, and surfacessubject to staking operations, may be refinished using either theoriginal final protective finish material or with materials andprocedures in accordance with MIL-W-13855 touch-up procedures.6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproductio

42、n or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-71012A (AR. . . . . . . . . 3:315 Human ”Enqineerinq. The pistol shall be in generalconformance to the human enqlneering requirements of MIL-STD-1472and MIL-HDBK-7S9, and shall-meet wih tfieapproval of theGovernment for human engineering c

43、haracteristics. with the triggerin its forward most position, there shall be space for a 22 mm(7/8 inch) diameter rod to move freely between the front of thetrigger and the trigger guard. Additionally, there shall be nosharp edges on which to snag clothing.3.4 Performance characteristics.3.4.1 Heads

44、pace. The headspace shall be 1.915 centimeters(cm) to 1.950 cm. Headspace is defined as the distance from thebreech face of the slide in the battery position to the surface inthe chamber which stops the case mouth.3.4.2 Triqqer Pull. For safety considerations, the pistolshall provide an uncocked tri

45、gger pull of 4.0 to 7.3 kg (8.8 to16.1 lbs) for the first round. For accuracy purposes, subsequentrounds shall be fired with a trigger pull of 1.8 to 2.9 kg (4.o to6.4 lbs.)3.4.3 Hiqh pressure resistance3.4.3.1 Pistol. Each complete pistol produced for deliveryto the Government, with all parts assem

46、bled to the receiver, shallwithstand the firing of one M905 high pressure test cartridge.The barrel, slide and all parts subjected to direct pressure shallbe free of firing-induced defects after proof firing as evidencedby magnetic particle inspection (MPI) per MIL-STD-1949 for ferrousmetals, dye pe

47、netrant inspection (DPI) per MIL-STD-6866 for non-ferrous metals, and by visual examination. Other parts andsurfaces shall be visually inspected for evidence of firing-induced defects or damage. Repair parts. Firing-pressure affected partsproduced for delivery to the Government as repair part

48、s (thebarrel, slide and other parts designated by a Governmentrepresentative) shall withstand the firing of one M905 highpressure test cartridge. These parts shall be free of firing-induced defects after proof firing, as evidenced by MPI or DPIappropriate) and visual inspection.”(asor uic-”when firing .8829 ammunition andPistols shall operate without stoppagescommercial 9MM subsonic and supersonic controlled expansionammunition when tested as specified in Accuracy and dispersion. Accuracy (tarqetinq. At a range of 25 meters, allshots of a series of 8 shots

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