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1、INCH -POUNDDISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.MIL-PRF-51483A(EA)8 June 2011SUPERSEDINGMIL-E-51483(EA)29 June 1981PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONEDGESEAL MATERIAL, SELF-ADHERINGReinstated after 7 Jun 2011 and may be used for new andexisting designs and acquisit

2、ions.This specification is approved for use by the U.S. Army EdgewoodChemical Biological Center and is available for use by all Depart-ments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 Scope. This specificationcovers one type ofself-adhering, heat-fusing plastisol mate-rial for edgesealing

3、 laminated filter media to metal surfaces (see 6.1).2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3 or 4 of thisspecification. This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this specifica-tion or recommended for additional inf

4、ormation or as examples. While every effort has beenmadetoinsurethecompletenessofthislist, documentusersarecautionedthatthey mustmeetall specifiedrequirementsofdocumentscitedinsections3or4ofthisspecification, whetherornot they are listed.AMSC N/A FSC 4240Comments, suggestions, or questions on this d

5、ocument should be addressed to: U.S. Army EdgewoodChemicalBiologicalCenter, ATTN: RDCB-DEA-S, 5183BlackhawkRoad,AberdeenProvingGround,MD 21010-5424 or emailed to Since contact informationcan change, you may want to verify the currency of this address information usi

6、ng the ASSIST Onlinedatabase at https:/ by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-51483A(EA)22.2 Government documents.2.2.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications, standards,and handboo

7、ks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwisespecified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.FEDERAL STANDARDSFED-STD-595/36081 - Gray, Flat or LusterlessFED -STD -601 - Rubber: Sampling and Testing(Copies of these documents

8、 are available online at https:/ orfrom the StandardizationDocumentOrder Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadel-phia, PA 19111-5094.)2.3 Non-Governmentpublications. Thefollowingdocuments forma partofthisdocumentto the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise

9、 specified, the issues of these documents arethose cited in the solicitation or contract.ASTM INTERNATIONALASTM D412 - Vulcanized Rubber and Theroplastic Elastomers -TensionASTM D624 - TearStrengthofConventional VulcanizedRubber andThermoplasticElastomersASTM D1203 - Volatile Loss From Plastics Usin

10、g Activated Carbon MethodsASTM D1823 - Apparent Viscosity of Plastisols and Organosols at High Shear Ratesby Extrusion ViscometerASTM D1824 - Apparent Viscosity of Plastisols and Organosols at Low Shear RatesASTM D2137 - RubberProperty - BrittlenessPointofFlexible PolymersandCoatedFabricsASTM D2240

11、- Rubber Property - Durometer Hardness(Copiesofthisdocumentareavailablefromwww.astm.orgorASTMInternational,100BarrHarbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.)2.4 Order of precedence. Unless otherwise noted herein or in the contract, in the event ofa conflict between the text of this document and

12、 the references cited herein, the text of thisdocument takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable lawsand regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PR

13、F-51483A(EA)33. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Firstarticle. Whenspecified(see6.2),asampleshallbesubjectedtofirstarticleinspec-tion in accordance with 4.2. Any change in ingredients, or ingredient quantities exceeding theallowed tolerances shall constitute cause for submission of a new first article sample.3.2 Mat

14、erial.(a) The plastisol edgeseal material shall consist of polyvinyl chloride dispersed in suit-able liquid plasticizers, with sufficient stabilizers, and with pigments and fillers yielding a graycolor similar to No. 36081 of FED-STD-595.(b) Thematerialshallbeofthegenericepoxyresinclassification(str

15、ucturaladhesivesorengineering adhesives).(c) The material shall not be hazardous to health and shall not represent a hazardouswaste.3.3 Performance.3.3.1 Edgeseal-in-filter performance.(a) Filterssealedwiththisedgesealmaterialshallmeetthedimethylmethylphosphonate(DMMP)gasliferequirementofanappropria

16、tegas-particulatefilterspecificationspecifiedinthe contract (see and 6.2(f).(b) Filterssealedwiththisedgesealmaterialshallmeetthefiltrationefficiencyrequire-ments of an appropriate gas-particulate filter specification specified in the contract (see4.4.2.1(b) and 6.2(f).3.3.2 Edgesealphysi

17、calproperties. Standardspecimensfabricatedfromthe edgesealmate-rial (see shall conform to the requirements of Table I.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-51483A(EA)4TABLE I. Physical propertiesProperty Requirement Test

18、Para-hUnaged Aged*grapa. Hardness (Durometer A) 655 655 Tensile strength (lb/in2) 1250 min avg 1250 min avg Tear strength (lb/in) 100 min avg 100 min avg Brittleness No cracks, fissures,crazing, or ruptures4. Volatile loss Loss in weight 1.0%due to volati

19、les4. Viscosity (centipoises) 25001000*Aging conditions are defined in Instruction sheet. The first article lot shall be accompanied by an instruction sheetcontaining the following information:(a) Title, number, and date of this specification(b) Materials designation

20、(c) Recommended storage conditions(d) Estimated shelf life under recommended storage conditions to maintain requiredviscosity(e) Other information considered useful by the manufacturer or specified by theprocuring activity4. VERIFICATION4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements

21、specified herein are classi-fied as follows:(a) First article inspection (see 4.2)(b) Conformance inspection (see 4.3)General methods used to accomplish verification include examination, analysis with certifica-tion, demonstration, and test. The manufacturer may submit alternative methods, technique

22、s,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-51483A(EA)5orequipmenttothe Governmentfor reviewandapprovalprior touse. Requirements andveri-fication methods are cross referenced in Table II.TABLE II. Requirement/verification cross-referenc

23、e matrix.METHOD OF VERIFICATION CLASS OF VERIFICATIONN/A - Not Applicable FA - First ArticleA - Analysis C - ConformanceD - DemonstrationE-ExaminationT - TestRequirementP hTitleVerificationP hVerification MethodsVerificationClassqParagrap ParagrapN/A A D E T FA C3.2 Material 4.4.1 X X X3.3 Performan

24、ce 4.4.2 X X X3.3.1 Edgeseal - in - filter performance X X3.3.2 Edgeseal physical properties X3.3.2.a Hardness X X X3.3.2.b Tensile strength X X X3.3.2.c Tear strength X X X3.3.2.d Brittleness X X X3.3.2.e Volatile loss X X X3.3.2.f V

25、iscosity X X X3.4 Instruction sheet 4.4.3 X X X4.2 First article inspection.4.2.1 Sample. The first article sample shall be submitted for inspection and approval inac-cordance with the terms of the contract. Edgeseal material. The first article sample shall consist of 30 gallons of

26、edgesealmaterial manufacturedusingthesame methods,materials, equipment,andprocessesaswillbeused during regular production. Inspection procedure. The first article edgeseal material shall be subjected to theinspectionproceduresspecifiedinTableII. A1-quart(ormore)specimenshallbetakenfromthe 30

27、gallon first article sample. From the one-quart specimen, test slabs (small test speci-mens) shall be prepared per Those test slabs shall be tested in accordance with4. through In addition, a portion of the 1-quart specimen shall be taken forviscosity test (

28、ovided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-51483A(EA) Acceptance criteria. If any first article sample item fails to comply with any of theapplicable requirements, the first article sample shall be rejected. The Government reserves

29、the right to terminate inspection upon any failure to comply with any of the requirements. Thecontractor shall obtain written approval from the contracting activity prior to proceeding withregular production.4.3 Conformance inspection.4.3.1 Lotting. Alotshallconsistofedgesealmaterialproducedbyoneman

30、ufacturer,atoneplant, from the same materials, under essentially the same manufacturing conditions, and atessentially the same time. In the event that the process is a batch operation, each batch shallconstitute a lot (see 6.4). Sampling. Inthecaseofacontinuousprocess,theunitofproductshallbe5

31、gallons.Asampleoffiveunits ofproduct shallbe takenat randomfrom eachlot. From eachcontainerin the sample, a 1-quart (or more) specimen shall be removed and placed in a clean, dry con-tainer labeled to identify the specimen with lot and sample container represented. In the caseofbatchprocessing,a5-ga

32、llonsampleshallbetakenfromeachbatchwhilethematerialisstored in the final mixing tank. From the 5-gallon sample, a 1-quart specimen shall be re-moved and placed in a clean, dry container labeled to identify the specimen with batch repre-sented. Inspectionprocedure. Testslabs(smalltestspecimens

33、)shallbeprepared fromeach1-quart specimen as specified in The slabs shall be tested in accordance with4. Inaddition, aportioneach1-quartspecimenshall betakenforvis-cosity test ( Verification methods and procedures.4.4.1 Material.(a) Verify 3.2(a) by p

34、roviding information on the types and quantities of ingredients inthe edgeseal product. Categorize ingredients as plastisol, stabilizer, pigment, filler, etc.(b) Verify 3.2(b) by providing a CoC with analysis.(c) Verify 3.2(c) by providing a CoC with analysis.4.4.2 Performance. Edgeseal-in-fi

35、lter performance.(a) Verify3.3.1(a)bysupplyingDMMPgaslifedataobtainedonM48A1filtersorotherappropriate gas-particulate filtersspecifiedinthe contract(see 6.2(f). The gaslife data shallconsist of DMMP gas life data obtained on first article gas-particulate filters prior to produc-Provided by IHSNot fo

36、r ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-51483A(EA)7tion. If any data point fails to comply with the applicable requirement in3.3.1(a), the Govern-ment reserves the right to require a failure analysis and/or require supplemental testing.(b) Verify 3.3.1(b)

37、 by supplying filtration efficiency data obtained on M48A1 filters orotherappropriategas-particulatefiltersspecifiedinthecontract(see6.2(f). Thefiltrationef-ficiency data shall consist of filtration efficiency data obtained on first article gas-particulatefilters prior to production. If any data poi

38、nt fails to comply with the applicable requirement in3.3.1(b), the Government reserves the right to require a failure analysis and/or require supple-mental testing. Edgeseal physical properties. Preparationof test specimens. Specimens fortesting thefused edgeseal materialin4.

39、hrough4.,withacavitysize6inchesby6inchesandofsufficientdepthtoproduce a sheet0.0750.005inchinthickness. The moldcavityshallbe filledwithfullydis-persed edgeseal material and placed in a mechanical, convection, re

40、circulation type oven at atemperature of 4252F so that the mold is essentially level. The edgeseal material shall befusedat400Fasindicatedbyathermocoupleplacedinthecenterofthesample. (Acalibratedthermocoupleshallbeused todetermine theinternal temperatureof thematerial; careshouldbeexercisedtoinsuret

41、hatthethermocoupledoesnotbottomonthemoldcavity.) Once400Fisindicated by the thermocouple, hold specimen inoven for3(+1-0) minutes, remove the moldfromtheoven,andcoolitatroomtemperaturefor8.01.0minutesfollowedbyforcedaircool-ingtoroomtemperaturewithin10.01.0minutesofremovalfromoven. Conditioningofspe

42、ci-mensshallcommencewithin48hoursofmoldingthe fusedsheets. The conditioningshall beinaccordance with the applicable test method. Agedtestspecimens. Testspecimenstobeagedshallbepreparedasin4. The specimensshallbeheldat73.5

43、2Fand502percenthumidityforaminimumof48hoursbeforetesting. Hardness. Threespecimenspreparedasspecifiedin4. with ASTM D2240. Repeat hardness test on aged test specimens ( Tensilestrength. Sixspecimenspreparedasspecifiedin4. maybe tes

44、tedinaccordancewithMethod4111ofFED-STD-601. ThespecimensmaybecutwithdienumberIII of figure 4111. Per Change Notice 7 of FED-STD-601, the preferred test method is thefollowing: Five specimens shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D412, Method A. Deter-mine average tensile strength. Repeat tensile s

45、trength test on aged test specimens ( Tearstrength. Threespecimenspreparedasspecifiedin4. DetermineaverageTypeCtearstrength. Repeattearstrength test on aged test specimens ( by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproducti

46、on or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-51483A(EA) Brittleness. Five specimens prepared as specified in may be tested at-102FinanairheattransfermediuminaccordancewithMethod5311ofFED-STD-601.The specimen shall extend 11/4 inch beyond the edge of the clamp.

47、Per Change Notice 7 ofFED-STD-601, the preferred test method is the following: Five specimens conditioned at-102FinanairheattransfermediumshallbetestedinaccordancewithASTMD2137,Meth-od C. Volatile loss. Three specimensprepared asspecified in4. shallbe testedinaccordance with ASTM D12

48、03, Method A or B. Viscosity. The edgeseal material shall be thoroughly mixed by stirring for at leastoneminuteimmediatelypriortodrawingthespecimenandperformingtheviscositytest. Con-duct a viscosity test in accordance with ASTM D1823 (extrusion through orifice) or ASTMD1824(viscometer),exceptthatedgesealtemperatureshallbemaintainedat772F. Materialshall be at least 7 days old as measured from date of manufacture.4.4.3 Instruction sheet. Verify contents of instruction she

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