1、- . .I. i . -. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This speciflcztioi: covcrs cottori ducl; tool rolls OE vuricjus sizes with pockets for holdirg tools an2 tic CJCS o strri:,s in a closed position. ccurc tI:c roll *. * 1.2 Classificata. The tool rolls shall be of the sizes specified on the specification sheets (see 6.2).
2、2. APPLICABLE DC?lEZS 2.1 . _- _ * The following docunents, of thc issue Ti: czfcct: 0;- dztc ur ?-!vttiioA: for bids or request for proposal, Eorr:. Q paz oi:.:is sFeciflcatioz tc LLO extent specified hcrefri: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from
3、 IHS-,-,-I I . - i - - -_ :*,-:-:- .-. 1: j .- -. . - . a-% * .Syq.-:arking Of tJ. S. :Elitary -property . s -. - r. -. - - AIUN IJA!ICIC EVEL0XIEI:T CEIiTFX 5-7-20 - - Pnlls, Tools !xZ hccecsorfes . Size-19 - Illustration 5-7-21 - ROUS, Tools am! Accessorics; Tim-19 - Details 5-7-51 - Rolls, J;ools
4、 and t.ccessories; Size-12 - Illustrations 57-52 - Rolls, Tools and Accessories: Size13 - Eody and Foclax 5-7-53 .- Rolls, Tools snd Accessories; Size-lO - ?oc!:et Setails, 5-7-LlG - - ails, Toolo end Accessories; Size-1 5-7-121 . - Rolls, Tools and Ccccssories; Size-6 5-7-124 . - Palls, 01s and fic
5、ceccories; Size-9 57-126 - Rolls, Tools and Accessories; Size-li 5-7-127 . . - . Palls, -Tools and Accessorics; Size-12- 5-7-128 - Palls, Tools andkccessories; Size-13 5-7-129 . .- .mils, Tools an6 Accessories; Size-14 e- t2csenlly 5-7-130 - Pslls, T.oolc aid Accessories; Size-14 - Details 5-7-131 -
6、 Rolls, Tools and Accessories- Size-15 %7-=2 Y - Rolls, Tools and Accessories; Size-1G 5-7-133 . - Rolls, Tools and Accessories- Size-i7 5-7-159 - Rolls, ools arid Accessories; Size-20 azi Detaiic and Sections Details Scabbards and Sectioxs and Sections -. . - _. . . - - . - _- . - .- ._ .- _. _- .
7、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.-. . .I - I a e,.= C. . ._ IZtR-45E04D connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) . i : 4Copies of specifi
8、cations, standards, and drawings required by suppliers in ._ ,- . . .-_ -i . - 2.2 Other publications. Te following documents form a part of this cpeci- fication to the extent specified hel;ein. Unless a specific issue is identified, the issue iq effect on date of invitation for bids or request for
9、proposal shall apply: ;#. * _. f *- .:.t, * -_ _I c - - ., -A c- . -1 Kationa Xotor Freight Traffic Association, Inc., Agent z . -. . 1 II . . . - ._ . - . - Xational :Iotor Freight Classification . (Application for copies should be a6dresse to the American Trucking Associations, fnc., Tariff Order
10、Section, 1616 P Street, Q.B, Washingta, DC 20036.) - . - - Unifors Classification Comnittee, Agent - *- - *. Onifom Freight Classification . - (Application for copies should be ressed to the Uniform Classification Conmittee, Room 1106, 222 South Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL (Technical society and te
11、chnical association specifications and standarcis are generaly available for reference from libraries They are as0 distributed aamg technical groups and using Federal zigencies.) 60606.) -. .I. .- - _ _. * 3. mQmZnS 1- .- 1. -. - _. - - - . _. 3.1 Specification sheets. The individual itcn requiremen
12、ts shall be as specified herein and in accordance with the applicable specification sheets. d . .- .i . - -. .i . -1 c. . 3.2 First article. Vhen specified, the supplier shall furnish a sanqle for first article inspection and approval (see 4.2, 6.2, and 6.3). - =. 3.3 Material. 3.3.1. Cloth, duck, c
13、otton. The cloth, before finishing, shall conform to type I of CCC-C-419 in the numbered duck and texture as follows: ._ ._._I. -. . ._ - _._ For roll sites 1, 6, 9 . !?o. 10, Aard teh%ure - . ._. - - 13, 15, 16, 17 md 20 .- -. _ .- . - . ._. . - - L- -. . -1 Li-. - For - -roll slze 11 No. 6, hard t
14、exture *. .-C_-. - - Bartacking a-; . rie?zt- rcscrves 5:s i-lyht to perfom any of the inspections cet -5rOrtS 1.n - inspections are Jeemd necessary .tc assurz su2glies ZCG. sem-icca casori.? to prescribed requirm-ents. - - inspection requirements as*specifieii !ierci;.,. ?:xca?t as o
15、thertiise specified in - . i -s- . - .- - . LI . _- - -_ - _ c:- - * - L . f c.,- . .-. _. - + . =-. - s *I .- . ._ _A _-* ,-I - _ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I NIL-R-q5804D 51 7737706 03b7743 T m- - -I MIL-R-45 804D * 4.2 First a
16、rticle inspectie When required (see 6.2) examination of the first article shall made of a completely fabricated roll for ail end item inspection provisions of this specification. 4.3 Inspection. Sampling for inspection shall be performed in accordance with the provisions set forth in ML-STD-105, unl
17、ess otherwise indicated hereinafter. ; - d. * 4.3.1 Compkent and nrateral inspection. in accordance with 4-1, above components ed materials shall be inspected In accordance with ail the requirenents of referenced specifications, drawings and standards unless . otherwise excluded, amended, modified o
18、r qualified in this specification or applicable purchase document . * 4.3.2 In-process inspection. Exanination sidi be made of the followins operations to establish conformance to specified requirements. nonconfonnance is noted, correction shall be madc to the iterrs affected and Vhenever to the ope
19、ration. -. -. - - - a. b. C. Cut dimensions of tape, webbing, and pocket pieces are as coecified Location of stitching of pocket pieces are as specified Holes for snap fastener installation shall be prepuncIted conforriin: to size Eequirement (see 3.4.3). 4.3.3 End product inspection. The lot shall
20、coaslst of ail conpletely fabricated rolls of one type offered for inspectiosi at one tim. mit shall be me completely fabricated roll. acceptable quality levels (AqLs) slid1 be as specified in, * Visual examination. Visual examirLatioi sfiall be -azide 02 the %.e sanpie Tiie nspcctio
21、: levels aici completely fabricated roll for the defects in table I. r TBLE I. Classification oL defects for visua?. chnrnc:erintics Class EicaEior: *T ajor :s:or Exanine Defect , . AI AT. Fabric Any srash, wed: ?lace, broken or missinp, yarns, multiple floats or open place dearly visible at .- norm
22、al inspection ili- stance Shade Lar or fine or coarss Lole (cxcept iTrTl Lok), cut, or C:qoce2 rfl7 Lole; i=- not .- (appro: webbing not Clinched excessively tight, cutting 1 End clips flat at point of insertion webbing n A s Snap fasteners Any fastener not functioning properly; i.e., fails to snap
23、Closed, provide a secure closure, or to open freelv . !/- , improper or insecure dinciiinn Clinched excessively tizht , cuttins Clinched loosely, permitting conponer.ts surrounding material to rotate freely in the hole of the material incorrect style MOTE: Incomplete roll of the end of the button or
24、 eyelet tube is evidence of improper and insecure clinching. Fasteners evidencing incomplete roll are broker? 01: ahen tm ar mre consecu- tive skipped stitches or m-cffs occur. I)n- double stit c. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.- .,
25、 MIL-R-45304D TA?LE I. Classification of Zefectc for visual characteristics (contd) Cia s ficat ioii iIaj or Xinor AH - _I Examine Defect Stitches pey inch # . .- i _. . . . . . . Tk3LZ I. Classification of defects for visual characteristics (contd) - -I Classification Xajor IIinor Examine - Defect
26、AB ._ - P!inforcen?ents Improperly applied, causing excessive -f . fullness or reinforcements or .I .- .reinforced parto Not stitched to reinforced parts on .- all sides or not caught in $ears or stitching of reinforced parts, single ply construction when double ply is - -required Components and Any
27、 component or required operation acsecibly onitted (unless otlierwise classifi- - . ed) : Any part or component not fabricated of applicable referenced naterid Omitted, incorrect, illegible, or misplaced, or size characters not aS Specified , L_ farkings; Identification Pocket and content Mtted, inc
28、orrect, inconpletcd , (when applicable) or otherwise not as specified Cleanness Grease or of1 stains:. thread ends not trimmed throughout x 1. 4. x Dimecsional examinatizx. Overall Ginensions of the roll not within the specified tolerances shall be classified as a defect. dinensions over or
29、uncier specificd dimensions by more thai 112 inch shall be classified as a defect. Location and coinponent 1iib:sction levels and AOLS. The inspection levels and AQLs, expressed in tem of defects per hundred units, sidl be as follors: Examination For defects applicable to - .- - For
30、defects applicable to . Inspection level I. AQLS II 2.5 Yajor 6.5 Xajor and minor A defects 15.0 Totals s-3 4.0 (one class) 10 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-i MIL-R-45804D 51 W 7777706 03677V 7 W r J.- - f * * * * 4.3.4 -Ins
31、pection of preparation for delivery requirement. An inspection Shall be niade to deternine that pckaginr, and pacliari:inp, requirements are in conpliance with Section 5; sample unit shall be one shipping container fully prepared for delivery with the exception that it need not be sealed. be inspect
32、ea on shipping containers fully prepared for delivery. The. lot sball .be the number of shipping containers offered for irspection at one time. inspection level shall be S-2 with en AQL of 2.5, expressed in tem of defects -per hundrd: units. Defects sl21 be l n saug-fitting Eiberbonrd skipping co;tt
33、aii.er mr.for.d:c to V2s of PPI?-E-636. %.e inside of eacB diipphz coiitdxx -box lher confodng to zypc W. CICISE rrfiTzl:c-rcsictai:t, irtiricty ;riL.?c: 172.5 of ?PP-.B-G36. Zacii chip?ing cmtaizcr sbil be closci: in accordance with method III, waterproofed in accordance wit3 methol V m,i rc.fforcr
34、cl .as specific2 51: t!:c appendix of the container cpecificntio-. V2s bhl-3ping container s;idl no; fzccrT t3 pauis w.2 C.5 Packing. .- le zc-., frrc!c 1?3s or :;= 2;tt-u l:t;i Y: :3Fectivcly. -_ - _ . I-. _i -:. .: .- . _. .?. I dl Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitt
35、ed without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-45804D 51 m 999930b 0369749 O 9 i i 1 IL I I I -. . -. .*II . ._. . .z.-:. i . .2.r 1 . . . _. - . -. .* . .li_ i. #-.:*.-*I * 5.2.2 Level B. Rolls, packaged as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in a snug-f itting fiberboard shipphg container conforming to style
36、 FSC-L, type CF, variety SW, or Eype SP, class domestic, of PPP-.+636. (see 6.21, the inside of each shipping container shall be fitted with a box liner conforming to type CE, dass donestic, variety Di.!, .grade 2OC of PPP-2-636. Closure shall be fin accordance ;viti; met!iod I-of tiie Eppendix of PPP-3-635. The weight of 1975-603-766/1178 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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