1、MIL-R-49023 (EL) 21 Jllinury -1 371, MILITARY SPE CIFI CATI0 N KADI0 SET AN/GRC-103 (V) 1 This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 equipment in the frequency range 220 to 404.5 MHz and designated Radio Set AN/GRC-103 (V) 1. Thi
2、s specification covers the following units of a radio relay Receiver, Radio R-1329( ) (P)/GRG-103 (VI Amplif ier-Converter AM-4316( )/GRC-103 (V) Transmitter, Radio T-983( ) (P)/GRC-103(V) Amplifier-Frequency Multiplier AM-4320( )/GRC-ln?(V) Receiver-Transmitter , Order Wire RT-773 ( )/GRC-lOj(V) An
3、tenna AS-1852 ( ) /GRC-103 (V) Mast AB-952( )/GRC-l?(V) Cable Assembly, RF CG-3hb( )/U (1 ft 6 in) Cable Assembly, RF CG-3444( )/U (3 ft 6 In) Cable Assembly, RF CG-3443( )/U (80 ft) Adaptor, Connector UG-i37S( )/U Cable Assembly, Special Purpose, Electrical, Branched CX-i0763( )/ GRC-lOj(V) (3 ft 6
4、 in) The radio set uses the foliowing special accessories for extension of capabilities. Extension Kit, Mast MK-1009( )/GRC-l03(V) Converter., Frequency, Electronic CV-2500( )/GRC . Cable Assemblg, Spec ia1 Purpose, Electrical CX-10879( ) /GRC-103 (V) Dummy Load, Electrical DA-.!i?7( ) /GRC-l03(V) C
5、able Assembly, Special Arpose, Electrical CX-i0762( )/U (5 ft) FSC 5820 THISDOeUMENT CC“AIMS 6 d PAGES. Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-49023 (EL) 2. APPLICA
6、BLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in efect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal form a part of this.specification to the extent speciied herein. MILITARY m-116 MIL-S -901 MIL-P-11268 MIL-M-13231 MIL-F-14072 MIL-E-15090 MIIl-R-45292 -. . Preservation, Methods of
7、 Shock tests, H.I. (High-Impact) Shipboard Machinery, Equipment and Systems, Requirement for (Navy) Parts, Materials and Processes used in Electronic Communication Equipment Marking of Electronic Items Finishes for Ground Signal Equipment Enamel, Equipment, Light-Gray (Formula No. 111) Radio Set AN/
8、GRC-103 (V) (Units of) , Packaging and I . Packing of STANDARDS FEDERAL 3ED-STD-5 95 MILITARY - MIL-STD-105 MIL-STD-252 MIL-STU-454 MIL-STD-kl MIL-STD-462 MIL-STD-781 MIL-STD- 785 MIL-STD-810 .L IL Colors Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Wired Equipment, Classification of Visual and
9、Standard General Requirements for Electronic Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics Reliability Tests: Exponential Distribution Reliability Program for Systems and Equipment: Envi ronnentai Test Methads Attributes Mechanical Defects Equipment Requir
10、ements for Equipment Measurement, of Development and Production I 2 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-R-49023 (EL) DRAWINGS USAECOM SC -A-46439 SC-DL-424153 DL-
11、SM-B-696006 SM-A-696070 DL-SM-B-696151 DL-SM-B-696171 DL-SM-B-696175 DL-SM-B-696203 DL-SM-B-696 2 O7 DL-SM-B-696210 SM-A-696 Monitor Pam1 Distribution Panel Alarm Control Distribiition Box Moni. tor Panel Telephone Signal Converter Amplifier Assembly RT-773 ( )/GRC-103 (VI Radio Receiver R-1329 ( )
12、(P)/ Transmitter T-983 ( ) (P)/ AM-4316 ( ) /GRC-103 (V) Multiplier AM-k320( )/ 3 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-47023 5B 777770b 0357734 3 MI L-R-49023 (EL
13、) . DRAWINGS - (Contd) DL-SM-B- 763662 SM-A-763665 SM-A-763688 SM-A-763695 SM-A-763697 SM-A- 763698 SM-A-763699 SM-A- 763 700 SM-A- 763 730 SM-A- 763 731 SM-A-763733 SM-A- 763 738 CM-A- 7 63 73 9 ?M-A-763740 SM-A-764122 SM-A-764157 Antenna AS-1852 ( )/GRC-103 (V) Antenna AS-1852 ( ) /GRC-103 (V) Tes
14、t Specification - ConLrol-Monitor, Signal Test Specification - Converter, Frequency, Test Specification - Amplifier, Radio Frequency Test Specification - Tuner, Radio Frequency Test Specification - Control-Indicator Test Specification - Amplif ier-Coii:erter Test Specification - Electronic Switch Te
15、st Specifica5ion - Frequency Multiplier Test Specification -. Amplifier-Frequency Test Specification - AV/GRC-103, Receiver Section Test Specification - AN/GRC-103, Transmitter Test Specification - AN/GRC-103, Terminal Section Test Specification - Amplifier, Radio Frequency Test Specification - Dupl
16、exer Level Electronic AM-4316 ( ) /GRC-103 (V) Multiplier AM-4320( )/GRC-l03(V) Section 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 the contractor shall furn.sh First Article units in accordance with 4.3. First Article - When specified in the contract or purchase order, 3.2 the requirements of this specification and the dr
17、awing and data list as indicated, including the requirements for parts, materials and processes thereon. Construction - The equipment shall be constructed in accodance with DL-SM-B-696006 DL-SM-B-763660 DL-SM-B-696171 DL-SM-B-696175 DL-SM-B-763662 DL-SM-B-696151 DL-SM-B-696207 DL-SX-B-696203 DL-SM-B
18、-696210 S C -DL-4 24 15 3 DL-SM-B- 763661 Receiver, Radio R-1329( ) (P)/GRC-l03(V) Amplifier-Convefter AM-4316( )/GRC-103 (V) Transmitter, Radio T-983 ( (P)/GRC-l03(Vj Amplif ier43-equency Multiplier AM-L320( ) /GRC-103 (V) Recv Trans, Order Wire RT-773 ( )/GRC-l03(V) Antenna AS-1852 ( )/GRC-103 (V)
19、 Mast AB-952 ( Cable Assy, R.F. CG-3wrk( )/U Cable Assy, R.F. CG-3443( )/U Cable Assy, S.P. Elec, CX-10763( )/GRC-103(V) Adapter, Connector UG-1375( /U ) /GRC-103 (V) 4 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking p
20、ermitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-49023 58 U 999990b 0357735 3 - MIL-R-49023 (EL) 3.3 ments of this specification, the requirements of MIL-P-11268, including the selection requirements therein, shall a2ply. Parts, materials and processes; general - In addition to the require- 3.4 multichan
21、nel, line-of-sight, two-way communication in the frequency range OZ 220-404.5 MHz (Channsls 40-409). for use as a radio link in a communication network, which may include carrier telephone and teletypewriter sets. The radio set is used in pairs; one at each end of the line-of-sight path. The radio s
22、et may be used with 6/12 or 24 channel pulse code modulation (PCM) equipment or with 4 channel frequency division modulation (FDM) when associated with appropriate inter- face equipment. The system shall provide channel assignments on sach half and full megacycle points (1/2 MHz spacing). Electrical
23、 characteristics - Radio Set AN/GRC-l03(V)l provides for This version is Antended primarily. 3.4.1 Transmitter section - Output power - The normal the RF Duplexer, shall be not less range of 220 to 404.5 MHz. transmitter RF output power, without than 30 watts at any frequency in the - 3.4.1.
24、2 transmitter. that is greater than 8 dl3 + 2 dB below the nominal power output rating of the transmitter. The switch associated with the audible alarm is included such that: In one switch position, the alarm shall sound when the visual alarms are lighted as in the case of a failure; in the second s
25、witch posi- tion, the alarm sounds when the light is not lighted. thus indicates a change in state of the visual signal. decrease below specification limits after: Low power alarm - A visual and audible alarm is provided in the The visual alarm shall indicate any change in RF output power Th
26、e audible alarm Output tube dissipation - The transmitter output power shall not a. Running the transmitter for 15 minutes with its output terminals short-circuited. b. Running the transmitter for 15 minutes with its output terminals open-circuited. c. Running the transmitter for 30 minutes without
27、drive. Frequency setability - It shall be possible to set the transmitter to any desired frequency at 0.5 MHz intervals in the frequency range of 220 to 404.5 MHz, with an accuracy of better than 0.002% corresponding to 20 Hz per MHz. 5 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided
28、 by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-LI7023 5 777770b 0357736 5 W MI L-R-49023 (EL) of the transmitter when a modulation signal to produce 100 kiiz peak deviation is applied to the video input shall conform to
29、 Table I. Transmitter frequency response - The overall frequency response RELATIVE ATTENUATION (db) REF 10 kHz FREQUENCY kHz 125 .250 .200 1.0 10 39 60 120 240 360 480 600 720 8LO 960 OPTIMUM 1.0 .2 .5 O(W) 15 O O .1 07 1.5 2.7 4.2 6.0 8.2 10.7 MINIMUM 0.5 O O -0.2 -0.2 O O -5 0.6 1.9 3 04 5.3 7.5 8
30、.5 - MAXIMUM 1.5 1.0 -4 0.2 .2 03 05 1.3 2.3 4.2 .2 8.8 11.5 15.0 - Spurious outputs - When measured with duplexer, the pomr output of any harmonic shall be at least 80 dB below that, of the funiamental and the power oiitput of any non-harmonic extraneous emission of a band oiitside plus and
31、 minus 15 MHz of the carrier shall be at least 80 dB below that of the fundamental. shall bs suppressed at least 60 dl3, except for the range occupied by the modulation, where the spurious outputs shall not exceed the level of the modulation envelope. All spurious outputs otrer the frequency range f
32、o 2 15 MHz 191 MV applied to the transmitter video input, and the input control adjusted to give a reading of 50% on the panel meter, the transmitter peak deviation shall be between 65 kHz and 97 kHz. met with the meter switch in the FDM position. 3.4.2 tested with the diiplexer. FDM modlati
33、on requirements - With a 1 KHz sinusoidal signal of This requirement shall be Beceiver secm , - Ths follawhig requirements shall be met, when 6 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license
34、from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-Li7023 58 7779706 0157737 7 m MI L-R-49023 (EL) 3 .h .2.1 Frequency response shaping - The overall frequency response of the receiver when a frequency modulated signal of constan, deviation (100 Ma peak) is ap_rlied to the receiver antenna terminal ani measured at the video output
35、 terminal shall conform to Table II. , TABLE II RELATIVE ATTENUATION (db) REF 10 kHs FREQUENCY Ws o. 125 0.250 o. 200 1 10 30 60 120 i80 240 360 480 600 720 8bO OPTIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 0.05 0.2 0.8 1.8 4.4 8.2 12.5 18 .4 25.3 33.0 . - 2.5 1.0 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.25 0-9 1.8 2.8 5.8
36、 10.0 15.5 22.6 31.0 40.0 - losses due to the receiver protection circuit and the duplexer, shall not exceed 8 dB between 220 and 339.5 MHz and 9 dB between 400 MHz and 404.5 MHe. NoLse figure - The noise figure of the receiver, including the and + 45 kHz, the video outputs shall be
37、0.265V + 0.03 V RMS at the ViD Corngetor, 0.189 V + 0.02 V RN3 at the FDM ConneTtor and -10 dBm - + 2 dB (600 OHMS) at the - O-W Comector, respEcwvely. Rece:i.ved sigrial monitoring - A panel meter deflection of 60% or more shall be obtained at a received signal level of -50 dBm, and 10% or
38、more at a level of -95 dBm. Demodulation - For received signals deviated 2 300 kHs, + 75 kHz, width of 750 kHs with the response down at least 60 dB at 2 2.1 MHa or more from resonance; I)? band-didth - The TI? selecLivity shall have a nominal 3 dB band- 7 Copyright Communications - Electron
39、ics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-R-49023 (EL) . optimum output, it shall be possible to tune the receiver duplexer section through the transmitter frequency without damage to the receive
40、r. circuitry shall provide protection against external signals at any frequency with pover level up to +47 dBm under all conditions of receiver tuning. Protection shall be provided against pulse modulated signals of any fre- quency of 1 Kw peak power, duration 1 us, duty cycle 0.001 and a rise time
41、of 10 ns from 10% to 90% amplitude. Receiver protection - When the transmi.tter has been tuned for The spurious response shall be as follows: Spurious response - The ratio of desired signal response to any a. For a maximum of 6 discrete responses, the ratio shall be at least 80 B. b. For all
42、 other responses, the ratio shall be at least 100 B. 3.4.3 Terminal section (system requirements) - mitter shall be 91 ohms + 10% resistive to at least 480 kHz and 91 ohms Input Impedance - The impedance at the video input to the trans- - + 15% to at least 800 kHz. Output Impedance -
43、 The output impedance of the receiver shall be 51 ohms + 10% resistive for the 24 channel PCM output to at least 800 kHz and for The regenerated 6/12 channel PCM oitput such that when terminated in a resistive load of 91 ohm - + 5%, the waveform is as specified in NOTE: of the duplexer. 3
44、.4.3.3 Frequency response (PCM) - The overall frequency response between transmitter video input an3 receiver video output relative to the response at 10 kHz shall conform to Table III. All received RF signal levels are measured at the antenna terminals 8 Copyright Communications - Electronics Comma
45、nd Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-R-LI9023 58 M 9999906 0357739 O MI L-R-49023 (EL) TABLE III RELATIVE ATTENUATION (dE3) REF 10 kHz FREQUENCY kHz NMINAL MINIMUM MAXIMUM .125 .250 .500 .200 1 .o 10 30 60 1
46、20 180 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 2 .o 1 .o O O O (REF) O 04 .2 .7 i .6 2.9 6.5 11.7 18.2 26.2 35.7 46.7 1 .o O O -.l -.l -.l .1 .5 1.3 2 -5 5.7 13.2 16.0 23.1 41.2 - 31 -7 .3.0 2.0 .8 +. 1 +. 1 .2 1 .o 2.2 4 8 13.5 21 .o 30.5 41 .O 52.5 - -4 PCM moddation requirerqents - When the modulatio
47、;? smsitivity is adjusted to maximum, an input vol+,ge of 1 volts peak-to-peak shall deviate . ths transmitter plus and minus 300 kHz peak. Also the metering circuitry shall enahle the oprator to adjust the peak deviation of the transmitter to plus and minus 180 kHz and plus and minus 300 kHz with a
48、n accuracy of plus 2.2 and minus 1.25 dB with inputs between 1 volt to 4 volts peak-to- peak. if when tested in a.*cordance with the 12 arid 24 ch PCM metering sections of the test specified in 4.1 9.3 it meetc the Specifications thereof. Signal to noise (PCM) -.- - The transmitter shall be
49、tuned to any of its operating freqiincies and shall be operated at rated FP power output. A 10 kHz sinusoidal signal shall bs applied at the video input terminals of the transmitter and the transmitter shall be iiLjusted for a peak devi- tion of plus and minus 180 kHz. input is coupled to the transmitter through sufficient attenuation, shall be 0.45V - + 0.15V peak to peak at the unregenerat
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