1、- t MIL-R-55165 61 = 9999906 0093907 3 3 -/5-$/ MILITARY SPEC I Fi CATION MI L-R-55165 (SigC) 15 March 1962 RECTIFIER BATTERY CHARGER PP-255( )/FT 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope.- This specification covers one type of full wave, metallic, regulated rectifier designed to suppiy power to a telephone system and to
2、 charge lead-acid type stom e batteries within its rated capacity, designated as “Rectifier Battery Charger PP-255( )/fV, .(See 3. i) 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification to the extent specified h
3、erein. SPEC1 F!CATlOlS FED ERAL PPP-B-621 PPP-B-636 Eox, Fiberboard PP P-T-76 QQ-S-571 Solder: Lead Alloy, Tin Lead Alloy, and Tin Alloy; Boxes, Wood, Nailed and Lock Corner Tape , Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Paper, Water Resistant Flux Cored Ribbon and Wire, and Solid Form . T-T-871 Twine, Cotton,
4、Wrapping MI LITARY MIL-P-116 Preservation, Methods of MI L-B-117 Bags, Interibted charger consisting of a single component containing two saturable reactor-taTc regulators and a dry disk rectifier. sheet metal ca6e intended for wall mounting. power to a telephone system and 16 also capable of chargi
5、ng lead-wid type etoyge batteries with duty ratings of 23 cells. The charger can operate *thin 8 9 to 130 ac input voltage range, 60 cycle 80ce; hm an OPU of 48.5 to 50.5 volta de for a load variation of .3 to 2.4 amperes, and Can be wed with either positm or negative ground system. The charger i8 c
6、apable of supplyilq; 2 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-R-55165 61 W 7779706 O073909 7 W 3.2 Construction.- The equipment sliaU. be constructed in accordarice 31th m8dnE; SC=D,-+76563. 3.3 Preproduction samples.- The contrsctor shell furnish two 0) pre- production sompies for opprovol, p
7、rovided the invitatjon for bids and the contract requires samples. 3.4 Sol6ering.- 3.4.1 Solder.- Solder shall ninn to specfication cl however, exception is permitted for preliminary tinning of electrical connections end fer tinning or soldering of mechanical joints got Ued +,o compiete electrical c
8、ircuits, ?ut in no ctme shall acid or mid Baits be used uhere they can come in contact with insulation material. Uhere acid or Scld Saita are wed, a8 permitted aboye, they shall be completely neutrazed and Te- moved imediately after we. 3.4.3 rocess.- There EII be no 6- points or rough surfaces rcsu
9、ltine from insufficient heating, me solder shall feather out to a thin edge, %ndicatiw proper flowing ana vetting action, and shall not be cryetalli?,ed, overheatsea, or Under-heated. The ll nat. infur the risk of loose particles of flux, brush brI flux being spread over a weer mea; Or danage to the
10、 equipment. Insulation material thtrt bas been subjected to Beating durlng the srildeing operation shall be undamaged and gart8 fastened thereto Shall not have becoue loosened. . 3.5 Cleaning.- 3.5.1 Parts.- After fabrication, paFts shall be cleaned in accordance wth Corrosive material shall be remo
11、ved good comercial practice, or as speciied in an asplicable document. Cleaning processes shall have no deleterious eifect. CoJqletLy before the part6 are mounted M obassis, panels, etCo 3 .S -2 Units .- Aiter msemby, units sba11 be cleaned thoroughly and cxposure at he high temperature extreme not
12、to exceed 4 hours, and at the low temperature extreme not to exceod 72 hours, at any one time. (b) Nonoperating: Exposure- in the range of +160F to -SOOF; exposure at the htgh temperature extreme not to exceed 4 hours, and at the low temperature extreme not to exceed 24 hours, at any one time. 3.9.2
13、 Relative humidity (see 4.14)i- Daily exposure up to 97 percent relative humidity for 20 hours; and exposure at 100 percent relative humidity, with condentation, for 4 hours, 3.9.3 Elevation see 4.15) (o) OperatinE Up to 10,000 feet above sea level, (b) Nonoperating: Up to 50,000 feet above rea leve
14、l. 3.9.4 - Shock.- The equipment shall meet the requirements of this specification when 3.10 jnjerchangeabilfty.- Like units, assemblies, subassemblies and replaceable parts tested in accordance with 4.11 shall be physically and functionally interchangeable, without modification of such items of the
15、 equipment. Individual items shall not be had-picked fw fit or performance. ReJfance shall not be placed on any unspecified dimension, rating, characteristic, etc. PROBLEM HARD COPY Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-R-55365 63 W 7777906 0073733 5 MIL-R-55165(SlgC) -. . 3*11 Input.- The eq
16、uipment shall operate from an input of 95 to 130 volts, 60 cycles, single phase, alternating current power source. The current input shall not exceed 4.5 amperes for the output specified in 3.12 with an ambient temperature of 95OF or less. 3.12 atput.- Over the entire range of input voltage specifie
17、d, the output dc voltage shall be 48.5 to 50.5 volts dc for load variation of .3 to 2.4 amperes. The maximum continuous output current shall be 3 amperes, for ambient temperature of 95OF or less. For higher ambtent temperatures, the maximum continuous output current shall be as follows: 2.7 amperes
18、for ambient temperatures up to 105F; 2.4 amperes for ambient temperatures above lMoF UP t 1146 2.1 amperes for ombient,temperatuqs above iJ4OF up to 122F; and i .8 ampere.! for ambiei;:/ temperatures - reqliireinents as specified herein. kept as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his m or
19、 my other Inspection faclifties and sewces mccptdh of the examination and tests shall be kept complete and available to the Government QI sp4fi.d in the contract. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspectfans set Wh in the specification where such inspections are deemed neceuor
20、y to led by the Goverrment unless otherwise specified ln the contract. preproduction inspection specified in table 1, the inspecton specified in the subsidiary documents covering the Item listed in 4.4, and the ipcction 8pccuid for group A and group B. (See tables II and III, respectively) It 6hall
21、consist of Table i - Preproduction inspection Inqpction Rqt h3P (For additional preproduction inspection Par PEW see 4.3) -re ssio n 3.8 Temperature 3.9.1 . 44:; Moisture renstance 3.9.2 4.14 4.15 4.18 Elevat i on Grcunding 4.4 Acceptance Inspection covered by Subsidiary documents.- The followiag sh
22、all be inspected under the appicable 8ubaidiW documnts BB part of the =cepue lpspection before preparation for delivery: Item Finish Harking I- Licensed by Information Handling ServicesI MIL-R-55165 61 7799906 0093913 7 4,5 Acceptancc inspection of equipment before preparation for delivery.- Tho con
23、tractor, to demonstrate compliance with specified requirements, stmil perform the inopection spseified In 4.4 an6 4.5.1 through .4 5.2.2. This doe6 not relieve the contractor of hie responsii1it.y for performing any additional inspection which IS necessary to control the quality of %he product and t
24、o assure compliance with all speciilcation requirements . The Government -dl1 review and eVLilUate the Contractort 6 iD6peCtiOn procedures and uramne the contractors inspection records. In addition the Government-at its diecretion-l%y perform all. or any part of the specified i-pection, to verify th
25、e contractors romplionce with qecified requirements. See 6.3) to table II and the ordinary inspection procedures of Standard MIESTD=105. A inspection shall be performed in any order which is satlefactory to the CcVerI=nte 4 05 01 Group A inspection .O This intspection (lnClU6fng sampling) shall conf
26、orm Group Table II O Group A inspection Imp AQL Inspect i On P8J? Par Mador Minor Rnt Visual and ietchanical Eectrlcal Input chitput merchurge Aging . Trickle charge 3.18 4.6 1.5 dphu* 6.5 dphu 3. 3 011 . , I. 4.7 3-32 - 4.8 .i,4.84 3 a14 4 -8.3 3 a15 4.9 3 0x3 4.10 1.5 dphu l. - *Defects per hundre
27、d units -All electrical defects are considered mbjor to tahle III and to the specla1 proce9ures for small-sample inspection Of Stfbndard HfL.STD-105. The reduced inapeetion procedure shall be R-1. Grow B impection Shall noniia:Lly be performed on inspection lots that have passed noup A IpeCtiOn and
28、on sampes selected from units that bme been siibecte to md met the group A inspection. 4.5.2 Groq B inspection.- This inspection (including sampling) SbalL Conform 4-5.2-1 Group B smpling plana,- The grouyi E sampling plaw, for the AWtS listed in ttible III,. shall be as follows: 7 Insgecticn level
29、for norma1 ea tightened inspection reduced Inspection Inspection level for E5 L-4 Licensed by Information Handling Services4.5.2.2 Order of inspectfon within group 6.- Group B inspection shall be perfomed in any order which is satisfactory to the Government. Table ill - Group B inspection Inspec tio
30、n Rqt Insp AQL Par Par (See Shock In terchongeabi I i ty Charging test 3.9.4 4.11 10.0% 3.10 4.16 6.5% 3.17 4.12 1 6.5% 4.6 Visual and mechanical inspection.- The equipment shall be examined for the defects listed in Standard MI L-STD-252 .- 4.7 Input,- During normal operation of the equipm
31、ent, with a 115 volt, 60 cycle, single phase, alternating current wurce, a laboratory standard type ammeter shall be connected. The ambient temperature shall be 7OoF 5OF. The ammeter reading shall not exceedthe maximum value specified in 3.11 , 4.8 Output.- 4.8.1 C0nditfons.- At an ambient temperatu
32、re of 70F f 5OF, red the output values * with a laboratory standard dc ammeter and voltmeter as described In 4.8.2. 4.8.2 Dc output voltage.- With the equipment adiusted for normal operation at 115 volts, ac, connect the dc load terminals to a resistor that can be varied either continuously or in sm
33、all steps from approximately 15 ohms to 170 ohms and whtch 1s capable of carrying 3 amperes continuously, Record the dc output voltage with the load resistor adiusted for .3 ampere, 2.4 amperes and 3amperer, The output dc voltages obtained shall be os specified in 3.12. With the load ruststor (see 4
34、.8.2) odjatetj for a dc output current of .3ampere, turn the overcharge mitch on, ad nod he output voltage with a laboratory standard voltmeter. The output voltage shall con- fom, to the requirement tpecifd in 3. 14. 8 4.8.3 Overcharge - (:I Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-R-55365 63 77
35、77706 0073735 2 = MI L-R-55165(SgC). 4.9 Aging (see 3.151.- With the equipment connected to a fully charged 48 volt battery (specific Gravity 1.225 to 1 .259), during normal operation, (i 15 volt ac source and ambient temperature of 7OoF *OF), adiust the aging adjustment knob to various positions. W
36、ith a laboratory standard type dc voltmeter, check for variations in the output voltage corresponding to the different adiustments. 4.10 Trickle charge.- With the equipment connected as specified in 4.9 and with the aging adjustment knob set in its normal position, a trickle charge shall be applied
37、to the fully charged battery. The applied voltage shall conform to paragraph 3.13. A laboratory standard dc ammeter shall be connected and shall indicate a current flow. , 4.11 Shock test; bencbhand1ing.- The chassis-and-front-panel assembly shall be removed from its enclosure, as for servicing, and
38、 placed in a suitable position for servicing on Q did, P-inch fir bench top. The test shall be performed as follows, in a manner simulating shocks liable to occur during servicing: (a) Tilt up the assembly through an angleof 30 degrees, using one edge of the assembly as an axis,rrrnd permit the asse
39、mbly to drop back freely to the horizontol. Repeat, using other practicable edges of the same horizontal face as axes, for a total of four drops. (b) Repeut “(a)“, with the assembly resting on other faces, until if has been dropped for o total of four times on each face on which the assembly might p
40、ractically be placed duri- servicing. 4.12 Charging test.- With a laboratory standard type dc voltmeter and ammeter connecte to the output, and the equipment adiusted for normal operation at 115 volts ac .input, connect a discharged 48 volthattery (specific gravity 1 .O50 to 1.100). Adiust the ;equi
41、pment to charge at the rate of 3 amperes and continue charging to derermine confor- mnce with the requirement of 3.V. 4.13 Temperature.- The equipment shall be subjected to the temperature cycle sliown on Standard MIL-STD-169. Measurements of the output current shall be taken at 9Z0F, 105OF, 113OF,
42、and 13OOF. The measurements obtained shall conform ta the requirements as specified in 3.12. 4.14 Moisture-resistance test for equiprn5nt.- The equipment shall be tested as foliows: 4.14.i Test conditions.- (a) Do not move equipment from the humidity chamber for measurements. (b) Start measurements
43、not moret:lan 5 minutes after power is applied to the quipnent. Complete measurements as rapidly-as possible. Do not leave power on after measurements have been completed. 9 I c! Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-R-55165 bl 77977Ob 00739lb 4 MI L-R+5165(Sied technical manual, betveen the
44、contents and the lid Box closure shall be in accordance with the bcx spec%- f icat ion. M+al strsmpinq.- Shipping contsiners shall be strapped with steel strapping, la conformance with the requirements of the appendix of the container specification only for alrect shipment to pcrts. Licensed
45、 by Information Handling Services5.2.2 Level B.- Recl fier Battery Charger PP-255( j/Ff, shall be packcc QI specified in forming to Specification PPP-8-621. except that the style 4, nailed wood box shall be class 1, con- 5.2.3 Level C,- Rectifier Battery Charger PP-255( )/FT shalf be packed for ship
46、ment in a manner conforming to the requirements of Uniform Freight Classification No. 4, Consolidated Freight Classificotion Rules 21 for mil shipment, National Motor Freight Classification No. A-3 and E for example: PF-255W/FT. The contractor should apply for nomenclature in accordance with the app
47、licable clause in the contract. 6.4 Verification inspection.- Verification by the,Governrnent will be limited to the amount deemed necessary to determine compliance with the contract and will be limited in severity to the definihve quality assurance provisions established in this specification and t
48、he contract. adiurted to make maximus utilization of the contractors quality control system and the quality history of the product, and will normally be identified by the categories listed below: The amount of verification inspection by the Government will be (a) Type A-The total of that inspection
49、sst forth in the Quality Assurance Provisions of this specification or the contract, Included in this category is that amount of inspection referred to OS normal and tightened inspection by Military Standard 105. Q) Type B-Thut inspection set forth in the Quality Assurance Provisions of .this specification or the contract reduced in amount under the reduced inspection provisions of Military Standard 105. (c) Type C-A reduced iispection procedure resulting in a material reduction in the amount of inspection se
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