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本文(ARMY MIL-S-13498-1954 SOLENOID FIRING D7665749 AND F8208586《D7665749和F8208586型开火螺线管》.pdf)为本站会员(diecharacter305)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ARMY MIL-S-13498-1954 SOLENOID FIRING D7665749 AND F8208586《D7665749和F8208586型开火螺线管》.pdf

1、MIL-S-L3q78 57 7797706 0034777 b I I I . . .- .“_ .-. . -. a .- - Es ,- . c E; 1.1 Twin, 4h Self-propelled, N+2 and a 2CX3 volt, -60 cycle .Firing Solenoid used on: . -* Carriage, Gun, I;h t42A3. 2 This specification covers a 24 volt .d-c firing solenoid.uaed on Gn, ,!,$: - ;“ p APPLICABU SPECIFI(;A

2、TIOI?S, EXANDARIE, DIUADlGS, Ab .PUBLICATfONCi . . -:- “,.* 5 . Ir- - 1; 2.1 date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification8 The following specifications and rawirgs, of the issue in effect on the SPECIFICATIONS u. s. Army 51- 7 DRP.41 D!GS . C:Laance Corps W665749 F3208586 L ,(minhm

3、 exposure of L+ hour6 with full Impact of solar radiation 360 BTU/Ft. BjHr.), to minus 31.2OC (-25OF) (IuinFmun ex7osm-e of 3 days without benefit of eolar radiation). The 80- ierwid shal be capakle of safe atorage within the air temperature range extending from plus 71% (t160 F) (for periods as lon

4、g as 4 hours per day) to minus 62.2OC (-8OOF) (for periods of at loast 3 days duration), accordance with 4.4,2. emera Test shall be conducted ia 3.5b2 after being subjected to the humidity test Epcfie in 4.4,3, 3,5,3 HU. - The solenoid shall meet the rsquirementa of 3.4.1 immediately m. - There shai

5、l be no damage to the solenoid when subjected to the rain test in accordance with 4,L.k. . . 1.5.4 requirements gf 3.4.1 immediately after being subjected to the vibration test spcified ir. 4.A.5. 3.5.5 rcquirenents of 3.4.1 mx?dately after bei% subjected to the shoc!c test specified in 4.4,6, b - T

6、he solenoid shall not suffer damage or fdl to meet the - Shock. - The solenoid shdl ?ot suffcr damage or fail to meet the h L- - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- - $. MIL-S-13478 57 9799706 0014777 T - - ti .=t. 13 3.6 .- . - Jorhansh

7、ip iohal.4 be in accordance with Specificstion 51-7. .*, . I - L. SIUGLING, IIGXCTION , AlJD TEST FEIOCEDllE! _ :y I , . .y 4,l . _General. - Ukess otherwise specified, each 3OlmOid shall be insg. otherwise specified, stabdari! ambient testa shaU be performed at a temperaturep -*, ? - r;:. . . CI. F

8、:. . C K. r:. -. -. c . -. . ,. . I .“ _. . 1:;: 4 2.1 potent and the instant the needle croses the zero“ position, record the tme Rnd the value of the resistance sot ik to the bridge. five values of resistance versus time after shtclown are recorded. These resistance values shell then be plotted ag

9、ainst tho corresponding time and the curve extrapolated to zero time. The value of (R) at zero the shall be used in equation (2) in order to obtain lT“o shall then be used in equation (1) to obtain “T$. into ThiB procedure shall be followed until ?he value “T“ .* - 3- . . . . . . _., t. Provided by

10、IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Ich,. . 1. c+r. . ;o*. .- 4.32 with instructi, forming part of the contract or furrdshed by the contracting: 2fficer in connection with the contract. mosition (plunger end up) and in a manner to avoid heat dissipat

11、ion through the mountings. The plunger shall have a 5 to 10 pound load restraining it whenth Air gap is maximum; the load shall increace at a linear rate 8.0 that wherithe air gap is zero (plurqer fully extended) the load shall be $OF c 4.4.3 m, .- A test chamber that is capable of being sealed sha3

12、.k 6% . the source of heat. shall be arranged In such a manner that tpie radiant heat not fali upon the unit being tested, A solenoid that has ,ben tested fo to bc. in conformance with the electrical anperformance req-ments of.this specification shall be placed in the chamber, the temperatur of whic

13、h ia a to plus 46,i0S f iJ0C (fl 115OF f 2OF) and the relative humidity adjeted t0-95g 5%*. The solenoid shall remainiunder the above conditions for a period of 6,hOr8, The temperature of the chamber shall be readjusted to plu 26.7% shall be maintained between The simulated rain shaU be dirocted on

14、all surface8 of the solenoid At the completion of thip test the .solenoid shaU be tested for conformawe Vibration - The solenoid shali be mounted rigidly using its own mUnthg 3.4.1. 4*4.5 rovisom. to simulate field um. Each unit teated shall be vibrated 8uc,ssve- Wit iy aloq each of the three nutual

15、ly perpendicular directions with accelerations and excursions as shown below. between the limits indicated; the rate of change shall not exceed om cycle per seco n . P AcceleratZog 1 hour - o - 10 cps 0,060 inch 2 hours 10 - 20 cps 0.030 inch 20 i 400 cpe - 4.5 gre 2 houp 4.4.6 provisions, to Rimula

16、te field we, timea in each direction along each of the three mtuUy perpendlcdar the mBximum g value:shall occ milliseconds and shall be within 10 percent. Filtera.:use off fmqwncies selected to llmihte .dl harmonics above.t measured -shock pulse, .- ,. _* I 5. . PREPARATION FOR CEZNEKY 5.1 e Dac- ,

17、- Packaging, p be in accordance with instructions forming a part of by the contracting officer in connection with the contract. 6. NOTES 6.1 title, numwr, date of this specification, and type XOTICE: This specification, together with specific to it, and bearing a nliTIGF of sUar restrictio in connec

18、tion with procurement by the United States rsprouced either wholly-or in part except when aut Government procurement, nor be used for any other purpose except when specifi- :;. cally authorized by the Chief of Ordnance. , -.u .-. dau, - Contracts and invitations for bid6 ahould specify the rr* Custo dian i Army- Ordnance Corps .“ . ._. . . .- . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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