1、* c. 1 INCH-POUND I . u MIL-S-49301 (CR) AMENDMENT 1 28 February 1990 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SCANNER, MECHANICAL MX-l0717(V)/U This amendment forms a part of MIL-S-49301, dated 18 July 1988, and is approved for use by the Communication-Electronics Command, Department of the Army and is available for
2、 use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of defense. x PAGE 1 2.1.1 Delete: MIL-P-116 - Preparation-Packaging, Methods of . MIL-E-55585 - Electronic Equipment And Parts, Packaging of - PAGE 2 2.1.1 Delete “MIL-STD-2073-2 Packaging Requirement Codes. r PAGE 4 4.2.b Delete Inspection of
3、packaging (see 4.9): PAGE 11 4.9 Delete in its entirety. - 5.1 Delete paragraph and substitute: : +. F . 5.1 Packaging requirements. The packaging requirements for the desired level(s1 of protection shall be specified by the acquisition activity. PAGE 12 -r 6.2.e and 6.2.k Delete in their entirety. Custodian: Amy - CR Preparing activity: Army - CR (Project 5855-A323) FSC 5855 AMSC N/A 1 of 1 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is un1 imi ted. Licensed by Information Handling Services