1、1INCH-POUND 1MIL-S-71076 (AR)30 April 1993MILITAAY SPECIFICATIONSERVOVALVE ASSEMBLY, AZIMUTH: 12561758This specification is approved for use by the U.S. ArmY Armament/Munitions and Chemical Command, and is available for use by allDepartments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 W2J2
2、e. This specification establishes the requirements formanufacture and acceptance cf the azimuth servovalve assembly used inthe Automatic Fire Control System (AFCS) for the l4109A6self-propeliedhowitzer (SPH) (see 6.1).2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1.1 The followingspecifications, standards, end handbooks
3、 form a part of this documentto the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issuesof these documents are those listed in the issue of the Department ofDefense Index of Specifications and Stafidards (DODISS) and supplementthereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2).SPECIFICATIONSFED
4、ERALPPP-C-795 Cushioning Material, Packaging (FlexibleClosed Cell Plastic Film for SongShipping Cycle Applications)Zenefloialcomments(recmmsndations,a71ddltions;deletions)andanypertinentdatawhichmybeofuseinimpcovingthisdo.axemt., should bs addressed to: CmmsnderU.S.Amy ANLISC,AlTN:MICAS-EM-S,Picatin
5、nyArsensl,NewJersey07806-3000byusingthe Standardization Oocumcnt; rovement Proposal (DDFoe= 1426) zppsaringattheand OC this d=uicant Ok by letter.Iy.sC WA FSC 4820: Approved far publkrelease;distributionisImllrdted.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license
6、from IHS-,-,-MILITARYMrL-P-116MIL-B-117MIL-C-5501MIL-H-5606MIL-H-6083MTL-F13927MIL-H-46170STANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-129t41L-SlD-454MIL-STD-81OMIL-STD-1246MIL-STD-2073MIL-S-71076 (ARPreservation,Methods ofBag, Sleeve, and Tubing - InteriorPackagingCapa and Plugs, Protective,Dust andMoisture Seal, Gene
7、zal SpecificationforHydraulicFluid, Petroleum Base;Aircraft, Missile and OrdnanceHydraulicFluid, PetroleumBase, forPreservationand OperationFungus ResistanceTest AutomotiveComponentsHydraulic Fluid, Rust Inhibited,FireResistant SyntheticHydrocarbonBaseMarking Eor Shipmentand StorageStandard General
8、RequirementsforElectronicEquipmentEnvironmentalTest MethodsProduct CleanlinessLevels andContaminationControl ProgramDOD MaterielProcedure for Developmentand Applicationof PackagingRequirements(Unlessotherwiseindicated,copies of the federaland militaryspecifications,standards,and handbooks are availa
9、ble from DODSSP -CustomerService, StandardizationDocumentsOrder Desk, 700 RobDinsAvenue, Bldg. 4D, Philadelphia,PA 19111-5094.)2.1.2 Govnts. ,Du , Thefollowingother Governmentdocuments,drawings and publicationsform apart of this documentto the extent specifiedherein, Unless otherwisespecified,the is
10、sues shallbe those in effect on the date of thesolicitation.DRAWINGSUs. ARMY ARMAMDNT RSSEARCH,DEVELOPMENTAND ENGINEERINGCENTER (ARDEC)12561758 ServovalveAssembly,Azimuth12561787 Cover Assembly,Azimuth Servovalve(Copiesof drawings,publications,and other Governmentdocumentsrequiredby the contractorsi
11、n connectionwith specificacquisitionfunctionsshould be obtained from the contractingactivity or aadirectedby the contractingactivity.)2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-M.IL-S-71076(AR)2.2 . In the event of a conflict between thetext of
12、 thie document and the referencesherein, the text of thisdocument takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however,supersedesapplicable laws and regulationsunless a speaific exemptionhas been obtained.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 mt!eEa. The azimuth servovalve assembly is ahydraulio oontrol aesembly for us
13、e on an electro-hydrauliccontrol*ystem. The azimuth senovslve assembly functionsto oontrol hydraulioflow in response to electrical control signals.Pilot-operated checkvalves act to isolate the azimuth servovalvafrom external influence atthe motor and hydrauM.c aontrol handle ports when the azimuthse
14、rvovelveis inactive. Figure 1 is a echemeticof the azimuthservovalveassembly.The azimuth servovalve is an electricallyactuated four-wayhydraulic flow control valve which ports and meters the flow ofhydrau13.cfluid as a functionof electrical signal inputs.The pilot check valve assembly functione in a
15、 hydraulic circuit toprevent fluid flow from the motor ports to the control ports whendeactivatedand to provide free flow between the motor and controlports when activated. The valve is activatedby applying a specifiedpressure to the pilot pressura port. The normally open (N.O.)2-waysolencidvalve al
16、lows fluid to flow through the azimuth servovalveassembly when the azimuth servovalveor the hydraulic power handle areinactive. When the N.O. 2-way solenoidvalve is energized either theazimuth servovalveor the manual hydraulic control handle can controlflow to the motor ports.3.2,1 . The azimuth ser
17、vovslveassembly 12561758without the cover, 12561787 installed,shall meet the performanceraguiramentsspecified in the sectionsbelow. . The azimuth servovalvaassembly shall meetthe requirementsspecified herein with dc current up to 6 milliamperes(mA)and shell function on dc current up to 10mA.
18、The two coils shallbe connected in perallel as shown in figure 2. (B and D positive sndAand C negative are consideredthe positive direction of current).Reted current for the azimuth servovalveassembly shall be -10 mlito+10 mA, not including null bias current.DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A:“APPROVED FOR PU
19、BLIC RELEASE:DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED.”3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Pres5umPoitSetucnPartAzimuthServoValveAssemblyLegend:- PilotLine WorkingBydraulicLineFIGURE 1. .DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A:“APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASEDISTRIBUTION
20、 IS UNUMITED.”4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-71076 (AR)DCsupplyA ) B() ()c D()o m-0 u?FI- 2. . . The =uth -w assemblyshallmeet the requiramentespacifiadwhen operated at the followinqSUPPIY fluid conditions:a. Rated supp
21、lypressure: 1600 * 50 psi (Forthe azimuth servovalveassemblvshall functionforfrom 500 to 3000 psi). .b. Fluid supply temperature: 100” + 30%?.c. Return pressure: 100 psi maximum.d. %No-adN cond.i.tione:LSSS than 20 psithe motor ports (gmrtMl and M2 connected).e. Contaminationconcentrationlevel shall
22、MIL-STD-1246,level 200, as a maximum.informationonly,pressures rangingpressme drop acrossbe in accordancewithf. Hydraulicfluid shall be in accordancewith MIL-E-6083,MIIJ-H-5606 or equivalent (hydraulicfluid in accordancewith MIL-H-46170maybe used for testing).Valve control flow output at a given cur
23、rent level shallbeconsideredthe total returnoil flow less the servovalveleakageat theequivalentcurrent level. Current levelsare to be corrected for nullbias. The followingtests shallbe conductedwith the N.O. 2-waysolenoidvalve energized (closedposition)unless otherwise specified.Ports B1 end B2 shel
24、lbe blocked for all requirements.3.2.I.2.I . e azimuthservovalveaasairblyshall allow fluid to flow, but does not need tomeet the performancerequirementsspecifiedduring exsure to supplyfluid temperatures of -50”Fto 0% and +140 to +250 F, The azimuth?ervcvalveassembly shallmeet the requirementsspecifi
25、edafterexposureto the temperatureranges specifiedahve.DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A:“APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE:DISTRIBUTION IS UNUMITED.” 5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-s-71076 (AR) . The Pilot checkvalves shall open to perm
26、it flow in either direction at an appliedpressure, at the pressure Port, of 385 * 50 PSi with load Ports “”and Y42”pressurized at 1500 * 50 psi. With the preseure port open thepilot check valves shall olose to prevent flow in either direction at amaximum applied pressure of 5 psi at load potie “Ml”
27、and “142”. RaiFIGURE (see)xeach frequencyehall befrequency (Hz)x 360less than the maximum. I IllI66”Frequency(Hz(no- toi.onuLL.Yalve . Fluid flew shallbe out of motor portW2m when electricallyconnectedas specifiedin B and Dpositive and A and C ite9ative(Positi
28、vecurrentrection). . The azimuth servovalveassemblyshall have a minimum insulationresistance,between pine A end C,between pins B and D, betweenpin A and the case and between pin C andthe case, of 50 megohms at 200 * 20 Vdc. Lo. 2-wav . With rated supply pressureapplied on port “Ml”,P
29、orts “B1” and “B2” blocked, and the pressure andreturn ports open. The leakage at port “M2- shall not exceed 10 c.c.per minute with the N.O. 2-way solenoidvalve energizedwith 28 Vdo.DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A“APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE: DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED.”Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo repro
30、duction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-71076 (AR)With the N,O. 2-way solenoid valve de-energizedand a flow of 1 gpmestablished from ports “Ml” to “M2 the pressure drop from ports “Ml”to “M2” shall be less than 20 psi.With rated supply pressure applied on port “M2”, Portx
31、“Bl” and“B2 blocked, and the pressure and return porta open. The leakage atport V41” shall not exceed eight drops per minute with the N.O. 2-WSYsolenoidvalve energized with 28 Vdc. With the U.O. 2-wey solenoidvalve de-energized and a flow of 10 gpm established from porte “M2” to“kilmthe pressuze dro
32、p from ports “M2” to “Ml” ehall be lees than 100psi.With the N.O. 2-way solenoid valve de-anergi.zed, Ports “Ml” andM2” blocked and a flow of 10 gpm established from ports “BIN to *B2”the preesuxe drop from PO*S 881”to “B2W shall be less than 100 psi.With the N,O. 2-way solenoid valve da-energized,P
33、orts “Ml” endWY blocked and a flow of 10 gpm established from ports “B2* to “Bl”the preseuxe drop from ports “B2” to Bl”ehall be less than 100 psi.3.2.2 .3.z.2.1 . wient oueratinu temDe . The azimuth servovalveassembly shall meet the performance requirementsin 3.2.1 while theoperating tempe
34、rature of the ambient air is within the range of -50”Fto +140”F. EmidLtY. The azimuth servovalve aeeembly shall meetthe performance requirementsin 3.2.1 at a relative humidity up to amaximum of 100 percent across the temperaturerange defined in3. SalL=L% The azimuth servova
35、lve assembly shall meetthe performance requirements in 3.2.1 after expoeure to salt fogsolution at a temperature between 90”Fand 95W. The solution isdefined as 5 percent Sodium Chloride and 95 percent distilled water byweight. Fog density ie approximately 1.057 quarts of salt eolution pex264 gallona
36、 of ohember volume per 24 hours. MbxaLhn. The azimuth servovalvaassembly shall meetthe performance requirement in 3.2.1 during vibration as ehown intable III using the axis configurationsas shown in figure 4.DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A:“/lPPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE:DISTRIBUTION IS UNUMITED.”Pr
37、ovided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-71076 (AR)NilMl*.-N*DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A:APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASEllDISTRIBUTION IS UNUMITED.OProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
38、MIL-S-71076 (AR)FIGUR2 4. . -. - The azimuth servovalveassembly shallmeet the performance requirementsin 3.2.1 during and after beingsubjectedto three half sine wave pulses applied along each of threemutually perpendicularaxes with peak amplitudesof 30 * 3 g for18 + 1.8 maec as s
39、hown in figure . The azimuth servovelveassemblyshall meet the performancerequirementsin 3.2.1 during after beingsubjectedto three half sine wave pulsee applied along each of threemutually perpendicularaxes with peak amplitudesof 200 * 20 g for0.5 * 0.1 msec as shown in figure4.
40、6 . The azfmuth servovalveassembly shall meetthe performance requirements in 3.2.1 during and after exposure topressure encounteredat altitudesup to 10,000 feet above sea level(10.1psie). . . The ath se-valveaesembly shall meet the performancereguiramentsin 3.2.1 after beingsubject t
41、o storage temperatureof the ambient air within the range of-50?to +160Fper the followingrestrictions:Exposure at temperatureextremes of 14S“Fto 160”Fshall beMmSiC shock,Gunfiring shock,WashdownJnlmidity,mgu.sSalt FogFirst article samnle inspectionReguiramentParagraph3,
42、. Method4. To ensur
43、e the First Article semolehas been sublectedto, andassed, the quality conformancetessas definedin-tableV thecontractorsrecordsmay be reviewedto assesscompliance.2/ The first article performancetests, esdefinedin tableV, shallba performedonly once. Performancetesting,after the first articlesample has
44、 been subjectedto the variousenvironmentsshall consist ofthe performanceteet defined in the qualityconformancesectionoftable V.4.5.3 . If any assembly,coqonent, or teat specimenfails to comolY with any of the aupliceblerequirements.the firstarticle sampie-shall be-rejected-The Governniantreser!Major
45、IMajorIi,Major,Major:Major,I!Majori!MajorIMajor1IMajorMajorIMinor!MinorIU Unless otherwisespecifiedin 4.7, sequenceof functionaltests andphysical characteristicsexaminationsare optional.DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A:APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE:17 DISTRIBUTION IS UNUMITED.URequirement-3,
47、hod 3./,,7.2,,
48、*look100%100*100%100%loo#100$100*100%100*100Q2/uProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I4IL-S-71076(AR)M Sample size is as defined by level II of table VI.TABLE VI. .Inspection levels I./Ixx2t0e a71 a719 to 15 + 1316 to 25 a71 1326 to 50 a71 1351 to 90 1391 to 150 1;5 13151 tO 2eo 125 32$zeers under inspection levels indicate sampleasterisks (*) indicate one hundred percentinspection
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