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ARMY MIL-T-45308A-1960 TANK MAIN BATTLE 105MM GUN M60《M60型坦克105MM主战用枪》.pdf

1、MILT-453 Tactical, General Rupose and Special Equipnuit; Seif- Propelled and Towed; General Specification for. low Oun, B60; STANDARDS Federal Military MILSTD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes . FSC-2350 .I - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking

2、permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-LI530A 23 = 9999906 0396506 7 MILSTD-642 DRAWINGS rnance Corps %i9776 fil9795 Iilentificatiosl Marking of U.S. Miutary Property. painting Proceues Tactica. Vehicles (Tracked and Wheeled). Rubber Canpositions, Vulcanized General Purpose, Soiid (Symbols and

3、 Tests). Iilentification Marking of Mistrative, Caribat, and Tactical Trensport; Vehicles. Caai. Csoi. INSPECTIa WTPMEIYT IEL List 87501og - List of inspection Equipent for. (Copies of specifications, stanaards J drawings, and publications required by contractors in connection with specific procurem

4、ent functions shoulil be obtained fram the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 3. RlxmFmmTs 3.1 Preproduction vehicle. - When specified (see 6.2), a caplete prepro- duction vehicle(s) to be furnished under this specification shall be produced prior to the manufacture or fa

5、brication of vehicles in quantity. when ccairplete, ahail be submittedto the Government for inspection and tests to ascertain whether it has been constructed in accordance with drawings, specifica- tions, and meets the requirements specified herein. Vehicles(s) submitted by the contractor shall be f

6、ully representative of vehicles proposed to be supplied by the vehicle manufacturer frm prcductian facilities and tooling as contemplated under the supply contract. the production Une shall be submitted to the Government for inspection and tests to ascertain whether the vehicle meet requirements spe

7、cified herein. specifications, and drawings Usted or referred to in Fbgineering Parts List (EPL) The vehicle(s) 3.2 First production vehicle. - The first caplete production vehicle off 3.3 Materials. - Materials shall be 88 specified herein, and in the standards, 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo re

8、production or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-4530A 23 9977706 0376507 9 87501C. In addition to requirements shown an the drawings, all rubber item which are under tension or flew in any manner shall be ozone-proofwinc;s Ustd or referred to in EL 8750109, end all applicable p

9、rovisions of Speclfi- catian =V-45349. HIGSTD-130. 3.4 Construction. - Vehicles, ccmponents, sub-assdlies, anil assemblies 6h6tI.l Ali parts shall be identified in accorilance with staqilarl 3.45 Willilozer equipe nt. - men specifid (see 6.2) provisicm n)iall be We for a hvdraulicallu operated bulld

10、ozer. 3.4.2 Spe ciai kits. i when specified (see 6.2) special kits shall be Winterization equipent. - Uhen installed in the vehicle, the furnished as specified herein. winterization kit shall assure satisfactory engine start- and vehicle opera- tion in ambient temperatures of minw 25 to ninu

11、e 65%. Fording kit (deep water). - When insFor performance requirement operations the vehicle shall be operated on smooth, level, hard-surfaced roads, except a section of the road shall be in accordance with figure 7. The ver train shall operate throughout alJ. gear and speed ranges without

12、evidencing objectionable noises, losa of lubricants, brake grabing, brake chatter, or brake slipage when brakes are applied to - 3.6 Performance (vehicle autcnnotive). - A complete vehicle, caibat loaded Ammunition mey be Vehicle, serviced (see 3.5.1) and equipped for simulated in size and weight. t

13、o minus 259.; and with special and winter- The 3.6.1 Power train. - stop and hold vehicle statiwary. 3.6.2 Speeds. Level road speeds. - The vehide shall operate at sustained speeds of 30 MPH and at 2.5 MPK on level ground without amage to power plant end power traih. 5 Provided by IHSNot for

14、 ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-Ll530A 23 m 7777706 OL765LO 7 m Grade speeds. - The vehicle shall operate at a sustained speed of 12 MPH while ascending a 10 percent grade, and at 22 MPH while ascending a 3 percent grade. 3.6.3 Acceleration.

15、- The vehicle shall accelerate from a standing start through a distance of 200 feet in not more than i2 seconds. 3.6.4 Climbing. - Vehicle shall ascend grades of 60 percent in forward and reverse gear without stalling or damage to power plant and per train. 3.6.5 Ehgine starting on grades end slopes

16、. - After standing on a 60 percent grade for not less than 2 minutes with engine under no load at ile speed between 700 and 750 FEN, followed by engine inoperative not less than 2 minutes the engine SU restart in not mofe than lminute when headed up and down grade. slopes with each side of vehicle u

17、p slope. 55 feet from point of brake application; drift not to exceed 4 feet in 55 feet. brakes appld.;the vehicle shall be held stationary when headed up and down . grade. the vehicle shall be held stationary when headed up and down grade. 3.6.7 Turning. - The vehicle shall tuni 360 degrees to the

18、right and left frm pivot, in- neutral steer, to infinite diameter circles. 3.6.8 Fording. Shallow water. - Vehicle shall ford level hard-botta salt or fresh water 48 inches in depth including wave without special equipaicnt. standing in water 48 inches in depth for 30 minutes, the accumulati

19、on of water shall be not more than 1 inch an the crew campartment hull floor in the center of the V. Deep water. - The vehicle with fording kit installed (see shall ford level hard-bottm salt or fresh water 96 inches in depth. vehicle standing in water 96 inches in depth for 30 minu

20、tes, the accumulation of water shall be not more than 2 inches on the crew CcnupaSrtmtnt hull floor in the center of the “V“. Shallow and deep water operation (eng inel.- During each 30 minute test period, with the vehicle standing in W inches and 96 inches of water shall restart in not more than 3

21、minutes with all accessories functioning satis- factorily during and after fording operation. fording there shall not be more then 2 percent contamination of lubricants of transmission, engine, finalrives, and the eupuirilan system, Similar engine starting test shall be conducted on 36 percent side

22、3.5.6 Braking and drift. Stopping. = Vehicle traveling at 20 m.p.h. shall stop within Holding. - Vehicle standing on a 60 percent grade with service With brakes locked for parking and all other holding devices inoperative, Vehicle With the - msptctiveuJ the Shall idle at lo00

23、 for 15 minutes, be Stopped, and After the shallow end deep water 3.6.9 Truich cross . - The vehicle shau. cross trenchem 36 inches in - 3.6.10 depth and 102 4 in e8 in Vi th Kithout 8t8lling or OIUIRpc to iuspenmlon and fendere. Vertical ObStaCltSm - The vehicle 8hd. cross over vertical obstacles 3

24、6 inches in height without stalling or damsge to suspenaion and hull floor. 6 I. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-45308A 23 797970b 017b5LL 0 MILT- 45308A( Ord ) 3.7 Performance turret control, p;un cmtrol fire control systems. -

25、 unless otherwim specified, the turret CantrOJ gun control, and gun fire control system shsll operate and meet all reqplremuits specified herein for all direc- tions of gun m-t throughout the range fpxn full depression to full elevation, for all directians of turret traverse throughout 360 degrees,

26、at any metal temp- erature of the system canponents between minu 25O and plus 125%. The systuns shall be capable of operating at 18 to 30 volts d.c. vehicle supplddd. 3.7.1 Slip ring. - The slip ring shall provide uninterrupted continuity of. the cotiaaunicatians parer and ground circuits throughout

27、 continuous 360 degrees of cupoatraverse. 1cho operation of the slip ring shall not introduce noise or static Op eny kind into the camtunications system. capable of transferring between turret and cupola a minimum of 15 amperes of con- tinuo- current. The skip ring caumunications circuit shall be ca

28、pable of trans- ferring a minimum of i5 emperes of cmtilnwus current. 3.702 tor, canvertor for auxiliary firing system, telescope, (QVE equipent) or equal ccerpulsating weights installed end with a dummy projectile weighing 44 pounda (simulated AP round) in main armament, and with the vehicle level

29、within one degree, the main armement shall be balanced muzzle heavy within a range of 56 to 70 pound feet. The slip ring per circuits shall be hin Bat balance. - With the machine gun, emmunition bag, deflec- - 3.7.3 Turret and p;un cmtrol system. 3.7.3-1 ual traverse effort. - The average force appl

30、ied tangentially to the hsnd traverse crank at a uniform rate to maintain turret moyement shall not ex- ceed 17 pounds. the hand crank at a uniform rate to maintain gun movement shal not exceed 11 poundE llEmc!ITY mih cati- metere m.p.h. meter6 metera 0.5 0.25 5.72 2.0 45 072 100 3 .3 1.25 228.50 18

31、28.8 13.5 182.88 182.88 100 9.8 1.25 228.50 1828.8 40.0 100 19.6 1.25 34.29 274.32 12.0 100 32.6 1.25 34.29 274.32 20.0 182.88 100 65.2 5.0 137.16 274.32 40.0 182.88 ux) 1.0 1.25 28.50 E: 4.0 91.44 90 182.88 Gun laying an moving target, - The time required to Lay the gun- si. lock disengage

32、d, the turret and gun control system shall act kd 4 mils left end right, as me-eured fran the boresight position specified. drive shall be levelwiLWn 15 minutes of a;rc when the gun i8 level and the ballistic rive superelevation iiiput shaft is at the quaiified positiori. Leveling devices. -

33、 The levels on the range finder and ballistic e finder calibrtim. Rang Range finder settings. - Each range finder shall be checked imnedi- - - atelv prior to installation in the turret. Mth the 28ng scale set to 1500 .mekrs; and the calibration reticles positioned in accordance wit

34、h figure 6 and a 150 meter target image in coincidence, the following requirements shall iR met: a. Horizontal Cslibratian Knob - The setthg of the horizontal calibraticm knob shall be within 40 UOEs (graduation) of the mid-point of total travel. Vertical Calibrating Knob. - The setting of the verti

35、cal calibrating knob 6h2i.i. be within i80 egrees of mid-point of total travel. ICs Knob. - The setting of ICs knob shal be within 13 UOEe (graduation) of the mid-position “(25)“ and recorded. b. C. Final instzllztion calibration settings. - Wlth the range finder - installed In turret and

36、turret installed on vehicle, the range finder settings (see shall be checked to a maximum range target of i,Oa, to 2,000 meters. Accuracy elevation quadrant Ml3Al. - At zero elevation of the gun,. the elevation qUadrantMl3KL shaU. be adjustedto read zero. The re- on the elevation

37、qu-I 2 Yr s-1 ;-I G I- P I- ;-I P o, 3 r vi e s-1 P i 4 c P CD 21 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-45308A 23 9997706 0196526 2 m MILT-45308A( Ord) 4.6.3 Unclassified defects. - AU defects ha- no bearing on function, safety, inter

38、changeability or life, but are considered departures fran good worlunanship will be noted in writing. Workmanship deficiencies falling within this category and recurring in 5 consecutive lots or ten lots.or more within a thirty- period will be added to the minor classification with no increase imi A

39、US . 4.7 Classification of tests. a. b. C. Acceptance tests 4.7.1 through Control tests 4.7.2 through 4.7.2;7- Inspection ccairparison test (ICT)4.7.3 through 4.7.1 Acceptance tests. - To determne conformance to 3.6 and 3.7, after These acceptance tests shall include all tests s

40、pecified at the phce the break-in run (see 3.5) the vehicle selected in accordance with 4.6, shall be operated for a distance of 8 miles or more and shall be inspected aa specified in 4.6.2. of manufacture in table IX. Vehicles shall be completely assembled and serviced, with fuel, lubricants, and f

41、luid as specified, but need not be combat loaded; except for holding test (see roads as specified. and gun control system and fire control system may be run.simultaneously where applicable. or lubricant leakage, or other deficiencies. For these tests, vehicles shall be operated on The acce

42、ptance tests for the autamotive and turret control After the tests, the vehicle shall be examined for evidence of fuel 22 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-*-, Table IX. Location for tests Place of Manufacture Government hoving ground P

43、WagraPh No . Title X X X X Power plant and train test Lights, controls, znd ll;l 4.7;1.U.2 4.7.i.ii.3 X 4.7.1 .U . 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4.7.1 Ji.7 4.7 .i .8 4.7.1 . 11.9 4.7 .1. 11.10 4.7.1 .ll . 11 X X 4.7.1 . ii . 12 X X X 4.7 . 1 . 11 . 14 X X

44、 4.7.1 . 11 . 16 . i8 4.7 .1;11.20 4;7;1.1-1.21 4; 4.7;1.11.23 4.7.1 .12.1 4;7.1.11*19 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 23 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-4530A 23 W 777770b OL7b528

45、 b W, MILT- 45 3 Check 4.7.i.U.9 Repeat of boresight reten- nization test 4.7.i.i2 .lo tion test Superelevation test Stowed equipment test Shalluw water test Contamination test (fo-) !Purret control hydraulic Fire extinguisher test Vision device tests Fuel tank tests Bulldozer check Winterization eq

46、uipment test Sub-zero temperature tests High temperature operation test Deep water fording Shallatr;,-and deep water operation engine test. Trench crossing tests Vertical obstacle tests Speed on slope tests Climbing test Engine starting on slopes Fuel system test Carbon monoxide concentration Commun

47、ication equipat test Turret the distance and time checked. StmP3.w itaSt - To determine conformance to, the vehicle ehdi be operated on dry level hard-surfaced road without loose material, and the results of-3 stopping tests shall be averagedto make this determination. Holdin

48、g test. - To determine confodce to, the perking brakes shall hold vehic1,statimary with engine stopped and all other holding devices inoperative when parked on an approved 60 percent grade. test a load of 5720 pounds is to be placed on the vehicle in a position that will not restrict the flo

49、w of engine air (inth or exhaust). be operated and turned to right and to the left in full 360 degree pivot turn in neutral steer and checked for functional requirements. mt. - To determine confoxmance to 3.6 and During this * Turning test. - To determine conformance to 3.6.7, vehicle shall Fordiq test (shallow water). - To determine conformance to, the vehi

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