1、MIL-T-45382A 23 = 9799906 0397224 2 I MIL-T-6382A 6 NOVEMBER 1962 SUPERSEDING SEE 6.3 MILITARY SPECIFICATION TRAZLERS, LOW BED, 4 WHEEL 2 TO 7 TON This specijicatwn has been approved by the Department of Defense and is nmflda-. toly for me by the Departments of the Amy, the Navy, and the Air Force.
2、1. SCOPE Transportation - Data and Blank. 1.1 Scope. This specification covers 2 to 7 ton, 4-wheel, low-bed trailers intended for use MILL644 -Lubricating Oil, General as .tactical .vehicles by the United States Armed Forces. 1.2 Classification, The vehicles shall be of the following models, as spec
3、ified (see 6.2) : XM114E1 -Trailer, Low bed, 3 Ton, 4 Wheel. M143A1 -Trailer Bomb: 2 Ton, 4 Wheel. XM455 -Trailer, Low bed, 5 Ton, 4 Wheel. M529 -Trailer, Low Bed: Guided Missile, 7 - Ton, 4 - Wheel. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation fo
4、r bids, form a part of this specification to the extent speci- fied herein. MIL-L- 3160 3278 MIL-G- MIL-H- 6083 MIGG 10924 MIL-H- 13910 MIL-G- 62152 STANDARDS FEDERAL Purpose; Preservative, (Water - Displacing, Low Temperature) -Lubricating-Oil, Preserv- ative, Medium. -Grease; Aircraft and In- stru
5、ments (for Low and High Tempera- tura). -Hydraulic Fluid, Petrole- um Base, Preservative, -Grease, Automotive and Artillery. -Hydraulic Fluid, Non- Petroleum Base, Auto- motive Brake, Arctic. -Generator Set, 3kW, 60 Cycles. SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL STD. NO. 696-Colors. FEDERAL TT-C-520 -Coating, Under
6、body (for Motor Vehicles). VV-H-910 -Hydraulic Fluid, Non- Petroleum Base, Auto- motive. MILITARY MIL-P-514 -Plates; Identification. MILITARY MIL-STD- -Sampling Procedures and 105 Tables for Inspection MIL-STD- -Pa in t in g Procedures, 193 Tactical Vehicles (Tracked and Wheel- * by Attributes. /r T
7、HIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 9 I PAGES. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIGT4382A MIGSTD- -Automobiles, Trucks, 281 Truck-Tractors, Trail- ers and Trailer Dollies; Preservation and Pack- aging of. MIL-STD- -Identification Marking of 642 Admi
8、nistrative, Com- bat, and Tactical Ve- hicles. ENGINEERING PARTS LIST (EPL) EPL-8736- -Trailer, Low bed, 3 Ton, EPL-8736- -Trailer, Bomb, 2 Ton, 4 EPL-8736- -Trailei, Low bed, 5 Ton, 4 EPL-9021- -Trailer, Low bed: Guided Missile, 7 Ton, 4 Wheel, M529. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings,
9、en- gineering parts lists, and publications required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring ac- tivit.y or as directed by the contracting officer.) 217 4 Wheel, XM114E1. 126 Wheel, M143A1. 218 Wheel, XM455. 852 3, REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Quali
10、fied products. Vehicle manufac- turer shall be responsible for ascertaining that all assemblies and component parts en- tering into the construction of these vehicles, which require product qualification in ac- cordance with a specification, are listed on respective qualified products lists (QPL) or
11、 have been approved for such listing. Manu- facturers inspection record shall specifically list such components, name of supplier (s) and number and date of applicable QPL. 3.2 First production vehicles. The first two production vehicles of the type (s) produced under contract shall be submitted to
12、repre- sentatives of the procuring activity for in- spections specified in section 4, Quality Assur- ance Provisions, to determine conformance to the requirements of this specification. The first vehicle produced shall be inspected as specified in 4.2 through 4.2.5, and the second vehicle produced s
13、hall be inspected as speci- fied in 4.3. Acceptance of the first two pro- duction vehicles. shall not establish the ac- ceptability of the remainder of vehicles un- der contract, in conflict with the acceptance levels specified in section, The first two ve- hicles, submitted by the contractor, shall
14、 be fully representative of units proposed to be furnished under the contract, 3.3 Materials. The materials shall be as specified herein and in the referenced speci- fications and drawings. Materials shall be free from all defects and imperfections that might affect the serviceability, utility, and
15、appearance of the finished product, 3.4 Construction. Vehicles and all compo- nents thereof shall be constructed to conform to the following drawings or drawings listed in their respective engineering parts list (EPL) except as modified herein or by the 1)rocuring activity: EPG8736- -Trailer, Low be
16、d, 3 Ton, EPL-8736- -Trailer, Bomb, 2 Ton, 4 EPL-8736- -Ti*ailer, Low bed, 5 Ton, EPL-9021- -Trailer, Low bed : Guided Missile, 7 Ton, 4 Wheel, MS29 3.4.1 Engine-generator set. A 3-kilowatt, 60-cycle engine-generator set conforming to Specification MIGG-52152, shall be fur- nished and installed on t
17、he trailer, low bed, M529. 3.5 Performance characteristics. Each ve- hicle shall demonstrate vehicle performance characteristics, specified in 3.5.1 through 3.5.9, when equipped as depicted on appli- cable drawings specified in the contract, ser- viced with recommended products (see table I), towed
18、by an appropriate military prime vehicle (see table II), and subjected to load- ing conditions specified in table III. 3.5.1 Paylond, towing speeds, and tvailing abilitg. Payload and towing speeds. Pay- loads and towing speeds for the applicable vehicle shall be as specified in table III. 21
19、7 4 Wheel, XM114E1 126 Wheel, M143A1 218 4 Wheel, XM455 862 Trailing ability. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-45382A 23 m 9999906 0397226 b Classi!cation XM114El . M143Al . XM455. M529 . MIGT45382A Highway crom country
20、 6420 6420 4000 4000 10420 10420 12950 12950 12950 12950 (m 6.4) (see 6.4) Primary/k%rondary Level/Hiy Table I. Service products specificat2ons . . I Ambient air temperature operating range mlnw 85. to OF. Product usc Fluid ; For hydraulic For shock ab- brakes. sorbers. Grew : For sealed bear- ings.
21、 For general chas- sis lubrication, including wheel bearirigs. For gen and when sub- jected to military operating conditions speci- fied herein (see 3.5.1 through 3.5,8), shall exhibit flexural stiffness and torsional rigid- ity to withstand bending and twisting with- out evidence of failure. 3.6 Tr
22、eatment and painting. Treatment and painting shall be in accordance with Stand- ard MIL-STD-193. Colors shall conform to appropriate color chips in Standard Fed. Std. No. 595, and shall be as specified by the pro- curing activity (see 6.2). 3.7 Marking. Registration and other mark- ings shall be in
23、accordance with Standard 3.8 Name, shipping, and service data plates. Data plates shall be photographic aluminum plate (sensitized), The plates shall have the photosensitive silver compounds inbedded within the oxide layer; and after photo- graphic processing the letter, numbers, and all other chara
24、cters shall be sealed in the oxide by suitable chemical treatment of the layer. The plates shall have a black back- ground. All caution and warning plates shall have red lettering with a black background. The size of plate, type and size of lettering, and the information to be included shall be exce
25、pt that drain holes, lubrication points, frame members, heavy castings, axles, brakes, and suspension components shall be kept free of coating material. 3.10 Servicing and adjusting. Prior to ac- ceptance of the vehicles by the Government inspector, contractor shall adjust and service each vehicle f
26、or immediate operational use including at least the following: adjust brake system, check electrical system; inflate all tires; and completely lubricate chassis and all running gear with grades of lubricants recommended for the ambient air tempera- ture at the delivery point. 3.11 Workmanship. Workm
27、anship shall be of a quality to assure delivery of vehicles which are free from defects resulting from defective material, improper manufacturing or incorrect assembly practices, and which shall meet or exceed requirements herein specified. Defective components or parts and assemblies which have bee
28、n repaired or modi- fied to overcome deficiencies shall not be fur- nished. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 General quality assurance provisions. 4.1.1 Contractors inspection. The supplier is responsible for the performance of all in- spection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwis
29、e specified the supplier may utilize his own or any other inspection facilities and services acceptable to the Gov- ernment. Inspection records of the examina- tion and tests shall be kept complete anci available to the Government as specified in the contract or order. The Government re- serves the
30、right to perform any of the in- spections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to as- sure supplies and services conform to pre- scribed requirements. 4.1.2 Contractors quality assiisnnce sys- tem. The contractor shall provide and main- tain an effective inspect
31、ion and quality assur- ance system, acceptable to the Government, covering the supplies under the contract. A current written description of the system shall be submitted to the contracting officer prior to initiation of production, The con. tractor will not be restricted to the inspectioii station
32、or to the method of inspection listed provided that an equivalent control is in- cluded in the approved quality assurance pro- cedure. The contractor shall notify the Government of, and obtain approval for, any change to the written procedure that might affect the degree of assurance required by thi
33、s specification or other applicable docu- ments referenced herein. 4.1.3 Government verification. All quality assurance operations, performed by the con. tractor will be subject to Government verifi- cation at unscheduled intervals. Verification will consist of (a) surveillance of the opera- tions t
34、o determine that practices, methods, and procedures of the written inspection plan are being properly applied, and (b) Govern- ment product inspection to measure quality of product offered for acceptance. Deviation from the prescribed or agreed-upon proce- dures, or instances of poor practices which
35、 might have an effect upon the quality of the product, will be immediately called to the at- tention of the contractor. Failure of the con- tractor to promptly correct deficiencies discovered shall be cause for suspension of acceptance until corrective action has been made or until conformance of pr
36、oduct to pre- scribed criteria has been demonstrated. 4.1.4 Qualified pyoducts. The contractors inspection records shall be examined to de- termine conformity to requirements of para- graph 3.1. 4.1.5 Materials. The contractor shall pro- vide the Government with objective evidence 5 Provided by IHSN
37、ot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-T-q53B2A 23 7777706 0377227 3 Course Hard suace (highway), . . . hvel crow country. , , , . . . Hilly crom country. . . . . . . . Belgian block., . . . , . . , , . . , MIbT45382A that materials used are as specifie
38、d in the ap- plicable specifications and drawings, and have been tested in accordance with the Quality Assurance provisions contained therein. 4.1.6 Service voducts. The contractor shall furnish to the Government certification that products conforming to specifications con- tained in table I of para
39、graph 3.5 will be used in servicing vehicles under the contract. 4.2 First vehicle inspection. 4.2.1 Inprocess impection. The first vehicle produced shall receive an inprocess inspec- tion by the Government when the vehicle is approximately 60 percent complete. This in- spection shall be conducted t
40、o evaluate workmanship and materials to applicable specifications. During this inspection, welding procedures will be reviewed, workmanship specimens evaluated, and the substructure examined for conformance to contractual re- quirements. 4.2.2 Completed vehicle inspection. The first vehicle, when co
41、mpleted, shall be given :i provisional inspection to determine conform- ance to contract and specification require- ments. This inspection shall be conducted by the Government at the contractors plant, subsequent to contractor inspection. 4.2.3 Cowections. Corrections found neces- sary as a result o
42、f above inspections shall be made by the contractor on the vehicle. i Miieage and Speeds j Vehlclr Loidiiig 1,000 miles variable speeds up to 50 MPH. . . . . . . . , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . Highway 1,O miles 8 variable spcode up to required cross-country spccds. . . . Cross country 500 miles Q v
43、ariable spr:ds up to required cross-country slxcdc. . . . . . Cross coiintry 80 milm speeds applirable to conditions of terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Cross coiintry 4.2.6 Vehkle disposition. Upon completion of inspection, the vehicle will remain at the manufacturing facility and be the last
44、ve- hicle shipped on the contract. The contractor shall service and maintain the vehicle during this period in accordance with the applicable documents for care and preservatioii while in storage. 4.2.5 FiW approval ad acceptance. Final approval and acceptance by the Government of the first vehicle
45、shall be withheld until the 2,560 mile test of the second vehicle produced has been completed and a final determina- tion has been made regarding conformity of the vehicle to contractual requirements, in- cluding, but not limited to, workmanship and materials. 4.3 Production vehicle test. After comp
46、le- tion of provisional inspection of the first vehicle, the second vehicle produced shall be subjected to examination and tests specified herein and the 2,560 mile test specified in table IV. Inspections shall be performed by the Government and at a site approved by the Government, and will require
47、 a maximum of 60 days. The contractor will expeditiously furnish repair parts, as required, to ade- quately support the above inspections at no cost to the Government, Delays caused by vehicle breakdown and failure of the con- tractor to adequately support the vehicle with parts during the inspectio
48、ns shall not be the responsibility of the Government. Table ZV. 8560 Mile Test 4.3.1 Test faGure. Failure of the produc- tion vehicle to comply with any of the re- quirenients specified or any deficiency of a workmanship or materials nature found dur- ing the 2,560 mile test, shall be cause for re-
49、jection of the vehicle and refusal to accept additional vehicles until objective evidence has been provided by the manufacturer that corrective action lias been taken to eliminate the deficiency. Additionally, any deficiencies of a workmanship or materials nature, or nonconformance with specified requirements discovered in the production vehicle as a re- sult of the 2,560 mile test, shall be presumed 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,
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