1、II (IMI-W-63150 (AR)1 August 1977MILITARY SPECIFICATIONWEAPONS AND SUPPOl?lMATERIELSTANDARD QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS FORThis specification is approved for use by the U.S. Army ArmamentResearch and Development Command, and is available for use by allDepartments and Agencies of the Department of D
2、efense.1. SCOPE1.1 This specification establishes quality assurance re-quirements for parts, assemblies, subsystems, end systems.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect ondate of invitation for bids or rawest for ProPosal, form apart of this specification to the-ex
3、tent spcified herein:SPECIFICATIONSMILITARYMIL-C-6021 -ML-I-6866 -M2L-I-6868 -MIL-R-114G8 -WIL-R-11469 -MIL-R-11470 -MIL-M-11473 -Castings, Classification andInspection ofInspection, Penetrent Method ofInspection Process, Magnetic ParticleRadiographic Inspection; SoundnessRequirements for Arc and Ga
4、sWelds”in Steel Radiographic Inspection; SoundnessRequirements for Steel CastingsRadiographic Inspection; Qualificationof Equipment, Operstors end ProceduresMagnetic Particle Inspection;Soundness Requirements for WeldmentsFsc , 10GPSwmfMaleomme.t# (reeommanddons,a ddltion%ddethm) mduwpertlnont the m
5、aterial coveredby thie certificate conforms to all contract re-quirements (includingbut not limited to the drawingsand specifications); the $nepection and test re-sults, and the analyses appearing herein are true6)Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license f
6、rom IHS-,-,-IMIL-W-63150(AR)and accurate; and this certificate is madefor theP-ose of inducin9 PaWent and with knowlede thatthe information and certificationa basis for payment.”9. Signature and title of certifying3.5.2 Certificateof conformance (COC).conformance 1s required for !.lilltaryStandardit
7、ems. When a Certified Test Report (See 3.5.may be ueed aaofficial.A certificate ofand conusercial1) is not re-quired for material and process Specification requirements,a COC, supported by inspection and test data, materialanalyses, or certification from the raw material produceror processor, shall
8、be made available to the Governmentfor specification covering raw material, processed material,and processes. The contractor shall make the COC availableto the Government prior to or with the request to performacceptance inspection approval by the Government. This is inaddition to, and not in lieu o
9、f, any rights of the vernmentunder this contract or law. A COC may be used as an elementincident torbut shall not be used as the sole basis for, GovernmenttiCCeptCe Of contract item(s) unless so indicated in tie technicaldocumentation or contract. As a minimum, the COC shall containthe following:a.
10、Name of company and dateb. Contract num the material coveredby this certificate conforms to all contract re-quirements (includingbut not limited to thedrawings and specifications); the analyseaappearing herein are true and accurate analyaes;and thla certificate is made for the purpose ofinducing pay
11、ment and with knowledge that ,theinformation and certification may be used,aa abasis for such payment.”e. Signature and title of certifying official7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-63150(AR) )3.6 Examination,InsPSCCiOn aridTest
12、Provisions3.6.1 Quality Assurance Provisions. Quality AssuranceProvisions, used in conjunction with thi% specification, specifythose product characteristics considered to be minimum in-spection requirements for acceptability to assure conformancewith perfonsance and interchangeability requirement of
13、 theitern. The application of Quality Assurance Provisions anduse of this specification and Supplementary Quality AssuranceProvisions”(SQAPs)ehall not relieve the contractor fromhis responsibility to submit to the Government only productcomplying with all contract, drawing and specification require-
14、ments.3.6.2 Application of SQAPS. The inspection provisionsspecified in SQAPrs and 3.6.4 should be applied at the earliestpractical point in manufacture at which it is feasible toinspect for acceptance without risk of change in the character-istic by subsequent operations. Reinspection of these char
15、acter-istics on the completed product is not required providedassurance exiets that the characteristic has not been changed,degraded or damaged by subsequent manufacturing, assembly orhandling, and that adequate inspection records are maintained.In any event, the Government reserves all rights under
16、 GeneralInspection Article 5, Standard Form Parts and assemblies covered by SQAPS. Where SQAPSare specifie?lIn the contract, the inspection provisions of theSQAPS are the minimum requirements for those parts and assembliesto which the SQAP pertains. The SQAP number ie usually the sameas the
17、 number of the product drawing to which the SQAP relates.Unless otherwise epecified on the SQAP, the drawing, or in thecontract, the contractor shall perform,”as a minimum, the ins-pections prescribed in each SQAP in accordance with the criteriaand inspection methods specified for parts and assembli
18、es.Where a SQAP ia specified for an assembly of parts, the parts)of that assembly shall have been inspected for acceptabilityin accordance with the SQAPS for those Parts (listed inPart I of the assembly SQAP). Only those parts found to beacceptable in accordance with the applicable SQAP and thisspec
19、ification shall be used in assemblies. unless otherwisespecified, Inspection Levelindividual AQLis applied inII shall be used initially andaccordance with MIL-STD-105.8)III-_._Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-./ MIL-W-63150(AR)LAQLts a
20、pply to each characteristic and not to a group ofcharacteristics. In addition, the contractor shall complywith this specification.3.6.4 Parts and assemblies not covered by a SQAP orff detail specicatlon. The contractor shall develop and mplement,as part of his required inspection system, written det
21、ailedprocedures and criteria for inspection of all parts and assembliesnot covered by a SQAP. As a minimum, requirements for such partsand assemblies shall include:Material identification and control, inspections to be per-formed (includinginspection for workmanship, finish, missingoperations and pr
22、otective coating, as well as dimensionalfeatures), defect classification, sampling criteria and proceduresin accordance with MIL-STD-105 or other appropriate Governmentsampling standards, method of inspection (gagea,measuring andtest equipment), and provisions for control and disposition ofnon-confo
23、rming items. Specified eampling criteria shall not beless stringent than Inspection Level S-4 using an AQL of 1.5 percent.3.6.5 Inspection of parts produced and controlled byhighly repe”a”teblemanufacturing techxiiques.When character-istics of the part are established and controlled by highlyaccurat
24、e and rpetitive manufacturing techniques, the firstproduction part(s) shall be examined and inspected completelyand the recorded results scrutinized very carefully to assurethat those characteristics conform to drawing, specification andcontract requirements. If the first production part(s) havebeen
25、 found acceptable to drawing, specification and contractrequirements, each of those characteristics, provided theyare unchanged by later operations, or have no more stringentinspection requirements specified in other documents, may beinspected using Inspection Level S-2 and an AQL of 1.5. Beforeimpl
26、ementation of this limited inspection procedure, the con-tractor shall secure the writtsn .concurrenceof the GovernmentQuqlity Assurance Representative (QAR). The types of manu-facturing that should be considered for this procedure areas follows:Die Forging Numeric-Controll&iExtrusions Machines andD
27、ie St=plng Investment Castings.,. Processes, etc.p 3.6.6 Inspectionmethods. The following provisions ehallhe applicable to the prescribed inspection methods. Requestsfor a method other than that specified shall be sukasittedforGovernment approval (see h. below):9Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo repro
28、duction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-63150(AR)a.b.c.d.e.f.9.h.IWhere “Visual” is specified as the inspectionmethodfor protective coating, the coating shall be visuallyexamined for completeness, uniformity in appearanceand color, and for freedom from pits, corrosion,scra
29、tches, and worn or bare spots.Where “Visual” is specified as the inspection methodfor dimensional inspection, the characteristic shallbe either scaled, or compared with a specimen ofknown acceptable quality that has been establishedas an inspection standard, for conformance to therequirements of the
30、 drawing.Where “Visual” is specified as the inspection methodfor assemblies, the assembly shall be visually ex-amined for completeness, security, function andconformance to specified requirements. When possible,the functioning of the assembly shall be inspectedby manual operation.Where “Visual” is s
31、pecified as the inspectionmethod for surface roughness values, a comparisonstandard conforming to ANSI B46.1 shall be used.If determination of surface roughness by a comparisonstandard is questionable, a surface-measuringinstru-ment shall be used.Where “SMTE” (StandardMeasuring and Test Equipment)is
32、 specified as the method of inspection, the con-tractor may use any type of industry-developed,commercially available, multi-usage equipment orspecial inspection and/or testing equipment approvedby the Government. (Previouslyidentified as: “SME”,Standard Measuring Equipment, and “STE”, StandardTest
33、Equipment). The contractor shall be responsiblefor utilizing SMTE which will assure full form forthe entire surface of the specified characteristic.When Government-furnished Acceptance Inspection andTest Equipment (identifiedas “Gages” on the SQAP),is specified as the method of inspection in thecont
34、ract or on the Data Lists, the contractor shalluse inspection equipment fabricated in accordancewith the Government drawing referenced.Where “STM” (SpecialTest Method) is specified asthe method of inspection, the methods and pro-cedures shall be as specified in the applicableSQAP.Alternative inspect
35、ion methods and inspection equip-ment may be used by the contractor when such methods10)Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1.(1, (AR)and equipment equal or exceed the specified accuracyand provide, as a minimum,
36、 the quality assurancerequired in the contractual documents. Prior toaPPlYin9 such alternative inspection methods andinspection equipment, the contractor shall describethem in”a written proposal and shall demonstrate,for the approval of the Procuring ContractingOfficer (PCO), that their effectivenes
37、s is equal to,or better than, the contractual quality assurancemethod or equipment.Protective coatiny. Unless otherwise specified,the inspection of the finishing of metal and woodeurfaces shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-171and Section 4 of the applicable specificationreferenced therein.Markingin
38、spection. Parts and assemblies shall besubjected to exsnunation to determine compliancewith marking requirements of the drawing andMIL-STD-130.Workmanshi. In addition to the workmanship re-quirements of applicable item specifications,parts, assemblies, subsystems and systems shallbe visually examine
39、d to determine compliance withthe following requirements. The quality of work-manship shall not adversely affect safety, function,performance, serviceability, interchangeability,and appearance. Completed parts and assembliesshall not exhibit defective material or processingsuch as: seams, laps, lami
40、nations, cracks, fins,extraneous material, visible steps or irregular-ities, sharp edges, nicks, scratches, burrs, toolscores and gouges, deformations, missing operations,improper assembly, missing parts, stains, corrosion,nonspecified oxidation (rust), unauthorized sal-vaging operations (e.g., hamm
41、ering to shape, repairby welding, straightening, bending, etc.). Unlessotherwise specified for electrical and electronicparts and assemblies, the workmanship provisionsof MIL-STD-454 shall apply.3.7 Test methods. Unlese otherwise specified, thefollowing test metiocUMENT NUMBER 2 D0CUh8ENT TITLENAME
42、OF SUBMITTING ORI3ANIZATION 4, TYPE OF OFIGAMIZATION (Mr=b 0)1 VENDORa75 us,.iDDsE69 ISIW*:, elm. attw, ZIP C*) “nMANUFACTURERa75 o,HER,sLUc(h,:PFIOOLEM AnEAs* f%,.arwh Numbm a71nd Wordl”a:b. FIOCMIlnINldOdWO-dlnQ:c F1-/I!.tkm.la for Rocommend”lo”:FIEMAFIKS :.- NAME OF SURMITTER (t.UI, Fimc M(J - opthnd b. WOnK TELEPHONE NuMBER fJndudc AmoCh) -OM1.I.MAILING ADOME=(S:m. t, CilY, St. te. ZIP COde) - OfJtco”.1 B, DATE OF SUOMISSl ON IYYMMDDICID&“J:. 1426 PREVIOUSEOITION1S OSSOLETE“)Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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