1、IIo 2.1 k followingdocumentsU! theissuesin effecton da+=of irlvi+l.ic:fOT bids or requestforpropoml, L“orma pa.+.of thk .sFecificationto tit+extentspscifiedher?ic:jProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-QQ-A-1876IN-F-31- Paper;GeneralSpecifi
2、cationsand Methodsof Testing.Memiw:Fed.Std.No. 123- MsrkingforFed.feat%thod Std.No. 151-EcnnesticShipment(CivilianAgencies).M?tel.s;TestMethods.(Activitiesoutsidethe FederalGovernmentmay obtaincopiesof FederslSpecifications,Standards,and Kendbookaa6 outlinedunderGeneralIofcmma-tion in the Indexof Fe
3、deralSpecificationsand Standardsand at thepriersindicatedin the Index. The Index,whichincludescumulativemonttdysupple-mentsaa issued,is for saleon a subscriptionbasisby theSuperintendentofCocuments,U. S. tivernunt FrintingOffice,Washington,D.C. 20402.(Singlecopiesof this.speciflcationandotherproduct
4、specificationsrequiredby activitiesoutsidetheFederalGmernmsnt Corbiddingpurpo,:,.,:are availablewithoutchargefrum BusinessServiceCentersat the General.%nlcea AdministrationRegionalOfficein Mst.on,NewYork,Washingtcm,D.C.,Atlanta, Chicago,KansasCity,k., FortWorth,Denver,San Francisco,LOSAngeles,and Se
5、attle,Wash.(FederalOovernmmt activitiesmayobtaincopiesof FederalSpecifications,Standards,and Handbooksand the Indexof FederalSpecificationsand Standardsfmm establisheddistributionpointsin theiragencies.):M2LSTG105 - samplingProceduresand Tablesfor Inspectionby Attributes.MSLSfP129 - Markingfor shipm
6、entand Storage.M2L-sm-649 - AluminumProducts,FrepsrationforShipmentand .Stcua CM.(Copieeof MilitarySpecificationsand Standardsrequiredby Contractorsin connectionwith specificprocurementfunctionsshouldbe obtainedfromtheprocuringactivityor as directedby the ContractingOfficer.)2.2 . The followingdocum
7、entsforma partof thisspecificationto the extentspecifiedherein. Unlessa specificissueisfdentiffed,the issuein effeeton dateOLinvitationforbidsor requestforproposalshallapply,of HeQfdby theGovernment.-ltzetivef- )1“Ii. lo,.IC)Q4A8764.4. ? llIspHof interlewlog oftype IIIfoil shellbe determinedin nccor
8、dabe with ud,bod200,acidity,PH, Of UU-P-3.l.4.4.4 . m Uetbd oftheprocuringa71gency.Alternatively,if acceptableto the procuring cy, a certifinataofcomplianceshellbe furnishedby theproduce.4-5 . ah shrcpleselectedin accordancewith4.3.5 shellbe subjectedt.asurfaceexqmlnationformrkemehip anddicmaionsl r
9、equirenrmte.4.5.1 -. TheridtbofIIand typs 111 foilshellbetypef!oil aodthewidth and lengthof typemesumd.If thenber of nooconfcmningsampleexceedsthePcceptar.cenumbc?specifiedin h.3.5fcr thateottrelot shallbe ?ejectedsubJectto theprovisionsof,AccePnce and P=jection11of MIL-sm-lo5.packaging, packing,wit
10、h the msreIwrIteor mre d.+rectaunits in the samplesampleei5e,thethe eect10Gon7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-QQ-A-18765. PREPARATIONFOR DELIVERY5.1II1I III5.1.1 . kkixlrK. fyTEI foilin rollsnot exceeding5 p
11、ounds inweightshallbe woundaboutpaperboardcoresand Individusllypacksgedinpaperboard or fiberboardboxes. . Type I foil (smallrolls)shallbe packagedinaccordance.with msnufacturerts commercialpractica.5.1;1.1.2 . Packingof individuallypackagedrollsahsllbe inaccordancewith the requi.rentsof M
12、.11.-S649. The procuringsgencYghsllspecifythe levelof packingrequired(see6.2). UnlessOtheiSe apecifi9iin the contract or order, umteriti shall be packed in accordancewith levelC, rvel. The productsshallbe separatedby type,CIESS, .grade,and thicknessand packed in accordancewith the manufac
13、turerssLandard :practiceintncontainersof n typeand size comtmnly used for thepurpose,insuch a “nmmer aa to insureacceptanceby carrier.for transporttion at thelowest racuringaKencYshallspecifythe levelof preservation,packaging,am.1packingrequired8I,iProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or net
14、working permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I!IIIQCFL1B76;(fee6.2). Unlessoflersisespecifiedinthe contractor order,umterlalQ 1 be rve,packaged,etipackedLnaccordancewithlevelC. See;.2 l&lCinE.5.2.1 e Bo nlv). All unitpacbges and shippingccmtaineracentsiningCrateB foilshallbe
15、 conspicuouslymarkedas fO11OWS:t,NQT USE WITH“ .5.2.2 . Inadditiontomarkingsrequiredby #e contractor orderand 5.2.1,shippingcontainersshallbe m.rkedin accordancewithFed.Std.No. . In additiontomsrkinga”requiredby the contractor orderand 5.2.1,shippingcontainersshallbe markedin aoeordancewit
16、hMlLsm129 .6. NOTESi6.1.1 GradeA foil0.7 to 0.002inchis suitableforthewmppi.nge? foodsdurigcookingpmce=es.The thichesa of thefoiltibe needwQ1 be deterwicedby theproductto be wrappednod thepurposeforwhichIt iswrapped.6.1.2 GniceB foil0.0W5 inchand lessis suitableforaimreft applica-tionssuchas the ehi
17、elaingor insulationof components.It 1s not Isatlsfa-tcryfor fabdicationof aluminumcoreforsandwichconstruction.lflIA-d1596shouldbe usedfor thatpurpse.6.1.3 Foil0.0010in-h and heavier 1s suitable In menY applications foruse as a noncorrosivebarrierbetweensurfaceswhichhavebeencostedwithprescrvat,ivecom
18、poundsd wcodor dunnageor betweentreatedsurfacesandotherwrfaces whichwouldcauaecorrosiveaztion.6.2 J2Ner L%u,3. PwUmaers shouldselectthepreferred.options”pennlttedhzrsin,acd includethefollw.:icgieo-t ioninprocurementdocuments:e. Title,number,andda+=of thisapecificaiion.b. TYPS,ade, anticlessrequired(
19、see1.2). Finishr!i,l(see3.3).d, Sizeand thicknessrequfred(see3.4and 3.6).e. Samplingand restsfordeterminant?-,of toxicresi?uesfor Grade Bi fcilor *en =.certificateof cw .iaaceia cccsp-table(se+4.3.41 and L.L.!,i r.1r. Leeloij,rc:?rvation,pecksgjng,andcking requfrei(seesec.5). %?icht m : oLI pm .Pjil
20、.9Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IQQ-A-18766.3 Covering a71rea.meaaured a71rea of foilIhe covering area is determined from the veishc of aby the following foreula:Covering a71rea in sq. in. /lb. -453.6 X a71rea nf sample in eQ. in.we
21、igh of saqde in grams6.4 Definitions.6.4.1 Dry-aonealed foil 1s fnil frnm vhichii remved in the final amnealing opereticm.6.6.2 !ilick-ennealed foil ie “foil annealedresidual film of oiI ramainson the curface.the residual oil fromin aurlt maaner thSC Aroll insthin6.5 ?r ecauti on. Diract contact of
22、a71luminum foil with metals other thanCadelium, mesmeeium. a71luminum, or zinc, shall be a71voided in applicationswhich-y be axpoaed to water, to preventgalvanicaction.6.6 .SuSezsessim? Mte. ie specification includee the requirements ofIUL-A-M8E dated July 7, 1967.MILITASY CUSLANS : PreparinR activi
23、ty:Army-lx Army-mlhvy - AsAir Forca - S4 C= AGENCY COORDIMTIIG ACT :Reviev aeclvitiee: USDA -AHS, AMcm - NMArmy - MI, W, AT, HD, CL, EA, PA, SL, SH GSA-PSSNavy - lions NASA -(X+FAir Forca - 69, 71, S4 NASA -JFSDSA -IS NAs4-1isFPCsUser activitie:Army-HI!Havy - K, Sll, SA, YD, ECAir Force - 80tiders f
24、or thin putlicat.ionare to ks placedvithGeneralServicesui-ministration,ac t.izg as an agerit for the Superintendent of Oocuments. Seesection 2 of thegeneralspecificationto obtaine%tra copiesand otherdocumentsreferencedherein. Rice 30 centseach. L10I IIIProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or
25、 networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-,!,1 :)!.)I :,”:, -,1?4 a99w lu b)111111LIEPMTMENT CF THE ARMYIP,Director . .US ArmyMaterialsandMechanicsResearehCenterATTN: DSXHS-SSSUatertayn,UA 02172.!, .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH
26、S-,-,-I,1IIIIIIIII1IIIIII. STANDARDIZATION DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL, a75 O,”,”, *.,*, .mwuw AmEAo“i-w1b w o- Susulrmn (1.OL Fhc MI) - Optlmd b. Wens mu PM0N8 Nuuu n thd.do Amcdl - Oev9191*WMG Aasnml (31?NC CICXJu., 24? cm, - ODtmnu & DAT1 OF SUOMISSlON (YYMMOD, - !00 SS. 1426 mcvtotmcmmarn IS onsoura.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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