1、m 9999974 0348442 980 ZZ-T-1083F January 1, 1991 Superseding August 20, 1976 ZZ-T-1083E FEDERAL SPECIFICATION TIRES, PNEUMATIC, LOW SPEED, OFF HIGHWAY 1. SCOPE AND CLASSIFICATION 1.1 SCOPE. This specification covers new and retreaded pneumatic tires, both tube and tubeless types, and flaps when appl
2、icable, for mounting on construction, earthmoving, mining and logging equipment, road graders, mobile cranes, and similar vehicles operated at low speeds off the road. 1.2.1 STYLES, GROUPS, TYPES AND CLASSES. Tires shall be of the following styles, groups, types and classes. Style X - New Style Y -
3、Retreaded Group 1 - Off-the-road tires used in intermittent highway Class - ML (mining and logging) Group 2 - Earthmoving, mining and logging tires used for service short hauls, fork-lift truck, mobile crane, shovels, mining car, front end loader and dozers. Class - C (compactor) Class - E (earthmov
4、ing) Class - L (loader and dozer) Group 3 - Road Grader Class - G (grader) Class - TG (traction-grader) Types (all groups): BA - Bias, tubeless RA - Radial, tubeless BB - Bias, tube type RB - Radial, tube type Licensed by Information Handling ServicesI 7999974 0348443 817 I ZZ-T-1083F 1.2.2 SIZES AN
5、D LOAD DESIGNATION. Tires shall be of the sizes and load designations listed in publications of the recognized standardizing bodies (see 2.2). 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS. The following documents of the issues in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for propo
6、sal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS 22-1-550 - Inner Tube, Pneumatic Tire 22-1-442 - Tire, Pneumatic: Retreaded and Repaired FEDERAL STANDARDS: Fed. Std. No. 123 - Marking For Domestic Shipment (Civil Agencies). (Activities outside the Federa
7、l Government may obtain copies of Federal specifications, Standards, and commercial item descriptions a: outlined under General Information in the Index of Federal Sr-ifications, Standards and Commercial Item Descriptions. The 1:- x, which includes cumulative bimonthly supplements as issued, is fc-
8、sale on a subscription basis by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 20402.) (Single copies of this specification, and other Federal specification: and commercial item descriptions required by activities outside the Federal Government for bidding purposes
9、 are available without charge form General Services Administration Business Service Centers in Boston, MA; New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Washington, DC; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Kansas City, MO; Fort Worth, TX; Houston, TX; Denver, CO; San Francisco, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Seattle, WA.) (Federal Go
10、vernment activities may obtain copies of Federal standardization documents and the Index of Federal Specifications, Standards and Commercial Item Descriptions from established distribution points in their agencies.) r . i I c 2 Licensed by Information Handling Services9999774 0348444 753 ZZ-T-1083F
11、MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS MIL-T-4 - Tire, Pneumatic, and Inner Tube, Pneumatic Tire; Tire with MIL-T-12459- Tire, Pneumatic: for Military Ground Vehicles. Flap; Packaging and Packing Of. MILITARY STANDARDS: MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes. MIL-STD-129 - Markin
12、g for Shipment and Storage. MIL-STD-1224 - Visual Inspection Guide for Pneumatic Tires ( Non-Aircraf t ) MIL-STD-45662 - Calibration Systems Requirements. (Copies of Military Specifications and Standards required by supplier2 in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from
13、the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer . ) 2.2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS. seecification to the extent specified herein. Unless a specific The following document forms a part of this issue is identified, the issu; in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal sha
14、ll apply. ASTM D 412 Standard Test Method for Rubber Properties in Tension. THE TIRE AND RIM ASSOCIATION INC. YEARBOOK: (Copies may be obtained from the Tire and Rim Association, Inc., Crown Pointe, 175 Montrose W. Ave., #150, Copley, OH 44321, Telephone (216) 666-8121.) THE EUROPEAN TYRE AND RIM TE
15、CHNICAL ORGANIZATION YEARBOOX: (Copies mar be obtained from the European Tyre and Rim Technical Organization, Th: General Secretary, ETRTO, Avenue Brugmann 32, Boite 2, B-1060, Brussels, Belgium.) JAPAN AUTOMOBILE TIRE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION INC. YEARBOOK: (Copies mav be obtained from the Japan A
16、utomobile Manufacturers Association Inc. , 9th Floor, Toronomen building, No 1-12, 1-Chome Toronomon, Mina To-ku, Tokyo, Japan.) 3 Licensed by Information Handling Services= 9999974 0348445 b9T 22-T-1083F 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 QUALIFICATION. Tires furnished under this specification shall be tires whic
17、h have been qualified and listed on, or approved in writing by the qualifying activity for listing on the applicable Federal Qualified Products List. Note: Casings for retreading shall be from tires previously qualified under the Federal Qualified Products List. Qualification and listing of tires on
18、 the Qualified Products List does not guarantee the acceptance of the tires in any future procurement nor constitute waiver of the requirements of this specification. The cost for performing qualifications or requalifications tests shall be wholly borne by the applicant. Tires, tubes, and flaps shal
19、l be supplied for testing at no cost to the Government. For Style X Tires, Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3 will be tested. Qualification will be extendec* to other classes of tires in the same group which are of equal or higher quality level of construction and materials as certified by the manufacture
20、r. For Style Y Tires, qualification of a particular retreaders process which the retreaders quality is clearly established will be extended to other tire models retreaded by the same process, of the same group and type having equal or better compound as certified by the ret reade r . For both Style
21、tires, qualification may be extended to a tube-type brand or model, provided it is of equivalent construction (design and materials), with the exception of the bead, to the tubeless model qualified. Using this same provision, the tube-type shall qualify the tubeless model or brand. For Style X tires
22、, qualification may be extended to other manufacturers production points of a particular group provided the standards and methods of quality control are equivalent at each point of manufacture. The brand or model must be of equivalent compounds and construction from both locations. For Style Y, qual
23、ification may be extended to other retreading facilities for a particular manufacturers process provided the manufacturer certifies that the retreading process and quality control procedures are identical at the additional facilities. 4 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesS 9999974 0148446 526
24、22-T-1083F For Style X tires, prospective suppliers shall submit a list of their tire sizes, brands/models, Group and Type, and Class (see 1.2.1) and fabric materials of the body plies and belts or breakers of each grou the manufacturer intends to furnish under this specification. A government repre
25、sentative shall select the tires for laboratory test when specified. For Style Y tires, prospective suppliers shall submit a list of their retreading processes, as defined in Section 3.4 of Federal Specification ZZ-T-441H, tires sizes, models, Group and Type and Clas (see 1.2.1) of each group the ma
26、nufacturer intends to furnish under this specification. The Government representative shall inform the respective suppliers which tire sizes have been selected for the tests. shall arrange to supply test tire sizes selected they propose to qualify to the Federal Qualified Products List. shall be sel
27、ected by a Government representative from the manufacturers production line, after passing their final finish inspection or when tires to be selected are stored in a warehouse, th tire sample shall be selected, at random, from a batch of not less than 10 tires for Style X and 10 for Style Y. All tir
28、es selected for qualification tests shall be permanently identified by a tamperproof seal. The suppliers The tire samples When the sample tires are selected from the manufacturers production line, the Government representative shall select the tire samples needed from a normal production run. These
29、tires shall not represent special run tires. Special run tires are those tires which are given extra attention other than that given to normal production tires by the Manufacturers quality control procedures. representative shall require the manufacturer to certify in writing that the tires selected
30、 are not special run tires. The Government 3.1.1 RETESTS. In the event of failure to pass the laboratory tests required in paragraph 4.3.1, the manufacturer shall be allowed a maximum of one retest. Retest tires shall be selected at the same time as the initial test tires. The acceptance and rejecti
31、on criteri is shown in Table II. 3.1.2 REQUALIFICATION. Once a tire manufacturers particular model/retreading process of tire has been qualified, it shall remain qualified and be listed on the QPL for a period of 10 years for all Groups. At the end of the appropriate time period, the manufacturer mu
32、st requalify the original tire model/retreading process which was submitted for qualification or any other tire model for Style X to which qualification was extended based on the qualification of the original model. retreading facilities as specified in 3.1, paragraph 6. For Style Y, the retreader m
33、ust recertify additional 5 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesS 9999974 0348447 462 ZZ-T-1083F The government shall require a supplier listed on the Qualified Products List to show cause why his tires/retreading process should remain on the Qualified Products List if he has modified his produc
34、t or processing sufficiently that the validity of the previous qualification is questionable, or when deemed that the quality of the product is not being maintained. product delivered does not meet the specification or that the product delivered differs from that originally qualified, the government
35、 shal give that manufacturer thirty days notice of the intent to remove the product from the Qualified Products List and inform the manufacturer of the reason thereof. If the manufacturer does not make satisfactor response within thirty days, the product shall be removed from the qualified products
36、list. When a tire model or retreading process is determined to be hazardous in use, the government shall immediately notify the manufacturer and the tire model or retreading process shall be removed from the qualified products list. The tire model or retreading process shall not be reinstated until
37、the manufacturer satisfies the government tha the hazardous condition has been corrected. , . When it is determined that the REQUALIFICATION LABORATORY TESTS. Requalification laborator test shall be conducted in accordance with paragraph 4.3.1. 3.2 MATERIALS. 3.2.1 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS. I
38、n accordance with the section 23.40 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations, the Governments policy is to acquire items composed of the-highest percentage of recovered materials practicable, consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition without adversely affecting performance requir
39、ements or exposing suppliers employees to undue hazards from the recovered materials. 3.2.2 COMPOUND. Tire compound shall consist of natural rubber, synthetic rubber, or a suitable combination thereof. may be used in the basic compound. 3.3 FLAPS. When required, a flap of the correct size shall be f
40、urnished in each tire. Reclaimed rubbe 3.4 PERFORMANCE. 3.4.1 BREAKING ENERGY. When tested in accordance with, th minimum breaking energy shall be as specified in Table I. * 6 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesZZ-T-1083F . PLY RATING 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 TAB
41、LE I MINIMUM PLUNGER I USING 1 1/4 INCH PLUNGER ENERGY IN-LBS Tubeless Tube Type 6 , 800 8,600 12,500 15,800 5,100 6,500 8,600 12,500 E RGY USING 1 1/2 INCH PLUNGER ENERGY I N- Tube Type 20200 23000 25000 27000 28500 30000 31500 33000 34500 36000 37500 39000 LBS. Tubeless 15,000 18,500 19,500 3.4.2
42、TEMPERATURE ABILITY. All tires supplied shall have an inherent capability of both storage and acceptable performance in ambient air temperature ranging from plus 120 degrees F (49.0 degrees C) to minus 40 degrees F (-40 degrees C). 3.4.3 PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. TENSILE STRENGTH. The tensile s
43、trength of tire treads shall be not less than 1,700 pounds per square inch (p.s.i.), sidewalls, not less than 900 p.s.i when tested as specified in 4.3.4. ULTIMATE ELONGATION. The ultimate elongation of treads shall not be less than 400 percent, and for.sidewalls, not less than 300 percent w
44、hen tested as specified in 4.3.4. and for 3.5 DIMENSIONS. 3.5.1 TIRE OVERALL DIAMETER AND OVERALL WIDTH. When tested in accordance with, tire overall diameter and overall width shall meet the requirements of the appropriate standardizing body. 3.5.2 SKID DEPTH. When tested in accordance wi
45、th, skid depth shall meet the requirements as shown in Table II. 7 Licensed by Information Handling Services 9 9999974 0148449 235 M E m 1 d 3: E a W CI n CI ._ 111 U W p: E 8 n . i4 M E m 03 o rl 111 3 O p: H 5 I B I pv W 5: M w p: O E m a) d v1 X W P ci any additional cuts deemed necessa
46、ry for complete inspection of the tire shall be made. The cut sections shall then be inspected for evidence of hidden defects such as separation of tread, ply, or bead in accordance with MIL-STD-1224. 4.3.4 TENSILE STRENGTH AND ELONGATION TEST. After being checked for hidden defects, the tire shall
47、be subjected to test for tensile strength and ultimate elongation of tread and sidewall, to determine the conformance to and 4-3-4.1 PREPARATION OF TEST SAMPLES. Test samples shall be cut (longitudinally at the center of tread or sidewall) in accordance with ASTM-D 412. On tread sam
48、ples, the nonskid portion shall be sliced off with a knife, after which the central portion shall be buffed on each side over a length of 2 1/2 inches until free of ply or breaker compound, fabric impressions, or irregularities of surface. On sidewall samples rubber solvent shall be used, if necessa
49、ry, to separate rubber and fabric, and one or both sides shall be buffed as necessary. PROCEDURE. The samples prepared as specified in shall be tested for tensile strength and ultimate elongation in accordance with ASTM D 412. 4.3.5 INSPECTION OF PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY. The preservation, packaging, packing, and marking of the tires shall be inspected to determine conformance to the applicable requirements of section 5. 4.4 QUALITY CONFORMANCE INSPECTION. 4.4.1 SAMPLING FOR INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE. Sampling for inspection and acceptance shall be performed in a
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