1、ANSI S1.6-1984a revision ofS1.6-1967(R1976)(ASA 53-1984)Standards SecretariatAcoustical Society of America335 East 45th 5rreetNew York, New York 10017AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDPreferred Frequencies, Frequency Levels, and BandNumbers for Acoustical MeasurementsABSTRACTThis standard defines the prefer
2、red frequencies, or nominal band-center frequenciesto be used for acoustical measurements. Frequency levels or band numbers are asso ciated with these sets of frequencies and the preferred frequencies are rounded val ues obtained from those for which the corresponding frequency levels or bandnumbers
3、 are integers.Published by the American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of AmericaAMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS ON ACOUSTICSThe Acoustical Society of America is the Secretariat for Accredited Standards Committees Sl on Acoustics, 52on Mechanical Shock and Vibration, S3 on Bioacoustics,
4、 and 512 on Noise. Standards developed by thesecommittees, which have wide representation for the technical community (manufacturers, consumers, andgeneral-interest representatives), are published by the Acoustical Society of America as American NationalStandards afler approval by their respective s
5、tandards committees.Thtow sl.andards .ue developed as a public service to provide standards useful to lhe public, industry, andconsumers, and to Federal, State, and local governments.This stolncbrd wu .approved by the AmeriCiin N.ational St.and.uds Instilute.lS ANSI $1.6-1984 (a revisionof Sl.6-1967
6、(R1976) on 21 May 1984.n American National Siandard impli! a consensus ofthsubs.tantially coocemed with iu scope and provisions. An mericanNationdl Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the gerleral public. The exislence of an mericanNational Standard doei!partme
7、nl of tM Air force _ H. E. von GierkeIndividual members of the 51L. 8alcheklerK. M. EldredD. R. flynnR. S. CalesW. J. GallowayEo E. Gross, Jr.Committee wereR. GuernseyR. K. HiHquislR. HuntleyO. JohnsonW. W.langG. C. Maling,. Jr.A H. MarshA. P. G. Petersonl. W. SepmeyerJ. TichyH. E. von GierkeR. W. Y
8、oungThe informal working group that assisted the 51 Committee in drafting this standard consisted of the followingpersons:Tony F. W. Embleton, Ch.lirm.o- -o . e4.4 Preferred values for nominal frequencies and band cenler frequencies at intervals ofone-third octave, one tenth decade. or octave shall
9、be obtained by roundingthe exact values calculated from use of Eq. (2) for agiven integer value of the number N. At the decade integer frequency levels of . - 10,0, 10,20,30,40, .,the nominal frequencies will equal the exact frequen cies calculated according co Eq. (2).4.5 Band numbers for one-third
10、 octave, one-tenth dec ade. and octave bands of sound are defined as the in teger values of frequency level N corresponding to thepreferred geometric-mean center frequency of eachband. The band number for consecutive one-third oc lave and one-tenth decade bands are a sequence ofconsecutive integers.
11、 Band numbers forconsecutivoctavbandsarconsecutivintgralmultiples of 3.and band numbers forconsecutivhalf-octave bandsare consecutive integral multiples of 312.6 Frequency intervals ofon-halfoctave are now sel dom used. However. whenon-half-octaveintrvalsardesirabl.thset of preferredfrequnciesshall
12、beobtained by roundingthtAact values of frequencycalculated from Eq. (2) using values of the number Nequal to consecutive integral multiples of 3/2.4.7 Table I lists integer values of N from 0 to 60 andthe corresponding preferred values of frequency fromI hen.z to I 000 000 hertz. The maximum deviat
13、ion ofthe preferred frequency from the exact frequency oc curs for N = 2, 12, 22, 32, 42, or 52 where the devi ation is approximately I percent.4.8 Preferred frequencies in Table I may not cover thetotal range pertinent to a given type ofacoustical measurement. Higher (ultrasonic) or lower (infrason
14、ic) pre ferred frequencies may be obtained from Table I bysuccessive multiplication or division of the frequenciesby ten. Similarly. the corresponding frequency levelsor band numbers may be obtained from Table I by in creasing or decreasing the tabulated values ofN by ad dition or subtraction of suc
15、cessive multiples of 10.5 RANGE Of APPLICATIONS.1 When acoustical data are to be measured or report ed at discrete frequencies, the frequencies are to be selected from Table I.ANSI 51.6-1984 35.2 In the case of octave, one.third octave, or one tenth decade bands ofsound, the preferred frequencieslis
16、ted in Table I are the nominal band-nter frequen cies of the bands,NOTE: For urtain purposes it m.y hi convenient 10 51 on Acoustics, 52 on Mechanical Shock and Vibration, S3 on Bioacoustics, andS12 on Noise; and provides the United States input to ISO/TC 43 on Acoustics, for which 51 and 53 serve a
17、sTechnical Advisory Groups. 512 serves as the Technical Advisory Group for ISO/TC431SCl Noise. ASA alsoadministers the international secretariat of ISO/Te 108 on Mechanical Vibration and Shock (on behalf of theAmerican National Standards Institute) and provides the U.s. input via the Technical Advis
18、ory Group for ISO/Te 108, which is Standards Committee S2. (Standards Committee 53 is the Technical Advisory Group for ISO/TC108/SC4 Human Exposure to Mechanical Vibration and Shock.lStandards are produced in four broad areas: physical acoustics, mechanical shock and vibration, bioacoustics,and nois
19、e, and are reaffirmed or revised every five years. The latest information on current ANSI standards as wellas those under preparation is available from the Standards Secretariat.When ordering ANSI 1.6-1984, ple.ilse .also use ASA C.atillog No. 53-1984 for euy reference. This stan dard and other stan
20、dards listed in the ASA Standards Catalog may be ordered from the following address:Public.tions.aI,Dpt.STDArnericolnlnllitutof Phylic,JJ5 Eut 451h StnetNwYork, NfW York 10017TIt!phon:(516) J49-7800If you wish to have further information on the Standards Publication Program of the Acoustical Society
21、 of Amer ica, address your inquiries toStolnd.Jrd,M.N8rSt.ndud,5rel.ri.tAcoulliul Society of AmrriCollJS hit 4SIh StreetNew Yori!. NfW YOIk 10017Tene:(212)661-9404ErratumtoAmericanNationalStandardS1.6.1984(ASA53-1984)AmericanNationalStandardPreferredFrequencies,FrequencyLe,els,andBandNumberaforAcoua
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