1、SPECIAL NOTICE The material presented in this publication has been prepared in accordance with recognized engineering principles. This Standard and Commentary should not be used without first securing competent advice with respect to their suitability for any given application. The publication of th
2、e material contained herein is not intended as a representation or warranty on the part of the American Society of Civil Engineers, or of any other person named herein, that this information is suitable for any general or particular use or promises freedom from infringement of any patent or patents.
3、 Anyone making use of this information assumes all liability from such use. I ASCE 4-98 American Society of Civil Engineers Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related Nuclear Structures and Commentary This document uses both Systme International (SI) units and customary units. Published by the American Soci
4、ety of Civil Engineers 1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston, Virginia 201 91 -4400 STD-ASCE 4-ENGL L798 m 0759b00 00342b5 833 ABSTRACT This standard provides requirements for performing analyses for the purpose of new structure design or existing structure evaluation that will lead to the reliability of
5、 structures under earthquake motions. The goal of this standard is to provide seismic responses that have about the same probability of rules and analysis parameters that are expected to produce non-exceedance as the input. Specifications of input motions are provided. Analysis standards are given f
6、or modeling of structures, analysis of structures, soil-structure interaction modeling and analysis, input for subsystem seismic analysis, and special structures such as buried pipes and conduits, earth-retaining walls, above-ground vertical tanks, raceways, and seismic-isolated structures. Non-mand
7、atory Appendix A provides a discussion on Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assess- ments and Seismic Margin Assessments. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data American Society of Civil Engineers. commentary / American Society of Civil Engineers. Seismic analysis of safety-related nuclear stru
8、ctures and Includes bibliographical references and index. l. Nuclear facilities-Evaluation-Standards-United States. 2. Earthquake resistant design-standards- United States. 3. Buildings-Earthquake effects. TK9152.163 .A47 1999 I. Title. p. cm. ISBN O-7844-0433-X 621.4835-dc21 99-051 970 or personal
9、use under circumstances not falling within the fair Photocopies. Authorization to photocopy material for internal use provisions of the Copyright Act is granted by ASCE to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clear- ance Center (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service, pro- vided tha
10、t the base fee of $8.00 per article plus $.50 per page is paid directly to CCC, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. The identification for ASCE Books is O-7844-0433-X/ 00/$8.00 + $SO per page. Requests for special permission or bulk copying should be addressed to Permissions 2. Analysis to obtain
11、 response information; 3. Design or evaluation of the various structural ele- 4. Construction. ments; In the practice of structural engineering design and construction, sufficient conservatism is intentionally added in order to achieve the desired performance. The purpose of this standard is to prov
12、ide require- ments for performing Step 2 for design of new facili- ties. This standard may also be used for evaluation of existing facilities. The intent of the analysis method- ology is that the output parameters maintain about the same probability of non-exceedance as the input. This is accomplish
13、ed by specifying methods for anal- ysis with essentially no conservative bias except for small levels of conservatism added only to account sponses that have about a 90% chance of not being exceeded for an input response spectrum specified at the 84th percentile non-exceedance level. No attempt has
14、been made to compensate for excess conservatism or lack of conservatism in the other steps. hazard for operating facilities or for quantification of risk or margin for new facilities, evaluation of facili- ties for seismic events beyond the design basis may be performed. This is discussed in Appendi
15、x A, which is nonmandatory. Techniques other than those specified in this standard, including experience gained from past earthquakes, special analyses, and testing may also be used. However, such alternative methodologies shall be properly substantiated and shall conform to the in- tent of this sta
16、ndard. In response to changing perceptions of seismic V The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) acknowledges the work of the Nuclear Standards Consensus Committee and the Working Group on Revision of ASCE Standard 4. Nuclear Standards Consensus Committee J. D. Stevenson, Chairman J. Antebi A.
17、 K., Gupta D. L. Becker R. P. Kassawara J. G. Bennett R. P. Kennedy J. F. Costello W. S. LaPay F. Feng T. R. Satyan-Sharma J. P. Gnaedinger P. J. Wang Working Group on Revision of ASCE Standard 4 Seismic Analysis of Safety Related Nuclear Structures R. C. Murray, Chairman T. A. Nelson, Vice-Chairman
18、 J. G. Bennett T. M. Cheng C. J. Costantino (Section 2 Lead) H. J. Dahlke J. M. Eidinger C, R. Farrar R. P. Gallagher L. D. Gerdes R. C. Guenzler A. K. Gupta A. H. Hadjian Q. A. Hossain J. J. Johnson A. F. Kabir N. C. Karanjia R. P. Kassawara R. M. Kenneally C. A. Kircher D. P. Moore (Appendix A Lea
19、d) T. A. Nelson (Section 3.1 & 3.2 Lead) D. A. Nuta (Section 3.3 Lead) E. Odar M. S. Power N. Prasad (Section 3.5 Lead) J. W. Reed S. A. Short A. K. Singh K. M. Vashi (Section 3.4 Lead) Original Working Group on ASCE 4-86 Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related Nuclear Structures R. P. Kennedy, Chairman
20、R. P. Gallagher, Vice-chairman O. B. Abhat R. S. Alexandru L. D. Gerdes A. Chose R. C. Guenzler A. K. Gupta A. H. Hadjian Q. A. Hossain J. J. Johnson A. F. Kabir N. C. Karanjia C. W. Lin D. P. Moore D. A. Nuta M. S. Power J. W. Reed A. K. Singh R. J. Stuart C. V. Subramanian Y. K. Tang G. R. Thiers
21、K. M. Vashi vi STD-ASCE 4-ENGL 1778 W 0757b00 0034270 m CONTENTS PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Standard 1 .o 1.1 I . 2 1.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.0 3.1 GENER AL . INTRODUCTION 1 . 1.1 Purpose 1 . 1.2 Scope . Types of Structures Covered by This Standard Foundation Material Stability 1.1.
22、3 General Requirements . 1 . 1.3.1 Use of Analysis Results . 1.1 3.2 Alternative Methodologies DEFINITIONS NOTATION SEISMIC INPUT . SEISMIC GROUND MOTIONS 2.1 . 1 General Requirements . RESPONSE SPECTRA 2.2.1 General Requirements . 2.2.2 Site-Specific Horizontal Response Spectra . 2.2.3 Site-Indepen
23、dent Horizontal Response Spectra 2.2.4 Vertical Response Spectra . TIME HISTORIES POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY FUNCTIONS 2.4.1 PSD Computed from Time Histories . ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURES SENSITIVE TO LONG PERIOD MOTIONS 2.5.1 Spectral Shape . 2.5.2 Time Histories . ANALYSIS . MODELING OF STR
24、UCTURES . 3 . 1 . 1 General Requirements . Models for Horizontal and Vertical Motions 3 .I . 1.2 Multistep and One-Step Methods of Seismic Response Analysis 3 . 1 . 1.2. I Models for multistep analysis Models for one-step analysis . 3 . 1 . 1.3 Discretization Considerations 3 . 1 .
25、 1.3.1 Selection of finite element type Selection of mesh size 3 .I . 1.3.3 Reduction of dynamic degrees of freedom . 3.1.2 Structural Material Properties . Modulus of Elasticity and Poissons Ratio Concrete . Steel Aluminum Damping . V vi 1 1 1
26、 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 IO IO 10 10 10 10 IO IO IO 10 3.1.3 3 . I . 4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.1.7 3.1.8 Modeling of Stiffness . Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Elements Modeling of Mass Discretization of Mass . Determination of Modal Mass . Modelin
27、g of Damping Proportional damping (Rayleigh damping) . Composite Damping Substructures with Known Damping Ratios . 3.1 52.2 Substructures with Proportional Damping Composite Modal Damping Alternate Composite Modal Damping Modeling of-Hydrodynamic Effects 3
28、.1.6.1 General Requirements Dynamic Analysis Formulation for Submerged Structures . Building Model Hydrodynamic Mass Effects Dynamic Coupling Criteria General Requirements Single-Point Attachment . Multipoint Attachment and Static Constraint . Damping
29、Properties of Structures Requirements for Modeling Specific Structures . General Requirements Structures with rigid floors Structures with flexible floors Requirements for lumped-mass stick models Requirements for Frame Structures
30、 Requirements for Shear-Wall Structures Requirements for Plate and Shell Structures Requirements for Adjacent Structures . 3.2 ANALYSIS OF STRURES . 3.2. I 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 General Requirements . Time History Method . Linear Methods Modal superposition . Dire
31、ct integration . Nonlinear Methods Response Spectrum Method . Linear Methods Nonlinear Methods Complex Frequency Response Method General Requirements Response Time History Methods to Compute Transfer Functions General Requirements Canti
32、lever Models with Uniform Mass Distribution Other Simple Structures . General Requirements Equivalent-Static Method Multiply-Supported Systems General Requirements Time History Method 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17
33、17 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 viii STD-ASCE 4-ENGL 2778 m 0757b00 0034272 T73 m Response Spectrum Method 3.2.7 Combination of Modal and Component Responses Response Spectrum Analysis General modal combination rule . Combin
34、ation of spatial components Multiple response parameters . Combination of Spatial Components for Time History Analysis . 3.3 SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION MODELING AND ANALYSIS . 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 General Requirements . Fixed-Base Analysis Spatial Variations of F
35、ree-Field Motion Three-Dimensional Effects . Nonlinear Behavior of Soil . Structure-to-Structure Interaction . Effect of Mat and Lateral Wall Flexibility Uncertainties in SS1 Analysis 3.3. I . 8 Model of Structure Embedment Effects . Wave Inco
36、herence . Subsurface Material Roperties . General Requirements Shear Modulus . Material (Hysteretic) Damping Ratio Poissons Ratio . Direct Method . Seismic Input for Model Boundaries Lower Boundary . Selection of Lateral Boundaries . So
37、il Element Size . Time Step and Frequency Increment Impedance Method . Determination of Input Motion . Determination of Foundation Impedance Functions Equivalent foundation dimensions Uniform soil sites Layered soil sites . Embedded fou
38、ndations Analysis of Coupled Soil-Structural System 3.4 INPUT FOR SUBSYSTEM SEISMIC ANALYSIS . 3.4.1 General Requirements . Types of Seismic Input for Subsystem Analysis . Direction and Locations for In-Structure Response Spectra or Time Histories In-Structure Displac
39、ements and Rotations . Methods for Generation of In-Structure Response Spectra . Time history method Frequency Interval for Generation of In-Structure Response Spectra . Treatment of Uncertainties in Generating In-Structure Response Subsystem Input Away from Reference Location . 3.4.2 In-Structure Response Spectra Direct spectra-to-spectra methods . Spectra CONTENTS 22 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32
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