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ASCE 65-17-2017 Calculation of the Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Fine-Grained Soils.pdf

1、ASCE STANDARDANSI/ASCE/EWRI65-17Calculation of the Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Fine-Grained Soils ASCE STANDARD ANSI/ASCE/EWRI65-17Calculation of theSaturated HydraulicConductivity ofFine-Grained SoilsPUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERSLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publi

2、cation DataNames: American Society of Civil Engineers.Title: Calculation of the saturated hydraulic conductivity of ne-grained soils: ASCESTANDARD, ANSI/ASCE/EWRI 65-17.Other titles: ASCE STANDARD, ANSI/ASCE/EWRI 65-17Description: Reston, Virginia : American Society of Civil Engineers, 2017 | Includ

3、esbibliographical references and index.Identiers: LCCN 2017003718 | ISBN 9780784414347 (soft cover) | ISBN 9780784480496(PDF)Subjects: LCSH: SoilsTestingStandardsUnited States. | Soil permeabilityMeasurementStandardsUnited States. | Groundwater owMeasurementStandardsUnited States.Classication: LCC T

4、A710.5 .C345 2017 | DDC 624.1/5136dc23 LC record available athttps:/ by American Society of Civil Engineers1801 Alexander Bell DriveReston, Virginia, | ascelibrary.orgThis standard was developed by a consensus standards development pro

5、cess which has beenaccredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Accreditation by ANSI, avoluntary accreditation body representing public and private sector standards developmentorganizations in the United States and abroad, signies that the standards developmentprocess used by ASC

6、E has met the ANSI requirements for openness, balance, consensus, anddue process.While ASCEs process is designed to promote standards that reect a fair and reasonedconsensus among all interested participants, while preserving the public health, safety, andwelfare that is paramount to its mission, it

7、 has not made an independent assessment of anddoes not warrant the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or utility of any information,apparatus, product, or process discussed herein. ASCE does not intend, nor shouldanyone interpret, ASCEs standards to replace the sound judgment of a competentprofess

8、ional, having knowledge and experience in the appropriate eld(s) of practice, norto substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting andapplying the contents of this standard.ASCE has no authority to enforce compliance with its standards and does not undertake tocer

9、tify products for compliance or to render any professional services to any person or entity.ASCE disclaims any and all liability for any personal injury, property damage, nancial loss, orother damages of any nature whatsoever, including without limitation any direct, indirect, special,exemplary, or

10、consequential damages, resulting from any persons use of, or reliance on, thisstandard. Any individual who relies on this standard assumes full responsibility for such use.ASCE and American Society of Civil EngineersRegistered in U.S. Patent and TrademarkOfce.Photocopies and permissions. Permission

11、to photocopy or reproduce material from ASCEpublications can be requested by sending an e-mail to or by locating atitle in the ASCE Library (http:/ and using the “Permissions” link.Errata: Errata, if any, can be found at http:/

12、right 2017 by the American Society of Civil Engineers.All Rights Reserved.ISBN 978-0-7844-1434-7 (print)ISBN 978-0-7844-8049-6 (PDF)Manufactured in the United States of America.24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 1 2 3 4 5ASCE STANDARDSIn 2014, the Board of Direction approved revisions to the ASCERules for Stan

13、dards Committees to govern the writing andmaintenance of standards developed by ASCE. All such stan-dards are developed by a consensus standards process managedby the ASCE Codes and Standards Committee (CSC). Theconsensus process includes balloting by a balanced standardscommittee, and reviewing dur

14、ing a public comment period. Allstandards are updated or reafrmed by the same process every5 to 10 years. Requests for formal interpretations shall be pro-cessed in accordance with Section 7 of ASCE Rules for Stan-dards Committees which are available at Errata,addenda, supplements, and

15、 interpretations, if any, for this stan-dard can also be found at ANSI/ASCE/EWRI 65-17, Calculation of theSaturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Fine-Grained Soils wasapproved by the Codes and Standards Committee with a waiverfor the units in the standard. The waiver is for only I

16、nternationalSystem of Units (SI) to be used in the standard.This standard has been prepared in accordance with recog-nized engineering principles and should not be used without theusers competent knowledge for a given application. The publi-cation of this standard by ASCE is not intended to warrant

17、thatthe information contained therein is suitable for any general orspecic use, and ASCE takes no position respecting the validityof patent rights. The user is advised that the determination ofpatent rights or risk of infringement is entirely their ownresponsibility.A complete list of currently avai

18、lable standards is availablein the ASCE Library (http:/ page intentionally left blankCONTENTSPREFACE . viiACKNOWLEDGMENTS . ix1 SCOPE 12 TERMINOLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

19、 33 SUMMARY OF THE CONSOLIDATION TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.1 Incremental Loading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.2 Deformation, Strain, Void Ratio, and Coefcient of Compressibility . .

20、 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 CHANGES IN STRESS AND DEFORMATION OF STRATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 VARIABLE PROPERTIES OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 DATA FOR EXAMPLE CONSOLIDATION TEST . . . . . .

21、. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116.1 The Axial Strain versus Vertical Effective Stress and Void Ratio versus Effective Stress Curves . . . . . 117 CALCULATION METHODOLOGY FOR VARIABLES Ksat, k, AND n OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS . . . . . . 137.1 Calculation of the Compressibility

22、Coefcient (av). 137.2 Calculation of the Coefcient of Consolidation (cv) 137.3 Calculation of the Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (Ksat). 147.4 Calculation of the Permeability (k). 157.5 Calculation of the Porosity (n). 168 ANOTHER APPROACH: FLEXIBLE-WALL PERMEAMETER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

23、 . . . . . . . . . . . 179 SECONDARY CONSOLIDATION SETTLEMENT: KsatAT CONSTANT STRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1910 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2111 NOTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

24、. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23INDEX . 25Calculation of the Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Fine-Grained Soils vThis page intentionally left blankPREFACEThis is a standard guideline for calculating saturated hydraulicconductivity (Ksat), permeability (k), and

25、 porosity (n)ofne-grained soils using (1) strain-stress data from the incrementalloading of a soil sample in a standardized consolidometer (step-load test), (2) one-dimensional vertical consolidation theoryrelating Ksatto the coefcient of consolidation (cv), (3) therelation between Ksatand k, and (4

26、) the relation between theporosity and the void ratio of a soil undergoing primaryconsolidation. An undisturbed soil specimen is inserted in aconsolidometer and subjected to incremental vertical loadsallowing axial (vertical) drainage. The vertical axial deforma-tion of the soil specimen is measured

27、 as a function of elapsedtesting time through various cycles of incremental loading untilthe end of the consolidation test. The measured deformation isgraphed as a function of the log10of time or the square root oftime for each increment of vertical load. These graphs are usedto calculate the coefci

28、ent of consolidation for each loadingincrement applied to the soil specimen. Terzaghis (1925) one-dimensional (1D) vertical consolidation theory relating Ksattocvis then applied to calculate Ksatfor each increment of verticalload applied to the soil specimen.The permeability and porosityof the soil

29、sample decrease with increasing applied vertical loadaccording to known laws. The permeability and porosity of thetested soil specimen are calculated for each load increment aswell. The calculated Ksat, k, and porosity yield a series of pairsof values (Ksat, vertical effective stress; k, vertical ef

30、fectivestress; and porosity, vertical effective stress) that are graphed toproduce relations between (1) Ksatand vertical effective stress,(2) permeability and vertical effective stress, and (3) porosityand vertical effective stress. This standard guideline demon-strates the relation between 1D cons

31、olidation and land subsi-dence driven by groundwater withdrawal, highlighting therelevance of strain-stress phenomena observed in consolid-ometer testing to the groundwater-induced phenomenon of landsubsidence (consolidation of compressible strata by groundwa-ter withdrawal). The increase in vertica

32、l effective stress causedby declining pore water pressure during sustained groundwaterextraction; the changes effected by groundwater withdrawal onKsat, k, and porosity; and the associated land subsidence are theprimary foci of this standard guideline. This standardsmeth-odology can be applied to re

33、ne or improve calculations of landsubsidence, groundwater ow predictions, and transport ofdissolved solutes moving in groundwater through ne-grainedsoils. The methods of this standard guideline are limited to ne-grained, compressible, inorganic soils. Highly organic soils(peat) exhibit anomalous pri

34、mary and secondary consolidationnot within the scope of this standard guideline.This standard guideline represents the consensus of the Stan-dards Committee on Fitting of Hydraulic Conductivity usingStatistical Spatial Estimation (called KSTAT) of the StandardsDevelopment Council (SDC) of the Enviro

35、nmental and WaterResources Institute (EWRI) of ASCE. This standard guideline isthe fourth in a series of standards that seeks to enhance theprobabilistic and empirical characterization and understanding ofthe saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), a key groundwaterparameter. The KSTAT Standards Co

36、mmittee has published threecompanion standard guidelines: Standard ASCE/EWRI 50-08(ASCE 2008a), Standard ASCE/EWRI 51-08 (ASCE 2008b),and Standard ASCE/EWRI 54-10 (ASCE 2010). StandardASCE/EWRI 50-08 addresses the optimal tting of saturatedhydraulic conductivity (Ksat) with skewed probability densit

37、yfunctions (pdfs). Standard ASCE/EWRI 51-08 deals with theestimation of the effective saturated hydraulic conductivity, aparameter that relates the average specic discharge to the averagehydraulic gradient. Standard ASCE/EWRI 54-10 presents a meth-odology for the geostatistical interpolation and blo

38、ck averaging ofKsatin statistically homogeneous and isotropic aquifers.The formulas in this standard guideline require that all theirvalues be expressed in the same system of units, be it theInternational System of Units (SI) (meter, second, Newton, etc.)or the common system of units in the United S

39、tates (feet, second,pound, etc.).The provisions of this document are written in permissivelanguage and, as such, offer to the user a series of options orinstructions but do not prescribe a specic course of action.Signicant judgment is left to the user of this document.ASCE does not endorse commercia

40、l spreadsheets, numericalsoftware, or testing methods produced by other organizationscited in this standard guideline. Any such products are cited inthis standard guideline to illustrate possible ways of carrying outcalculations and conducting experimental tests. It is left to theusers discretion to

41、 choose and verify the accuracy of whichevercomputational technique or testing method to apply to implementthe methodology.Calculation of the Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Fine-Grained Soils viiThis page intentionally left blankACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe American Society of Civil Engineers and the Env

42、ironmentaland Water Resources Institute acknowledge the work of theStandards Committee on Fitting of Hydraulic ConductivityUsing Statistical Spatial Estimation (called KSTAT). The com-mittee members are professionals from academic, governmental,and private sectors. The current members of the Standar

43、ds Com-mittee on Fitting of Hydraulic Conductivity Using StatisticalSpatial Estimation areNazeer Ahmed, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCETeresa Culver, Ph.D, M.ASCEMacan Doroudian, Ph.D, P.E., G.E., M.ASCEMohamed M. Hantush, Ph.D., M.ASCEPaul F. Hudak, Ph.D.Hugo A. Loiciga (Chairman), Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCEMiguel A.

44、 Marino, Ph.D., Dist.M.ASCELaurent M. Meillier, P.G.Chin Man W. Mok, Ph.D., P.E., P.G., G.E., D.WRE, D.GE,F.ASCE, F.EWRIKok-Kwang Phoon, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCEGeorge F. Pinder, Ph.D., Dist.M.ASCEAnand J. Puppala, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCEMark Henry Rubarenzya, Ph.D., D.WRE, M.ASCEZhuping Sheng, Ph.D. P.E., P

45、.H., F.ASCEParmeshwar L. Shrestha, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, M.ASCEStewart W. Taylor, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCEFrank T.-C. Tsai, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCEWilliam W.-G. Yeh, Ph.D., Dist.M.ASCECalculation of the Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Fine-Grained Soils ixThis page intentionally left blankCHAPTER 1SCOPEThi

46、s is a standard guideline for calculating the saturated hydraulicconductivity (Ksat), permeability (k), and porosity (n)ofne-grained, isotropic, and homogeneous soils using (1) strain-stressdata from the incremental loading of a soil sample in a standard-ized consolidometer (step-load test), (2) 1D

47、vertical consolida-tion theory relating Ksatto the coefcient of consolidation (cv),(3) the relation between Ksatand k, and (4) the relation betweenporosity and the void ratio of a soil undergoing primary consoli-dation. An undisturbed soil specimen is inserted in a consolid-ometer and subjected to i

48、ncremental vertical loads allowing axial(vertical) drainage. The vertical axial deformation of the soilspecimen is measured as a function of elapsed testing timethrough several cycles of incremental loading until the end ofthe consolidation test. The measured deformation is graphed as afunction of t

49、he log10of time or the square root of time for eachincrement of vertical load. These graphs are used to calculate thecoefcient of consolidation for each load increment applied tothe soil specimen. (Casagrandes unpublished work of 1938and Taylors 1948 graphical methods are commonly used.)Terzaghis (1925) 1D vertical consolidation theory relating Ksatto cvis then used to calculate Ksatfor each increment of verticalload applied to the soil specimen. The permeability and porosity ofthe soil sample decrease with increasing applied vertical

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