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本文(ASCE MOP 94-1998 Inland Navigation Locks Dams and Channels《内河航行 锁 坝和通道 购买热线 1-800-854-7179(美国和加拿大)或303-397-7956(全球)》.pdf)为本站会员(tireattitude366)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASCE MOP 94-1998 Inland Navigation Locks Dams and Channels《内河航行 锁 坝和通道 购买热线 1-800-854-7179(美国和加拿大)或303-397-7956(全球)》.pdf

1、 ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 94Inland Navigation:Locks, Dams, andChannelsBruce L. McCartney, ChairJohn GeorgeB.K. LeeMark LindgrenFrank NeilsonPublished byJC/*C American Society9lME of Civil Engineers1801 Alexander Bell DriveReston, Virginia 20191 -4400Abstract:Inland Naviga

2、tion: Locks, Dams, and Channels (ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Prac-tice No. 94) was prepared by a task committee of the Waterways Committee, which is part ofthe Waterways, Ports, Coastal, and Ocean Division. The Manual provides information on plan-ning, design, construction, and operation

3、 of the US waterways used by barge traffic. Most ofthe information comes from design criteria and more than 100 years of experience of the USArmy Corps of Engineers. The Corps has built more than 220 lock and dam projects on USwaterways and maintains more than 25,000 miles of inland navigation chann

4、els. This Manualalso includes an inventory of the Corps Lock and Dam projects and six case histories.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataInland navigation : locks, dams, and channels / Bruce L. McCartney. et al.p. cm.(ASCE manuals and reports on engineering practice ; no. 94)Includes b

5、ibliographical references (p. ).ISBN 0-7844-0320-11. Inland navigationUnited States. I. McCartney, Bruce L. II. Series.TC623.I55 1998627.10973dc21 98-13187CIPThe material presented in this publication has been prepared in accordance with generallyrecognized engineering principles and practices, and

6、is for general information only. This infor-mation should not be used without first securing competent advice with respect to its suitabilityfor any general or specific application.The contents of this publication are not intended to be and should not be construed to be astandard of the American Soc

7、iety of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and are not intended for use as areference in purchase of specifications, contracts, regulations, statutes, or any other legal docu-ment.No reference made in this publication to any specific method, product, process, or serviceconstitutes or implies an endorsement, rec

8、ommendation, or warranty thereof by ASCE.ASCE makes no representation or warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, con-cerning the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or utility of any information, apparatus, prod-uct, or process discussed in this publication, and assumes no liability there

9、fore.Anyone utilizing this information assumes all liability arising from such use, including butnot limited to infringement of any patent or patents.Photocopies: Authorization to photocopy material for internal or personal use under circum-stances not falling within the fair use provisions of the C

10、opyright Act is granted by ASCE tolibraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) TransactionalReporting Service, provided that the base fee of $8.00 per chapter plus $.50 per page is paiddirectly to CCC, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. The identification for AS

11、CE Books is0-7844-0320-l/98/$8.00 + $.50 per page. Requests for special permission or bulk copying shouldbe addressed to Permissions noris it so elementary or so conclusive as to provide a “rule of thumb“ for non-engineers.Furthermore, material in this series, in distinction from a paper (whichexpre

12、ssed only one persons observations or opinions), is the work of a com-mittee or group selected to assemble and express informaton on a specifictopic. As often as practicable the committee is under the direction of one ormore of the Technical Divisions and Councils, and the product evolved hasbeen su

13、bjected to review by the Executive Committee of the Division orCouncil. As a step in the process of this review, proposed manuscripts areoften brought before the members of the Technical Divisions and Councilsfor comment, which may serve as the basis for improvement. When pub-lished, each work shows

14、 the names of the committees by which it was com-piled and indicates clearly the several processes through which it has passedin review, in order that its merit may be definitely understood.In February 1962 (and revised in April 1982) the Board of Direction votedto establish:A series entitled “Manua

15、ls and Reports on Engineering Practice,“to include the Manuals published and authorized to date, futureManuals of Professional Practice, and Reports on EngineeringPractice. All such Manual or Report material of the Society wouldhave been refereed in a manner approved by the Board Commit-tee on Publi

16、cations and would be bound, with applicable discus-sion, in books similar to past Manuals. Numbering would be con-secutive and would be a continuation of present Manualnumbers. In some cases of reports of joint committees, bypassingof Journal publications may be authorized.MANUALS AND REPORTSOF ENGI

17、NEERING PRACTICENo. Title No. Title13 Filtering Materials for SewageTreatment Plants14 Accommodation of Utility PlantWithin the Rights-of-Way of UrbanStreets and Highways34 Definitions of Surveying andAssociated Terms35 A List of Translations of ForeignLiterature on Hydraulics37 Design and Construct

18、ion of Sanitaryand Storm Sewers40 Ground Water Management41 Plastic Design in Steel: A Guide andCommentary45 Consulting Engineering: A Guide forthe Engagement of EngineeringServices46 Report on Pipeline Location47 Selected Abstracts on StructuralApplications of Plastics49 Urban Planning Guide50 Plan

19、ning and Design Guidelines forSmall Craft Harbors51 Survey of Current StructuralResearch52 Guide for the Design of SteelTransmission Towers53 Criteria for Maintenance ofMultilane Highways54 Sedimentation Engineering55 Guide to Employment Conditionsfor Civil Engineers57 Management, Operation andMaint

20、enance of Irrigation andDrainage Systems59 Computer Pricing Practices60 Gravity Sanitary Sewer Design andConstruction62 Existing Sewer Evaluation andRehabilitation63 Structural Plastics Design Manual64 Manual on Engineering Surveying65 Construction Cost Control66 Structural Plastics Selection Manual

21、67 Wind Tunnel Model Studies ofBuildings and Structures68 Aeration: A Wastewater TreatmentProcess69 Sulfide in Wastewater Collection andTreatment Systems70 Evapotranspiration and IrrigationWater Requirements71 Agricultural Salinity Assessment andManagement72 Design of Steel Transmission PoleStructur

22、es73 Quality in the Constructed Project: AGuide for Owners, Designers, andConstructors74 Guidelines for ElectricalTransmission Line StructuralLoading75 Right-of-Way Surveying76 Design of Municipal WastewaterTreatment Plants77 Design and Construction of UrbanStormwater Management Systems78 Structural

23、 Fire Protection79 Steel Penstocks80 Ship Channel Design81 Guidelines for Cloud Seeding toAugment Precipitation82 Odor Control in WastewaterTreatment Plants83 Environmental Site Investigation84 Mechanical Connections in WoodStructures85 Quality of Ground Water86 Operation and Maintenance ofGround Wa

24、ter Facilities87 Urban Runoff Quality Manual88 Management of Water TreatmentPlant Residuals89 Pipeline Crossings90 Guide to Structural Optimization91 Design of Guyed ElectricalTransmission Structures92 Manhole Inspection andRehabilitation93 Crane Safety on Construction Sites94 Inland Navigation: Loc

25、ks, Dams, andChannelsTABLE OF CONTENTS1 INTRODUCTION 11.1 Purpose1.2 Historical Development1.3 Background 21.4 Scope1.5 Design Philosophy 41.6 Safety 41.7 Efficiency 51.8 Reliability2 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 72.1 Justification 72.2 Preliminary Planning2.3 Evaluation of Existing Streams 72.4 Commoditi

26、es to be Moved 82.5 Features Considered2.6 Waterway Types2.7 OpenRiver 82.8 Canalized Streams 92.9 Canals 92.10 Basis of Selection 102.11 Cost Estimates 02.12 Basic Project Components 102.13 Supplemental Project Components 112.14 Checklist for Studies Required 13 PROJECT PARAMETERS 133.1 Hydrology 1

27、33.1.1 General 33.1.2 Basin Description 133.1.3 Hydrologie Data MinimumFlows 4vvi INLAND NAVIGATION3.1.3.2 Normal Flows Maximum Flows 43.1.4 Hydrologie Data Sources Streamflow Records Climatological Records 53.1.5 Hydrologie Model 153.1.6 Flow Computations 73.1.

28、6.1 Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) Standard Project Flood (SPF) Flood Frequencies Flow Duration 73.2 Hydraulics 173.2.1 General 73.2.2 Channel Discharge Rating Curves Stream Changes Backwater Effects 83.2.3 Water-Surface Profiles Computation Pr

29、ocedures Multiple Computations Profile Plots 193.2.4 Specific Profile Uses Real Estate Relocations Lock and Dam Features Groundwater Table 203.2.5 Navigation Pool Level Stability Project Purposes DamHead 213.3 Sedimentation 1

30、3.3.1 General 13.3.2 Problems 13.3.3 Sediment Data Needs 223.3.4 Sedimentation Study 23.3.5 Analysis Tools 23.3.6 Sediment Control Measures 233.4 Ice Conditions 243.4.1 General 43.5 Source 44 WATERWAY TRAFFIC 254.1 General 254.2 Towboat Controls 74.3 Maneuverability of Tows 304.4 Visibility 324.5 Ef

31、fects of Currents 24.6 Source 2CONTENTS vii5 CHANNEL SIZE AND ALIGNMENT 335.1 General 335.1.1 Channel Characteristics 35.1.2 Channel Dimensions 335.1.3 Channel Requirements 45.2 ChannelDesign 345.2.1 Channel Cross-Section 345.3 Channel in Straight Reaches 55.3.1 Minimum Width 55.3.2 Minimum Crossing

32、 Distance 355.4 Channel Widths in Bends 365.4.1 Orientation of Tows in Bends 65.4.2 Determining Channel Widths Required in Bends 385.4.3 Deflection Angles 405.4.4 Irregular Bank Line 75.4.5 Basis of Design 75.5 Bridge Location and Qearances 485.5.1 Location 485.5.2 Clearances 85.5 Source 86 OPEN-RIV

33、ER NAVIGATION 496.1 General 496.2 Cost 96.3 Factors Affecting Navigation 496.4 Feasibility Study 506.5 Source 07 CHARACTERISTICS OF NATURAL STREAMS 517.1 General 517.1.1 Natural Streams 517.1.2 Sedimentation Problems 517.1.3 Sediment Load 17.1.4 Third Dimension 27.2 Shoaling Problems 527.2.1 Deposit

34、ion 27.2.2 Stage and Discharge 37.2.3 Low-Water Profiles 537.2.4 Meandering Channels 37.2.5 ScourinBends 47.2.6 Sediment Movement 547.2.7 Crossings 547.2.8 Straight Channels 67.2.9 Divided Channels 67.2.10 Tributary Streams 567.2.11 Entrances to Canals and Harbors 577.3 Source 58viii INLAND NAVIGATI

35、ON8 RIVER TRAINING WORKS 598.1 General 598.1.1 Requirement 98.2 Dredging 98.2.1 Corrective Dredging 598.3 Channel Stabilization 608.3.1 BankErosion 08.3.2 Types of Protection 08.4 Cutoffs 608.4.1 Purpose and Method 608.4.2 OldBendways 18.5 Training Structures 28.5.1 General 628.5.2 Spur Dikes 28.5.3

36、 Longitudinal Dikes 638.5.4 Vane Dikes 38.5.5 L-Head Dikes 38.5.6 Closure Dikes 48.5.7 Bendway Weirs 648.5.8 Examples of River Training Works 648.6 Source 659 LOCK AND DAM SYSTEMS 759.1 Factors Involved 759.1.1 General 59.1.2 Locks in Stream Channels 759.1.3 Other Considerations 69.2 Channel Alignme

37、nt 769.2.1 Effects of Channel Alignment 769.2.2 Locks on Concave Side of Bend 69.2.3 Locks on Convex Side of Bends 69.2.4 Bypass Canals 779.2.5 Factors tobe Considered 799.3 Locks in Canals 99.3.0 EffectsonNavigation 99.3.2 Upper Canal Entrance 799.3.3 Two-Way Traffic 809.3.4 Flow Across Adjacent Ov

38、erbank 809.3.5 LockFilling 09.3.6 Reduction of Surges in Canal 09.3.7 Upper Lock Approach 819.3.8 Lower Lock Approach 19.4 Lock Auxiliary Walls 29.4.1 Guide Walls 829.4.2 UpperGuideWall 29.4.3 Lower Guide Wall 29.4.4 Guard Walls 39.4.5 Upper Guard WaU 83CONTENTS ix9.4.6 Lower Guard WaU 849.5 Arrange

39、ment of Locksand Auxiliary Walls 849.5.1 Single Lock 49.5.2 Adjacent Locks 69.6 New Arrangements of Locks and Auxiliary Walls 889.6.1 General 889.6.2 Upper Lock Walls with Adjacent Locks 889.6.3 Lower Lock Walls with Adjacent Locks 909.6.4 Separation of Locks 919.6.5 Upper Approach 29.6.6 Lower Appr

40、oach 29.6.7 Locks in Canal 29.7 Upper Lock Approach 929.7.1 Navigation Conditions 29.7.2 Ports in Guard WaU 49.7.3 Effects of Ports on Movement of Ice and Debris 949.7.4 Channel Depths 959.7.5 OverbankFlow 59.8 Lower Lock Approach 69.8.1 Currents Affecting Navigation 969.8.2 Guide and Guard Walls 79

41、.8.3 OverbankFlow 989.9 Shoaling in Lock Approaches 89.9.1 Upper Lock Approach 89.9.2 Lower Lock Approach 999.9.3 Reducing Shoaling in Lower Approach 999.10 Lock-Emptying Outlets 1009.10.1 Location of Outlets 09.10.2 River Side of Locks 1029.10.3 Outlets on Land Side and River Side of Lock 1029.10.4

42、 Surges in Canals 1029.10.5 Filling from and Emptying into Adjacent River Channel 1039.11 Hydroplants 1039.11.1 Effects of Operation 1039.11.2 Reduction of Adverse Currents 1059.12 Source 10510 LOCKDESIGN 710.1 Project Function 10710.1.1 Primary Components 10710.1.1.1 Upper Approach 710.1.1.2 Lock C

43、hamber 10710.1.1.3 Filling-and-Emptying System 10810.1.1.4 Lower Approach 10810.1.2 SpecialNeeds 10810.1.3 Classification Systems 10910.1.3.1 Project Classification (Lift) 10910.1.3.2 Design Classification (Filling-and-Emptying Systems) 109x INLAND NAVIGATION10.1.4 Chamber Performance 10910.1.4.1 Su

44、rf ace Currents and Turbulence 10910.1.4.2 Drift of Free Tows 10910.1.4.3 Hawser Forces 910.1.5 Application 11210.2 Chamber Alternatives 210.2.1 General 210.2.2 Number of Parallel Chambers 11210.2.3 Chamber Dimensions 11210.2.4 Chamber Types 310.2.4.1 Ship Locks 11310.2.4.2 Great Lakes Shipping 1131

45、 Deep Drafts 11310.2.4.4 Recreational Locks 11410.2.4.5 Repair Facilities 410.3 Foundation and Structure Concerns 11410.3.1 Hydraulic Loading 11410.3.2 Chamber Structure 410.3.2.1 Concrete Lock Structures 11510.3.2.2 Sheetpile Structures 11510.3.2.3 Earth Embankments 810.3.3 Guide and Guard W

46、alls 11810.3.4 Other Structures 11910.4 Filling and Emptying 910.4.1 Project Type 910.4.1.1 Maximum Navigation Lift 11910.4.1.2 Chamber Navigation Constraints 11910.4.2 Design Type 12010.4.2.1 Very-Low-Lifts (0-10ft) 12010.4.2.2 Low-Lifts (10-30/40 ft) 12210.4.2.3 High-Lifts (30/40-100 ft) 12210.4.3

47、 Lateral Culverts 12210.4.3.1 Slow Valving Rigid Valve Times 12210.4.3.3 Harmonic Osculations 310.4.3.4 Synchronous Valving 12310.4.4 Features 12310.4.4.1 Intake System 12310.4.4.2 Filling Valve System 12310.4.4.3 Culvert-to-Chamber System 12310.4.4.4 Chamber System 12310.4.4.5 Emptying Va

48、lve System 12310.4.4.6 OuetSystem 12310.4.5 Recent Designs 12410.5 Appurtenant Concerns 410.5.1 Navigation Aids 12410.5.2 Surge Reduction 410.5.3 Impact Barriers 131CONTENTS xi10.5.4 Water Saving 13110.5.5 Dewatering 110.5.6 Emergency Closure 13210.5.7 Debris Control 210.6 Filling-and-Emptying Featu

49、re Design 13310.6.1 General 13310.6.2 Sill Spacing Parameters 13310.6.2.1 Lower and Upper Miter Gates 13310.6.2.2 Lower and Upper Sector Gates 310.6.2.3 Lower Miter and Upper Submergible. Tainter Gates 13310.6.2.4 Other Gates 13410.6.3 Sill Spacing 13410.6.4 Location of Intake Structures 13410.6.5 LockFilling 410.6.5.1 Very-Low-Lift Designs 13510.6.5.2 Low-Lift Designs 13510.6.5.3 High-Lift Designs 610.6.6 Chamber Depth 13610.6.6.1 Very-Low-Lift Designs (Q-10 ft) 13610.6.6.2 Low-Lift Designs (10-30/40

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