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本文(ASHRAE AN-04-10-1-2004 Local Energy Plans - A Way to Improve the Energy Balance and the Environmental Impact of the Cities Case Study of Barcelona《当地能源计划— 一种以改善城市的能量平衡和环境影响的方式 案例研究.pdf)为本站会员(刘芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASHRAE AN-04-10-1-2004 Local Energy Plans - A Way to Improve the Energy Balance and the Environmental Impact of the Cities Case Study of Barcelona《当地能源计划— 一种以改善城市的能量平衡和环境影响的方式 案例研究.pdf

1、AN-04- 1 O- 1 Local Energy Plans-A Way to Improve the Energy Balance and the Environmental Impact of the Cities: Case Study of Barcelona A. Ivancic, Ph.D. J. Lao ABSTRACT Energy use and its environmental impact is one ofthe most pressing problems facing our society. The plan for energy improvement i

2、n Barcelona is the jrst approximation to the structured knowledge of energy and related environmental situation for the city of Barcelona (Spain). Fthin the plan, diferent tools have been developed. The main aims of the specijkally developed tools are the city energy balance anal- ysis, future scena

3、rios evaluation, and cost benejt optimiza- tion. The set of developed tools is found to be very useful in the decision-making process for community planning purposes. An important amount ofdata have been linkedwith thecity database, with building-by-building information using a geographical informat

4、ion system (GIS). The same data have been introduced into an energy and environmental balance simulator of the city, a global tool developed within the Plan that is able to calculate the total andsectorial energy and emis- sion balances of the city for different situations, such as the base yeal; or

5、for diferentscenarios. The balance simulator has been calibrated for the base yeal; taking into account the real use data provided by the utilities. In this papel; the approach to local energyplanning and the basic methodology are explained. Furthermore, as an example, the housing sector analysis is

6、 explained in more details. INTRODUCTION Contemporary society is increasingly based on urban settlements, which, in turn, consume vast amounts of energy. According to estimates made by experts in the field, 75% of the worlds energy use goes to maintaining cities complex organization. J. Salom, Ph.D.

7、 J. Pascual Cities can be considered ecosystems. Understanding an ecosystem involves comprehending its internal flows, interre- lationships, and processes. Thus, the flow of energy, materials, and information all determine a citys relationship with its surroundings and the environment. This knowledg

8、e is vital if one is to grasp the nature of the beast. In this context, it is worth noting the local authoritys three functions in this field: (1) on matters concerning use (acting as a consumer, manager, efficiency booster, urban development regulator, and defender of the interests of other consume

9、rs); (2) as a party implicated in regulating the quality of services; and (3) as a promoter of new initiatives-particularly those concerning renewable energy sources (including urban waste treatment). In addition to these three functions, the local authority also exercises local legislative powers,

10、although these are necessarily conditioned by the powers enjoyed by higher tiers of government. The city scale is a good measure for effective energy plan- ning. Such scale offers the possibility to carry out detailed project development and evaluation within the planning process, as well as to fore

11、see quite precisely the impact of proposed measures. However, some problems still appear: a lot of decisions related to energy policies, investments, and public subsidies are made on other political levels. When one thinks about the public subsidies, it should be kept in mind that both energy-effici

12、ent and environmentally friendly technolo- gies, as well as the “not so friendly” options, are subject to the public aids. Even if the citylmunicipality may be a very good working unit, other inconveniences may appear: sometimes the admin- istrative boundaries do not fit well with the logical (syste

13、m) boundaries. The typical problem appears with all kinds of A. Ivancic is energy department director and J. Lao is project manager at Barcelona Regional S.A., Barcelona, Spain. J. Salom is technical director and J. Pascual is a consulting engineer at AIGUASOL Enginyeria, Barcelona, Spain. O2004 ASH

14、RAE. 583 network infrastructures that obey a functional system and not an administrative one. This paper summarizes the methodology applied in the process of the plan for energy improvement in Barcelona. The plan covers the main activity sectors in the city. The residen- tial, tertiary, transport, a

15、nd municipal energy use sectors have been studied separately and are analyzed in terms of their combined impact. Municipal solid waste has also been stud- ied, given that it gives rise to considerable greenhouse gas (GHG) emission but could also provide a valuable source of energy if the right treat

16、ment processes are adopted. In order to explain this in more detail, the methodology is analyzed and the results for the residential building sector are presented in this paper. PLAN FOR ENERGY IMPROVEMENT IN BARCELONA Concern for the environment in Barcelona has led to growing interest in limiting

17、the environmental impact of energy use, This interest has been manifested in various proposals for, and agreements on, improvements in energy efficiency and the introduction of renewable energy sources. Some important projects have been carried out under the municipal leadership in previous years. T

18、he most important ones are the solar domestic hot water (DHW) bylaw, which requires the use of solar hot water systems in new buildings, promotion of the new district heating and cooling systems with energy efficiency criteria, 100 kW PV installation in the city council building, energy-saving measu

19、res introduced as a refurbishment criteria in some municipal buildings, etc. Barcelona is, therefore, committed to fostering energy efi- ciency and the use of clean, renewable energy sources. But, until the comprehensive energy planning process started, energy-related projects had been done in an ad

20、-hoc or a rather intuitive way. One of the important facts in the decision- making process is to know the significance of a defined project in the general scope of the city in terms of energy and envi- ronment. Such evaluation may be done in the framework of a local energy plan. Furthermore, in orde

21、r to be able to compare multiple possibilities regarding different technologies and different uses of energy and to optimize the efforts, it is neces- sary to have well-established protocols of project evaluation with feasible and homogeneous criteria. From this emerges the necessity for a local ene

22、rgy plan as an ordered understanding of the “city as a system,” relation- ships between energy flow and system functioning, energy flow and city development. In this way, the local energy plan becomes an important decision-making tool for conscientious policy creation. The energy plan has the follow

23、ing objectives: Reduction in atmospheric emissions. Reduction in the use of nonrenewable energy. These objectives are conditioned by cultural and techno- logical factors. The strategy for attaining these objectives is to increase the use of clean energy; increase the use of renewable energy sources;

24、 and reduce energy use while maintaining goods production, welfare, and mobility. The Plan for Energy Improvement in Barcelona (PEIB) is the first approximation to the structured knowledge of the energy sector in Barcelona. It is a tool that can be upgraded with new information and knowledge in orde

25、r to help in multi- disciplinary town planning and decision-making processes. The PEIB analyzes the present situation, as well as measures to be undertaken in the future. The analysis of the present situation contains a state-of-the-art energy sector, global energy flows, studies by sectors, forecas

26、t of future energy demand based on the trends, as well as the final diag- nosis. This part is called base analysis and diagnosis of the energy flows in Barcelona (BAEB). Furthermore, within the PEIB, there are the action plan for energy saving and emis- sions reduction (APE) (Ivancic et al. 2002; Ba

27、rcelona Regional 2002), with some objectives and strategies for the development of actuation programs with projects and specific actions and an analysis of this in future scenarios. The plan- ning process is schematically presented in Figure 1. The PEIB is intended to pave the way for a series of pr

28、ograms covering energy, economic, and environmental matters-an action plan (APE). This offers practical guidelines that are expressed through various planning instruments: plan- ning regulations, internai city council initiatives, direct invest- ments (some schemes are already up and running), campa

29、igns fostering private initiatives, co-operation with energy provid- ers, etc. Many of these measures will be put into effect once the PEIB receives final approval. The action plan has provided an invaluable source of information regarding qualitative and quantitative aspects of Barcelonas energy sy

30、stem (BAEB). This has been possible thanks to the development of powerful Figure 1 Planning process: phases and effort vs. time. 504 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia APE -Action Plan for energy raving and emissions reductions -LI AE - Ewe analysis and diagnoris APiE -Action Plna for infrPlnicinre8 sod

31、elrai%ty OPW Figure 2 Structure and information flows of the PEIB. planning tools. One such tool is E - GIS (geographic informa- tion system enriched with local energy-related information), which makes it possible to model and contrast consumption behavior and estimate the impact and efficiency of i

32、mplement- ing the plan proposals. The PEIB also can be the base for new and future action plans, such as the action plan for infrastructures and electricity quality improvement (APIE) (actually in development) or other future actions plans in the city. The structure of the plan and the relationship

33、of the components are shown in Figure 2. ADOPTED STRATEGY The local energy planning has been previously studied and applied in several municipalities in Europe (see, for exam- ple, IEA-BCS Annex 22 1992 and IEA-BCS Annex 33 2000). In the present work, some theoretical improvements have been develope

34、d and the planning process has been applied to cities with over a million inhabitants for the first time (as far as the authors know). In the beginning, during the project definition, the main issues on the nature of the planning process were established. These criteria have been strictly followed d

35、uring the entire process. One of the most important issues was the dynamic plan- ning method based on an iterative process with several feed- backs loops. All of the tools created for the planning process have been done with the premise of easy introduction of new projects. Actually, the plan was co

36、nceived as an open docu- ment, leaving space to set up new improvements. This kind of approach allows the carrying out of enrichments by integrat- ing the experience gained in learning by doing the process of plan implementation or by introducing some eventual disrup- tive technologies. The last poi

37、nt is very important because big expectations about several energy technologies exist, espe- cially those related to distributed power generation such as fuel cells, microturbines, or solar thermal power generation. These technologies may play a crucial role in the future energy system of urban envi

38、ronments; however, big questions remain at the moment of their massive application. Consequently, it is important to be able to introduce these new inputs. Another premise was that all of the activities with inten- sive use of energy or potential energy sources should be included. Typically, local e

39、nergy plans do exclude mobility and sometimes urban solid waste treatment as well. The “. c- I ENERGY MATRIX 1 Buildings 4 Figure 3 Working groups and management structure. mobility of citizens and goods in modem cities is responsible for over one-third of the total energy use in cities. Further- mo

40、re, the relationship of the traffic and urban or, more gene6 ally, territorial planning is huge. Here, the evaluation of energy savings and the reduction of the environmental impact of the improved mobility in the city as a system offers strong argu- ments to decision makers. A similar point of view

41、 should be adopted for waste treatment because the energy potential and emission reduction potential of urban waste are significant (Ivancic et al. 2002). Another important fact is that energy planning covers a mid- to long-term period. This is basically due to the great inertia ofthe system. For mi

42、d- to long-term planning, two facts are important. On one side, the perspectives of the city devel- opment should be taken into account; this means that a deep analysis of scenarios is needed. On the other side, for success- ful mid-term planning, wide participation is crucial. The plan development

43、should involve different kinds of players: experts and technicians, politicians and decision makers, and utilities and consumers. The participative nature of the planning process may be one of the key factors for later implementation of the plan. Regarding the technical part, ten working groups have

44、 been established for PEIB elaboration, as shown in Figure 3. As one of the main objectives was to reduce emissions entering the atmosphere, the criteria adopted for comparison of different measures has been the avoided GHG emission, or local impact emissions (NO, NMVOC1, CO, SO, i PST2). GHG is mea

45、sured in terms of CO, equivalent and takes into account, besides CO, the other greenhouse gases (CH, N,O) using factors established by the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC 2001). This approach allows a comparison of very different projects that are, in principle, difficult to compare; fo

46、r example, energy-saving projects in public buildings, improvements in street lightning, CHP, use of renewable energies, etc. Essentially, within the framework of the main objectives, the quantitative planning criteria may be reduced to less environmental impact plus less cost condi- ASHRAE Transact

47、ions: Symposia 585 tions. Furthermore, the qualitative criteria, such as didactic effects, consumer behavior, cultural background, public opin- ion, etc., may be taken into account. CREATION OF SCENARIOS Scenarios describe likely or desirable future situations. The plan (PEIB) covers the period of 2

48、001 to 201 O, while the scenarios established are for the year 2010. Under the present method, the scenarios are created matching two approaches: the system macro analysis and deductive approach. The system macro analysis is usual in the studies considering big territorial units, for example, states

49、. This has been calculated by extrapolating present trends and taking into account macro- economic parameters such as GDP and its relationship with energy used (i.e., the intensity of energy use). This forecast needs to consider the impact of new technologies as a new differentiating factor (business as usual). The deductive approach starts from detailed aspects of the system and sums up a lot of ?micro-scenarios? for all of the typologies defined in the plan. It also takes into account the important new projects foreseen to be carried out in the city, such as a high- speed trai

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